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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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That line, melody from the OST keeps looping in my head.....

"Remember I love you..."

"Remember I love you... i love you"

But when the emotions, anger, misunderstandings arised ...did they forget?

Some says there is no such thing as "forever" in life, in relationships.  That the concept of forever is just a myth, just wishful thinking.

So what then is important? the "now" ? the present, how we make most of it?  That pride, misunderstandings are robbing us of precious time, for time together is so fleeting, it should not be wasted hating each other, being apart... see what it will cost WS and HS... a thousand years!  such a big price to pay.

And for us eclipses, how are our sanity and emotional state by now? someone should take responsibility and give us more happy BTS, and maybe a reunion of the casts, like a mini party/concert something.


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10 minutes ago, liddi said:

There seems to be a prevalent misconception that the novel has 4th Prince getting to Ruoxi in time but he doesn't, and I just confirmed this with my copy of the novel. He received Ruoxi's letter (within another envelope penned by 14th) the day after it was sent, but he threw it aside, thinking it was yet another mocking letter from 14th. He only received word that she died from the official notification of deaths for the royal family a week later. Basically, the novel and Cdrama do not deviate far at all, apart from the fact that in the novel, Ruoxi never returned to the future after her death.

Chapter 20 of Vol 2 in the novel depicts Ruoxi waiting in vain for him every day after writing the letter, During those last days, she once thought she saw 4th Prince finally there, but it was only 14th Prince. Her last words in the novel regarding him were to her maid, saying "他不會來了。 He will not be coming." It was a gentle statement but backed with the resigned conviction that stems from the void when all hope had gone. And when she died, the closing words of the chapter were a devastating echo of her regret...

第一最好不相見,如此便可不相戀     Firstly, it's best never to have met, that we may never fall in love
第二最好不相知,如此便可不相思     Secondly, it's best never to have known each other, that we would never miss one another

The only question is... what will the Goryeo version do? Will it allow Soo to die, thinking to the last that he resents her (just as she asked him, twice in Ep16 "Do you still... resent me?"), and Gwangjong to live the rest of his life with immeasurable regret? Or will it allow them one final meeting before she passes? 

I prefer the chinese version than the novel... at least they will met in the future...

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46 minutes ago, iloveknovela said:


LOL, I guess you are lucky @pass3rby, nobody can distract you. :D

I can relate with you.  Most often my late husband is away too but knowing what he likes the most keeps me out of trouble. :D  When he calls I will let him know how much I miss him, so on and so forth then when he ask what I've been up to I would share all the stuff I've watched and say I missed him even more because of them. :D:D:D   I think most husbands enjoy hearing that from their wives.  Reassuring them that we love/miss them.  I have no problem dealing with my late husband coz I basically get what I want and he support/tolerate me as long as I don't forget who is the head of the home.  It is not helpful to hide or lie either.  We just need to learn how to approach them in such a way that they can understand why we are doing the things that we enjoy.  I guess watching us happy makes them happy too.... it's just give and take.  So everybody happy!  

I understand what you mean about cheating (in some extent).  Who can resist LJK's charm, anyway? :D  Some people say that cheating in a relationship consist of spending time with specific individual or engaging in specific type of contact like sleeping in the same bed with that person, etc.  Though for me cheating originates from the heart first before you and another person actually do it.  I don't consider our attraction to LJK can be considered as cheating because it is but normal to do so because he is truly attractive in so many ways, aside from being a celebrity. :D   But can you consider it cheating when it is one sided one? 

The Drooling thing  :D .... well, just think about it as if one of your favorite food is in-front of you.  But since you're on a diet, you have no option but drool over it  LOLOLOLOL.  Pretty good excuse, right?

I really like the last one. :DThank you for everything you said. Indeed LJK is somehow irresistible, just like a chocolate muffin in the middle of the night when you're working late.

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1 hour ago, moonlover399993 said:

I had tears running down my face as I finished your version. Not only do they need to send ambulance and medics at the fan meeting, but I think every news channel throughout the world is going to report masses of people headed to hospital due to broken hearts and chest pains. What has Moon Lovers done to us? I will seriously reconsider watching another drama like this. I desperately need the something that shows a reconciliation between them. What other couples are there that were doomed? Their love is more doomed than Romeo and Juliet, at least those two got married and died together. 

LOL at the last part. 

Any romantic comedy suggestions? I really need to get out of this depression mode, not healthy. I never experienced falling in love, but seeing how painful it is, despite happier and wonderful moments, if this is what it does emotionally, I feel like I rather stay single and only dream about ideal oppas. I know that love is both painful and wonderful, but I rather not. :bawling:


I thought so. Their love story is sadder, darker and more bitter in many ways than Romeo and Juliet. As HS said in Ep.10 "I am here because i can't live nor die." So and Soo can't die nor live together. Eun and SoonDeok a little bit "luckier" that they died together and so much in love. Gwangjong must stay alive for Goryeo, for the nation and HaeSoo must die for GwangJong to be able to fully function as the King of Goryeo and to go back to the future.

The sun is shining brightly that the water evaporated to be the cloud. It would take a thousand years for the cloud to fall down as rain. :(

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19 minutes ago, liddi said:

There seems to be a prevalent misconception that the novel has 4th Prince getting to Ruoxi in time but he doesn't, and I just reverified this with my copy of the novel. He received Ruoxi's letter (within another envelope penned by 14th) the day after it was sent, but he threw it aside, thinking it was yet another mocking letter from 14th. He only received word that she died from the official notification of deaths for the royal family a week later. Basically, the novel and Cdrama do not deviate far at all, apart from the fact that in the novel, Ruoxi never returned to the future after her death.

Chapter 20 of Vol 2 in the novel depicts Ruoxi waiting in vain for him every day after writing the letter, During those last days, she once thought she saw 4th Prince finally there, but it was only 14th Prince. Her last words in the novel regarding him were to her maid, saying "他不會來了。 He will not be coming." It was a gentle statement but backed with the resigned conviction that stems from the void when all hope had gone. And when she died, the closing words of the chapter were a devastating echo of her regret...

第一最好不相見,如此便可不相戀     Firstly, it's best never to have met, that we may never fall in love
第二最好不相知,如此便可不相思     Secondly, it's best never to have known each other, that we would never miss one another

The only question is... what will the Goryeo version do? Will it allow Soo to die, thinking to the last that he resents her (just as she asked him, twice in Ep16 "Do you still... resent me?"), and Gwangjong to live the rest of his life with immeasurable regret? Or will it allow them one final meeting before she passes? 

Firstly, thankyou for sharing this and clarifying! :) secondly, omyGod this just destroys all little hope i've got left..... :" :" he will never reach in time won't he :( 

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5 hours ago, violet90 said:

in BBJX 8th being punish by kneeling for the whole day for whatever reason that i did't really remember.. when RX know this she try to make a point by kneeling too but 4th give a royal order to not kneeling cause he know how weak RX is.. being a stuborn person she is RX stand the whole night and this make 4th goes really mad about RX.. in the end 4th let 8th go...

so the theory about Su will try to save WW for the last time might be true.. its against her life principle that So try to get revenge by setting a trap and basically want to punish WW because he wanted too.. don't get me wrong WW is really evil and he deserve that but for me its not saving WW but saving So that she try to do.. just like BA said its not about sibling fight anymore its a king and his subject... Su will try not to get more bloodbath on So hand and he did promise her not to kill any of his brother so i kinda want to know what she will do...

Su try  to save WW i think will make WW think back what he done.. his sister is against him and in the end the one that he try to get revenge by destroying her relationship help him too... in BBJX 8th actually said he wish that RX would stop caring about other people cause its make it hard for her heart cause its her against king... 

for me WW will tell his relationship just like 8th do and dies... pretty sure he will cause when he told So about it he looked sick.. the anger and jealousy that So have because after all this time Su still care about WW and remember he did said don't care about other but him in ep 17.. it may look like a joke but he really showing his possessiveness and Su being Su just have enough with his way in relationship... 

i used to said that in the end Su will still care about WJ , WW and CR even when they doing something bad because even she mad or hate them at one point they will always be her family.. So can't and won't accept her way of caring other people cause just like his mom he want Su for himself... 


@violet90 but I think KHN did mention that he didnt have any death scene in MLSHR...

So, I think I believe that Soo is saving WW for the last time..and that is the last straw that make So release Soo, and told her he will never want to see her again.

I think the preview is not in sequence, Jung maybe trying to get Soo out of the palace, but So will never allow in the first place....the dead bird thing will happen first..cause we can see WW is all healthy when So went crazy...he set trap for him, cause he is the one who make So look like a monster to Soo, and with Jung claiming Soo to get out of the palace, So went crazy and want to kill WW instantly..then Soo will jump out to save WW for the last time..guess he might be put in the poison before Soo finally save him..that explain he look sick when confessing their relationship to So,

I hope, I really really hope, when Soo save him for the last time...he finally found his conscience back, the confessing with be like 8th towards Rouxi, the real intention is to let Soo get out of the palace. Like what @SizzlerZ mentioned, I also hope WW will sort of the mess before death claim Soo

5 hours ago, SizzlerZ said:


I really like your reasoning here and I think things will probably go the way you say. I remember in the preview HS falling to her knees in shock and maybe that has something to do with WS doing something to WW. I know people thought CR was the last straw and maybe thats true but in that preview seeing HS fall like that makes me think that the last traw is coming.

Honestly as much as i hate WW i really want them to sort their mess out before HSs death.


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32 minutes ago, pass3rby said:
1 hour ago, iloveknovela said:


The Drooling thing  :D .... well, just think about it as if one of your favorite food is in-front of you.  But since you're on a diet, you have no option but drool over it  LOLOLOLOL.  Pretty good excuse, right?

I really like the last one. :DThank you for everything you said. Indeed LJK is somehow irresistible, just like a chocolate muffin in the middle of the night when you're working late.


LOL.   That's a pretty good one to describe it. :D

For me he is like the food that I hate but because it is packed and presented beautifully, I couldn't resist nor have the will to restrain myself no matter how I try.  Hahahahaha!!! 

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3 minutes ago, liddi said:

Recollecting the novel, I just realised that to the end, Ruoxi had her maid 巧慧 Qiaohui with her to the last... who accompanied her to the palace, and when she married 14th. Soo has no one... no female confidante left. Chae Ryung's role embodied both Yutan and Qiaohui, and with her death, there is no one else. no one who knew and understood the symbolism and meaning behind the pages upon pages of poems, the hair pin, the arrow. Soo's final days in reminiscence will be a lonely, lonely one. :tears:


i know.. in a way Su story is more sad than RX.. at least RX have a calm live before the last 5 episode in BBJX but Su since the beginning have to be tortured and watching all death in front of her eyes and in her last day nobody can understand what she really feels... nobody can understand the pain and sorrow missing So by writing the poem and taking care the hairpin and arrow..

i really wish for her to die a lot faster rather than suffering alone.. just leave the Goryeo era cause girl you suffer enough... :tears:

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2 minutes ago, riuenu said:

@violet90 but I think KHN did mention that he didnt have any death scene in MLSHR...

So, I think I believe that Soo is saving WW for the last time..and that is the last straw that make So release Soo, and told her he will never want to see her again.

I think the preview is not in sequence, Jung maybe trying to get Soo out of the palace, but So will never allow in the first place....the dead bird thing will happen first..cause we can see WW is all healthy when So went crazy...he set trap for him, cause he is the one who make So look like a monster to Soo, and with Jung claiming Soo to get out of the palace, So went crazy and want to kill WW instantly..then Soo will jump out to save WW for the last time..guess he might be put in the poison before Soo finally save him..that explain he look sick when confessing their relationship to So,

I hope, I really really hope, when Soo save him for the last time...he finally found his conscience back, the confessing with be like 8th towards Rouxi, the real intention is to let Soo get out of the palace. Like what @SizzlerZ mentioned, I also hope WW will sort of the mess before death claim Soo



yes... i think the scene where Su save WW is going to be when RX kneeling for him.. i still remember that 13th warn RX that doing that will make 4th angry but she did said no matter what she will not abandon the one she care or used to care.. she can't and won't turn her back even they have no relationship...

so i guess Su being the righteous Su will save WW and it will trigger anger from So and more argument but i think WW try to save Su the last time to repay her for what she done.. Jung probably ask WW help and explain everything to him about Su suffering.. the one that Su did't expect is how much its going to hurt So for his confession cause Su is preparing to leave but just like RX she did't know the extend that So will say those thing to her... so in the end she will think So resent her and leave palace with that knowledge...

maybe what WW try to do is to getting Su out first and later on admitting all the stuff he and YH did to So.. he maybe did't want Su to witness his evil and witness how scary a throne can turn a person are.. for me that logical part that WW will do.. 

i just hope the misunderstanding can resolve before Su die.... even when So did't make it at least he know everything and when he read the letter the only misunderstanding left is that she loves him as much as he loves her.... 

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Wow. I was just thinking that Sosoo went through 18 episodes before they had a proper date. And that date still ended sadly with a proposal rejection. That was the first time I've seen them both on equal terms on the love radar where each was finally comfortable with loving each other. It made me so happy to see them like this. They were walking around and holding hands and talking and hugging. They were so in love with each other and I felt that love from them. 

But You know what? Watching them, I've decided that I just want a plain and normal relationship. No epic love story for me.  No star crossed love affair too.  Why would anyone want to go through what they've gone through and will have to go through?  I don't want to love someone that much. I want to love and be loved back but not like that.  Nah uh. Not worth it to me. Give me ordinary any day. 

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38 minutes ago, liddi said:

There seems to be a prevalent misconception that the novel has 4th Prince getting to Ruoxi in time but he doesn't, and I just reverified this with my copy of the novel. He received Ruoxi's letter (within another envelope penned by 14th) the day after it was sent, but he threw it aside, thinking it was yet another mocking letter from 14th. He only received word that she died from the official notification of deaths for the royal family a week later. Basically, the novel and Cdrama do not deviate far at all, apart from the fact that in the novel, Ruoxi never returned to the future after her death.

Chapter 20 of Vol 2 in the novel depicts Ruoxi waiting in vain for him every day after writing the letter, During those last days, she once thought she saw 4th Prince finally there, but it was only 14th Prince. Her last words in the novel regarding him were to her maid, saying "他不會來了。 He will not be coming." It was a gentle statement but backed with the resigned conviction that stems from the void when all hope had gone. And when she died, the closing words of the chapter were a devastating echo of her regret...

第一最好不相見,如此便可不相戀     Firstly, it's best never to have met, that we may never fall in love
第二最好不相知,如此便可不相思     Secondly, it's best never to have known each other, that we would never miss one another

The only question is... what will the Goryeo version do? Will it allow Soo to die, thinking to the last that he resents her (just as she asked him, twice in Ep16 "Do you still... resent me?"), and Gwangjong to live the rest of his life with immeasurable regret? Or will it allow them one final meeting before she passes? 



Thank you for let me know!!!! 

So there is no 'novel w/ a less heartbreaking ending' hope :tears: The kdrama is becoming extremely similar to the cversion... I'm scared! Either way, suffering is the only thing waiting for us at the end of this drama. 


Also, there's this: 

Secondly, it's best never to have known each other, that we would never miss one another

HaeSoo's poster quote wasn't something similar to this? The one she's holding some flowers...


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41 minutes ago, moonlover399993 said:
The more I see this, the more angry and heartbroken I get. I feel like he's slowly turning into Dark Vader, who wanted to consume more power, in order to save Padame from dying by his visions, but he slowly forget about his love and she died. What has the throne done to you? I know he's not falling out of love, but these pics are twisting it and doing a terrifying good job at it.  :cry: 






WAEEE????? :bawling::dissapointed_relieved:

Edited by LyraYoo
please do not quote images
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22 minutes ago, stevii said:

Firstly, thankyou for sharing this and clarifying! :) secondly, omyGod this just destroys all little hope i've got left..... :" :" he will never reach in time won't he :( 


I am afraid, he won't

OMG, if they show us Wang So try to reach Hae Soo as fast as he can with the horse when she is dying, but he is too late

THAT'S JUST PLAIN CRUEL DIRECTOR NIM, do you want us to die???

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