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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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On Thursday, November 03, 2016 at 10:14 PM, dramu51ch0c10ve said:
Lolyoyo20.gif Someone made a rom-com trailer out of SoSoo scenes.When I watch this,I forgot that SoSoo's story was actually tragic:wub:Anyone knows what this video is saying?BTW,if LJK and IU star in a rom-com movie as leads,I will definitely watch it:lol:



Brilliant... LOL! Has he act in rom-com before? No.. right? He should.. I'll definitely watch it!

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On Thursday, November 03, 2016 at 11:10 PM, sosooyah19 said:

now if u think about it, if the ending was a happy one (like meeting in the future), we wouldn't rant like this (adding more pages in this forum) hahahaha.. honestly i only visit this and instagram of IU and LJG and nothing more for a couple of weeks now (my friends in FB might be wondering where am i :P

i will be glad if they will try to make at least a 2-part special post MLSHR aka present time korea.. if they wont, just give us the directors cut - maybe theyll include it here? i was visiting yesasia yesterday and waiting for it, though its still early but just excited hahahaha...


Yes... more reasons to keep posting all the possibilities.  I've been quiet with my FB too.  I even skipped lunch with my colleague coz too engrossed in this forum.  Lurking not just LJG & IU's IG, think anyone with MLSHR & them.

Keep us posted if u know the Director's DVD cut is out too chingu:);)

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Can someone post a list of any good mlshr fanfics? I need to fill this void for the next couple of months from the severe withdrawal I'm suffering :tears:

I've caught up with Escape from the Palace so give me more please!! at his is my first time I need and wanted to read fan fictions XD

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5 hours ago, antiherofans said:


Maybe she is tired of being asked by people "Did you do it with Wang So?"

So she confirm it with the picture "YES people. We do the candle scene too, okay. Are you happy now? "

LOL, she is ruthless :P.



That's a whole lot candle to blow. LOL

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24 minutes ago, akinahana89 said:

Not sure if this was shared here yet, buuuut...!



I'm going to try to ask him if he'll mention it to the other cast members, so that they can see it too and that we are all very happy he responded and took the time to watch. But... My Korean skills are virtually non-existent, so I've been slowly researching and looking online to see if I can learn how to compose a few quick sentences. I'd hate to have to ask for help again, so I'm doing my best. lol. I hope I don't completely butcher the language. LOL.

Jo Min Ki and Kim San Ho responding has been very amazing and I'm super happy about it. ^^

We have two georyo kings responded to our project. so proud of it @akinahana89 

Royally proud of it.... :wub:


#sorry mod, my mobile wont let me delete the quoted pic.

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30 minutes ago, akinahana89 said:

I'm going to try to ask him if he'll mention it to the other cast members, so that they can see it too and that we are all very happy he responded and took the time to watch. But... My Korean skills are virtually non-existent, so I've been slowly researching and looking online to see if I can learn how to compose a few quick sentences. I'd hate to have to ask for help again, so I'm doing my best. lol. I hope I don't completely butcher the language. LOL.

Jo Min Ki and Kim San Ho responding has been very amazing and I'm super happy about it. ^^

I think is better to ask for the help of @ruizaio :) or someone with knowledge of the language.

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3 minutes ago, Gabi Bros said:

I think is better to ask for the help of @ruizaio :) or someone with knowledge of the language.

  Ruizaio actually helped translate the subbed portion of the video. lol. I don't want to bother her to help translate again when I know she's probably busy. 

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45 minutes ago, maniac-moon said:

These instrumental OSTs are awesome

My most favorite is THE SORROW OF PRINCE


Yes indeed. For me THE LOVE OF HAESU.  In fact all of the OST are awesome:blush: Spotify has all the album! I can't stop listening...

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35 minutes ago, shamael said:


I don’t actually acknowledge the theory about the baby because of two reasons mostly:

  1. purely extraneous: narratively speaking if you don’t show or - worst but still working - tell something as events enfold then it does not exist.
  2. I am almost sure that when a King’s woman was leaving the palace - a very serious affair even though here it seems almost casual - it would be made sure that she was not pregnant with the King’s offspring, for obvious reasons - I think it was hinted at during the physician’s consultation of HS at WJ’s residence. Whatever the state of their relationship at the time, the woman would be kept in the palace until delivery. Which means that when she left the palace, HS’s pregnancy was early enough for the royal physician not to feel it. The timeline is not clear enough to make actual projections but I feel like she made her decision to leave before realizing she was pregnant - with what we have, I think she leaves the palace at the end of 951 and dies in 952 - but I guess realizing it made it impossible for her to turn back.


Apparently the heart of a baby starts to beat around the 5th week of a pregnancy. However, ultrasound will only show it a few weeks later. Now imagine how long it would take an ancient doctor to notice...

Hae Soo had today's knowledge about pregnancy and if they were having sex without protection  (which would have been the case) she was surely aware what would happen sooner or later.

To me it seemed as if she was quite aware of her pregnancy when she left. In fact it wasn’t CR's death that finalized her decision. It was most likely that she could not bear for her own child to suffer and be threatened like she had been all this while. It gave her the strength to walk away from the palace and So. I'm not sure if she could have done it otherwise. She is someone who invests her everything into the people she loves but rarely takes the easy way out and be selfish... 

I believe she knew quite well when her period was missing and it was too soon for the doctors to notice the second pulse. The doctor even said it himself. Last time he checked it wasn't strong enough for him to be noticed. She didn’t look surprised at all during the second examination. Even Jung seemed like he understood rather quickly what actually led to her decision as it didn't take him long to accept it.

I enjoyed your post! I don't quite share your thoughts on the baby matter though...:sweatingbullets:

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15 hours ago, tinniet said:

There'a a theory by @fengari that Baekah was the one who did the painting. After GJ realized that Soo wasn't from the same world with him (and somehow knew she was from the future) he decided to send her message by asking Baekah to visit all the remaining princes and put their best memory with Soo into painting. That's why there were painting of Soo following Wook's footstep in the snowfield, Jung protecting Soo from the bad guys, and Eun's birthday. Baekah also painted So's most defining moment: the ritual and the rain ceremony, and him standing alone in the palace. GJ knew these paintings would be preserved and make their ways to the future. That's the only way for him (and the princes) to remind her of them.

Now that I write this, I think JM did the right thing by reminding GHJ about her time in Goryeo, eventhough I initially thought he was cruel........... As much as Soo deserved happiness, she also deserved to remember because that life in Goryeo was a piece of her life too. Her entire time in Goryeo, though mostly sad, also had some happy moments she would like to treasure. How it feels to wake up and know that something's missing but have no idea what it is? Now at least she understood. Of course it would be very nice if she met the modern So too after this realization, which should have happened according to LJG.

@tinniet @may6 

 @may6 indeed, the "lonely WS"  painting can be Baek Ah ´s message to HS.I prefer to think that either it is WS either that WS is aware of this certain gesture of Baek Ah. Of course, it is equally plausible that the whole thing was only Baek Ah idea. He wanted to record all the happy moments of the "family" where HS is included, Because those paintings are  like a family album*: the games of the princes, Eun birthday´s song moment (in this very painting we can see also WS and YH who were apart from the others, and since those two were not visible to the other brothers, we can assume that the person who gave  to Baek Ah the whole picture of that moment  was WS).  However,  I  tend to believe that WS asked Baek Ah to prepare this family album, with  memorable moments for and of HS. Why? Because in  episode 19  WS poses for his portrait (not as a king, not in his throne) and he stresses to  the painter "-You have to draw me to look the same. I need it to feel like they are looking to me even by looking at the drawing.I have someone to give it to".  And by someone he meant HS. His words shows that he believed in the power of a picture, that a portrait can somehow be a substitute for the real thing. So, if he believed so, then he also needed those paintings  with HS moments; not only as legacy to HS,  but also for himself: on the one hand,  in order to relive those moments, on the other hand to know more about HS. Shortly, to have her by his side  at least through her pictures.

*In the same way, the stones where HS drew the portraits of the princes were the pages of her "family album".

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5 hours ago, IAmSoulReader said:


As much as I understand your dismay we have to be realistic as well. We need to judge the matter from his point of view. He grew up in a very different world from ours where making sure the bloodline continued was just as important as political marriage. For him as a noble from the royal family and later as a king he never had the freedom to choose is partner in marriage. First he had to abide to the decisions of the former kings. Then when he eventually inherited the throne (thinking it would bring him a freedom of choice) he had to realize that he still had to rely on the powerful families. After all, he was the king and had the burden of protecting a whole nation on his shoulders.

Producing an heir was a task of a king's work. There was definitely nothing romantic or emotional about it for him.

I believe that when Hae Soo left he must have regretted his original foolishness the most. Until the very end he thought that he could marry Soo for real. The realisation of not being able to do so must have come as a devestating shock to him. After all a happy family with her had always been his dream.

I bet he must have regretted ever going for a throne a lot at that time, wishing they would have eloped to somewhere far away from the place...:mellow: 

Unfortunately eloping together would not have worked because they would have to be forever on the run and hide from the king, and as So told her before that the king has a far reach.  He really had no choice poor So. :(

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