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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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*sobs* god it's really sad.. tbh I really gave up with the ratings, coz I'm a person that what I love only matters. but IT SO DAMN HEARTBREAKING for the actors/actresses that wasn't lacking on anything but feels responsible for things out of their hands.. even the drama itself. Sorry just wanna let it out of my system..

I really wanna show my support to the whole Moon Lovers cast and crew, it's a shame but I can't participate with the video suggestion on twitter.. I'm not into selfies and recording. If you don't mind, I want to throw in a suggestion. Check spoiler tag. I really wanna do something for them, if only the DVD was already confirmed :tears: come on guys let's be creative with this :) ;) any ideas juseyooo~ :wub:


This is an idea from YY couples thread (WGM Jang Wooyoung and Park Se Young) long before we sent them post cards to show our support. Chinguus there manage to get the address of their respective agencies.. and we tried to send the post cards the same day for everyone.. I don't know how they organized it but if I recall it right, it's possible. Unfortunately I haven't read a feedback from it or I just missed it, haven't been lurking in there for quite a while :sweatingbullets: but don't you guys think it's worth a shot? rather than getting all depress, I suppose.


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11 hours ago, bebebisous33 said:

Well, from the start we saw that Jung was her favourite son. She couldn't stand him losing his fight hence she had a man's arm cut as response to the defeat. She is portrayted as very protective of Jung. Jung is sitting closer to her than Yo in the second episode. Notice that Wang So witnessed how Jung was sitting on his mother's lap, while So never received such a treatment. BEsides, Yo was also longing for his mother's touch implying that he never received such a treatment like Jung too (episode 2). Why did she describe Yo as the true king? It is because he is her oldest son and as such, she knew, she could never make Jung the king in the first place. So she brainwashed Yo with his ego (you're destined to be the king aso) in order to make sure that her favourite Jung can benefit from it. Notice how she was embarrassed in the episode 10 because Jung couldn't recite a poem. She wanted him to be a good scholar. IF it was just about the clan, why does she hate So so much? She should have been happy that So would become king, but she never was. In my opinion, from the start, she never liked Wang So, maybe because of some predictions (he is cursed) but this would contradict the prediction that he would become a king. I guess, she knew that So was her husband's favourite son and since she loved and hated Taejo at the same time... she despised Wang So for that reason. who knows? Nevertheless, the last episode shows clearly that she wants Jung to become the king. Why are you so sure that Yo has no children yet? Like I mentioned it above, he has one son... maybe too young to rule. 

for me WS stands for all of her short comings, that is why she despises him so much, he is a living reminder of everything she  lost on that particular day that she scarred him. she lost the little love her  husband had for her, and from then on,   all of his respect for her...maybe she heard of WS king star prediction  from another astronomer ...or maybe the wrongly predicted fact that he was destined to kill or get rid of all  of his brothers... and the powerful clans ...so she got scared and concerned for the rest of her family...fearing her own son future actions...i mean she says all the time that the only thing he knows how to do , is to kill people...and the first think she does when she becomes the king's mother, is to tell yoo to get rid of So, to not keep him close ...also since it seems that 4 was one of taejo's favorite son ...and she was unable to stop him from  getting married even at the threat of losing a son ...then she categorizes him as bad luck...since by using him as hostage she did not achieve what she wanted and instead lost a lot. I think the reason she wanted the throne then, was because taejo went to great lengths ,in order to obtained it,..something along the lines of a resented wife....he never truly loved her like he loved lady oh...he was only interested in consolidating his power ... so  following that thought, what can be her greatest vengeance  than taking for her and her descendants   what her husband  choose above all else...she wants to control Goryeo  like YH and wants to keep the power within the boundaries of her clan....and since yoo has a son with mix blood... that is a grandson she doesn't want.. much like So ...even though she's his  biological mother ,she never raise him ...she 's a very elitist woman ... upon scarring So, he became a damage good for her ...someone she couldn't benefit from ...so why give him love ...the standards were so that she damaged his changes of ever having a normal life...the scar symbolized according to their beliefs, that  he had been abandoned by the gods ...a cursed child ...an ugly person... not true.. but beauty was also a standard  they admired...he was thought to be ugly...and since he was going to be given to the kangs as an adopted son ...the enemy of her clan.. the lesser the attachment she could have  with him...the better it will be for her...( her thoughts) so  then she wants him to choose jung as crown prince.... and the irony to all this, is that she turned her back on  the only child that could make her proud ...the only son that could make her shined the brightest ...she might have been a bad mother and a despicable woman but she  does have natural leadership traits ...she undestood how politics  worked and used it all the time to her advantage...in that respect she is much like So ...had her ideas been carried out by a more prudent  and wiser son...she could have been successful in many of her  take the throne plans...So could have done that for her..not sure if he would have done all things her way...but i'm pretty sure he would have found a way to be named crowned prince instead  of Mo ,on merit alone ..without having to conspire so much ...i'm still remained of that episode where queen Yoo quotes  So ...that a king does not move the skies ...he just has to make seem like he does..and yoo was in awe that he heard that from someone else too, even thought he didn't say who...

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25 minutes ago, tinniet said:

Woke up and the first thing I got was that kind of article... seriously ruin my mood for the rest of the day... I think WS is the best character LJG has been so far, and seriously it's not about his acting at all. His acting is 100% PERFECT, and some other casts' acting might be lacking in the beginning but they've done better in the recent episodes!! The problem is on the editing, hands up. It's like cooking, you can have the best materials and recipe but if the chef messes up then the dishes will come up messed up as well. LJG is the best material caught up in a bad chef's hand. and I can't stand him taking all the blame just because he is the lead role. Like seriously LJG, it's not about you, it's never about your acting, stop taking the responsibility!!! :tears:

i'm sorry to cut your post. yes i agree that it's not his fault the drama get low ratings. i become his fans through this drama. he is perfect. but i don't think the problem is editing. yes it's true for youku viewer and s one tv cable the editing is not good. even for some episodes i had to watch sbs version to get a better and bigger picture about the drama. but i think sbs version quite good in editing. and the rating only related to sbs viewer who watch the drama on tv, not youku and s one tv cable viewer. so i guess there are other reason for this. 


30 minutes ago, pass3rby said:

I think Korean prefer literal and somehow banal drama. Something easy and do not require any further interpretation. This doesn't only happen in Korea, but worldwide. However, some works managed to be a not-just-literal and banal.

i think the reason is this. 

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29 minutes ago, mamamya88 said:

Hi guys! 

I just thought of a perfect twist for the ending that can lead to a strong reason for season 2...

Hs travel back to modern world as GHJ together with WS...hahaha... is it possible? Its WS turn to change from goryeo person into a modern handsom guy....together they will reborn into a new life, new world, happy life!!! Yeay!!:) and the best thing is they didnt forget each other..they continue live as new persons with the past love in goryeo memories they shared...

What a fantasy thougt i have hahaha..altho its not gonna happend haha but these possible fate for both of them seriously demand for season 2...

I would love for this to happen. Like for example HS drowning and WS jumped in to rescue her but they both ended up in the present time. However, that means there won't be the great KG who built and established the country in his over 20 years reign. It will be "too creative" in the history part.

As for reincarnation, WS born again as another person (looking exactly the same, of course), I'm not sure how it will play out because I'd prefer him having all his memories of HS, just as GHJ having memories being HS. Because if he is just another person looking like WS but not his actual soul and feeling, there's no point for GHJ to meet that guy. You see the dilemma? So I guess I have to learn to accept a not-happily-ever-after ending. It's ok, no problem, I have 2 weeks to prepare myself for the ending. I can do it. (yeah, right....:phew:)

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30 minutes ago, tinniet said:


I think this vote shows us what the reality is like. See the vote? the highest vote here is Baekhyun (16128). I don't hate Baekhyun but I think we agree pretty much that his acting as WE is still lacking. He tried his best but I'd say he still has many things to work up. Is he a better actor compared with the "in" more experienced actor like LJG, SJK, and PBG? No. But if the vote goes on like this, in the end Baekhyun will win the Asian award as best actor for his role as WE :expressionless:

The reality is like that. Fans vote for the actor category but they don't vote it based on one's talent and hardwork as an actor (do they even care?) They do it because they love their idol and that love overshadows the idol's talent and hardwork. It's good for their idol but by doing so, the real talented and hardworking actors suffer.

I totally agree with you. Just hope the organisers are aware of this and group the artistes according to their main craft after the first round. Besides that, I hope they won't just consider the votes to give out the awards as they are not exactly a true representation of the 'best', more like popularity. I hope when it comes down to the final 10, they will take into account other factors such as Intl influence etc.

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From reading other articles I knew Joon would take the ratings situation hard. I wrote several things on our sister thread about the ratings. I wanted to understand where the Korean viewer was coming from. It made no sense. We have all watched MLSHR and found it amazingly good. So how can one audience find it so interesting that they post page after page of indepth analysis praising and cheering for the characters and the quality of the work while others find it terrible?  Sure we've all seen some films loved by some and not thought much of by others but I have never seen it be this divided.  Things just don't work that way.  Either WE are totally wrong.... and they are right or they are right and we are wrong. If we are right then there is some other explanation for this being so totally rejected.  We have some brilliant people in this forum.... put your minds to that question.... dig deep and find the answer. 

Personally I don't think the rest of the world is wrong and only S. Korea is right.  Do you?

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15 hours ago, tinniet said:


I think this vote shows us what the reality is like. See the vote? the highest vote here is Baekhyun (16128). I don't hate Baekhyun but I think we agree pretty much that his acting as WE is still lacking. He tried his best but I'd say he still has many things to work up. Is he a better actor compared with the "in" more experienced actor like LJG, SJK, and PBG? No. But if the vote goes on like this, in the end Baekhyun will win the Asian award as best actor for his role as WE :expressionless:

The reality is like that. Fans vote for the actor category but they don't vote it based on one's talent and hardwork as an actor (do they even care?) They do it because they love their idol and that love overshadows the idol's talent and hardwork. It's good for their idol but by doing so, the real talented and hardworking actors suffer.

They shouldnt put Baek Hyun in the actor nomination since this is first drama asa a supporting act. Not even lead actor. Baek Hyun shud stay in the group or singer list. Then it will be fair to other actors in the list. 

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15 minutes ago, cmluv said:

i'm sorry to cut your post. yes i agree that it's not his fault the drama get low ratings. i become his fans through this drama. he is perfect. but i don't think the problem is editing. yes it's true for youku viewer and s one tv cable the editing is not good. even for some episodes i had to watch sbs version to get a better and bigger picture about the drama. but i think sbs version quite good in editing. and the rating only related to sbs viewer who watch the drama on tv, not youku and s one tv cable viewer. so i guess there are other reason for this. 


For the first 3 episodes they aired the same version with the international version though, and they received heavy criticisms along with the decreasing rating. I remember that we actually got pretty good rating for eps 2, but it just goes downward ever since. I'd still stick on the editing problem, because even here and in Dramabeans, people are commenting about the editing problem on every single episode, particularly the few first episodes. They failed to attract viewers from the beginning, and with MDBC going strong, people just let go of this drama. The first episodes are the key, if they failed to hook the viewers, it would go that way no matter how good the rest of the episodes are.

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5 hours ago, Gabi Bros said:

If Hae Soo and Wang So have a happy ending in the future... I hope to see there the new reincarnations of SeonDeok and Eun happily together at least for a brief moment. 

I still stand that if WS is in the future, he is the guy with a white shirt playing with kids in ep 1..you can spot (him)  that  at the beginning of the episode...or maybe is my delusion talking...jaja and i second your idea..eun and seon deok for reincarnation...please...if Ws is somewhere in the lake, then the little kids playing could as well be little EUN and SD...i mean have you notice that the kid that nearly drowns in the water is call EUN YOO ..how about that ...one little guy with what might as well be two opposite brotherly souls ...EUn and Yoo...

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Hehehe...he can't feed himself with his left hand, but he can feed HS just fine.  Our wolfy boy is too much.  Anybody else love the way he's sitting with his legs crossed waiting to eat his lover's cooking.  He looked so cute & vulnerable.  *heart flutters all away to Pegasus* 

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15 hours ago, minmar said:

From reading other articles I knew Joon would take the ratings situation hard. I wrote several things on our sister thread about the ratings. I wanted to understand where the Korean viewer was coming from. It made no sense. We have all watched MLSHR and found it amazingly good. So how can one audience find it so interesting that they post page after page of indepth analysis praising and cheering for the characters and the quality of the work while others find it terrible?  Sure we've all seen some films loved by some and not thought much of by others but I have never seen it be this divided.  Things just don't work that way.  Either WE are totally wrong.... and they are right or they are right and we are wrong. If we are right then there is some other explanation for this being so totally rejected.  We have some brilliant people in this forum.... put your minds to that question.... dig deep and find the answer. 

Personally I don't think the rest of the world is wrong and only S. Korea is right.  Do you?

Korean obsession with youth and idol is beyond our imagination. They have this image of picture perfect idol. If you are entering 30's your are consider ahjumma/ahjussi. I find this really funny and weird. 

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5 minutes ago, junejungki said:

Korean obsession with youth and idol is beyond our imagination. They have this image of picture perfect idol. If you are entering 30's your are consider ahjumma/ahjussi. I find this really funny and weird. 

Not exactly,


Ratings are live.. 

Face it.. ML did screw up bad in earlier episodes.. and that was enough for people to watch Moonlight which maintained its pace..


For intrnational - You watch it on online... AND that is the big difference.. maybe back in Korea too online viewership is high..


And no matter how much recognition it has gained, editing still remains a problem... so for live audience to jump in the middle of the series and make sense of MLSHR.. they would rather watch moonlight and follow ML separately



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1 minute ago, enigmatic_zephy said:

Not exactly,


Ratings are live.. 

Face it.. ML did screw up bad in earlier episodes.. and that was enough for people to watch Moonlight which maintained its pace..


For intrnational - You watch it on online... AND that is the big difference.. maybe back in Korea too online viewership is high..

Exactly my thought. MLSHR did screw up pretty badly in the first 3 episodes, that's why they decided to re-edit the rest to become the SBS version we have nowadays. But it's too late, because another drama MDBC was already going strong and people switched to MDBC and stuck with it. Korean audience might still watch MLSHR but it would always be their 2nd priority, which means they would still watch MDBC on TV and went online to watch MLSHR later. That's why TV rating for MLSHR is doomed but online viewership is high.

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52 minutes ago, junee22 said:

Hi Chingudeul!! Please read this..I mean it..please read this and don't just scroll down..it won't bother you...I promise...

So me and my same country fellows from this forum (not all because only few who accept our offer to join our group chat)..has starting this project video to show our support to the cast and crew of MLSHR..and we'll try to send it to Moonloverssbs twitter account and maybe like @ruizaio suggested..will send it to DC gallery (though I don't know how we'll do that). We already in the talk of this..and I'm starting make the video this afternoon, and so do my friends (you know who you are chingudeul..lol :wub:). We're also planning on the concept right now.

So..I hope this news will inspired all of you my friends follower of MLSHR thread to also make and send the video. Do it with your fellow country friends like us. Hwaiting!!!!!

Which country???

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