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[OFFICIAL] Kwak Si Yang & Kim So Yeon


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16 minutes ago, Summer Ryn said:

@eyra Soyeon did wrote wordings in her IG..i thought is the same flowers that Siyang give? 

So Yeon said only  고마웠어요 'thank you' ,but I don't think it proves that it's the same flower.  It could be the flower she got recently from Si Yang (or fans) and she just said thanks for that gift

And I do really want to believe it's the same flower, because it's more touching, but still my eyes and my brain can't accept it, it doesn't make sense to me how red flower become black and pink flower become white after more than 3 months. I even googling how to preserve flowers to make sure if it can be done. I also see there's difference in the arrangement of the flower. But well, my eyes could be wrong and maybe there's a technology that can make that happens. So berries, enlightened me about that...


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It looks like the same roses that Si Yang gave her. The distance between the red roses which had turned black is about the same. The size of the red roses looks the same as that of the black.

I would say 90% it is the same ring of roses that nampyeonim gave for her bday.

Btw, I think we should just say what we feel since today is a sad day because of the last ep. So long as no vulgarities and it's all due to loving our couple. Whether it's SiSo's busy schedules, or due to WGM's profit orientation or new PD or whatever, just share so that we can feel better.

After all, keeping the sadness inside is not good. And yes, life goes on but I've learnt a lot from SiSo - to be happy with your loved ones and recharge when possible. Not to take holding hands for granted. To improve for the other half. 


I googled. Red roses will turn black.   :)

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@jl08 thanks for convincing me


I examine it again and again


and watching this over and over


now I can see the similarity, now my eyes, my brain and my heart agree that it's the same flower :D

What's more touching it's not just the fact that So Yeon still keep this flower, but she made an effort to preserve this flower to avoid its withering, that show how much she really treasures it :wub:

So,  though we can't see the couple bracelet from her after WGM end, I believe she treasures all the gifts that she got from her nampyeon :wub:


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On 4/9/2016 at 5:56 AM, eyra said:

I've said I don't think this the same flower, but I really wanna to believe it the same flower just like other berries said

It's kinda like my eyes say 'it's different' while my heart say 'it's the same' :D

so berries with more sharp eyes, please spot the similarity of these :D


I think its the same flower crown - cos kinda dont make sense for her to put something else???

On 4/9/2016 at 5:48 AM, eyra said:

gonna look forwards for your drawing :blush:

@studentkkk actually I still dislike the PD, she could make this last ep better, 17 minutes was too short which actually it's only 15  minutes new scenes, and it felt so rush, especially when they ate spicy rice cake, I kinda afraid they got choked because they wanted to hurried.

Maybe that's SiSo request to the PD if they can filmed it without cameraman inside, since this last date would be so emotional and SiSo would be so embarassed cried in front of them. Okay, since the PD went for it, I would repressed my dislike to the PD. :D


LOL - you are so cute - 


On 4/9/2016 at 5:24 AM, Summer Ryn said:

Just recently, i started to tails around those comics lovers & began to like their Manga drawings & now i'm trying to learn this skills. Hope one day i'm able represent Siso couple drawing here. Thanks Siso couple who brings back my interest again which was lost donkey years ago.


Wow!! Look forward !!!


On 4/9/2016 at 6:21 AM, jl08 said:


After all, keeping the sadness inside is not good. And yes, life goes on but I've learnt a lot from SiSo - to be happy with your loved ones and recharge when possible. Not to take holding hands for granted. To improve for the other half


I totally agree with you!

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2 hours ago, kappy said:


The karaoke...oh dear.  So Yeon steeled herself and tried to keep a strong face. She teared up while her yeobo was singing, "Do You Know?"  He couldn't get the high notes because of the emotions he was feeling, and when he was unable to sing, she stepped in.  They really do complete each other.

Even though their ending in WGM was speedy and came across as unfeeling from those MBC people in charge, I am grateful to WGM for affording them the opportunity to meet, date openly, and grow as a couple and individually.  And I'm so glad I've had a chance to witness that.

I know they will continue as a couple.  I feel it in my bones.  And when they move to the next step, I hope they let us in on it. The important thing is, though, that they do progress and continue to grow in love.



@kappy  I agree w you

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4 hours ago, SamaraP said:

I did not get to watch live coz of some urgent matters but from the few short clips that i watch....they are as usual the sweetest pair WGM had ever had when it comes to noona dongseng relationship.  I have not seem any hubby here in WGM who is more caring. loving and even worried of his wife till the very end. To me they are indeed the best couple WGM had ever produce. They compliment each other well and it would be wonderful if they do get serious in real life. Seeing their IG very active these days is just like them comforting us berries and I hope there is more to just them comforting us............they being well and happy and I LOVE them so :wub:


Yes they do compliment each other so well... what So yeon thinks Si Yang sometimes can read her mind...

2 hours ago, larus said:

 was worried for nothing. Just like I was worried for the first episode (I was not a fan of the reality shows and WGM, the least) because I did not know how it would be for my girl but the whole experience was beautiful. I enjoyed watching Siso for 7 months and to be on this thread with all the berries. I don`t know about others but I loved this episode. Now I would say that all the episodes were wonderful. Yes, I loved this episode. I think they knew it was the last day, they were emotional but still find the power to smile or laugh. My only complain was the little time they gave them (only two hours to spend the time together). The moment with the broken bear was daebak. That`s Soyeon. :) Good that she had another piece to change. I loved how she helped Siyang at the karaoke. I think she gave him the strength in this episode. I got the impression of the full circle when I saw Soyeon coming to the destination address. They showed the special moments of  them (not all because there were so many). And I loved how they ended their segment walking on the street holding hands and joking/ smiling, just like I hoped for.  I wanted this open ending and I got it.

I don`t have other couples to compare (and I should not do that) but I can say that SiSo was the sweetest couple on WGM (for me they were, anyway). They were a perfect match as a couple, very compatible as individuals, carrying, affectionate, beautiful people. I love the most how Siyang took care of Soyeon, always protective, smiling all the time (I will miss his laugh), how he lead her subtly and how Soyeon (well I loved all about her :) already) was very considerate as well, her clumsiness, straightforward nature, how she saw the positive in everything. They were compatible and they complemented each other in the same time.  





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Yes they are such a positive and good influence on one another - if we can see that So Yeon is such a gem just from 20mins every week - what more Si Yang? I am sure he will hold on tight to his Cute Innocent Sexy Kitten, continue to dance for her when she asks, be her jukebox whenever she feels bored or down, cook for her, message and call her everyday.


And So Yeon who has now said she likes him from Day 1 to now will hold on tight to him cos he is such a warm person, thoughtful, good in everything and anything, looks like a manjitnam and looks effortlessly cool in simple jeans and tshirt... 


How I wish I can share my latest vid with you all to bring some cheer... but lets wait for KalyanaV to respond... 

Seems that she is not in town? Didnt see her posting anything this week.

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It was funny when So Yeon asked Siyang what they were going to call each other after the 2 hours and Siyang jokingly suggested ‘ex-husband’ and So Yeon said ‘husband of the past’.  So Yeon said that it had become so natural for them to refer to each other as ‘yeobo’ and ‘nampyeon’ so what if she referred to him as ‘Siyang ssi’? Siyang said he knows of something even better than this since they have nicknames for each other. The way he brightly mimicked how they would call each other ah meong mung ah and ah nyaeong ah was so cute. So Yeon suggested they should slowly think about this.

And while they were walking along the streets before they got to the cellphone case making shop, I thought Siyang was a little shifty-eyed when he said this is the last time we can so openly walk together on the streets. Wait……does that mean they are going to continue doing so discreetly? Hahaha the shipper’s heart is going into overdrive again

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So I steeled myself and finally watched SiSo's finale. Needless to say, I'm still tearing now. :tears: Crying over a variety show - a first for me. Then again, SiSo brought about many other firsts for me too.

Firstly, SiSo's segment was too, too short. My heart broke watching them rush so they could do everything they wanted to during that 2 hours. Soyeon mentioned in her BRI that every second and every minute felt precious and one could see it in both their eyes. I just wanted to give them both a hug. But I liked the ending shot where the captions wrote "now their personal date starts" or something like that. I think they continued filming for a while after the two hours was up, cause in the last bit Soyeon seemed to have joked with Siyang to "let go (of my hands) since it's over now" and Siyang said he was disappointed. That was cute. But because it was the last bit of onscreen SiSo cuteness, it made my tears flow even more. :bawling:

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To all the Berries,

Maybe we are sad not because SiSo WGM ended but because we can't see them together like the usual Saturday routine  we have for them.. We can't see their real sweetness, lovey dovey moments, love gazes, tight holding hands (in which maybe we don't know is actually happening).. HAHAHAHA XD

I mean we can't eavesdrop and sneak on them now...

I'm keeping myself feeling positive with all this SiSo ending..

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I type this post while crying. Specially when I remember SiSo last BRI. 

I cry the moment I saw Si Yang look so gloomy, like he knew that it was their last date. So Yeon becomes all cheers up the moment she saw Si Yang, and I love how she's reach for his hand when she enter the cafe, as like she's been longing to hold his hand. 

I cry and I cry while watching and try to capture every moment. 

I was laughing while crying when they show the part from Si Yang  Birthday,  when Paul ask or say something about the seaweed soup, and Si Yang answer it with proud and teased Paul by saying "hurry get married" 

At the cell pone chase store or cafe, when So Yeon start panic and crying, Si Yang try to calm her down but he avoid to look, I feel sorry for both of them. Si Yang try to put himself together so he won broke in tears again, and So Yeon try to stay in control even at the end she's broke in tear too. Maybe if they not in a hurry,  maybe if its not their last date, maybe if it was they usual date, Si Yang will reach for her hand and hold it and calm her down.  When he look at So Yeob,  Si Yanh look like someone that has been lost his soul. 

They eat ttoppoki in a hurry, because they have no many times left. 

The Song, that was SiSo original soundtrack. It their song. 

I feel sorry and mad because why WGM PD ending SiSo just like that. No farewell words, no goodbye message. 

Then I looked at every screencap that I made, I look at the last part... it was no goodbye... what I see is that they walk hand in hand into the crowd with smile in their face. Maybe there are no goodbye.. it were another so long, countless... annyeonghseo... 

And I was so happy and thankful when I saw So Yeon IG update.. she still kept the flower crown, she must be kept it really well because its look dried really well... the shape of the dried roses petals still in very well shape. I knew it becauseI like to dried flowers too and use it for my crafts. 

So there are no goodbye... just another hello... a new begining for SiSo just like many of you my dear berries has said here. This past 7 months SiSo has build not just a connection, and comfort, but also build a habbits. As we all knew habbits is kind of things that really hard to change, so... I have faith in them that they are will be still in touch. That they will be realized that together everything getting better. That they have no reason not to be together.

I'll send my best wishes for them every day, that they are meant to be together.  

Bear hugs my dear berries... its been a very emotional day...

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I'm sure I'm not the only one who cried with Soyeon over the broken bear? I felt every bit of her disappointment and guilt and urgency. Coupled with Siyang repeatedly saying "it's okay" while holding a teary gaze, it must have taken every ounce of her self-control to not burst into tears right there. I know I would have. She's such a pro and so positive to the end. After she got the new bear and sat back down, did Siyang say "How can I leave such a woman and..." without ending his sentence? It looked like he stopped because he was about to tear up. Anybody noticed that? I wonder what he wanted to say. 

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I'm not sure if any berries ask this question before. 

Berries, which is the most unforgettable scene & stay in your hearts? 

For me, one of the unforgettable was Siyang did the Surprise Birthday events for Soyeon. This should be one of the unforgettable memories in Soyeon heart which explained why Soyeon treasure & maintain the flower crown so well. 

Despite Siyang busy filming & with short hour of sleep still manage prepare all the surprise events for Soyeon birthday made me think Siyang must have interest feelings towards Soyeon if not, why he need to go such extend to organise all these Surprise & i believe he must co-ordinate with the wgm team to make sure everything went smoothly on that day too.

For Siyang Birthday, Soyeon did her best too..Surprisingly, she kniited the scarf for Siyang. Maybe she wants to repay what Siyang did for her birthday but her feelings towards manjittnam should be inside this scarf too. 

I'm yet to watch full version of today wgm. Will comments later. But i love their smiling & hold hands togethers on the streets.

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3 minutes ago, ChuMills DejaVu said:

I type this post while crying. Specially when I remember SiSo last BRI. 

I cry the moment I saw Si Yang look so gloomy, like he knew that it was their last date. So Yeon becomes all cheers up the moment she saw Si Yang, and I love how she's reach for his hand when she enter the cafe, as like she's been longing to hold his hand. 

I cry and I cry while watching and try to capture every moment. 

Si Yang attempted to hold on So Yeon's hands too after they left the restaurant, he was very excited (unknowingly) but she was like putting something in her bag but the moment she finished it Si Yang quickly grabbed it without looking. It's like magnet connected and attracted to each other.. 

So sweet!~ ^_^

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2 hours ago, eyra said:

@jl08 thanks for convincing me

So,  though we can't see the couple bracelet from her after WGM end, I believe she treasures all the gifts that she got from her nampyeon :wub:


I not yet full watch today episode…I think I have to prepare a lot of tissue reading all your posted chingu...

@eyra When Soyeon birthday…Soyeon said She will Loyal to Siyang (as friend at least ( we don't know the future)). I believe Yes she will do that…Soyeon really sweet and kind heart girl.

Thank u I like u Siyang, Soyeon for happy time with u.

And Thank u for all berries all over the world. Pangawoyo…is it right? I really enjoy this 7 months with u guys.:D:D

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Time for SiSo to continue to 애태워 애태워 알아가요...

Siyang readily thinks of calling each other MongMung and Yaoong but SoYeon says to think about it carefully. Hmmm... She gave SiYang something to ponder on there. Our gal is a woman with a level head on her shoulders and does know her heart and what she's getting into. 

SiYang-ah, SoYeon is a sweet natured goddess but for the privilege of an "aeching" / term of endearment with her, you gotta show the man in you and step up: no getting her caught up in a blurring of lines now that WGM virtual aspect of your relationship is officially ended. please do think carefully about it and man up. she is worth everything and a blissful reward awaits the man who gathers his courage, raised his stakes high, and risks everything for a woman who is everything and more ;) time for a DTR : "Define The Relationship" first. State your intention to her and keep it honesy and real. arasso, manjjitnampyeon? :)

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