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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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54 minutes ago, pauexclusive said:



As per that link it is confirmed that the specials will be aired this sunday Nov 6..

I accidentally posted this in K2 i don't know how the hell i got in there and someone quoted me "Wrong thread dear" LMAO :w00t: richard simmons that was embarrassing! 

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49 minutes ago, shairli said:


More please :wub:  Drooling..... TQ @minekas

Anybody else wants to contribute or share LJG's hands please do so.  I'm creating a folder just for his hands. :blush:

You're most welcome dear chingu, I'll PM you some pix and help you to create that folder. 


cr to owner

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I want to say how much I appreciated Wang Jung at the end.  It was my understanding that Gwangjong did not allow him to marry Hae Soo but he still took her in and made her life as comfortable as possible.  It must have been heartbreaking for him to see her every day knowing he could never have her as his wife, that she could never love him as she did Gwangjong.  Imagine how he must have felt when he found out she was pregnant with Gwangjong's child - he would be wishing it was his own.  But he cared for her during her pregnancy and following ill health and made sure her letters got to the King.  He knew what was in those letters as she had said she wanted to see him and voiced her concern that he wasn't going to come.  Then to have Hae Soo's ashes taken from him at the end would have been devastating for him.  His love for Hae Soo was seemingly selfless and must have cause him so much pain and grief.  Who better to raise her child - he would have given her so much love.  I'm thankful that Gwanjong allowed Jung to continue to raise her - I'm sure it would have gone some way to bring healing to Jung's heart :)

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1 hour ago, penelop3 said:

Does anyone has the transcript of LJK's Mini Fans meeting, that is related to MLSHR? 
I'm curious whether he's talking about more stuff, other than his fave scenes with Soo. 


The entire video is subbed, u can either watch it on the free app vlive (original source) or find it on YouTube under jgfamily.

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1 hour ago, 40somethingahjumma said:

Well, I made up my mind quite a while ago that the writer is brilliant... and quite cruel... ;) because of the way she pushes the characters to their logical extreme. My opinion is probably not the one generally shared by most ML fandom but I standby it.

In my opinion that "cruelty" is demonstrated in the way she deals with the OTP. It's consistently brutal and no-holds barred in the way she strips them bare. Their strengths are their weaknesses and she's quite audacious in how relentless she is about it... Right to the bitter end. I did wonder lately if the writer was some kind of existential nihilist :D but after the ending I'm inclined to think she's merely an existentialist. ;)

One of my favourite lines from Ep.20 was Baek-A saying to Jeong that "Hae Su spent her life caught between all of us. She couldn't do this or that." That one statement summed up for me the tragedy that was Su's relationship with the princes. The sad irony is that her friendships and romances with the princes became the poison that slowly ate her up inside. The very quality that made most of them love her became her undoing. Her kindness, pity for those in need and sense of fair play... tore her apart. Poor thing, she really did try to avoid getting embroiled with the royals again but Ji Mong and So were having none of it. I was heartened to hear her say in the letter that the raincoat moment was a turning point in how she saw So, which is something I suspected for a long time. I also think that she felt guilty that she couldn't agree with everything So did but in the end she missed him so much that even with such a wonderful man at her beck and call, all she thought about was the man she truly gave her heart to.

I don't think she left because of the baby or at least that's not the only reason. I think she left primarily because she did want to protect that love and her heart for him. She didn't really want to end up hating him. Curiously though, the baby, did become the personification of that desire.

I was having a really interesting chat with a colleague on Tuesday after wading through pages and pages of angry posts out for Su's blood or condemning So.  We talked about when "enough" is really "enough". How long should someone stay in a failing marriage before they say it's time to leave? 

I don't think there are any easy answers. But my colleague did say something interesting... you've got to earn your way out of a marriage just as much as you earn your way into one.

I think it was @30orsomething who kindly said that I was especially understanding of the predicament that our OTP was in. I said a week or so ago that I couldn't take sides and even now I can't really take sides. When a relationship breaks down, it is seldom the fault of just one party. I've seen a number of marriages fall apart in the last few years... a couple of them very close to home sadly and I've seen people go their separate ways for even less than what we witnessed in ML so if I appear to be especially understanding... it's probably I've witnessed this kind of scenario more often than I'm comfortable with. It may seem like a cliche now but the lack of honest communication is really the number one killer of relationships. And if you think what happened between Su and So was utter foolishness, you should see what happens in real life... it's absurd how often ego and pettiness blinds people from taking responsibility for their own actions. It's very easy to stand outside and watch what's going on but when you're in the middle of it, hurt and angry... all the reason in the world won't keep you from lashing out. People have abandoned long-term relationships for far less than what took place between Su and So. Much less. There's so much unsaid expectations when people couple and often that's all it takes for relationships to fall apart if there's no desire to find some middle ground.

I've been thinking a bit about what Yeon Hwa said to So... about how she now understood why Su left him. She said that in the context of So not wanting to spend time with his own son even on his birthday. While I was cheering a little that YH's getting the cold shoulder from So and that she would never have his heart, I'm convinced now that there's a kernel of truth in what she says. So is amazing in his love... and I've even described it as epic along with everyone else... but if we were to look at it objectively, it is a little too epic for any normal kind of human being and I imagine very overwhelming... to the point that it can end up being quite stifling. A lot of it obviously comes from being abandoned by his family and his mother in particular. In fact, I blame her for 50% of the dysfunction in the Royal Family especially among her own children. When So's hot, he is very hot and when he's cold... the whole place feels like Antarctica. There's something about him that alienates people because he's got such an extreme personality. When it comes to giving himself... it's all or nothing. He won't even pretend to compromise. There's a place for being unyielding but in relationships there needs to be a little give and take otherwise it can come across as being controlling.

I wonder too if this isn't why people continually say that Su doesn't love So enough because by comparison and relatively speaking, nobody can really love that greatly. He sets the bar so high that no other human being can possibly even reach those heights.

Where I think Yeon Hwa is right is that So, to all intents and purposes, chooses to be alone. On the one hand he craves love and affection but his lack of trust in people and his lack of desire to trust doesn't help him to make or keep friends. He doesn't forgive easily which is why he tends to alienate people. And his pride... his abominable pride...

The reason why Ep. 20 is such a beautiful episode for me is because the show affirms their love even in such a bleak and tragic circumstance. Their child personifies this love that bore fruit under such trying circumstances. While their love wasn't meant to be a happily ever after, they still had it. That's why I say the show (or the writer) demonstrates such an existential bent.

Exactly! We might be in the minority but I can't choose sides. I understand both. I never doubted their love for each other. I understand both predicaments as well as their personalities and principles. After watching the drama for the third time and the SBS version with English subtitles uploaded at Kissasian, I finally come to understand the writer and my opinion is that the drama is wrapped up nicely, even the ending. It is tragic, it is cruel and it is ironic yet it is also beautiful and deep. I guess that is why I can move on easily because I accept that things are just meant to be the way they are.  I guess it may have to do with the passing of her mother, the few years left with her that she had some realizations on life. That affects her in writing the script I guess. 

Though, you put it across more eloquently and brilliantly than I do. I always agree with your posts and enjoy reading them. I read in a post that you teach students to write essays, you can be my teacher! *bows head*  Haha! 

Edited by Rose34
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I was trying to figure out what annoyed me so much with the series, I guess while I understood everything that happened needed to in its own way and also understood her writing the letters to him for him to understand and him to realise how much she did love him.

To me there are two sides to love, the emotional and demonstrative.  I love the emotional connection in kdrama relationships, but i have seen way to many fall on their sword and do really rediculous things and still call that love.  To me its followed up by demonstrating it as well.

Be it that she chased HW around most of the time emotionally and then got him to tear WS soul out so she can get her freedom (dont get me wrong i appreciate she need it), I really have no compassion for her.  There is no love story if you can destroy and devistate someone you claim to love.

Same as for Jung there really wanted enough time to cover him at the end and the story wasnt about him anyhow.  But I like the way he was quick to blame WS for it all, even super protective of the child as well all because he married her.  But he lacked respect for WS to me the shock on his face was just not enough to reflect the anguish he caused WS.  Even if WS should of read the letters despite them being from Jung.

Same as there is suppose to be according to one of the quotes an additional episode or addition that shows WS love for HS.  I just shake my head at that and think how much more do you need after everything he went out of his way to do for her.  He could got killed so many times over her.

Guarantee as well they make a season 2 it will still be about HS yet again and her being the centre of attention.  Not her actually climbing down off her high horse and actually backing up her emotional thoughts and actually doing something, anything for that matter that doesnt destroy or hurt WS again.  Cause she was extremely good at that.  

End of my venting session as I said before Jung, HS & HW are all on my horrid list of characters.

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