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[Drama 2015/2016] I Have A Lover 애인있어요


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Watching ep 3 with sub...father vs son scene is awesome!!!You won't win against me you never once fought You've never put everything on the line ...someone who had nver put everything on line not fearfull of life and death could never win against a fight with me ...the old jerk has right...his son is just a coward...He is the heir... hates what his father and sister do....he should work the company  and try to change things,...take his father position and run the company the way he wants...but the man is not even able to fight for his marriage....he always takes the easy road...Right now JE is a disaster,a pathetic excuse for a man...

“There are always two choices. Two paths to take. One is easy. And its only reward is that it’s easy.”

I don't justify Jin-eon but I can't deny the obvious either. 

He did fight... His biggest fight was for Hae-gang, when he married her disregarding all objection from his family. 

And he still fights against his father, defending his own views and beliefs. Again It's quite another matter whether he'll win or lose. 

In fact, the real coward is Jin-eon's father, who can't even stand his son's stare. and whose strongest argument is resort to violence.


Maybe he did at the beggining...for me JE became a spectator...he hides in his laboratory...He should fight from inside, make a difference !!!I hate what JE became!!!

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Can anyone enlighten me, please, as to why Baek-seok's father asked Seol-ri not to come to his place again as well as about why those adopted children are supposed to leave the house as soon as they reach the age of 20? 

I didn't quite get it...

@ayselluna, I do not think it was explained beyond that.

But that makes me also wonder about Baek Suk. Does he not live there, but only comes for visits?

I like him based on the little we see. I liked his interactions with Halmoni.



Watching ep 3 with sub...father vs son scene is awesome!!!You won't win against me you never once fought You've never put everything on the line ...someone who had nver put everything on line not fearfull of life and death could never win against a fight with me ...the old jerk has right...his son is just a coward...He is the heir... hates what his father and sister do....he should work the company  and try to change things,...take his father position and run the company the way he wants...but the man is not even able to fight for his marriage....he always takes the easy road...Right now JE is a disaster,a pathetic excuse for a man...

“There are always two choices. Two paths to take. One is easy. And its only reward is that it’s easy.”

I don't justify Jin-eon but I can't deny the obvious either. 

He did fight... His biggest fight was for Hae-gang, when he married her disregarding all objection from his family. 

And he still fights against his father, defending his own views and beliefs. Again It's quite another matter whether he'll win or lose. 

In fact, the real coward is Jin-eon's father, who can't even stand his son's stare. and whose strongest argument is resort to violence.



I liked the fact that JE fought with his father for what he thought was right.  As much as we do not like him because of his infidelity to his wife, he exhibits a different side to him in ep. 3 - in the fight with his family - of someone who has scruples and tries to abide by them.  His father also wanted the right to the new drug JE was working on, and JE refused.

HK was trying to convince JE to not give up on his inheritance of the drug company. I think in JE's mind - she seemed like his family in that instance.

@zenya22       thank you for recap of ep. 3.  Two additional facts I found interesting were that HK saw the divorce paper in JE's files. So she has an inkling of where he is heading.

At the same time mean SIL and hubby decided that the best way for them to steal the company from JE - is to have him divorce HK, because in their father's opinion right now - HK is the power house.


Waiting for ep. 4 to be subbed. Viki is now faster, already at 86% !

Who was it who said that Park Han-Byul's character is probably so unpopular in Korea that she may be losing some of her support?  I think anytime an actor/actress takes on a controversial and challenging role, I want to cheer them on. SR is truly brazen. Not only is she going shamelessly after a married man, not taking his "no" for an answer -  she also has the guts to face his wife without a sense of shame.





Edited by irilight
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Can anyone enlighten me, please, as to why Baek-seok's father asked Seol-ri not to come to his place again as well as about why those adopted children are supposed to leave the house as soon as they reach the age of 20? 

I didn't quite get it...

@ayselluna, I do not think it was explained beyond that.

But that makes me also wonder about Baek Suk. Does he not live there, but only comes for visits?

I like him based on the little we see. I liked his interactions with Halmoniю



The point is that Baek Joon-sang (Baek-seok's father) doesn't even want Seol-ri to visit the place, so even if Baek-seok still lives there, despite being over 20, I guess it's because he's Joon-sang's own blood son...

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@irilight JE father is a MONSTER and his brother in law a SNAKE!!!I hope JE will take over the company some day and change things...his father and greedy sister only care about money and not the patients health that must always  come first ...

Morning All You Lovers


@andy78,  Lets not forget about mom and sister they attitudes are no better

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OMG!!! in episode 4,It looks like HK is in a full blown, take no prisoners revenge mode  starting with the nasty toilet water and the toothbrush... and JE drinks it . Would not that smell or taste funny? gross but the ending of episode 4 and the preview shows her playing both SR and JE and SR doing exactly what she expected her to do. Did JE get sick because of the toilet water and was he semi conscious while she was slapping him? She even kneels before SR in the preview but I am thinking she staged that scene. The woman is scary and if SR had a even a bit of common sense she would run, fly as fast as she can away from there. She is lucky that HK "died" and lost her memory or I think she would have suffered the pangs of hell. HK is no joke!!!

I guess he got sick due to eating ice with the fan on his face...

Edited by ayselluna
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@andy78,   @zagigirl       thank you so much for recapping and morning conversation.


Our drama is picking up more followers on Viki - now over 7,000!

Viki also subbing faster. Ep. 3 is now at 96%

Ep. 4 at 24%

Heading now to ep. 3.

 I didn't do much...@andy78 has all the credit :)

Both eps on 96%...huge tnx to viki subbers hail.gif

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OMG!!! in episode 4,It looks like HK is in a full blown, take no prisoners revenge mode  starting with the nasty toilet water and the toothbrush... and JE drinks it . Would not that smell or taste funny? gross but the ending of episode 4 and the preview shows her playing both SR and JE and SR doing exactly what she expected her to do. Did JE get sick because of the toilet water and was he semi conscious while she was slapping him? She even kneels before SR in the preview but I am thinking she staged that scene. The woman is scary and if SR had a even a bit of common sense she would run, fly as fast as she can away from there. She is lucky that HK "died" and lost her memory or I think she would have suffered the pangs of hell. HK is no joke!!!

I guess he got sick due to eating ice with the fan on his face...

Hmmmmm, thought germs cause illness, although sudden and extreme changes in temperature with exposure can affect body homeostasis which can affect immune system and lowers resistance to invading organism which I don't think was the case here  but ok...

Edited by zenya22
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I guess he got sick due to eating ice with the fan on his face...

Hmmmmm, thought germs cause illness, although sudden and extreme changes in temperature with exposure can affect body homeostasis which can affect immune system and lowers resistance to invading organism which I don't think was the case here  but ok...

Having the fan blowing on your face can't make you sick insofar as creating bacteria to infect you, however it can dry out your mucous membranes which prompts inflammation which is an immune response. This can lower your body's ability to fight off germs already in your system causing you to be more susceptible to illness. Also, theoretically the fan could blow some sort of germ into your mouth that wasn't there already.

I'm not a competent party, so that's just my assumption.


Edited by ayselluna
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I wonder what Kang Seol-ri is really after... Is it Jin-eon, a place in the sun or both?

The same goes for Hae-gang... Is she fighting for Jin-eon, his wealth or both?

Could it be that no-one actually loves him genuinely?

Hello all! Finally caught up with this drama. 

Gosh I feel for my girl KHJ's character HG. I'm married & would definitely fight for what is mine. I have this love-hate feeling for JJH's character JE. Sorry PHB but right now your character is my least favorite. :) 

This drama is really good. I'm loving it & would hate it if JE & HG won't get back together in the end.  :( 

In my opinion, if you need to fight for someone, they aren't already yours...

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somehow JJH has been in this cheating husband role and i really dislike the character... it seems to me right now all the characters have many flaws. I think one reason for HK and JE not working out is that they seem to be so immersed in their own feeling from the loss of the child that they don't think about how their partner is feeling. i think HK and JE are 2 extreme: 1 wants to move on so that they can live and avoids the grievance (as they are too sad otherwise), 1 just keeps on crying outside and expects others to feel the same. no communication between the two.

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The graduate student is so blatantly shameless..that it's just a torture watching her onscreen every time..also the husband is not blameless either...Hae Kang should just go ahead and divorce this guy..why does not she want to leave him is a question.He's cheating and making excuses to keep doing that by keeping all the blames for his wife...I'm assuming rich boy ..have been pampered all along and had no share of grief..so the easy way out here is just see the fault in others and thinking himself chaste and all clean..Is he really making a good example for his child by having an affair? As he keeps telling his wife..how she's causing pain to their dead child ..what about the acts he's putting himself? Atleast the woman has been taking care of her mother all her life and had to make a living for herself.This is just too painful to see her going through all these.

Also I'm doubting whether the twin sister is actually the twin or is it post the accident period? Does she really have a twin? How come she's never talked about? I'm thinking whether the baby belongs to the cheating husband.

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HK is a lawyer. She approaches her marital problems as a lawyer too I suppose. In a very mature way. Asked JE to give her 4months to try safe their marriage and onlyonly may consent to the divorce applying the "beyond a reasonable doubt" conclusion.

She is hurting inside badly, she is angry (toothbrush and lemon juice) and silently punishes JE and SR in her own ways. Meanwhile she secretly investigates, collecting all proof and evidence to enable her to tackle their problems.

Infidelity is messy and hurting but I think she truly loves JE. This story so far showed us the ways how two women approached their husbands who are having extra marital affairs.

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Infidelity is messy and hurting but I think she truly loves JE. This story so far showed us the ways how two women approached their husbands who are having extra marital affairs.

I agree thats messy and hurting...and level of that depends on how much you love your husband...JE sister with her husband is more partners in plots then husband and wife in love, when he cheats on her he maybe hurts her pride and makes her angry but not heartbroken as JE makes HK

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Infidelity is messy and hurting but I think she truly loves JE. This story so far showed us the ways how two women approached their husbands who are having extra marital affairs.

I agree thats messy and hurting...and level of that depends on how much you love your husband...JE sister with her husband is more partners in plots then husband and wife in love, when he cheats on her he maybe hurts her pride and makes her angry but not heartbroken as JE makes HK

I feel like HK is not merely fighting for JE cos of love. HK does love JE, but that's not all there is to HK. I feel the calculative, ambitious vibe in her. I mean, after she has witnessed JE cheating on her, rejecting her and going for another gal, she still wants him. Moreover, she started her desire to have another kid with JE right after the convo with Jin Ri, who said she'll be cold turkey if she has no future generation to hang onto their fam's wealth. 

I agree this drama is showing us how women deal with infidelity, how they would fight and stand by their men despite their infidelity. I don't quite like this angle since such advocacy is already so wide-spread, esp in the asian context. Why can't the opposite be encouraged too? ( by this I mean for a man to forgive and stand by his woman if she does cheat. not that it(cheating) should be encouraged at all). We usually see scorn for a woman cheating on her husband, but the opposite is always 'oh, but he's a man'. SMH.

Cheating hurts both ways. It doesn't matter if male cheats on female or vice versa. However, one thing is common, when a male cheats, the female partner hurts more. So far  (as limited as it may be) as I've seen.

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