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[Drama 2015/2016] I Have A Lover 애인있어요


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if i remember correctly, HK's accident happens at the same time when SR and JE are on a date on the beach....

I can see that HK truly loves JE instead of just pursuing wealth/status. She found that her husband hates her - the one thing he hates the most (working for his father) and he accepts to do it to get rid of her.. so there was no point for her refusing the divorce and that's why she decided to go with it.  I felt so much pain for her :) 

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I have to wonder why JE is going to jump into marriage so soon after his divorce from HK. Will he do it because of family pressure? Will SR be pregnant? Because he's in love with SR? I don't see him rushing into marriage so quickly on his own after HK without a reason; but then again he rushed into this affair and bed like lightening.

 I'm sorry, but if I were HK, after the way the 'family' turned on her, I would have to get my revenge by taking away their power.  JE and SR would receive slow torture. Once a cheater, always a cheater appears from the character description will be JE's MO.... I hope HK will not get back with him and that family.

So far, there's no sign of SR being pregnant, and some of us think SR may be/become infertile cos she's one of the trial users of the drug 'which supposedly caused infertility/miscarriages'.  I think JE may have been trying to repay SR's bravery for saving him from the claws of death in that explosion. And no doubt with much encouragement from mom SH.

Later on, though HK will fall for JE all over again in her amnesiac state, and they become an immoral pair of lovers, I think (and hope) once she recovers from amnesia and regains all her lost memories, and also knowing what chairman Choi did to her dad and the patent, she may continue to 'pretend' to be in love with JE, pretend to 'work with the Choi fam', cause SR to break up with JE, and also take her revenge on the Choi family. Finally dumping JE and getting her last laugh. Hopefully reuniting with twin YK and being happy.

One twist in JE's character may be - having pretended to force the divorce with HK in order to protect her, we may be shown another side to JE that perhaps may be his redemption. I don't know but I feel something brewing beneath JE cos he obviously still loves HK, if not consciously than it's subliminally in his heart and mind. We saw how in his weak moment lying on the hosp bed, his dream was about HK and late dd ES, and how HK almost died from jumping into the lake. But besides love for HK, there's also hatred for HK cos JE mistakenly believed HK was the one who sent the 'affair' photos to the univ. 

Can't wait to find out more ...aish, is it only Monday?

Have a great week everyone :)  

@jadecloud, I could accept JE's redemption if he hadn't destroyed HK's wedding dress (something that can't be replaced), purposely pursued a sexual relationship and slept with SR while married to HK, repeatedly chose SR over her in the presence of SR and his family and Hk's mother---JE crossed some lines that should never be crossed. The writer is making him into a man who holds no regards for wedding vows or marriage.  There is a saying, "A man that will cheat with you, will cheat on you". JE cheated with SR on HK. In th future he will be cheating with YK (HK) on SR. He showed no remorse after sleeping with SR and I doubt he will show any if he and YK/HK sleep together in the furture. JE was already sexually involved with SR and didn't appear to be making any plans to let her go--he wanted freedom from HK---not sure how the writer could spin his actions to be something noble when they are very self serving.

i for one will be extremely disappointed if JE doesn't experience some of the same pain and humiliation that HK went through. If JE actions were done to protect HK, then he has to be the lowest of the low to use SR that way and enjoy sleeping with her as he tried to protect HK. Sorry I just don't like his character.

It does mention that JE and SR will change after their marriage. I wonder if it's due to HK's death? Guilt thinking that he was partly responsible.


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  was it  sr  working  station with  the  unattended  flask  which  caused  the  explosion.if  so  she  really  needs  to  save  him  as  she  was careless  with  her  things.  sr  needs a  realtity  check.  marriage  is  a  commitment.  isn't  there a  phrase  there'  to  love  and  behold  till  death  do  us  part'.   the  law  is  with  hk,  adultery  is a  civil  offense(sr  should  be    thankful  that  south korea decriminalized  adultery or  else  she  might  go to  jail).  what  if  the  very  same  thing  hk  suffered  happens  to  her.  i  don't  know  if  they're  christians  or  catholic  but  ' do  not  covet thy  neighbor's spouse'  is  one  of  the  10  commandments. i've  always  believed  that  you  can  always change  your  mind  while  still  single  but  once  married,  every avenue  should  be  exhausted  and  nobody  should  interfere  until  they  sort  out  their  problems.  was  it  the  halfsister  and  her  husband  who  sent  the  pics  to  the  higher  ups  in  the  university?  why should  ji eon  get  mad  at  that,  they  did  it  while  the  former  was  still  married  to  the  wife,  they  should  be responsible  for  their  actions.  being  in  love  does  not  excuse  anyone  from  pursuing  whoever  they  like  or  love.  what would  become  of  our society,  no  need  for  marriage  and  commitment,  jsut  shack  up  with  whoever  you  desire.i  am  still  with  hk  at  thes  point  because  she  is  the  legal  spouse  and  she  has  all  the  rights  to  be  mad  at  her  husband  and  his mistress.  yes,  that's  what  she  is a  querida,  mistress,  kept woman.

Edited by lauren2b2
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50 episodes??? :crazy: And I already wept like a wimp watching ep 8. *forgive my French* ... darn you great actors!!

Great way to depict how hurt HK is now, and how obnoxious husband and in laws she has. With this we all can prepare of what will coming in next episodes when JE "starts over" again, and his "starts over" means falling in love all over again with HK who doesn't remember him. Will he be kneeling before her someday to ask her to come back like he knelt in ep 8 when he asked his father to throw his wife away? I hope it won't be easy for him. Trying to figure out where the story goes from the OST lyric at the end of ep 8.  It's a very sad OST :tears:. Someone apparently will come too late to find her after awhile. I hope the writer will not linger any longer on this painful scenes. Let's see what the amnesiac HK will learn how to smile again and finds her twin (and of course to see how JE will pursue what he'd lost ... hard way)


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@Larybattz    hello, and welcome to the thread  (and Soompi)  welcome-sign10.gif?w=67&h=49

I think your theory makes sense... I also caught that about Stanford.  I am wondering if in the future, SR will change, just as HK had changed.

@andy78, @jadecloud thank you for recapping chingus

@jadecloud Thank you for detail re-capping of ep. 8. It helped me a lot to better understand.

"HK talks to JE's professor boss about letting SR go. Millennium Pharmaceutical will sponsor $500M every year till 2015. JE has hidden his true ID from his boss/univ workplace. It seems SR is also unaware of his true ID (or is she pretending in front of JR?)

Everything and (almost) everyone seem to be working against HK's favor.  Even the explosion, the time she's present inside the lab and at the lab area. JR records HK using her cell phone during the explosion, shows it to SH and drives a wedge between SH and HK, making their otherwise harmonious and good relationship into one of hostility. "

I thought it was this detail that JE's boss told him, that worked to drive JE totally to get that divorce.

About the video that JR showed SH - too bad HK did not get a chance to defend herself. It appears on the tape that HK is viewing the explosion cool as a cucumber and not concerned with JE's safety. But that in fact - was not true. HK, as we know as observers - was playing in her mind what she heard in the lab - that JE had gone and will most likely be away for 3 hours, so the likelihood that he was in the explosion was low. In addition - HK on the phone, was most likely trying to get hold of JE who was supposed to be elsewhere. But because SH has already made up her mind, there was no communications between her and HK anymore.

Who sent the 'affair' photos to the univ? Was it HK? Or TS/JR? Or SR? (EDIT: It was JR who did it. But to chairman dad and SH, framed HK for doing it. What a schemer! She's dead serious about breaking up JE and HK's marriage, and having HK kicked out of the Choi fam and the Choi company, to serve her own purposes. Geez)

Also, to JE himself, it appeared that HK did it. Remember his cry when he saw the envelope with photos was like "You didn't, did you?!" And that served to push him yet once again further away from HK.

Love your gif of JR's expression in face of the explosion!  Thank you for connecting the dots about the hiker accident and and the patent transfer. I somehow missed it.  I also love all your quotes.

Looks like there will be a power transfer in that company. And JE who just told his father he will come back to work at the company after completing his PHD, will returning to a company much more vile than it is now. HK was his only ally in that company, and they could have been good working together for the same goals, but he threw her out of this game when he forced the divorce.

So far, the writer shows us how important, life changing decisions are being made based on lack of communications and lack of full knowledge and details of what really happened

BTW - I actually like YK quite a bit based on the little bit we saw. She is smart, funny, loyal, and very courageous.

I am also intrigued how and why YK was given to halmony. What is the connection between halmony and Kim Gyu-Nam?

@ayselluna,   Thank you for BTS photos.

@jadecloud  said:   I wonder why she want JE back after the cruel and disrespectful way JE has treated her and their marriage. There must be more than mere deep love for JE, if love still exists in her for JE. Perhaps there's more to their history together, and more to why HK needs JE in her life. And I'm not thinking in terms of just JE's family background i.e. money and power. Perhaps there's something else beneath the surface that we don't know about yet. 

I think so too..  I think there is lots we do not know. Remember the scene in which JE told her how he met her when he was 20, and loved her every minute of it, until he was 35, and how she had changed and became money hungry and position and title hungry?  He felt so tortured as he was telling her that. I think for him the final blow was when he heard about her monetary offer from his boss, as well as seeing the photos of his affair, and assuming it was her doing.





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@irilight thank you!!! Sorry for my poor English and I apologize if I write something wrong but i'm from Costa Rica. :)

You know I been thinking and maybe SR all that years she is gonna try to get pregnant and maybe she made it but she have a miscarriage o she try and try but not made it because the pills that she was taken and all that situation is gonna make her a cold and angry woman. I don't know I just think that I feel she's gonna turn like HK in the way that she don't express her feelings and is when her relationship with JE is going to get worse and worse...

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You know I been thinking and maybe SR all that years she is gonna try to get pregnant and maybe she made it but she have a miscarriage o she try and try but not made it because the pills that she was taken and all that situation is gonna make her a cold and angry woman. 

If JE allow her to be pregnant than he is totally a liar. As I see he is still loving Eun Sol the most, Eun sol is and will be his only child/daughter. he wasnt really to have anyother child with HK. He doesnt want someone to replace Eun Sol. It would be very dumb of him if he allows SR to be pregnant.

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I rewatched ep 8 and am again struck by SR's devil-may-care attitude to 'coveting someone else's husband and breaking up a family/marriage'. How warped can she be in her thinking, and what went wrong with her upbringing and her education up till now? SR says she doesn't care what the world thinks of her and what she's doing, she only cares about what her lover thinks and how he views their love? Geez. Of course the adulterer-cheater-lover will view it favorably. That's why the cheater husband JE is a cheater who blatantly disrespects his wife! What makes me more mad is that it's bad enough to be a cheater, but in front of fam, and mistress, JE would disrespect HK again and again! And the last straw was kneeling in front of dad Choi to 'throw' HK out of his and their lives/fam. What an A--hole! 

I ache for HK. So much. I feel her pain. Ouch. How can she take it, and still standing?  The end of ep 8 was so hard to stomach. I'm still reeling over it for HK. It's hard enough to deal with a mistress who knows right from wrong, but how can HK deal with a mistress who knows not right is right and wrong is wrong? Who has a different set of rules far different from societal views/values? There appears to be no base line for SR! So how can HK even start to 'deal' with SR? let alone 'to deal fairly'? And add to that, a husband who does not care about getting to the truth and believing in the woman he professed to love for almost 2 decades, who would stoop so low as to beg his dad to help him get rid of wifey? 

Writernim is brilliant! Love the script lines. Acting too is superb! AND the OST is so beautiful yet so apt for the scene...AISH..

CR: SBSdrama


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@jadecloud thank you so much for the video. Thanks to the excellent of the actors I can feel their pain.

I forgot to mention that I really love the scene of Halmoni and YK. They work hard and wish to have more money, but in the end money is not everything for Halmoni, meeting YK, raising her makes halmoni happy. It was too touching how halmoni said goodbye to YK. Hope YK will be safe and reunite with her mom and HK later. 

The older couple, HK's mom and BS's dad is soooooo cute, I felt of my chair seeing her face was drawn by the kids, hahahha. How would mommy live after HK's death? Would BS bring HK home? would Kim Gyu Nam thinks that HK is YK? would HK/YK still living with her mom as YK after losing her memory? would they live together as BS's house as a big family together with the kids? 

And I still have so many questions in my head, did mommy know about the patent and how their daddy died? does mommy know about YK living with halmoni? would halmoni leave YK/HK another patent or secret that they would get revenge? will YK change as well after 4 years? and I wonder how would new HK look like?? will she be dressed like the old YK?



This is an old clip from old drama Miss Kim making 1 million, with Kim  Hyun Joo and JI Jin Hee. Wonder HK would find JE burnt like this after the explosion. haha


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@Larybattz, no worries about English. I think many of us are not original English speakers. I tend to agree with you - and maybe that change in SR will be history repeating itself, in how JE will stop loving her and fall in love again with amnesiac HK?

I also do not know if SR is smart enough as HK was - to handle herself in that snake pit of the family and business, and also able to look after JE's interests the way HK was.

@LHRCN, I agree with you. For JE Eun Sol was the light of his life. He is not ready for another child at this point.


@jadecloud, I agree with you  "Writernim is brilliant! Love the script lines. Acting too is superb! AND the OST is so beautiful"

Thank you for that video.  What surprised me upon watching it, is seeing JE's agonized response to HK's sealing the divorce papers - as he was kneeling in front of his dad begging to help him get a divorce. In his face, pure pain, almost - despair, I thought.. Then I wonder why did he push for the divorce and was not willing to try and save that marriage?  What do people think?

@LHRCN,   omo... when HK's mom was drunk and talking about JE having young mistress and the whole neighborhood was thinking she was talking about the poet....!  We have so many situations with those two.  I wonder if they end up being together.

You raise some really great questions! Intriguing indeed....
















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You know I been thinking and maybe SR all that years she is gonna try to get pregnant and maybe she made it but she have a miscarriage o she try and try but not made it because the pills that she was taken and all that situation is gonna make her a cold and angry woman. 

If JE allow her to be pregnant than he is totally a liar. As I see he is still loving Eun Sol the most, Eun sol is and will be his only child/daughter. he wasnt really to have anyother child with HK. He doesnt want someone to replace Eun Sol. It would be very dumb of him if he allows SR to be pregnant.

it would be dumb of him to think that a young healthy woman wouldn't want a baby. There is always the possibility of pregnancy when you have sex with a woman--even with protection--not sure if they're using any. As some mentioned earlier, it wouldn't surprise me if SR is pregnant but miscarry due to the drugs she was taking. Since JE loved his daughter, I think he would also love this child. I don't think he wanted another child with HK.

As mentioned earlier that there doesn't appear to be a baseline for SR in knowing when wrong is wrong, I felt the same way about JE. He and SR both know wrong, but they don't care when it is something they want. JE was angry that the photos were sent, but doesn't see it was his own actions that caused this--not the photos. Seeing the clip from the last scene really makes me crave for some payback for HK; not just against SR & JE, but the rest of the family.

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Hi guys!!! This is my first time writing a review. So just finish to see ep 8 with sub and I have a theory (sorry if somebody put something similar) but when JE friend was speaking with him in the hospital he says something about that the director of the research group says that he's gonna recommend SR again to Stanford, and at the end of the episode when JE was speaking with his father he told him that he's gonna back to the company when he finish his doctorate at Stanford so my theory is that JE married with SR and the day that HK has the accident they go to Stanford together and nobody tell them about HK "death" and we have the time jump and when they back to Korea JE found out about HK "death". So people what do you think maybe I'm not wrong??? :blink::blink::blink:

@Larybattz .. welcome to the thread. happy for you joining us.

I agree It could very well happen the way you said but it looks from the preview that the scene in episode 1, the chase happens  next week I think, basing on the preview. We see a short scene of HK driving as if she was chasing someone. So it could also be that she was assumed dead and JE knows about it and he does not go to Stanford and instead takes over the company. Because the brother in law wants both HK and YK dead. Both know about the Pudoxin. If JE goes to Stanford then the brother in law will assume the position that was offered to HK. So will the father let JE go to Stanford or will he tell his son to take over right away?

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@Larybattz" Welcome to the thread.

You know it's something how that cheater JE wanted a divorce from HG and went to distant of making it happen, by deciding to work at his father's company in order to get his wife from around him and it most certainly worked. Now you have SR who'll be trying to fill HG shoes of being that dutiful wife, regardless if HG didn't moan like JE when they lost their child. but HG made sure JE had clean clothes, house clean, food on the table, even if she was working, HG did what she had to do as being a wife. Now it's definitely another thing if JE turns his butt around and like others saying of getting SR pregnant, to me it'll be like trying to replace his child ES in which him and HG could've worked on having another child if that's the case, of JE going out there and getting another woman pregnant and to the fact that. I can't even think about on how I can watch those two when their around each other, so sickening to me as it is with alot more episodes to go ughhh. Lastly" I liked the piece advice HG gave SR about her Ex husband's family on what'll happen to her once she's in. and I for one is really looking forward to that day when her world start's to crumble all the way down to China town ;)

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Finish ep 3.... I feel very angry about Seol Ri, i want to kill her. She taking Hea Kang husband but stills fake innocent. I hope she will not couple with Baek Seo, because he is a good man. Sedl Ri is a bad girl
I have a question, Yong Ki or Seol Ri will fall in love with Beak Soo?

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Another thing I forgot to add about JE sister JR was telling SR she'll help her out to be a part of their family. She really needs to find out why she was let go of her position and consider getting a divorce from that adulterous husband whom she caught many of times in the act, and stop thinking her marriage is all in tact which it's not. BTW"JR is the 1st one on my hate list right about now arghhh.

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Guys thank you for you very well welcoming lol, now I need that you explain me something JE and SR they sleep together but did something more happen than sleep??? Because in ep 6 when JE is sleep he ir using a shirt but in ep 7 we saw him shirtless ??? :crazy::o

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Guys thank you for you very well welcoming lol, now I need that you explain me something JE and SR they sleep together but did something more happen than sleep??? Because in ep 6 when JE is sleep he ir using a shirt but in ep 7 we saw him shirtless ??? :crazy::o

I guess you got it right.

Those animals had more than mere sleep...

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my gosh i hate the husband sooo much!! this kind of drama is too heavy for me...usually i drop it after 2-3 eps...weirdly i keep watching this drama, i can't help it...i need to know what will happen to this poor Hae Kang...seriously!:sweatingbullets:

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