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[Drama 2015/2016] I Have A Lover 애인있어요


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Weird.... I liked the drama.... But now I noticed that my ardor is gone. I suddenly began to lose interest in the drama... I Wonder why?: I'm afraid that the drama will turn in exemplary tutorial, how to live and how the "right" to do?, or love story drama will turn into a detective novel?; I expected to see  unique story of beautiful love between interesting and strong woman and the worthy man?.......

I don't know what I was expecting..... I feel somehow disappointed....

P. S. I have not looked 19, 20 episodes... Maybe something will change…..

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Have started watching ep 19..Just a quick insight..the new starting with the doctor and real yong ki seem more interesting rather than our otp..I loved how the kid says..'the doctor is a bad person lol'.It just sounds so cute in korean.Hope their story gets more screen time.

Hk's attachment to je seems so sudden and uninvited to me.When did it start I dint have any clue..up till now dint it seem like je relentlessly always pursued her..When did he became her fascination =/...I also found it odd that je's mother in law is not vexed at JE at all..rather she has kept it all stored for SR.:S.

JE's mourning truly but he found so many resemblance in yong ki II ...how can he ignore that? He's not thinking that people could have moles in same spot right? =/

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Weird.... I liked the drama.... But now I noticed that my ardor is gone. I suddenly began to lose interest in the drama... I Wonder why?: I'm afraid that the drama will turn in exemplary tutorial, how to live and how the "right" to do?, or love story drama will turn into a detective novel?; I expected to see  unique story of beautiful love between interesting and strong woman and the worthy man?.......

I don't know what I was expecting..... I feel somehow disappointed....

P. S. I have not looked 19, 20 episodes... Maybe something will change…..

@tata555 I feel somewhat the same way -- I am still very much excited to see what happens next though. 


Based on how HK/YK2 is currently reacting to JE -- that is in Full total blind love -- the tension in the "Love story"  is gone -- At this point it is basically a done deal HK JE great love conquers all.

Think the tension will pick up greatly once HK has her memory back -- then the will HK continue in this great love at all cost for JE or will she not will be back.

Already at this point we have seen her "give up" for lack of better words --- her previously shown disgust that she had for cheaters, and older man who go after young women.  After all she is now In Full love with JE -- and what better example of a cheating husband with a younger woman is there.

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loveline between doc Min and YK got my interest too, i hope writernim give YK a happy ending with her child and a good husband/man. Yk1 deserves more love. I hope she reunite with her mom and sister soon

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Guest airgelaal

When JE's Mom started her ranting I knew she had lapsed into the past again. It did however give us some insight on how things were before JE and HK married. JE's Mom was completely against that marriage. So what changed her mind? Was it JE's Father who gave permission for them to wed? Maybe it was his guilt over the death of HK and YK's father? 

JE's mother said, that he was against till the end. May be they both gave their permission, because things were too hard for their son. I think, he was against because of his guilt.

I agree when it comes to a relative. However, one thing that I've noticed in all Kdramas--blood is thicker than water. The writer having this mother with so much anger towards JE's mother that she's casting her out the house by throwing beans at her. So angry at SR that she's passing out. So angry and upset over her daughter's death that she can't speak for years. This mother is supposed to believe that the man who told her he was choosing SR over his daughter still loved her? The man she overheard her daughter begging to give her one more month and stopped him from leaving her daughter the night of their big fight believes that this man still loves her daughter after 4 years of living with another woman, the woman one and still has the other woman he is supposed to marry (as far as she knows)? After seeing her daughter sit in the rain all night because her husband didn't come home--to see how crushed her daughter was knowing he was with another woman?

Although it was 4 years ago, her anger was simmering. So it's unrealistic for me to believe that this woman would easily accept JE. This part of the drama, and a few other things, is just not realistic to me. When someone loses a love one tragically, there is always the "If" self torture that we go through. "If only I had been driving" "If only she had waited a few minutes later before leaving", etc.  So, "If only he hadn't cheated on my daughter and divorced her, she wouldn't have been in another country working." It appears she's doing the "If only" with SR and hates her with a passion.

I could understand if JE and HK separated after the death of their child without another woman being in the picture and the mother was very considerate towards him. It would be like two people, suffering from grief divorced. However, in the case of JE and HK, JE was cruel to her in their private life after the death of their daughter, she was ruthless with others in her public life. From what I can tell, she didn't treat him cruelly in their private life until he started cheating. Then she gave him toilet lemonade. 

This is the writer's story, but this part doesn't make sense to me. It didn't make sense that she would agree to not tell JE about HK's death to protect him so he could marry the other woman.  Maybe she's just so grateful to JE for helping her daughter umpteen years ago with her debts that she's willing to forgive him anything, even his treatment of her daughter. For me, I just found this to be a standout unbelievable scene.

For HK mother her daughter died 4 years ago, but for JE she died now. As a human being she can't add salt on his wound. Now. I'm sure, 4 years ago she would be mad at him.
SR and JE's mother are not in the same position. Both mothers have their own history from the past. And SR didn't come with sincere apologies. And 4 years ago she didn't show any guilt.
By the way, HK mother knew, that family had problems after her granddaughters death. So this affair didn't come all of the sudden.
And I'm sure, that if later HK will want to reunite with JE, her mother will be absolutly against. Because she didn't forget, what he did 4 years ago.

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I think that JE will see HK as the real HK for the very first time. Now he is sure his wife is not dead. He probably  thinks she is there to agree to let him help with her memory or maybe it's their lunch date...lol  But I think HK is their to tell him he is going to be by BS's side. BS's dad made her feel guilty and now HK feels that she can't hurt that family and BS. After all they saved her life.

Question?......Will HK see the urn on the desk? Will JE tell her that she is the real HK? Most importantly.... if indeed HK is going to tell JE that she going to be by BS's side will JE let her or will BS tell her the truth of what he knows about her and her twin. If that is the case and he continues to keep his mouth shut,  I will be very disappointed with BS.

  Saying this last part just as as joke.....Does my comment count as 2 or 3 cents?  LOL

If that is the case, then I guess it'll again be Jin-eon's turn to follow Yong-gi2... :))

But, why would HK go to JE to say that? At the moment, JE isn't chasing her, on the contrary we can say that he "broke up" with her. He even said to her to go back to her lighthouse. The only thing that he offered her was to help find her memory. So, if the writer keeps the logic, HK went there to say she accepts his proposal of aid, or to say I can't give up on you, or to say "I don't need your bodyguard" or still "say to your sister to live me alone". I can't see why she would go there to say "I'm sorry but I will stay with BS".

She may go there to appologize for having disturbed him lately (during the mourning period), as well as for having been rude to him (on the phone), and promise that it won't happen again, as she made up her mind to stay with Baek-seok and the family, to which she is forever grateful (inwardly hoping that he will somehow prevent her from doing it)...

Edited by ayselluna
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Thank you all for your comments on p. 202!


 !)    Yes, it does look like the Writer may be "in full back off mode" re: eps 1 to (.  You also seem to suggest that "flashbacks" may be used and which will negate much of what we saw/felt then.  How true!  "Eyewitness Testimony" has been shown to be very flawed, often misinterpreted.  The witness interprets what he sees throught the many filters of his own experience and knowledge.  I can see the Write making use of this, as those early episodes were so intensely emotion packed

2)    Agree with your ideas about Dr, GS, too.  He does not trust... especially not adults.

3)     Great catch on the role the twins "out of wedlock" birth will play.  Yes, I also hope their father put them on his family register  ( at least they were living carrying his name! )-----Oh, and.You've given me another idea:....Hae Gang is the older twin, Right?   Hmmm..... Did MH know this?    Then why did their father take the younger twin?

@MadraRua:....I like the way you have seen MH giving help to JE's search for HK, who MH thinks is still alive too, along with his fear of what TS can do !  And also his "redemptive mode" -----What does NH have against his son, really?  Has to be more than what we have been shown so far!    SH said some things about how it went way back to JE's early childhood.  What could a child have done to turn his father against him so much?

@Katrina Abdul Talib:.... Thanks for reminding me how MH's "guilt" plays a part in his behavior towards GN .  Did he have an affair with her?  When? (before or after JR's mother and/or SH?   Like the idea that MH hopes the pink wallet will connect JE with YK1, too.  I must remember MH thinks HK died!  Really becoming difficult to keep track here ---who knows that HK is alive? And the list WILL keep changing, too. 

@DelroyB:....Again I am impressed by your clear assessment of how/why GN would likely judge SR harshly, yet still be able to judge JE positively based on his past treatment of both her and her daughter, while also honoring HK's continued great love for JE.   I find myself wondering sometimes:... "Is he in touch with the Writer?  How does he come to know these thing, otherwise?"     :huh:


Really pleased to read ALL of your posts here on p.202.  So little being discussed, at first, that I thought we were at a kind of standstill at this point in the drama.  I wondered if the last 2 episodes were so full of new information that they were sort of a "device" the Writer was using to give us us a "TRUCE" or a time to PAUSE while we absorb a flood of new information .  Some time to prepare  us before she takes the drama in a totally NEW DIRECTION .  Or just starts to shake up the characters and show them to us under new lights! ... showing us new sides, parts that were hidden earlier, but now to be slowly revealed.      :o


EDIT:.... Still playing at finding the accident location. "Why is it so hard to do it on the PC?"

SPOILER ---Search for the site (cont.)

I have a hard time working with the size of the screen.  Not being "born in the computer age" is my problem. " If I only had a map"---I picture how easily I could measure and cross of sections that have been searched and cast aside.  To do the same thing with a computer, I think I'd need a set-up like some of the "power gamers" ---- with multiple monitors on which to display enlarged sections of the area within about 50 miles of Incheon Airport.  Need to stay near the ocean ---YK1 was a little ahead of HK, seeing JE/SR on sandy beach, JE stepping in the waves .




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Question: How did MH have YK1's wallet? how long does MH have that wallet? 

Did MH know that TS tried to kill YK off 4 years ago because of the Pudoxin?? does MH know the reason of YK hiding in China the last 4 years??

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I have asked this question previously on this forum but didn't get a reply, who taught the Beak siblings how to love as their method of loving the partner's so exhausting on the object of affection and very psychotic, they always want to have object of their affection in their sight and feel uneasy whenever they don't know where they are, even criminals locked up in prison have more breathing space as the prison warden and guards are forever not watching a particular individual compared to people in a relationship with the Beak's. 

I use to think that Beak daddy was normal but even him seems like a freak as I can't understand what he is thinking when he goes to add pressure on HK knowing fully well that she has feeling for JE, is he in his right mind or does he think that as long as he manages to get HK and BS in a committed relationship, the dynamics of their relationship will automatically change and HK would somehow magically have feeling for BS as if been in a committed relationship has anything to with the feelings between two people.

Just love your comment!!!))))))))

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Who do you think YK2 or the actress acting YK2 is tired at the end of ep 20? Or possibly both? Maybe they really good at making actor/actress looks like a panda for the drama IDK :phew:




If it's kim hyun joo, I hope she gets more sleep :( 

If it's YK2. God she has a lot stress with/without her memories. I mean w/out her memories she is in pain. Even if she regains her memories would it be better? OFC not. She has more painful memories than good ones that is most likely why she "doesn't" want to remember. 

 LOVERS, it's Time for another Mental Floss...hehe...Have FUN! :P





CR: @chubbychub1966

AIGOOOOOO There should be a poll on will JE discover YK2 is HK first or will YK2 realise she is HK first? 

LOL you got it chingu...coming up :) Good idea!


I took the poll! May luck be on my side this time too :D 

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I'm pretty neutral with most characters but after watching episode 20, I must say I like Baek Seok! He may be selfish and he may continue to be selfish but I really like him in the scene where Jin Eun called him for a talk while he was eating, singing, drinking with Hae Kang! After knowing that Hae Kang is not Yong Ki and is Hae Kang, Jin Eun's wife, when he was about to leave, Hae Kang called Jin Eun, he would, could of took the phone from Jin Eun's hand to confirm and told Jin Eun to leave Hae Kang alone but he didn't! He slowly walked away in disappointment! So, I care less if he turns dark, bad later on!

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@LHRCN_ :.... I'm thinking that TS gave it to him--- when he confessed to killing HK instead of YK1.  Don't think we heard many of the details of his confession to MH about how he messed up on that mission!


1)     I took the Poll, also.

2)      Maybe the accident site was "staged" for the drama?   I'm so into the story that I assumed there was a place not far from the Airport where the Writer had in mind for the accident?   Then the joke will be on me!   ^_^

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I'mm not being hard on baek seok because his story has been really miserable so far..When this drama started I was more hooked to the otp story but now everyone has kind of back story which make them look more human even if evil..

Baek seok fell in love with hk knowing her as yong ki..so now that he has matched two plus two it's hard on him...The information is too much to bear..While hk even je has got so many heroes waiting to cry for them,have shoulder to rely on,baek seok has been alone,he's quietly beside hk without showing his own pain.So,when this is his hard time,like any other normal human being who find it hard to handle the situation and stops functioning inside the mess,it's the same way for him..that's how I see it.But,selfish he could have been,I'm selfish too I guess,everyone is,thinking about how they want things for themselves,but I think he's sympathetic too..so he'd come back.By calling him evil,I won't compare him to je's brother in law.

Watching je mourn,I was having flash backs to earlier episodes ...when hk like the last straw of hope,kept begging je to come back or give her a chance,infact the first 7-8 episodes have been all about hk running around je,and loosing herself at the process.It just seems unfair to see hk confessing her new found love for je..when she's forgotten to what level she had to stoop to get back je,loosing her dignity and all.I really want the writer to get hk some self respect back too..once she regains her memory..again.

*Also more doc+yong ki scenes,pretty please.

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Hk's attachment to je seems so sudden and uninvited to me.When did it start I dint have any clue..up till now dint it seem like je relentlessly always pursued her..When did he became her fascination

I'm sorry to cut your post, @nearsea! I'm still pretty lost on that as well but I guess it must be Jin Eun's good looks and the way he talks, he stares at people that's why Hae Kang's all of sudden falling in love with him! At a point, Hae Kang hates men that cheats and such but I must say us humans tend to be hypocrites here and there!

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Hk's attachment to je seems so sudden and uninvited to me.When did it start I dint have any clue..up till now dint it seem like je relentlessly always pursued her..When did he became her fascination

I'm sorry to cut your post, @nearsea! I'm still pretty lost on that as well but I guess it must be Jin Eun's good looks and the way he talks, he stares at people that's why Hae Kang's all of sudden falling in love with him! At a point, Hae Kang hates men that cheats and such but I must say us humans tend to be hypocrites here and there!

To me I didn't think it was sudden. She was already madly in love him before she lost her memories. Remember, she didn't want to divorce with him even though he had an affair and she knew... She even wanted to wait for him after they divorce by going to China. I think all the love she had for him came back after she finally saw him 4 years later, so that's why she is so attached to him. Her love for JE cannot be replaced by another man (BS). She is following what her heart wants. That's what I like about her. Most drama I've watched, the main girl lead is like "I love you but we can't be together" attitude and then intentionally avoids the main lead. She instead is honest with her feelings and pursue it.  

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2015/11/03 TENASIA:

JJH: IHAL's CJE - He's the best choice of my life as an actor!



11/03/2015 OSEN 

JJH on CJE - CJE is the best role in my life!



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2015/11/03 TENASIA:

JJH: IHAL's CJE - He's the best choice of my life as an actor!



11/03/2015 OSEN 

JJH on CJE - CJE is the best role in my life!




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Someone remarked about JJH acting in another drama (only 2 episodes).   The wonderful actress playing JE's mother is currently acting as a mother in "Glamorous Temptation" --- another 50 episode drama (started this October 5 on Mon. & Tues. nights).   Her name is Na Young Hee.  She plays the cold, beautiful, scheming wife/mother so vey well!

As I've said before, I love seeing the way Korean TV drama actors work like members of a HUGE REPERTORY COMPANY.  Made possible, IMO, because of the 16 to 20/24 week format of the TV production.   I love seeing them "become" so many different characters.  All of this becomes a big part of  "Why I Love "Kdrama' so much!"

And then to see so many of them on reality TV shows simply adds to my enjoyment of their work!  Sure, the reality shows may be part of the plan to increase the actors' popularity and commercial value as a Talent Company's asset!  But still it works well for me, as their fan, too.  I wouldn't change it one bit.  However, it wouldn't work the same way here in the USA, IMO.   ( I'll pass on discussing all the reasons I think it can't work here, OK?)

Sorry I have only limited acces to reality shows --- but I've only so much time to watch all these shows, anyway!  Right?  

"EXTRA CREDIT":  a few of my reality TV "favs"

BUT, a favorite of mine,  the "Grandpas Over Flowers" and the "Noona" spin-offs, I catch the story in English at Dramabeans.  The video part is then very much fun to watch.  Love ALL those shows.  Sadly for me, but reasonably on their part, "subbers" do not work on the majority of reality TV shows.

Shows I like a lot (subbed, too) ;

1)     Running Man

2)    The Return of Superman

3)     Immortal Songs

4)     K-Pop Star ---JYP & his Buddies judge contestants from all over the world.

5)     Masked Singer aka Hidden Singer

6)     Happy Together

Many others I'd like to see, too.  By the Way, I've NOT seen EVERY episode of all these shows!!!    :rolleyes:    Following  #3,  #, &  #5 pretty closely.   So many others I'd like to sample.  Ready to JUMP on any of PD Na Young Seok's "Grandpas" series or spin-offs.

Thanks for hearing me run on about my favorites!


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Debating with myself whether to watch next episode or not after seeing SNAKE SR making her cynical approach to YK with a plan in mind obviously… i know its part of the drama but hate seeing people being so sneaky...

HK mother as  mentioned before i also wanted her to be mad at JE but i think as someone mentioned before after much suffering she went through she is easier on him because 1. He did treat her as family comparing to the others, 2. because she could see he loved her when he kneeled to her before finding out she was"dead"


I felt for him and i understood him but i think by next episode he should at least tell HK, her mum or even JE she is HK the person they all think to be dead…. Or speak to his dad… they both know HK mum and know what she went through after HK supposed death and also divorce caused by their SR involvement...This would ease the pain of a mother and ex husband given they are the ones that suffered the most for "her loss" regardless of JE previous actions...

I honestly think by next episode his shock should have been overcome and he sold take some course of action without having to say she has a twin sister as per HK mother asked him not to...

Two things will keep him quiet : His sister SR and her poisonous words  to fight for her or his own greed to have her


Family matters are indeed complicated because many emotions are at play, however i think what is right and wrong should always be clear…. I would also tell JE off and not be all that friendly with him but we are all still waiting for a backlash or such of what happened to change their marriage from their daughters death on … LOVE was always there but it became LOVE-HATE making HATE for LOVING greater and breaking the bridge between the two emotions … He hated her because he loved her too much to accept her actions and she hated him for not understanding her and "hating her"

Complicated indeed even i am confused when explaining lol!!!

I am not sure what plan SR has in her sleeve but i just hope BS catches up with her and put the breaks on before she even attempts to put the sisters against each other…. she will try to find out what info YK had that put her in danger but i am not sure she will like the outcome as she will find out Patent belonged to YK father which in this case is also HK father but this will only be a dangerous information to give SR when she finds out both are sisters and twins..she will then start helping keep them away from company and any rights in the pretext she is helping JE family thus deserves to marry him…BAHHHHH this character drives me mad...

I bet she will have JE mum register the marriage without JE consent…all they need is his passport…this is what i have learned from watching YONG PAL…dangerous right? oh god she is truly sneaky and shameless character ...


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