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[Official] Ryu Jun Yeol ❤ Hyeri Official Thread (Junghwan & Deoksun of Reply 1988)

Adwina Oltariani

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46 minutes ago, aqueous said:


Hi dinhie, could you link us to the audition video? Would love to watch!


It's from ep.00, when all cast meeting Shin PD for the first time. I'm sure I found a video with eng sub but I couldn't find it anymore..sorry chingu


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36 minutes ago, Imung Ling said:

I've just read all the comments in this page and can't imagine well about this episode because i don't watch it yet. but one thing i'm sure is the writer-nim will make uri Junghwan is deoksun's future husband. the good and apt husband for DS is JH, who takes care of her, not TK who is taken care by DS. DS isn't really mature, so she needs someone who is more mature than her. and it's Junghwan, not Taek. once more, let's raise our hopes, chingu :) it doesn't matter the writer-nim make us desperate now, but the story will keep be better later and absolutely someday we'll say and hurray, "Yes, the episode is just made for DS-JH, and indeed so sweet the romance of them"

JH is still the husband, but Taek is getting really good scenes with her.  The following her to the bathroom scene to protect her was cute, and there were others, and by now he's basically hugged her twice to JH's none (alley scene count as a hug? lol).  Though her feelings haven't wavered, which is good.  

But that's what I kind of feared, we'd still get our OTP in the end but the second lead would get all the cute scenes leading up to it.  Though I know eventually we'll get some more swoon worthy scenes in a way that only JH can do.  The bus scene where Junghwan kind of looked defeated by her (in a good) way was all kinds of adorable.   He can't win against her if she's going to try so hard so eventually he'll have to give in.  The writer won't fail, but we'll just have to wait.  I guess in the end it's going to be even better because of what we endured. 

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2 hours ago, gracebkk said:

For those of you who felt the angst of our beloved OTP (and how their lovelines are basically going in circles at the moment), someone translated this picture of JH (tvn uploaded the pic) and the caption that tvnput under his picture just made my heart all better. Hopefully it does the same to you guys and enable us to bear with angst until Friday comes along again! ^^


Can you tell me what's on the caption. I can't view the pic.

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Guest wizengamot
1 hour ago, Howlongwillthisfandomlast said:



i like that on the previous episode, Jung Hwan really goes to school on time and Deok Sun is almost always late. But on that particular rainy morning, Jung Hwan let himself wait for her (while pretending that he's waiting for Sun Woo). He basically sacrifice all his getting up early only to wait for Deok Sun who's almost always late.

Now it's the reverse, Deok Sun has to sacrifice sleep and wake up early so she could go to school with Jung Hwan. 

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@melissala hehehe because I read most of your posts, I should say I'm not agree with you, but I hope I won't offend you in any way.. It's just I disagree with your opinion but I respect it.

I wish I can put some point in my post, that I keep repeating here and main thread, I'm not really good in English hahaha.... This drama, these kids just 18years old (korean age) make them 17years old in western count, this is not healer, or master's sun where the otp are mature enough to take extreme decisions. there are confusion, shyness, lack-of-confidence, friendship-over-love, and those are just normal. in earlier episodes of the drama, we got to see everything JH done for DS, because he was sure no one particularly close to DS, Soon he caught up something between DS-SW he started being restless and just suffering by his own. Now the cycle repeated, but this time with Taek, their fragile kid on the block. The production heavily wanting us to know what kind of man JH is, all the scenes he has with his parents, his brother, and friends, I can never imagine he is drastically showing that he likes DS after Taek's confession, because it's proving the scenes just all richard simmons. Production team keeping JH to be the good man. although it means he need to suffer more, although it means he need to back off. So it's kinda hurts me to read the post that so hard on JH while in his suffering moments. Deciding between DS and friendship is not easy thing to do, just because DS likes him back isn't good enough to hurt Taek. I know your opinion is might from DS's pov, she's now showing her feeling to him yet he stays cold, but he is not fully cold to her tho, there are moments he just finally gives in.

Maybe, yeah, if just DS know Taek has a feeling for her too, it would be so much easier, so she can't clearly decide on the two..And no one will suffer even longer, not DS, not JH and not clueless Taek. But writer doesn't write it that way, hyuuuuu~~~

I'm not forcing you to agree to my opinion :):):) I just wish you can look from his pov, about why he do that, about how hard it is for him too~~~ ^^


@honeywell see her smile?? she is limping, jh is scolding her but she is all smiling ahahahaha... she is really enjoying it for sure!!!

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@tituyphing   It's fine not to agree with me lol.  I'm frustrated with all three of them honestly. If even one of them said who they liked to the person they like the whole thing would be a lot less confusing and frustrating.  Though people are so focused on JH's suffering that I try to actually stand up for her somewhat.  And I love JH, but it just seems we've been watching him do this forever (doesn't help the two episodes were almost 4 hours long).  I can see why  he's doing what he's doing, but I really don't like it.  It's either do something, or don't with me right now.  He's obviously a really sweet and caring guy.  We see that in every scene he's in and even now he can't really be mean to her.   

I actually also think his feelings are a bit more deep than hers right now.  He's in love and she's got a crush, so it's harder for him. Plus he knows about Taek, so I totally do feel bad for him... but I want a change soon.  But I'm really only upset for myself having to watch these two be so slow. :sweatingbullets: They are obviously not going to settle anything until the future.  I'm really starting to think it's not a bad thing to happen either. 


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52 minutes ago, ShinRaeMi said:

Can you tell me what's on the caption. I can't view the pic.

Ah really? I'll post the link here then: https://instagram.com/p/_MXcxDjfgH/ 

According to this account the caption says: "Loving someone doesn't mean you are not dating them. But it means that you can never hate them." Isn't it swoon-worthy for some reason though?!?!? ^^

On the side note: Is RJY's Everland CF (the one wid the girl) supposed to be JH&DS?!?!?! Since RJY is acting like JH while I guess the girl is supposed to be DS?? But they aren't alike in any way at all!!! Oh well... I hope our OTP do get a "sweet" scene like in the Everland CF though ^^ Hopefully in episode 13 where the concert date is supposed it happen!!! ^^

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17 minutes ago, grcevln said:

Guess DeokSun's crush on Junghwan brings good impact to her. She finally goes to school early....yeayyyy!!!! Lol

And she's also studying hard!!!! Did you see her textbook full of underlines and notes?!?!? There was even a star beside one of the underlines!!! Such a huge contrast compared to the earlier episodes where her textbook was very clean & "white" whereas now it's not as clean anymore & "black"!!! >.<

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4 hours ago, melissala said:

I feel baaad, but JH is kind of losing me honestly. Not as a character, but I'm not 100% shipping him anymore with her.  I'm like 98% now lol.  He's super kind yes, but he's also hurting DS to not hurt someone else.  He should do something or give up for good.  I'm glad she's not giving up, but there reaches a point where she might just do so.  And I'm so annoyed her friends said not to confess, and Taek won't confess and JH is avoiding it.  So there is just no movement. 

I know I'll go right back on the ship the minute JH does something sweet for her, but come ooon.  Step it up or have her step it up and actually confront him.   I'm starting to seethe in jealousy every time Bora and SW get to be cute and kiss/hug lol . Yes, the thirst IS REAL. 

It's only been 2 episodes of this. He sucks at the whole damn thing and while I would love if he had the maturity with age and experience that helps you better know how to handle these types of situations; he's only an 18 year old boy experiencing these real and intense emotions for the first time and situation. That scene where he makes Taek's bed and tucks him in had me teary eyed. That scene tells you so much about the whole mess of a triangle that really isn't one at all. He was reluctant to do it all (he really wanted to just leave the soup and leave aka not care about Taek as much as he does) but he can't help but see Taek as first and foremost not his "rival" foe Deok Sun (this episode more than anything proved for me Deok Sun just never gonna feel that what about Taek), but a friend, a "little brother" of most of both their lives. It's not like he's enjoying any of it. He's stuck between a rock and a hard place. Like if I were him, I can't say I wouldn't do the same (push the boy away no matter how much it hurts us both). Also as much as I love Deok Sun not allowing him to not like her (I love that she woke up extra early to ride the bus with him, when he did that in the first place just to avoid her) she too can confess. I mean I know where her feelings are and I can understand why she feels she cannot confess first but I would love for her to pull a Najeong and say out loud what they both know. Just say "Junghwan, I like you." She too can take control of the situation by confronting him head on. I don't know from the way he avoids eye contact with her and yesterday's bed scene; if she would just ask him to straight on look her in the eye and tell her he doesn't like her so that she can just know what to do next. I bet everything he wouldn't be able to do it. I dint know for me I understand the dilemma, feel his actions are very much in line with his character, and have yet to reach the point of anger or frustration at him and his actions. From the preview it looks like he's helping a limping Deok Sun and it just feels like something is going to spill over between the two soon. If by the end of next weeks episodes were still in this limbo where they're concerned, then I will start wanting to have a talk with both of them (Deok Sun and Junghwan that is). 

Writers their eventual union and kiss better be epic. Look what you doing to these viewers! Y'all better make up for it with a confrontation and kiss to end all confrontations and kisses. 

Did ths Lee Moon Sae concert day already come and pass? I know we're still in Feburary and the tickets were for Feburary 18th. I am still holding out hope they will go together do I need to know if the day has passed or not then I can begin my rage filled letter to the writers. Also the terrifying yellow and green doll were staring straight at each other and the wash pins were side by side too (it's y'all fault I notice these things now). That better mean we getting a kiss, a hug, I like you, something big where the two are concerned next weekend or else......

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6 hours ago, shunklunk said:

seriously though, i'm so done with the clues/hints they give. I don't even care about it anymore.

but things im so so tired with the clues is, how tk-ds shippers use all the clues to point out that he is the husband. 

The annoying one? "You know, in the past reply series they always give us a flashback. This time, at ep 2 they showed how taek became one of them. So, he is the husband for sure." Bruhhhhhh


(okay i may sound so childish and sounds like a hardcore shipper, but i feel annoyed everytime they mention about the flashback lol)


its perfectly normal to feel this way .Be sure other ships feel the same for us.

Each ship can see and interpret  things they way they want.

Looks likely at the end JH/DS will find their happiness together so hang in there.

At the end we ll have our answer. I am enjoying so much the drama and Jung Hwan/ Ryoo Joon Yeol 's acting that honestly speaking I am so absorb with the way he plays his character and giving life to JH that for moments I forget all about shipping.

BTW , I do not feel anything each time I see the Bora/Sun woo scenes. Their kiss maybe was very well played but did not say anything to me.Not even one heartbeat skipped. I see Jung Hwan smiling or gulping watching  DS and I feel like melting .

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Did ths Lee Moon Sae concert day already come and pass? I know we're still in Feburary and the tickets were for Feburary 18th. I am still holding out hope they will go together do I need to know if the day has passed or not then I can begin my rage filled letter to the writers. Also the terrifying yellow and green doll were staring straight at each other and the wash pins were side by side too (it's y'all fault I notice these things now). That better mean we getting a kiss, a hug, I like you, something big where the two are concerned next weekend or else......

 No they haven't gone to the concert yet.  They're going in episode 13 as shown in the preview.

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Well hello hello,

I have finally succumbed. No more lurking. It's Wissyyyyy on Twitter and CuteAndTwisted on tumblr. I saw some of my tumblr text posts pasted on this thread lol. You could have put the source *side eye*. I don't mind though, as long as my ideas reach people.

I'm here to bring my fellow lurkers out of the shadows. Let's freak out on this thread as well. COME OUT guys.

This episode helped ease my pain from the previous one. I was literally so depressed. I feel Jung Hwan's pain on a spiritual level. Keep in mind that Jung Hwan is VERY VERY thoughtful about everybody around him. He's not being a 'noble idiot'. He's being a good friend, and a good person. He loves Taek so much, and he doesn't even know that Deok Sun likes him.

He was thinking that confessing was risky before because what if Deok Sun rejects him? That would change what they have forever. But now it's even riskier because both outcomes have bad consequences: what kind of person confesses to the girl his friend likes? The entire group supports Taek too. Jung Hwan has principles and he values his friendships so much, and I love him all the more for what he's trying to do (or not do in this case). Confessing to Deok Sun would mean he'd lose not only Taek but possibly even Dong Ryong and Sunwoo, and eventually Deok Sun if she doesn't feel the same way (remember he has no idea). 

So before 'jumping ships' and 'being frustrated', remember that the writers are trying to create layered characters and not 2-dimensional ones that you're SO used to seeing and loving in dramas. Jung Hwan is SO layered, it blows me away. If you can't handle a little angst, then what are you doing watching the Reply series? haha.


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Guest jayx143


Hi! I just started posting yesterday too haha. I've been lurking for like the past 100 pages on main thread... and finally needed an outlet to vent my feels lol.

I saw your tropes post on tumblr :) I agree so much with it haha. I think it helped inspire some of my headcanons.

I can't wait until the gang (mainly sunwoo and dongryong) starts piecing together JH's feelings for DS. I'm like so excited to have other people find out about them. Like maybe have Bora notice little things about how DS is sweet to JH. And she points it out to SW and ask if they have something going on. And SW is like DS and JH??! No way! But then he starts noticing little things too. And remembering JH calling DS pretty. And when JH got mad at him for the dictionary.

Okay way too many head canons. :sweatingbullets:

Is anyone writing fanfic LOL? I need to read some.

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