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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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@cheese79 and @kdramawriter I don't choose any side, even though I cannot help but feel more affection for Wang So, but I think that both have made mistakes. Also I understand the situation and circumstances of both. 

When Hae Soo left, reminded when Rachel in Friends said goodbye to everyone except Ross when she was going to Paris, and the explanation she gave is that it was hard to say goodbye to him because he was the person she loved most, I think the same thing happens here, Hae Soo says goodbye to Wang Wook and Baek Ahn, but doesn't do with Wang So who is she loves most, the pain of leaving him is perceived in her gaze and those words she said.

From all the characters Baek Ahn is the one who has a good heart, is very loyal and honest. At some point he criticized Hae Soo for what happened with Lady Hae, now he could have done the same staying away from her for leaving her brother and go with Jung, but he knows that she doesn't do this by selfishness, he understands her suffering because is the same he feels by losing Woo Hee. 

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I know we're all in a tizzy waiting for the dreaded/awaited for finale, and subsequently also debating Haesoo's fitness as a proper K-drama heroine who should have sacrificed her mental health for love, but I just find myself sitting here still incensed that Wook got a redemption arc. 

I still can't accept it. I JUST CAN'T.

In a world and time where misunderstandings and miscommunications abound, everyone double crosses each other, and everyone keeps dying and the rest never got there in time to catch the other person before they die (Also, in a world where the pd are pressed for time and space and has to compact multiple storylines and characters into barely comprehensible series of scenes), I feel that emotional closure is a LUXURY. It's super rare that anyone gets either proper emotional closure or a proper redemption arc : Baek Ah never got closure on his love towards lady Hae, the King never got to redeem himself to Lady Oh, and even our main couple would never get their much-needed closure.

But the pd took the frickin time and effort and scene to have Wook redeem himself and get a closure with Haesoo over all the terrible, horrible, absolutely no-good things he had done?? LIKE WHY. WHO NEEDS THIS. WHY HIM. WHY CAN'T YOU GIVE THAT TO WANG SO INSTEAD? (I know I know the crushing realization for WS would be SO poignant and such a defining moment for him as Gwangjong but goodness that man has been through enough, he ain't a human punching bag!)

Of all the characters left in our dwindling roster of characters, not only Wook got to stay alive, but he also gets the closest one can get next to an actual happy ending : closure so that he can begin again 0_0 Because let's face it history says he'll have other wives and his kid will end up A KING. I don't feel it's faiir that he's the one who got the next best thing to 'everything'. Come on, fess up you people in the production team -  Who has a secret overwhelming crush towards Kang Haneul?     

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40 minutes ago, Cici Robby Nathan said:

:bawling: SHRML why are you doing this to me! You need to compensate my broken heart by giving me HAPPY ending tomorrow... pleaaaaase!:bawling: Happy Holloween, everybody. 

it is hard to have one  when you give such a sad face...( a happy halloween that is ):tears::tears:

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I have been unable to bring myself to watch since ep17...*weeps*

I didn't want to watch and fall into depression knowing how they end up parting while still in love. *insert dramatic weeping*

I will watch when the whole show ends but in the meantime, thank you to all the recappers!

after tonight and the completion of my assignments, I will be able to weep till my heart content*insert joyful weeping*


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4 minutes ago, magdale said:

@cheese79 and @kdramawriter I don't choose any side, even though I cannot help but feel more affection for Wang So, but I think that both have made mistakes. Also I understand the situation and circumstances of both. 

When Hae Soo left, reminded when Rachel in Friends said goodbye to everyone except Ross when she was going to Paris, and the explanation she gave is that it was hard to say goodbye to him because he was the person she loved most, I think the same thing happens here, Hae Soo says goodbye to Wang Wook and Baek Ahn, but doesn't do with Wang So who is she loves most, the pain of leaving him is perceived in her gaze and those words she said.

From all the characters Baek Ahn is the one who has a good heart, is very loyal and honest. At some point he criticized Hae Soo for what happened with Lady Hae, now he could have done the same staying away from her for leaving her brother and go with Jung, but he knows that she doesn't do this by selfishness, he understands her suffering because is the same he feels by losing Woo Hee. 


Don't worry chingu. Neither do I. I wasn't taking any side. That why I said that I understand both of them because they have their own reasons :D

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10 minutes ago, 30orsomething said:

WOW. JUST WOW. MY HAT OFF TO ALL OF YOU HERE WHO WERE WATCHING THE SHOW LIVE AND TYPED RECAPS FOR THE REST OF US. It's like wearing the thorn crown and carrying the cross all the way to the execution ground while describing the process and the feeling of it to us mourners. WOW. Please accept my sincerest admiration!

After this ep, all is left for me is a numb feeling. I don't want to blame anyone here, they are all pitiful, pathetic creatures who could do nothing more than accept what fate has in store for them. For all he is, we know for sure that GJ will never let Hae Soo go in any situations. But what's there for HS to stay by GJ's side? Nothing. No titles. No friends. No more joy in life. Just watch the day pass and wait for GJ to come back to her after a day of killing, exiling, torturing whoever threatens the throne or the stability of Goryeo as a whole. Is it a life worth living or looking forward to? NO. Just a big NO NO. 

I remember a quote from the drama TOMATO: promise is an elastic string whose ends held by two people. If one lets go, the other will get hurt. That's exactly the case here. For how much the mutual promise is killing them, GJ will never let go. That's why HS has to do the deed and be the richard simmons. So I understand her for being cruel to GJ once and for all. Because there's simply no happy ending for them here in the palace. Separation is the only way for them to stay in love with each other. Otherwise, GJ will be hurt more and more, thinking HS no longer understand him and support him, while HS get more and more scared of GJ every passing day, feeling she contributed in creating a monster. 

In such a passionate relationship, the one clinging gets all the sympathy, the one letting go gets all the blame. But I'm sure being cruelly decisive when the situation requires you too requires a lot of inner strength. And I praise HS for that.

And I am happy that she actively put an end to all of her lover's and her suffering and enjoyed her last days in peace, though constantly longing for GJ. But keeping fond memories of each other is better than staying alongside but growing tired of each other. 

And just like @40somethingahjumma has put it. The role of HS is to pave the way for WS to the throne. Falling in love with him is just gravy. Now that the mission is accomplished, there's nothing better or more plausible that she can do for the one she loves than to remove herself from his path so that he can fulfill his destined mission.  

And part they did. And I'm fine with that. I am really fine. Yes, I am. :tears:



Beautifully written :wub:

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19 minutes ago, 30orsomething said:

WOW. JUST WOW. MY HAT OFF TO ALL OF YOU HERE WHO WERE WATCHING THE SHOW LIVE AND TYPED RECAPS FOR THE REST OF US. It's like wearing the thorn crown and carrying the cross all the way to the execution ground while describing the process and the feeling of it to us mourners. WOW. Please accept my sincerest admiration!

After this ep, all is left for me is a numb feeling. I don't want to blame anyone here, they are all pitiful, pathetic creatures who could do nothing more than accept what fate has in store for them. For all he is, we know for sure that GJ will never let Hae Soo go in any situations. But what's there for HS to stay by GJ's side? Nothing. No titles. No friends. No more joy in life. Just watch the day pass and wait for GJ to come back to her after a day of killing, exiling, torturing whoever threatens the throne or the stability of Goryeo as a whole. Is it a life worth living or looking forward to? NO. Just a big NO NO. 

I remember a quote from the drama TOMATO: promise is an elastic string whose ends held by two people. If one lets go, the other will get hurt. That's exactly the case here. For how much the mutual promise is killing them, GJ will never let go. That's why HS has to do the deed and be the richard simmons. So I understand her for being cruel to GJ once and for all. Because there's simply no happy ending for them here in the palace. Separation is the only way for them to stay in love with each other. Otherwise, GJ will be hurt more and more, thinking HS no longer understand him and support him, while HS get more and more scared of GJ every passing day, feeling she contributed in creating a monster. 

In such a passionate relationship, the one clinging gets all the sympathy, the one letting go gets all the blame. But I'm sure being cruelly decisive when the situation requires you too requires a lot of inner strength. And I praise HS for that.

And I am happy that she actively put an end to all of her lover's and her suffering and enjoyed her last days in peace, though constantly longing for GJ. But keeping fond memories of each other is better than staying alongside but growing tired of each other. 

And just like @40somethingahjumma has put it. The role of HS is to pave the way for WS to the throne. Falling in love with him is just gravy. Now that the mission is accomplished, there's nothing better or more plausible that she can do for the one she loves than to remove herself from his path so that he can fulfill his destined mission.  

And part they did. And I'm fine with that. I am really fine. Yes, I am. :tears:


Couldn't have said it better, my friend! :) it's sad, but true. Soo was pretty much the kingmaker, that's the reason she was born in Goryeo. We are all sympathetic to So because we see how badly the world has wounded him, but we are sometimes not so considerate of Soo - :( Why is not ok for Soo to have peace of mind that the people she considers family (wrongfully or not, that's still up for debate :) ) will be safe from her lover?

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Wang So ah....I just can't hold it in whenever he cries.  I was bawling when he said "don't touch me" & "she abandoned me." Then when he picked up her wedding dress...I can't!  I went looking for my inhaler & then laugh about it after I realized I'm still alive.  MLSHR is NOT good for my health & I'm so glad we only have 1 more episode left.  Curse you writer-nim!!! My heart was tearing apart watching episode 19 & it will never be the same.  I don't know if I hate HS more or Won (seriously, he needs to die).  Heck, I not even mad at Wook anymore.  I forgave him because even his parting scene with HS was sad.  Sick & tired of HS's whining...I can't take this anymore, I want to leave the palace, I can't change anything. OMG!  She continues hurting WS.  He even said at least "lie to me" about Wook.  That look on Wook's face when he told WS about HS comes off like HS never loved WS.  I think WS always felt like HS never completely gave him her heart.  Knowing all the horrible things Wook has done & her willing to get on her knees begging for his life can be misinterpreted in WS's eyes in so many levels. Yet, she gets so mad at him about CR's death.  Mu didn't hurt anyone.  Neither did Eun or DS.  Wook & CR were partly reponsible for the bloodshed.  Where is the outrage in HS?!?!  WS did not punished CR out of greed.  He didn't kill Jung.  Still didn't kill Jung after he was exiled.  

Aside from all that, is it just me who absolutely loooooooves how WS says Ji Mong's name.  It's so incredibly sexy to me.  
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9 minutes ago, itzibitzispider said:

My demand to the universe

I know there are things I can not change

but ... PLEASE ... let HS see GJ before she dies and that the man in the picture is not Jung but So


My last hope after the writer destroy all my dreams of happiness :tears:

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(Big sigh). Gosh. I remembered just last week or so, that I wrote that I didn't want to take sides.  I wanted to be like Hae Soo and protect what I wanted to protect, which was my fondness for both these characters, Hae Soo and Wang So.  Yet here I am, more angry with one than the other.  I need to go back to the modern world as well. Apparently, I don't belong here in Goryeo too.  It's making me a little tired too.  Maybe I shouldn't be so hard on Soo seeing as how Moon Lovers is making me a bit crazy. 

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5 hours ago, briseis said:

The Day When Dreaming Ends

“How could you do this? How could you hurt me like this? Why is it Wook, of all people?” 

It’s clear that until this moment, Wang So truly believed that this all is just another argument between them, another misunderstanding, another of HS’s many rejections - he survived so many of them and in the end he won her. But now everything comes crushing down, as he finally reaches his limit. After 10 years of rejecting him and hurting, Hae Soo finally did it - she finally managed to break what was left of his heart. The secret about Wook is only the last drop IN A 10-YEAR LONG SERIES OF PAIN, TORMENT AND HURT SHE’S CAUSED HIM. Her continuous distrust, rejections, abandonment - HE FORGAVE HER EVERYTHING, including her involvement in Eun’s death. But now Soo wants to leave him, abandon him forever, marry a different man when she refused to marry him so many times; and now he learns that her first love was Wook. And So is not blaming her because she loved a different man because he didn’t care all those years ago and because that’s all in the past. He blames her because EVEN AFTER ALL THOSE YEARS SHE CHOOSES WOOK OVER HIM, SHE CHOOSES TO FORGIVE WOOK WHILE SHE CANNOT FORGIVE HIM. She told him once that this isn’t about choosing sides, yet she chooses Wook’s side - THE SIDE OF THE MONSTER WHO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR SO MUCH DEATH AND THEIR MISERY. He cannot forgive her for that. 

“Starting today…I will not see you ever again.”

“I did not abandon her. Soo…abandoned me.” 

When WS tells HS he won’t see her again, it’s because he loses all hope for their future. The fact that she protected Wook combined with her willingness to marry Jung made him see that she is TRULY ABANDONING HIM. He always wanted her to love him, to be with him, but he wanted her to want it as much as he did; there is no point making her stay in the Palace when he knows SHE WILL NOT TRULY BE BY HIS SIDE. She has no right to reach out to him, because she gave up on him first, SHE GAVE UP THAT RIGHT WHEN SEH DECIDED TO LEAVE HIM. And even now she is still keeping too much from him, even now she hasn’t come clean in front of him - he doesn’t know that she warned Wook against him - he doesn’t know the full extent of the pain she has caused him.



i am sooooo agree with your post ...

HS somehow unconsciously already taking side and its not WS, the one that always stood by her in every steps of her life in goryeo

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Honestly after watching ep 19 and seeing the preview today, I am not angry at both HS and WS. I'm not sure how I wanna say how I feel becos I'm pretty sad about the whole show too, how the show's gonna turn out and about HS/WS, but here's the gist: 

Both of them have their flaws and made mistakes right from the start, but HS being a modern woman thrown back 1000 years, what would we expect from her? Yes, throughout the many years she spent there, she has seen and experienced how cruel life was and she tried to adapt and live it out to the best of her ability, and although there was instances where I agreed, she was just plain dumb, but that's her. She grew to be a relatively strong woman who tried albeit using ways many people may not agree with, but she tried. Nobody would be able to go through seeing so many deaths that you know you had a part in regardless. HS is only in her twenties, imagine she has to go through for what, another 20-30 years? I would rather she left, died and went back to the future where she truly belongs and hope to meet and be with the future WS. HS never truly belonged in that era, we all know that, what was her purpose in going back to that era, perhaps Jimong may know.........

I felt she was right to choose to leave the palace and leave WS. At this juncture, they were still in love with each other but yet were hurting each other. Being with each other face to face would only make the situation worse. WS yes, I believe is hurt by knowing that she had loved WW. He isnt angry becos she loved another man, but that person had to be WW, the very person who killed all his brothers and broke this family apart, when all he ever wanted was to be accepted. He got the throne to do that, naive yes, and he failed miserably in terms of keeping his relationships with the people he loved but not so when it came to ruling the country. 

Deep down, you can tell from the last scenes of ep 19, when she was leaving and he was in her room... the looks on their faces... 
They know they are hurting, they know that deep down, they still loved each other.

In the preview, what I felt Jung should have done was to get to WS thru BA and not by writing WS a letter or better still, go to the palace and tell WS himself. Jung should have known that WS would never read his letters. Perhaps by going thru BA, WS would have had the chance of seeing HS one last time in this lifetime. Of cos, it seems like it was never meant to be.  Jung may have married her in name only so that she could leave the palace, but I'm sure Jung knows that he will never have her love the way she loved WS. Im sure in the 2 yrs or so she spent with Jung as his so-called wife, he knew that she was never truly happy under that facade of smiles and laughter. He knew that she was still pining for and loving WS and would continue so even in death.  

I guess now us viewers, can only hope that we see HS and WS reunite as a couple in modern times and continue where they left off in Goryeo and hopefully it's not like the c-version where it was an open ending.

The 600 fans viewing with it with LJG and us will have to brace ourselves :cold_sweat:

There's so much more I would like to say, but I just cant really write it now now...sigh...... 

 See you all tonite my frens!



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15 minutes ago, gwiyeowooh said:



CMIIW. I think we are not allowed to quote an image/gif/picture. Please remove the image/picture/gif before quoting.

I agree with you. I'm also confuse with anyone who bashing IU. For me, her acting skill is develop a lot in MLSHR.

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2 minutes ago, vwj1 said:

(Big sigh). Gosh. I remembered just last week or so, that I wrote that I didn't want to take sides.  I wanted to be like Hae Soo and protect what I wanted to protect, which was my fondness for both these characters, Hae Soo and Wang So.  Yet here I am, more angry with one than the other.  I need to go back to the modern world as well. Apparently, I don't belong here in Goryeo too.  It's making me a little tired too.  Maybe I shouldn't be so hard on Soo seeing as how Moon Lovers is making me a bit crazy. 


Every body is a bit crazy right now :tears:

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4 minutes ago, auroredawn said:

He has done a lot and sacrificed a lot for her, but she never gave him what he craved the most which were her love, trust, and support.  SD has to make her realize that she needed to trust WS.
WW is the architect of most of WS misery. Knowing that HS was WW’s person in the past would have been okay if she didn’t beg WS for WW’s life by kneeling down despite knowing that it was not good for her health. Can you imagine his pain at that moment? Does she still love him? Does she even love me? What am I to her? Did I ever mean anything to her? These are probably questions that he is asking himself. Coupled with the fact that she told him earlier that sometimes she despised him. To make matters worse, she wants to marry WJ. The same WJ that she hid in her room and threatened to cut her neck if he tried to enter the room.

I'm in the camp that believes HS owes him nothing. She already gave him everything she had: body, mind, King's fealty when she knelt before him so that he would be king. She said to Wang So back in episode 17 that she trusts him. Do you know what happens after episode 17? She's his woman. She fools herself into thinking that her love with WS is enough to live on. (If that's not trust, then I dunno what is). She entered the palace, she NO LONGER FREE because here's the sequence of events that happen immediately: 

1. He tells her not to know too much about him. (withholding information)

2. He tells her that she does not have permission to see who HE doesn't want her to see. (control of behavior)

3. He tells her that she should start thinking about children. (control of future actions)

Idk, but that kinda sounds like someone's controlling my life.

Again, autonomy over everything else. As modern women, we understand how important this is. As a Goryeo woman, the protection of WS would be more than enough to sustain a relationship (many ancient women enter into marriages for the protection of the men so they can be safe from rape, murder etc). For GJ, this is the grandest gesture he can offer. Protection of her life. But not for HS. This fundamental difference will always split them. 

Do I feel bad that WS is in complete shambles; in doubt about HS's love? Sure. I feel bad. But I'm not going to spare Hae Su's ability to live because WS felt bad and abandoned. Boy has some serious abandonment issues, and HS should not have to lay herself down at the alter of his emotional issues to be sacrificed. 

12 minutes ago, gwiyeowooh said:
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When WS did something unlikeable blame the writers.

When HS did something unlikeable blame it on HS or IU's acting.

but gets the updates and subbed clips from IU's fansites...

IU be like...



Holla. :glasses:

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7 minutes ago, ceda209 said:
Aside from all that, is it just me who absolutely loooooooves how WS says Ji Mong's name.  It's so incredibly sexy to me.  

 Me too...me too....I found out this morning while watching Epi 19...how sexy the way Wang So said Ji Mong....huaaaa........

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