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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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14 minutes ago, thenagain said:


Someone had to love her...might as well be you.

hahah! I knew this would make me unpopular, but I always root for the female antagonist when they're given very clear reasons for their actions. In YH's case she's back into a corner trying to make do with what she has. YH doesn't see people as "innocent or harmless" as inherent value to be protected; and indeed this Goryeo world doesn't either. Who is more important to YH, herself or Eun? And that question is easily answered for her. 

And since I'm a cynic, I take a different view of viewing wether happiness is more important than living. I believe living is more important, you gotta be alive to feel the things that you feel. If you're dead, it doesn't matter. 

5 minutes ago, fuyukoneko said:


If YH's main goal was to survive, she would have settled for marrying Yo from the beginning. If she married Yo, she would be safe if he becomes emperor. Other than Won or Wook, none of the other princes would have killed her or sent her off as a hostage if they had became king and she would be less likely to be sent as hostage bride if she was already married.

Oh good, point. What was her reason for not marrying Yo? Just that he was gross or was a deeper history there?

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I feel like after every episode I'm just like Wang Wook ain't s**t and then another episode goes by and he does something that seems like he is the lowest of the low. It's like he just confirms my opinion of him as being the worst person on this show over and over again. How can you claim to love someone and then put them in the situation that Wook put HS in by directing Yo to use her to kill the CP? And then to act as though he cares by telling her how traumatic that must have been for her, like really dude please go play in heavy traffic or a fast moving stream or something because there is nothing redeemable about him at this point. Claiming that he's doing all of this for HS and his family when he's doing it for himself is so frustrating, man up and admit that you want the throne for you and stop pretending that all of the bulls**t that he is doing is for some other reason. As much as I hate Wook KHN is doing a fabulous job playing the character which is probably why I hate him so much. 

It's really interesting that it seems as though the history that JM knows and the history that HS knows are different. In JM's history Yo was never supposed to be king which means that Gwangjong was actually the 3rd king. Has Go Ha Jin's mere presence as HS already changed the future? Was it WS who changed the future by not making sure that Yo was well and truly dead? Was it Wook/Won/CR/YW who changed history with the poisoning of the the CP? It would have been interesting to see how the future that JM knows about played out, what would the conflict have been then? How long would the CP have survived what kind of ruler would he have been without the mercury poisoning? I hate when shows do this because then I'm always like no I want to learn more about that time too. 

I actually felt sorry for YH, I'm not going to pretend that I was always team YH, hell I'm not even team YH now but I understand her better. I still think that she's greedy and a snake not to be trusted but YH much like HS and WS is just trying to survive and using what she knows to do it. She has absolutely no autonomy as a woman in Goreyo, she is dependent on Wook for protection and shelter, she can do nothing on her own, Yo or Wook or whoever holds power over her can choose to marry her or marry her off at the drop of a hat. Her life is in a precarious position and the only way she knows to survive is by backstabbing and betrayal. NGL though I laughed when she tried to offer a deal (Wook) to HS to get her to leave WS and HS was like Nah. Even though it made me laugh it also made me sad for her, YH was clearly adored by the king and had lots of people in her life who cared about her but she's had such a narrow focus on power/the throne that she sees no value in emotion it also contrasts with WS's position where he had no one in his corner growing up but he sees human emotion not as a failing but as something important and necessary. Everything YH does is to protect herself and that includes betraying Eun and his wife at this rate she's gonna end up lonely just like her brother Wook.

Ah, the OTP in conflict again, in HS's defense she saw how "killing" Yo affected WS so her trying to keep WS out of the situation with Eun makes sense. Yes it seemed as though she didn't trust him but she has seen (via premonition) what will happen to Eun, as her visions with Taejo and Mu both dying were true, trying to spare both Eun from dying and WS from taking his life was her trying to protect/fix everything. At some point hopefully in the next episode she will realize that her trying to protect/save everyone is doing more harm than good. The next episode is going to be hard on her not only will she have to watch friends die but she will have to watch the man that she loves kill his brother knowing how much that will tear him apart and he will have to do it to protect her. Both HS and WS are in untenable positions, she is in the position of knowing what will happen and no matter how hard she tries what's to be will be and he's in the position of doing things that he doesn't want to to protect the people he loves. It's going to be interesting watching them navigate the fight for the throne and their relationship. 

HS an Yo's conversation was so good. I laughed when she told him that if she was tortured she would just say that she poisoned Moo his orders. That was such a good moment I hope that she doesn't lose that again because one of my favorite things about her is her assertiveness and her not taking any crap regardless of who the person is. Even Yo was impressed. 

Back to YH and HS for a moment what indecent behavior has WS and HS been carrying on with that YH is talking about? Why aren't we seeing this indecent behavior SBS? 

The editor did one thing right, not putting Eun getting killed in today's episode, I swear my heart was in my throat the entire episode because I thought that, that was how it was going to end.

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8 minutes ago, kdramawriter said:

hahah! I knew this would make me unpopular, but I always root for the female antagonist when they're given very clear reasons for their actions. In YH's case she's back into a corner trying to make do with what she has. YH doesn't see people as "innocent or harmless" as inherent value to be protected; and indeed this Goryeo world doesn't either. Who is more important to YH, herself or Eun? And that question is easily answered for her. 

And since I'm a cynic, I take a different view of viewing wether happiness is more important than living. I believe living is more important, you gotta be alive to feel the things that you feel. If you're dead, it doesn't matter. 

I would have appreciated YH more if she was only pragmatic and not cruel to people without reason. It would have been great if she and HS were friends at the beginning and it was her desire to become queen that broke their friendship instead of her being mean without reason to HS, Myung Hee, and people with lower standing than her.

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I don't like YH, she is worst than Queen Yo. At least Queen Yo does not hide the fact she's evil but YH acts to be innocent but does all sorts of dirty and evil things from behind.  I know is sad to be controlled by marriage but she's making others die to gain what she wants.  And So is going to marry her ..... even LJK will say 'Jesus Christ'.  Just wonder if the historical YH is that evil? 

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I think Hong Jong Hyun's acting doesn't get enough praise in Moon Lovers, it's not easy to play the villain because he/she need to convince us that he/she is scary & capable of doing harm to our beloved characters but that could be difficult when we already know it's just a drama, that look on his eyes & the way he delivers his line is intimidating, I loved that little head nod he did at ep 14 ending/start of ep 15 when he asked WS to choose between HS & the dead king & waiting for WS's answer, also when he pushed the king to the water he gave me goose bomb with his acting, that laugh of his when WS took off his mask I really wanted to punch him in the teeth, the writers did a great job writing his character & he went all out with it, I like that they didn't make him a coward, I hate Wang Yo but I'm gonna miss him when he's dead, he's a badass villain. 

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10 minutes ago, yongwonhi4jfc said:

I genuinely don't know how I feel about that ending at all! Some buy into it and think that this could possibly be the nicer version than killing her off. They think it might be the moment she takes down the mask and she just moves on without each other.

  Reveal hidden contents


Since C-BBJX RX was cremated and WS doesn't get to see her one last time at all, not even her deceased body. Just a pot of ashes in the arms of WJ Chinese equivalent. EEEK. 



I'm torn, I want more, but I don't want MLSHR to end WAAAHHH 


lol, I'm so depressed and this is just speculation. I will not survive the actual ending of this stupid drama which has taken over my life.

I know some people hate the idea of the kdrama ending like the cdrama (I mean, with RX returning to the future), but I seriously need this to happen. I'd want a longer "epilogue" of her in the future where she comes across a reincarnated So. This is important to me. Like, I need at least a glimpse of him because then I can pretend she helps him remember or whatever. ;____; However, I do also like the theory regarding there being another eclipse when Gwangjong dies (and so he travels forward to his reincarnated body). It seems far-fetched but I'd love it. Maybe I'll just write the fanfic. haha

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More speculation @韩版步步_惊心吧

After Ep. 15, C-fans think the separation is basically foreshadowed by what YH will do, she'll probably tell WS about the relationship WW and HS used to have. It won't be angst all the way until the last two episode - she guesses that after WS starts his reign, YH informs WS about the past "secret" relationship and ostracised HS. Somehow or another YH somehow has WS's weakness, when WS knows about this relationship he gets so mad that he marries YH, so she plays him in her hand and becomes Queen. HS is overcome with grief and asks for leave to find freedom. 

According to this logic, and as can be seen with WJ's affection for HS, it seems like the below scene is the same as C-BBJX where HS takes one last look at the cage like prison the palace stands for that withholds her one love and marries WJ.


So I went to check the Trailer: 

On the Eng Sub 6 Minute Trailer: 6"35 The accompanied line before this scene is :


HS: How wonderful it would have been if we met in a different world, different period

WW/WS: "I'm going to be King"

WS: "I'm not going to let you go"


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12 minutes ago, mewtwo said:

I think Hong Jong Hyun's acting doesn't get enough praise in Moon Lovers, it's not easy to play the villain because he/she need to convince us that he/she is scary & capable of doing harm to our beloved characters but that could be difficult when we already know it's just a drama, that look on his eyes & the way he delivers his line is intimidating, I loved that little head nod he did at ep 14 ending/start of ep 15 when he asked WS to choose between HS & the dead king & waiting for WS's answer, also when he pushed the king to the water he gave me goose bomb with his acting, that laugh of his when WS took off his mask I really wanted to punch him in the teeth, the writers did a great job writing his character & he went all out with it, I like that they didn't make him a coward, I hate Wang Yo but I'm gonna miss him when he's dead, he's a badass villain. 

Infact now i like wang yo. atleast he grew up  a backbone(until he goes crazy again). he is now a real good villain and i applaud HJH for him

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11 minutes ago, krysyuy said:


lol, I'm so depressed and this is just speculation. I will not survive the actual ending of this stupid drama which has taken over my life.

I know some people hate the idea of the kdrama ending like the cdrama (I mean, with RX returning to the future), but I seriously need this to happen. I'd want a longer "epilogue" of her in the future where she comes across a reincarnated So. This is important to me. Like, I need at least a glimpse of him because then I can pretend she helps him remember or whatever. ;____; However, I do also like the theory regarding there being another eclipse when Gwangjong dies (and so he travels forward to his reincarnated body). It seems far-fetched but I'd love it. Maybe I'll just write the fanfic. haha

omg the more fanfic the merrier! I think the gaps between the narrative isn't so bad as this is basically where fans come together and write scenes for our own pleasure?! :) ha! 

I think speculation is going to be interesting at this point since everyone is just referring back to long trailer to understand what is going to happen?! 

I've given up on that fanfic business about 7 years ago. All I know is, I'm up for heart numbing scenes where I ugly cry. What I can't stand is MLSHR is about to end!?!?!

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Only 5 episodes left. I wish we can have 2 ep or at least 1 ep in the present times. Never watch cversion yet. But from what you've wrote here.... I wish we can have a little longer epilogue in the present times.

Up until now, I can accept how the story goes. History was written in bias. By whose agreed with whom or opposite. Just like what happen in this forum. Some hate Soo for some reasons. Some hate YeonHwa. All have different perspectives, pros and kons happen just because some of us can resonate with the characters and some don't. That's how life goes. Everything happen for a reasons.

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42 minutes ago, liddi said:

4. So-Yeon Hwa dialogue when he confronts her about Eun's whereabouts, which is sad, when you realise YH's words provide the added insight as to just how out of depth Eun is in this bloody battle for the throne [55:56 to 56:25]

    WS: I was told that you know where Eun is. Where is he?
    YH: Damiwon Court Lady Hae Soo has been hiding Eun and his wife in Damiwon.
    WS: How do you know? Did you see it yourself?
    YH: Eun has had a knack for folding things out of towels since he was little. Puppies, birds... He'd also use paper to make boats. Damiwon was full of such little toys Eun made. I'm positive. 


how does this play out in HS-WS dynamic will be interesting to see

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9 hours ago, Chickpea said:

Greetings... thinking about Ep 14 in my sleep (egads!)...  Yes, but, as the disclaimer at the beginning of the drama says, the drama takes a creative license to history.  As things are working out, the only "creative license" is that a woman from the future is the reason So kills his brothers.  Personally, I would have preferred a So who killed his brothers for, as you correctly state above, plotting against the King and Crown Prince with Eun dying in the cross-fighting.  At least this would retain for our hero his dignity.  The scenario that appears to be developing--and I could be wrong--makes So a love-struck fool who allows himself to be Yoo's "killing canine" and for those in this thread who object to the canine references with regard to So, those come directly from the dialogue and the writer, we're not making it up.  I understand the writer appears to be trying to make the case for So's eventual killing of not only his brothers but their etended families and he or she wants to make it appear that So was manipulated by his love for HS and his hand was forced to protect her.  Only this doesn't make sense.  Had not JiMong stopped So, he would have cut down Yoo at the end of Ep. 14 and Weasel would have run away, he wouldn't dare try to strike at HS without Yoo's protection.  Here's the other thing.  Both JiMong and  HS know the future.  Here I go back to Taejo's warning to HS to do nothing and allow history to take its course.  And HS tries to do this.  But it seems her very presence in the past is enough to change it.  Or is it.  What about the Goryeo-HS, the one who is now taking our HS's place in the 21st Century.  Had not the eclipse transported our 21st Century darling to Goryeo, is it not possible that So would have fallen for Soo anyway.  But JiMong and HS know the future, remember, so they know that the king after Moo will be So.  History is changed not because of their actions but because of their in-actions, or rather, because JiMong stops So from killing Yoo.

At present, we now have a situation where the actual history has been changed because Yoo is now king after Moo and before So. This attempt to keep to the history has actually resulted in a situation where the writer has given us an alternative history where someone who never was King becomes King.

Now, I think I read somewhere this is one of the first dramas made with Hollywood investors and that, obviously, is because of the popularity of the genre.  I think the beauty of the first half of this drama had something to do with that fact that the drama was written to appeal to a broader-than-Korean audience so it doesn't really matter what the Korean rating numbers are.  But to hold the entire story together for the international audience, the pieces have to fit together in the story.  Beauty, romance, intrigue are all fine and good but if the package doesn't make sense, your international audiences are going to be frustrated and you may lose that viewership.  For instance, my mother sent me my first drama, Winter Sonata, while I was living in Rome.  I shared it with my colleagues.  Everyone loved it.  Until the scene where Yujin leaves the ticket to New York on the airport bench and flies off to Paris to study advanced Interior design.  At that scene, everyone lost it.  The thinking was, the love of your life is facing death or blindness and rather than go to him, you go off to study wallpaper and upholstery...  For all of us, the entire drama was nonsense just because of that one scene.  Now, perhaps it makes sense to Asians, and something gets lost in the translation but a drama designed to appeal to broader-than-Korean audiences should take those sensibilities into consideration.

Well, that's my two cents in the middle of the night... Now back to bed... 

According to the history books So is the 4th king, I read it on a Korean history link a friend that is translating a history drama in Viki sent me, and he is the 4th, I know it is fantasy, but my thought is we read stuff that happened in history and we accept what the books say because we weren't there to see it first hand, but what if most of the stuff had a justification and not everything is black or white but with grey in between, what if the killing of an enemy is justified at the time the reason might be anything, but it wasn't out of ruthlessness, not that I excuse it, but it makes me think about it.  Yes, So became a puppet for his love of Hae Soo, but he was destine to be just one from the moment his mom cut his face, with a face like that, (I am sorry he is so gorgeous I don't see it), he couldn't be a king, he was kicked out and sent as a hostage to another family and he learned to be a killer and a yes, he called himself a dog and a wolf, yet even with all that he still was a king, how? because enter the girl from the future who knew everything happened and Ji Mong who is there to move the puppets along, I keep on wondering why was So and Jimong together at that place, it seems coincidental but I think it was fate that brought them together from the beginning,  all I can think is So is in this loop going back and forth, I don't know if it is called reincarnation since she couldn't be born in the past isn't she? I don't know much on the subject but it is more like she goes through betrayal and backstabbing everywhere she goes, she was at that river where she "died"  crying because her best friend and boyfriend cheated on her...  I think there is a way for her to change things and be happy. all she hast to do is she has to forgive and forget what happened and accept it in order to go on with her life, the thing she was most afraid was this king who kills her brothers, nothing in the past matter to her more than to protect them and by doing so she set a lot of things in motion no matter what she does she will never change the fate of those princes it was what it was and she couldn't change it, I don't think there is a HS in the future since she wakes up from a coma on the original, but it will be interesting to see if she would meddle in her life too.  This type of drama  reminds me of the matrix when the oracle told Neo don't worry about the vase and he says which one and by turning around he breaks it then she said I said don't worry about it, but what is going to make you think later is would you have broken it if I wouldn't have said  nothing about it.  To me it would've been better if So would've killed Yoo and you are right  his brother is a weasel and he wouldn't dare strike anyone without protection from someone else, but remember So kills Yoo, then Wook who was poisoning the king accuses him or uses her and he becomes the next king, his younger brothers with the exception of Baek ah support Wook and So is out of luck, then his sister would use her  new role as the sister of the king to kill or threaten Soo and marry So which is what she wants all along because she is so ambitious that she knows that out of all the brothers the only one who could be his father successor is So who is just as fierce and who understands politics better than them, it is innate and no cut in his face could stop him from being a ruler.

As a drama watcher I have always love this genre the what ifs, it is just that I get too emotional invested in them.

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2 hours ago, irene123 said:

I have been a silent follower of the forum, and just wanted to share my thought about the show:

I like the scenes, the very devoted WS, the whole idea of fate, and chicken and egg problem of HS going back to the past. But there are things that made me really sad and a bit disappointed (I hope I won't get stoned for this): I was really looking forward to the platonic but true-soulmate-found type of relationship between HS and the 13th prince. The K-version builds up such a devoted, kind and passionate WS but at the expense of other characters. The other princes were also very important to HS, but weren't fleshed out in character very well. 

I think I've heard that in the original novel and also in the Chinese version, the 13th prince is one of the audiences' most favorite character because he is care-free and has an open mind just like RX or HS in the k-drama. He was RX's true soulmate and one of the 2 princes that never hurt RX (the other one is 14th). He and his courtesan friends were the only ones RX spoke to freely about equality for all and what the world should be like (as it is in RX real modern time), probably because he (and he friend) really understood wanted to believe in such a world themselves. He is also one of the few who understands RX the best, and supports her unconditionally, and trusted her completely, never needing a explanation from her. The 13th prince in the K-version does not seem to have much character. His love line and support for HS and WS is cute, but you don't see the depth. I don't think the 13th in the C-version had a lot of screen time either compared to 8th, 4th, but each time he appears, you can tell he was RX's true  supporter and friend, no matter how subtle they showed it. It's sad the K-version did not build up his character well; it's one of the true friends that could be of much support for HS when the Titanic Soo-So ship hits its end. TT



1 hour ago, mewtwo said:

I think the SBS version does a better job at building the 13th prince character & his friendship with Hae Soo, I don't know how it compare to the C-ver because I didn't watch it but he's my favorite after Wang So, there's a scene were he talk to her about him being low level prince & that's why he couldn't marry her cousin & Hae Soo talked to him about the future & equality for all


I think the character development for the C-version is more equally distributed among the princes, especially the 13th, 8th and 4th. Each have their own character so it's very easy to distinguish them. My favorite was the 13th, RX (or HS in the k-version) was just like the 13th, she also got her nickname the fearless (of risking her life) 13th's sister, because 13th was wild and carefree. That wild and carefree characteristic was all given to WS in the k-version. It's like everything good (except for the gentleness from the beginning, but now he is very gentle and nice towards HS) to build a hero-character was given to WS. haha It's like you have no other choice in the k-version but to love WS (which will just lead to heartbreak). I guess I just want an escape...not to root for WS, and for a more neutral, platonic character like the 13th, so I can avoid all the roller-coaster and heartbreak that comes with the painful love between WS and HS. :bawling: If HS decides to leave the palace at the end, I can totally understand that...too much heartbreak already...


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