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[Drama 2015/2016] I Have A Lover 애인있어요


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Guest my2centsworth
10 hours ago, drmjs said:

Some Thoughts

Oh no, only one episode this week? Well I guess the SBS techs and station employees needed their down time, it's better than no episode at all. 

I agree with you @kimnana41 HK loves playing the long game.

4 years ago, what if HK was already in the process of destroying CYP? The safety deposit box she kept at an undisclosed location contained information on all of the drugs in CYP's portfolio, the new ones and the older ones. It seemed like she was gathering and keeping them away from prying eyes. Why would she do that? Why would she go out of her way to protect the data? What motivated her to behave that way?

Was it her way of avenging the death of her daughter? ES ended up as collateral damage in CYP's quest for pharmaceutical dominance. At the time of her daughter's death, HK must have been incensed at how JE and his family lay the blame solely at her doorstep. For HK, as far as CYP was concerned, it was business as usual. Shouldn't CYP carry the burden of blame? The poor child's death didn't even serve as a catalyst for change in their company's way of handling drugs, it didn't even usher in a new order of mending their ways in dealing with their adversaries. ES, her beloved daughter, was relegated as a sad footnote in CYP's master plan. 

Or what if, way back then, HK already discovered MH's deep dark secret? Was her evidence collection her way of getting back at MH for stealing what was rightfully theirs? HK was cold and indifferent to JE, especially after ES' death. Was she shielding him from the possible fallout of her future actions? She would end up destroying his family after all. What if her current action, which seemed eerily similar to how it was back then, a continuation of her plan 4 years ago? 

What's clear though was that she didn't factor in JE's reaction, his cheating and their divorce. Of course, her accident and her subsequent amnesia would now seem more like a respite from the storm of intrigue and backstabbing when she resurfaced. The Baeks showed HK a new perspective in viewing things, they showered her with warmth and kindness, which, I would like to believe, was why she told BS that her old self was warring with her new one. The old HK was bent on revenge and the new HK wanted to forget everything and start anew...difficult indeed.

I like the way you think. Given me somethings to look at in different ways. Needed this....was getting a little bored with last two esps. But I am going back and re-watched them and look at them in the ways you have suggested.  maybe I see or find something that will help figure out HK real motive.

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Wednesday ---Dec.23, 2015 ---- 3 PM EST

Good Afternoon!

I can't seem to get beyond pp.449 & 450. Such thought provoking comments here! In addition to "piece-meal" viewing  of Epi. 31 & 32 with great subs by @lenet and @jadecloud.    My own PC MAY have a weird virus ???) but the screen/windows(?) are so "jumpy" that it takes forever to make any progress!    :crazy:     "You're making me crazy!   D you want to drive me mad?"  That's right, JE!. Me too! No joke!   So it's become a time of  the "lemons" of past several days on my PC "turning into Lemonade".

Main ideas  that stuck in my mind ?  Troubling me like a "thorn" or a "pebble"?   ;)

  • Pudoxin & Seol Ri  (late summer, 2011) --- Any adverse effect to appear NOW?  Where would Writer Bae look for ideas?  Besides the Horoscopes!
  • Psychoanalyzing the characters! <<---  :crazy: PLUS --->>  Detective/Profiler examination of ""Past & Present Events.
  • Focus Shift to Corporate world of Pharmaceutical Industry
  • Complex & Dynamic relationships/interactions that evolve over time  (per @DelroyB in post on p.449).       
  • ***********************************************************************************************************************************
  •    BUT  FIRST! ....."Who is the "lover" in the title of "IHAL"?   So far 3 people have identified "a lover" by name!
  • JE to BS --- "Do Hae Gang is my Lover!",    HK to BS --- " "KSY was my sister's dear "Lover",   SH wondered "Why must he still choose her as his "Lover"?.     And that was only after I began to wonder if the Writer was "playing tricks with us" & making very clear how many characters are trying the best they know how to pursue and win the affection of  their own "Lover"?   
  • TO BE CONTINUED --- I'm "exhausted by my love"  of exploring the dynamics of this drama, but much more so by the difficulties with typing this post and the "oddly unstable screens ( a virus? or just lots of people on the internet because of holiday vacation?)           I want to catch up with posts here!          
  • Minimal "Holiday scenery in the drama, I understand why,  but  LOTS reflected in the Instagrams & on Soompi.   Yeah!             sxmas_tree_100-106.gif?w=555&h=
  • Dang it!   I see I still haven't even finished reading all the posts on p.450.  WOW! Just been so enlightening!                                                                              




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10 hours ago, andy78 said:


So gorgeous ...



while waiting for the english sub. to come...i'm like JE stalking all the internet provider w/c one have a sub...

the two photos you've shared i can see a big contrast in DHK and JE facial expression....while JE SMIRKING FACE FEEL THAT HE KNOWS  DHK STILL LOVES HIM WHEN HE ACCIDENTALLY  MET HER ON THAT PLACE......contrast w/ DHK  facial expression it seems that she has a lot of heavy burden on her shoulder.:rolleyes:

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By chance I noticed an article  (one of the many that "pop up as you scroll along") that illustrates the depth of instinctual impulse we share with other warm blooded animals!  And shows how complicated it is to answer questions like these:... "What is love? ,   What motivate heroic actions of baboons, lions, or people?,  Can one change lifelong habitual ways of behaving (SR?)?,  Does risking your own life to save another ALWAYS mean you "LOVE" that person?  Beneath the Spoiler is a Photo story caught because the photographers were in the right place at the right time --- NO BLOODY SCENES!--- and witnessed a remarkable situation wherein a lioness is about to kill a mother baboon.  Male lions & male baboons are nearby.


The writer quotes the photographer, who observes,  "Life is fragile and no matter how much we fight to control its outcome, all we can do is live in the moment."   I am thinking of the many ways that  is what Writer Bae is presenting through this drama.  Even to the point of seeing some little bit of hope for the most "evil" and twisted characters, like TS, JR, "the killer of ES", the "minion"" and   SR, et all!  And hope extended to all the other characters to see and choose a better way to live.

Takes us right back to the ancient Greek playwrights who were not the least shy about the goals they held for their plays!  Why do artists (in every field) show their work to even one person? IMHO> To share with others some insight they deem worth knowing, even "life changing" and too important to keep to themselves!    

WOW!... Got kicked to the curb!  Me!?!  .... Had to sign in again!  Bigger surprise was this post was still there!  So I'm hitting the "Submit Post" button NOW!  Only going to READ posts now!

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13 hours ago, drmjs said:

Some Thoughts

Oh no, only one episode this week? Well I guess the SBS techs and station employees needed their down time, it's better than no episode at all. 

I agree with you @kimnana41 HK loves playing the long game.

4 years ago, what if HK was already in the process of destroying CYP? The safety deposit box she kept at an undisclosed location contained information on all of the drugs in CYP's portfolio, the new ones and the older ones. It seemed like she was gathering and keeping them away from prying eyes. Why would she do that? Why would she go out of her way to protect the data? What motivated her to behave that way?

Was it her way of avenging the death of her daughter? ES ended up as collateral damage in CYP's quest for pharmaceutical dominance. At the time of her daughter's death, HK must have been incensed at how JE and his family lay the blame solely at her doorstep. For HK, as far as CYP was concerned, it was business as usual. Shouldn't CYP carry the burden of blame? The poor child's death didn't even serve as a catalyst for change in their company's way of handling drugs, it didn't even usher in a new order of mending their ways in dealing with their adversaries. ES, her beloved daughter, was relegated as a sad footnote in CYP's master plan. 

Or what if, way back then, HK already discovered MH's deep dark secret? Was her evidence collection her way of getting back at MH for stealing what was rightfully theirs? HK was cold and indifferent to JE, especially after ES' death. Was she shielding him from the possible fallout of her future actions? She would end up destroying his family after all. What if her current action, which seemed eerily similar to how it was back then, a continuation of her plan 4 years ago? 

What's clear though was that she didn't factor in JE's reaction, his cheating and their divorce. Of course, her accident and her subsequent amnesia would now seem more like a respite from the storm of intrigue and backstabbing when she resurfaced. The Baeks showed HK a new perspective in viewing things, they showered her with warmth and kindness, which, I would like to believe, was why she told BS that her old self was warring with her new one. The old HK was bent on revenge and the new HK wanted to forget everything and start anew...difficult indeed.

It is going to be interesting.  I thought HG had that information because she knew that MTS had falsified the test results and was keeping it there as leverage against him.  

As far as how much JE blamed HK that remains to be seen.   When JE mom spilled the beans on what HK and MH did to the man who tried to kill HK but killed  ES.  We hear that no none is to tell JE the truth about it.  Yet it seems that JE and the man that killed ES did talk years ago while he was in prison. 

Through all of JE attacks, he accused her of throwing away ES after her death he does not say she killed her.  Also it seemed that HK the lawyer had not changed.  She was still on JE family side, even stated she was reveled on hearing YK husband death.  

Being that she attacked the woman in court with no mercy it does not seem she was out to get CYA.  Also if she was going to damage it why did she want JE to be working there 4 years ago?  Also she was going overseas.  Did she accept it to work without being observed?  Or it was not her plan and she just did not care where she was.

So it will be interesting o see what transpires. 


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At last I finished p.450.  I have a comment --- an idea that only came to me cause it's taking me so long to get through all this good stuff!

TS has a plan of his own to personally ruin JE's reputation as a "good & noble guy"  & to discredit Jin Eon professionally and in the Pharmaceutical industry.   Just because TS because "hates him" so much!  He said as much to someone (?) --- "JE can afford to look good because people like me (TS) do all the dirty work & fighting --- been doing it all my life" (paraphrased).  Hae Gang has no way to know TS has a deeply hidden agenda & MUST make sure JE will be in a position that will be legally responsible for the mess that he has brewing with the help of that PD!  TS is confident that he can spin a yarn that HK will fall for--- So he takes a risk & sides with MH to keep things the way he wants!

COMMENT: --- I finally put this together when in @jadecloud's last post on p.45 she focused on the video clip that captures the micro-facial expression between TS & HK. And "there it was" --- what words alone could never convey --- TS MUST keep JE as Director!  And he's willing to risk the wrath of HK to keep JE there, too.

You've all become so good at catching these fleeting little facial expressions! I wonder how much may I be missing when I'm free to just marathon my way through an entire drama?  Not to mention the tremendous amounts of background information that is developed in a forum, like this. I imagine this is how members of a Book Club must talk over a chosen "book of the month".   

(  http://yoshinerd.deviantart.com/art/Book-Club-577046756  )        :blush:

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Hi all, wish you pleasant holidays.

Actually i'm curious what HG's plan as a CYP defence lawyer againts BS, since TS cunningly grinning with this situation, i really hope HG can retrieve all her need for evidence, set a good trap and shove it to his mouth. Anyway besides JE following away HG pretense, what's other tactics he has to grind down TS. Somehow i kind of annoyed with TS lol, and hopefully he got what he deserve and redeem his mistake in prison

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There are a lot of faking and play acting going on with HK. Just thinking.. All those 4yrs with the Beaks and with her nightmares.

What if, yes what if while investigating her 'lost' identity she already discovered she is HK? Having "YK's ID" she surely should know who YK's last EMPLOYER was.. Eventho BIL may erase all documents/records she can easily check from other sources like Provident fund, Insurance, Banks or car licence etc.

So she waits for JE to come back before she executes her 'plan:... That chance/coincidental bumping into JE when he first arrived home was all part of her 'plan'? Well, am just wondering.

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I am intrigued by what JE said, "I will leave you alone if you stay far away from the company."

Keeping HG from the company is the most important matter in JE's mind right now.  He's willing to sacrifice his feelings towards HG in exchange for her position in CNP. That is love in action.

I guess HG doesn't want JE to leave her alone...:D

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The forum posting is acting strange.

Random thought.  JE did not seem to follow HG law career too closely.  Yet he did speak to her about her ambition and also tried really hard to get her to cry. To not ignore ES death.  

JE "I am not fine with you being so ok"

Was it his visits with ES killer in prison that brought to light how ruthless HG was becoming?  I really now want to see flash backs of that visit and first few weeks after the accident.

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49 minutes ago, Misstwilightfan1416 said:

Credit: SBSNOW


Once agin HG retains the title of mixed signals.  She has gone out of her way to push JE away for "his own good" she has had him arrested, tried to take his position in the company, flaunted her new boyfriend and tell him how much she hated when they were together. 

She gets her wish and look at that face.

4 years ago it was the same.  She did everything for JE own good expected him to hate her but thought he would get over it.

Luckily JE now knows to not trust HG actions, words or anything else.  Where last time he believed the word coming out from HG.  This time he will believe in their love. So Je matured a little.  Now if HG would just realize if she just honest not only will JE accept her warts and all but they have the same goals.

Protection of WJ & YK

Straightening out CYP , taking responsibility for any wrongs done to it customers and victims

the last goal HG does not know about yet but it the most important.

Finally coming to terms with ES death.

Having some closure and HG forgiving herself. 

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"Seol Ri! You're nearly 30 years old. Your birthday is in a week!", said BS. (Scene:...SR,BS, BJS having a cup of National Flower tea.)  BS arranged  for all 3 of them to have complete physical check-ups at the hospital.

Now that JR has Mother on her side against HK, I see several potentials for  "meet ups" of  SR & JE-- Any one of which could easily be misunderstood by HK.     For example, SH & JR could plan a fancy dinner party at home or, better yet, at a super fancy hotel, and arrange for HK to see SR/JE together.   How natural it would be for SH/JR to plan a "Surprise 30th Birthday Party", inviting SR's Father (BJS), her brother (BS) & his partner (HK),  Invite  BJS, --- the list can expand if they want an all out Gala Celebration!    :w00t:.    On the other hand, Seoul Ri might be planning to make a first move on JE on her own by inviting him to private birthday party.  

PS:.... I wrote this last night --- thought it got posted then, so here it is, finally!  And thank you so very much, @tambui, for the fan made MV --- I loved it. Brought tears to my eyes!  So perfect! And the selection of scenes perfectly matching the sentiment of the song --- the switch from the woman's voice to the man singing--- the duet was great!        Question ---Who were the two singers?  I roved around on Youtube, but had no luck finding the answer by myself.  Had a great time revisiting recaps & reviews of "To the Beautiful You" --- love High School dramas!  And "gender benders" ("Coffee Prince" still my Gold Standard, IMHO).

EDIT"..... @yunra89 --- Can you tell me what the joke was --- in the 2nd photos?  I see they turned JJH into a mermaid, but why? And why the sparkling silver "fountains" in KHJ's photo?  Thank you, if you get a chance.


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