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[Drama 2015/2016] I Have A Lover 애인있어요


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3 hours ago, deandraluv said:

@jyfan88 @sunshinefate

I think the chauffeur will be the key of the mountain incident.  I thought that MH took a good care of his family as bribery to cover up his sin, but I think I was wrong.  It could be that the chauffeur saved MH's life and MH felt indebted to him.  MH employed him because he was the key witness of the incident, since no one would believe him/his story.  This is what I imagine:  Perhaps both DGJH and MH fell hanging on the rope, both almost died,  DGJH was at the bottom and MH was at the top and DGJH cut the rope to save MH (rather than making both of them fell).

 It's hard for JE to believe his own father, because he is never close to him and he does have trust issue with him.  In ep 39, JE had bitterness with his dad when he remembered vividly his dad beat him up because he was playing with the ice pick.  (It must have hurt JE so much that he still remembered it after so many years)

Regarding JE's plan to end his life, I also agree that that is unlikely. It's just an exaggeration. He probably meant ending this entire lie/coverup story and revealing the truth himself, to the everyone (YK, GN, the public etc). But in this process, it is as good as ruining his own life, cause everyone will be against the reunion of JE&HG, especially GN? And like what JE's friend mentioned, they can't live without one another....


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"Thank you explanation regarding the stocks. I just hope that the person that HG is dealing with doesn't have any connection with MTS."

There is scenario that might land MTS in financial trouble waters. I am sure that MTS doesn't have the finances like HK have in her pockets to buy shares, so I assume that he is buying the shares on contra (looking at the how he speaks to the remisier on the phone that the remisier seem to be in "caution" buying, not picking up the shares at the current price)

Contra is the buying or selling of stocks without having to pay for the cost of the stocks. Once you buy the stocks on contra, you will have to sell the stocks after a period of time (Cheon Nyeon Pharm shareholder meeting is coming soon, HK & MTS are trying to oust each other with majority of shares)

At the end of that period, you will have to pay the difference between your initial buying price & selling price. Currently the period of time is offered by brokerages to settle your payment & pay the differences, the period can be extended depending on your relationship with your remisier, credit record & frequencies of trade that you carry with the brokerage company. But however playing contra can be dangerous when there is a sudden unexpected market movement (e.g. HK remisier decided to dump all the share into the market for a quick sell off after the shareholder meeting, plummet the price of the share) & you don't have enough funds to pay for it thus selling you initial buying price share at a loss & you need to fork out the differences

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@gerrytan8063Thanks so much for translating the dialog so well. Really appreciate it!

I love the current HG.  She really has changed!  

HK: It is my wrongdoing (I am at fault).....from the very beginning (at that time), I shouldn't have did what I done, probably I should have spoken to you...just the like as you...I also really loathe myself to what I was back then...it is not as though that I was a child who lacks distinctive qualities in character as a person...at that time I was inflicted with hurt.....& not to allow myself to be hurt any further therefore I decide in turn to brandish my razor edge claw at others...in the likes like a monster....I shouldn't have seek you out at the cafe moreover I should had talk matters with my husband (nampyeon. 남편)...shouldn't have knelt down begging before you, moreover that I should have done that to my husband...to tell him that I was wronged & to asked for his forgiveness.....moreover most probably I should have said to him that I love him...it is not because of what you did with my husband, moreover it is because of what I had done to my husband that had left me always feeling restive & fearful

It was the very reason why she could forgive JE and the affair, I think.  She knew she was also at fault for the breaking of the marriage.  

I love how JE and HG mature up.  JE had the intitiave to visit BS and befriended with him, while HG talked to SR.  I think SR will help HG and give the recording to her later. It is a key evidence!  

The parallel in ep 40 was JE and HG talked to each other's best friend, HG to HW, JE to BS.

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On 1/23/2016 at 5:45 AM, trust71 said:







On 1/23/2016 at 5:56 AM, irilight said:









Anyone have more thoughts on the escalator scence. I was so moved by this scence. Is that JE felt that KH was so far from his reach that why when she came down and he want to grasp her hand but end up just in the air. 

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Well anyway some thoughts from ep 40 :) There has definitely been a lot of heart wrenching scenes, from disclosure to repentance to worry... Honestly for the first time I felt a tinge of regret from MTS? I don't know if its just me, but the scene with Dr Min's voice in the backdrop, and MTS slowly picking up his broken nameplate. The way he touched JL's shoulder and said that he was in trouble and had to resolve it first? that scene felt like assurance from MTS to JL, idk how to put it, but usually in that case MTS should have flared up? told her he had other things to be worried about first? 

What MTS had done is definitely unforgivable, but I think the endgame is not forgiving MTS but feeling sorry for JL, for marrying someone who didn't love her at the start (point being at the start too though). Seems like the plot line for this couple may progress to where MTS is jailed, and repents, probably confessing his love to JL at present? and JL stays by his side, and maybe help him get a humble start again in the future? 

These are just my opinions though so don't take it too seriously hehe

Apart from the heart wrenching scenes, I like how some hilarious scenes were incorporated such that it wouldn't just be an episode of tears? namely YG' english "get out??? you get out!"  and the bromance with JE and BS :) Let me share what JE wrote onto BS's cast 

Before JE left, BS mentioned to write a letter of agreement, and  this is written on his cast. 

" The next time  Choi Jin Eon visits Baek Seok, he must bring " " (a certain comic book BS mentioned). Baek Seok on the other hand, must regain the use of his right arm before Choi Jin Eon's next visit. Lighthouse, Fighting" 


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17 hours ago, gerrytan8063 said:

K: As evil will become a part of daily life....to commit a wrong with intent malice is the most dreadful...I am gravely concern that you will in turn become the same as to what I am...I am afraid that it is my fault to have force you to become another me...just take a close look at me...do you wish to see yourself the likes like me...just the likes like me that I had choose to hurt & disappoint the people that I cherished, then after cause their death..wish to recompense...wish to amend...but then the wrongs that I had done in the past is now coming out restraining (grab a hold) my path...although I have change...wish change for the better...wishing to start afresh in life...but my past is strangling my neck & telling me that I had no rights to do so that it is impossible for me to seek happiness.then push me down into despair....it seems that you may had forgotten...you were once an envy of other in your resplendent beauty...even if you were wearing a measly t-shirt, wearing a worn torn sneakers...even if you are bare footed but you appear upright & healthy (youthful)...at that time...I really envy you...if there is a possibility for you to return to "that times"....return to it...return to where you once were...if there is a possibility when a time for you to recompense then recompense, Kang Seo Ri...don't be like me to use your 30s to go all out seeking vengeance & put others in harm ways...not all wounds can be heal, you need to safeguard your life...safeguard yourself...I beg you...to safeguard yourself...Kang Seo Ri...Don't live the life as I had done...hmmm

as this is what DHK told KSL

DHK really giving some good advice to KSL....i feel like she's saying if only i could turn back the clock and be more open to my husband then all this thing won't happen and you won't change into bitter person. Both woman were jealous to each other ...KSL before she said that she envy DHK  the way she carry herself....now we find out that DHK feel the same..she envy on KSL youthfulness and bubbly personality.

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2 hours ago, deandraluv said:

@gerrytan8063Thanks so much for translating the dialog so well. Really appreciate it!

I love the current HG.  She really has changed!  

HK: It is my wrongdoing (I am at fault).....from the very beginning (at that time), I shouldn't have did what I done, probably I should have spoken to you...just the like as you...I also really loathe myself to what I was back then...it is not as though that I was a child who lacks distinctive qualities in character as a person...at that time I was inflicted with hurt.....& not to allow myself to be hurt any further therefore I decide in turn to brandish my razor edge claw at others...in the likes like a monster....I shouldn't have seek you out at the cafe moreover I should had talk matters with my husband (nampyeon. 남편)...shouldn't have knelt down begging before you, moreover that I should have done that to my husband...to tell him that I was wronged & to asked for his forgiveness.....moreover most probably I should have said to him that I love him...it is not because of what you did with my husband, moreover it is because of what I had done to my husband that had left me always feeling restive & fearful

It was the very reason why she could forgive JE and the affair, I think.  She knew she was also at fault for the breaking of the marriage.  

I love how JE and HG mature up.  JE had the intitiave to visit BS and befriended with him, while HG talked to SR.  I think SR will help HG and give the recording to her later. It is a key evidence!  

The parallel in ep 40 was JE and HG talked to each other's best friend, HG to HW, JE to BS.

I want to share my thoughts about this issue though I haven't watched the last 2 episodes with or without sub. I know that the forgiving part is necessary in this drama but for HaeGang to tell her that she was sorry for what she had done in the past was not what she had to do though. It was normal for her to be angry especially with the one who had an affair with her husband. When she came to the cafe and gave SeolRi shoes and asked her to put off JinEon's shoes was not something to be apologized for. It was just out of jealousy. If I were her, I would have done the same things. Taking your husband's shoes back was not something to be sorry about. Instead, SeolRi should be the one who was sorry and apologized to HaeGang.

The one thing that I thought she was going overboard was just when she flooded SeolRi's house. But if this apology is something that could make SeolRi come to her senses, then I would let this pass. I hate SeolRi from the beginning of this drama but what I'm trying to say in this post is really objective as a woman. I just wish her character will be written more likeable in the last 10 episodes.

So sad with the decreasing ratings. But I would not say it was because the story went boring or dull. This drama is great and will be always great.

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Episode 40

JE & HK drinking session

JE: It has been a long while that the both of us has sat down in such premises to drink

HK: That should be soon coming to 7 years

JE: I had lived my life like a fool

HK: Shall we bottoms up (toast)? (Geon Bae, 건배, 干杯  literally empty your glass, similar word to Japanese "Kanpai" & Chinese is Gan Bei)

JE: What the purpose?

HK: So it seems....it is just...for this very moment

JE: Then we shall not go "bottoms up"

HK: Why is that?

JE: It is because that you & I today.....really may have to put an end...today might spell "the end" for us

HK: I had already mentioned before that I had end matter with you

JE: Today, I will end matter with you

HK: It is in my knowledge (I already know)

JE: On What?

HK: You father is the person who had killed our father

JE: What did you say?

HK: Our father who created ssanghwasan...was indeed stolen by your father...also he had consent for me to be his daughter in law then decided to held me as a hostage at his side...make me as a hunting dog.....makes me become a shield of his excuse...I who didn't know....who had no knowledge whatsoever...also had no knowledge that he was the person who had killed our father...that was I...I had so aspire to be the likes of your father...for the sake to succeed your father at the company....I loathe myself...& the hate is driving me crazy...feel that I was really averse...really abhor myself to the brink...but you are in no wrong whatsoever...it is not your fault.....it is my wrongdoing.....it is your father faults...you don't have a choice in the parents that you are borne to...in saying that....our Eun Seol too....wouldn't have left us just like that.....therefore...don't go blaming yourself.....hmmm....there is no need to feel the responsibility of guilt towards me

JE: I am some consideration on how to "punish" my father & also in the consideration on how I should punished myself

HK: That matter is the matter between your father & I, there is no need for you to interfere...just pretend that you have no knowledge...this is not a matter for you to be too concern about...I plead with you, Choi Jin Eon...do not do a thing...do you understand?.....answer me!...do you understand!...I will do that...I had said let me do it, Choi Jin Eon...I will never forgive your father...I definitely need to punished your father...therefore don't interfere...& stay out of this...I beg you not to interfere & stay out of this....Hmmmm......if you are to get "drown" in this dirt.....this is really going to driven me crazy

JE: I love you!....I love you, Do Hae Kang...this will be my final declaration to you.....in this lifetime...the next life...when we were to meet again...at that time...we will together live our lives well...no matter where you are, I definitely will able to recognise you at first sight...until then we will again live our lives together long & well, Hae Kang.....Let us end this...We will end this today...shall we

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Ep. 39

I can't help to fall deeper for BS. Even when he's in pain and sad, he never show it to HG. He jokes around to feel HK better. One word I put mark : "good guys never have it all" :'(

And the talk "war" with MTS.... BS won by far....

OK, thanks for allowing me continuing my 2nd lead syndrome :D

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17 hours ago, quockhanh45 said:

Rating is down again, SBS can't win MBC.

2016-01-17 38 4.6
2016-01-23 39 8.5 (14th) 9.8 (9th) 11.4 (8th) 13.1 (5th)
2016-01-24 40 3.6

MDGSW have just 10 ep to go, i think IHAL will down more and more

i still prefer this drama even though the rating was low...the way they rate  a drama is just 2000 household for TNMS...2050 for AGB....this is how they researched for tv rating....... they attached a PEOPLE METER to a receptor...

so how about the other household w/ out the PM are they counted for the rating? that's why i never mind about the rating when it come to good drama...most of the drama that has quality was rating poorly.

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27 minutes ago, sunshinefate said:

So sad with the decreasing ratings. But I would not say it was because the story went boring or dull. This drama is great and will be always great.


it might be because of the period drama Jang Yeong-Sil being shown at the same time. i think period dramas tend to rate better.

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12 minutes ago, viktoria said:


it might be because of the period drama Jang Yeong-Sil being shown at the same time. i think period dramas tend to rate better.

So, IHAL's contenders are My daughter geum sa wol and Jang yeong sil? A period drama is acceptable to gain high ratings but a makjang? I don't want to talk bad about other drama but this drama just deserves higher ratings and popularity. 

18 minutes ago, trust71 said:

i still prefer this drama even though the rating was low...the way they rate  a drama is just 2000 household for TNMS...2050 for AGB....this is how they researched for tv rating....... they attached a PEOPLE METER to a receptor...

so how about the other household w/ out the PM are they counted for the rating? that's why i never mind about the rating when it come to good drama...most of the drama that has quality was rating poorly.

We might not care about the ratings but I think the casts and crews are just pretending that they don't really care about it. Deep down they might be sad about that fact that their drama couldn't achieve higher ratings :( 

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16 hours ago, sunshinefate said:

We might not care about the ratings but I think the casts and crews are just pretending that they don't really care about it. Deep down they might be sad about that fact that their drama couldn't achieve higher ratings

i agree with you..but sometime if really a drama is not profitable anymore they will off the air .....IHAL still being recognize in korea and international.

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"I Have A Lover" Kim Hyeon-joo begs Park Han-byeol for forgiveness



Kim Hyeon-joo pleaded to Park Han-byeol in tears.

On the fortieth episode of the SBS drama "I Have a Lover", Do Hae-kang (Kim Hyeon-joo) apologized to Kang Sully (Park Han-byeol) for past events.

Do Hae-kang found out Min Tae-seok (Kong Hyeong-jin) and Sully had an affair so she talked to Sully first. Sully didn't want to talk to her but Do Hae-kang said, "Let's start over from the beginning".

Do Hae-kang said to Sully, "Forgive me, I did the wrong thing. I wasn't mature enough. I was a monster waving my claws at my opponent to not be hurt again. I should have talked to my husband instead of going at you in the café. I should have told him I loved him instead of kneeling to you. I was nervous because of what I had done to him and not what you had done".

"I am most afraid of the crime that I knowingly committed. I was worried you would become like me. I was afraid I was going to break you like me. Do you want to hurt and kill those you love? My past mistakes are holding me back".

"You forget that you were so beautiful it made me jealous. I was afraid of you who was so proud and healthy. Go back when you can and don't waste your 30s trying to hurt others. Protect yourself and don't be like me".

"I Have a Lover" is the story of a woman who falls back in love with her husband once again.



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16 hours ago, gerrytan8063 said:

Episode 40

Some information on Korean drinking culture

Drinking is almost a national sport in Korea

Anju (side dishes that is serve/eaten with drinks) always makes an appearance anytime a Korean is seen drinking. A point taken that must be noted is that when "anju" is serve, it is the liquor that is the protagonist & not the other way around

When alcohol is consume with a meal, then the alcohol is referred to as "banju" (similar to aperitif). But the differences between the 2, however makes little difference as Korea is one of the world's highest level of alcohol consumption countries

Usually for drinks, Korean prefer stew or soup like dishes, the soup is said to soothes the stomach & help avoid acidic stomach problems associated with drinking

Later we seen JE & HK continue the drinking session with raw fish platter after HW is knockout

There is also another option which the Korean will have something raw......dishes like beef or fish. For instance, raw fish is deem a lighter eating than soup or stew as it is not too heavy when drinking. I don't know whether the raw fish-alcohol combination is good or bad scientifically but both of them go very well together 

@gerrytan8063 Very interesting K-bit. Thanks.

I'm not as alarmed at the rate of alcohol consumption in SK than in the way they often get drunk and wasted away. (even ending up sleeping anywhere, with anyone). 

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16 hours ago, msmy said:

Several years ago Lee Jae Yoon was in a drama where he spoke English and someone thought he was raised in Canada.  It's marvelous how well he does with both languages.

He was Canadian born and went to U there as well.

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16 minutes ago, trust71 said:

i agree with you..but sometime if really a drama is not profitable anymore they will off the air .....IHAL still being recognize in korea and international.

Could you guys post some proofs that this drama is popular in Korea and outside Korea besides from the netizenbuzz site? Thank you.

 I really wish this drama gets more and more popular towards the end or else, some haters will point out that this drama lacks here and there therefore IHAL couldn't gain higher ratings

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Episode 40

Just in case you may not have notice....as Chairman Choi about to enter into HK office, HK was looking/playing at her old slider phone (seen in the safe deposit box)....scroll down a recording device

HK will drag Chairman Choi as a co-plaintiff in his involvement in the Mido Pharm case....the hunting dog is going to bite its trainer

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