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[Drama 2015] The Village: Achiara's Secret 마을- 아치아라의 비밀


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Oh my god, I just about died.


Her apathy at giving birth like this makes her even more of a monster than it seemed when the drama tried to convince us HJ was JS's sister.



Actually, there's a sustained attempt throughout the dialogue to make her less of a monster than she might appear. Her words to her mother in the birth scene  were "the monster has come out".  She never regarded the baby as a human, but as the offspring of the other monster who raped her. There's a lot more in the dialogue, especially in the scene in Ji Suk's studio   where Soyun tells Ji Suk she can understand her reaction to Hye Jin's birth, but not her rejection of her later plea for help. And of course we also know for certain now that Lumberyard Nam is indeed the rapist and the father of both Hye Jin and Ga Yeong; and that he was tempted to rape Ga Yeong after finding her in the forest, but something held him back. And near the end, after Ga Yeong's death, her mother comes to the police station to name the "monster". But we still don't know for sure who the serial killer is. Soyun feels certain, despite all the accumulating evidence, that the Young Lady isn't a murderer.  Yu Na's stumbling and so catching sight of that box then going in to buy it was confirmed as psychic influence, because her maternal grandmother knew she had bought the box, and instructed her to give it to Suyon, with the consequences we saw at the cliffhanger.


But on the matter of Ji Suk being so certain that the slightest hint of her true past would lead her MiL to throw her out of the house immediately...


Ji Suk, having performed the rite on MiL's behalf is shown the memorial tablet, reads the inscription, and sees that the tablet was donated by her MiL and bears the inscription "Yun Ji Suk's daughter, Kim Hye Jin". So she realizes MiL has known the truth for a long time, but chosen not to let on...


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Wow, thanks everyone for using the spoiler button for this episode. I was so tempted to click on it before watching, but glad I waited. This was a satisfying episode since we're progressing fast with more and more secrets revealed. I was about to give up on the show already since we are stringed with so many clues but little reveal. Looking forward to the finale week. Really hoping that the wrap up makes sense and is not disappointing like certain mystery thriller I don't even want to name.

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If the serial murderer isn't ajusshi, i think the most suspicious person will be Gi Hyun. Cause the serial murderer has special feelings towards Hyejin (?) 

That could be interesting.Why do I keep having this feeling that gi hyun is in this drama for no good reason apparently...unless he's something to do with the murder.Anyway,I should be wrong.

But ga young is dead? :o :(

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If the serial murderer isn't ajusshi, i think the most suspicious person will be Gi Hyun. Cause the serial murderer has special feelings towards Hyejin (?) 

That could be interesting.Why do I keep having this feeling that gi hyun is in this drama for no good reason apparently...unless he's something to do with the murder.Anyway,I should be wrong.

GH arrived back from an extended stay in America at the beginning of the drama. At that point, there had already been several killings by the serial killer. So no, there's no way he could have anything to do with those deaths.

I've only seen the current episode raw, so I can't be sure, but I got the impression, Agasshi was confirmed to be the serial killer and while the police now also suspected him to be behind HJ's death, while SY is convinced he did not kill her unnie?

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@gnixfim I've yet to see the episode,waiting for the sub...so can't comment yet.But I just want to be surprised that's all,so making wild guesses lol.We don't have much suspects left by now,and there're only ji sook's husband and agasshi in the picture right? And,the lumberman ahjussi,who I assume has been written off the killer list, from the gist of the recaps here?

Anyway,glad that ji sook ends up being hye jin's mother.I had always doubt with 'that look' in her eyes and it was so ''frightening..and blank'.I realize now she just lost herself after the incident happened.|Also,if anyone remembers how ju hee asks her where is mom,and she just points blankly at her.And the intensity with which she tried to make hye jin leave the town always directed at kind of how major her reason was..or how much grave.I just could not find the reason till now.Now we know..


The writer deserves some praise for the writing of this drama.This can easily be termed as one of the most promising dramas of this year.We need more from this genre.

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I've only seen the current episode raw, so I can't be sure, but I got the impression, Agasshi was confirmed to be the serial killer and while the police now also suspected him to be behind HJ's death, while SY is convinced he did not kill her unnie?

That's basically it, though I wouldn't say the "confirmed" is quite 100% as yet.


What makes the detective in charge of the investigation absolutely certain they have the killer is a detailed journal found in the shack, with a photo of each crime scene (but after it had already been marked as such by the police, so not immediately after the murder) and a description of the victims. However, Woo Jae conveys Suyon's certainty that the Young Lady hadn't intended to kill her and hadn't killed Hye Jin either, and he points out that he'd kept Hye Jin's personal belongings but not that of any other of the victims. The chief investigator then produces a  completely different journal which is a kind of commentary on Young Lady's photographic observations of Hye Jin and agrees that this suggests he viewed her quite differently to his other assumed victims and may indeed not have murdered her, though from his possession of her personal articles it seems likely he discovered her dead body and decided to conceal it.

This still leaves that murder committed when the Young Lady was being interrogated, and it's interesting that among the many other differences between that and the other killings was the fact that no drugs seemed to have been used on the victim. Added to that is  the strange gappiness of the sequence we saw of the last victim's death, where we saw Young Lady first meeting the victim on the road, apparently coming in the opposite direction from whoever or whatever she was trying to escape from, than, after a timelapse, approaching the victim who was by now sitting propped up against a tree and injecting her with the drug. Is this a hint that although the Young Lady has plainly detailed knowledge of the location of the murders and the identity of the victims, he is somehow shadowing the actual killer in order to give them his happiness drug? Which of course begs the question as to why he does nothing to stop the killings and how he knows when and where they're going to happen.  So maybe he doesn't really itend any of his victims to die: he just sees himself as "making them happy" with their deaths being an unfortunate side effect of a failed attempt to do them a favor as he sees it.

From what Soyun tells Jae. Woo and Sgt Han about half way through, explaining why she doesn't want a 24hr guard to protect her, that's the view she's come to take. Seeing how upset the Young Lady was that all his supplies of the drug have been destroyed, she says she's not only she herself, but also no other woman is in any danger from him . "Now he hasn't got his drug, there will be no more incidents."

But at the very least, there is apparently more to be learned about these murders than the police seem to be currently aware of, since they're convinced that the serial killings at least are now all wrapped up.

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Guest my2centsworth

What an explosive  esp !  Only have partial subs so far but realizing my first thoughts of KHJ being the daughter of JS turned out to be true. Then poor Ga Young dying.. And her mother....how sad ! Soon the rapist will be known to all but that still leaves who is the serial killer? It could be JSM or someone totally surprising ! Maybe it's the Pharmacist? Now that would be way out there ! But who says the serial killer has to be a man. The Grandmother (JSM's mother) , didn't have subs for her scenes, but thought all along she knew more that she was saying. Something about the elders knowing secrets of those in their homes. 

So, has it been confirmed that Young Lady is not the killer? I hope so, but the way this writer has been twisting and turning this drama, it could come back and say he is...please....I don't want it to be Young Lady. He is one of my favorite characters.

Last.....scene.....CHILLING !  I got goosebumps as that voice was heard and when SY turned around and saw KHJ, I almost jumped out of my skin !  I believe in ghosts, lived in a house as a child that had one so when that scene was shown took me back to my childhood. Love this writer !  Great Cast and Crew ! This drama is coming to an end and will be sorry to see it go. Every minute of it has kept me on the edge of my seat. Writer DO Hyun Jung, looking forward to your next drama !

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"The Merchant: Gaekju 2015" sets record


"The Merchant: Gaekju 2015" came in first with a record breaker.

According to Nielsen Korea, the KBS 2TV drama "The Merchant: Gaekju 2015" came in first with 12.2%.

This is 0.5% more than the previous episode and a record breaker.

"The Merchant: Gaekju 2015" is the success story of Cheon Bong-sam (Jang Hyeok) who starts off as a seller and in the end becomes a merchant.

Meanwhile, SBS "The Village: Achiara's Secret" and MBC "Sweet, Savage Family" recorded 5.9% and 7.6%.

Credit : http://www.hancinema.net/the-merchant-gaekju-2015-sets-record-88870.html

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