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watching the raw and crying when uri KYH cried in the hospital!! His cries was just so gut wrenching, I wanted to run to him and envelope him in my embrace.... I'm eagerly awaiting the subs for this scene which might explain his reason to stay away..... 5 months in the hospital to recuperate from multiple fractures (seems too long, 3 months should do it) without a visit from KJE again and 7 months of rehab in the US only (seems too short at least 8-10mos)... the pain and hard work he went thru ALONE (chief min wasn't with him??!! why??) all chief min lovers pls answer @Ahpheng@Lissabonni@jemmaca@jusash@onnififi@artholics@zagigirl@lclarakl why did your devoted chief min leave uri KYH to cope by himself?

@zagigirl@nona88glad to put a smile on your face ... good morning!

the little ball at the end of the scarf, seems like the camera spent a couple of seconds to focus on it.... maybe he gave her a ring? cuz I know he didn't like it she kept WS ring although he said it's ok (tongue in cheek).... maybe the ring of his mom? if that's the case, what a gesture!

oh and anybody with sharp eyes, just curious... when KYH was waiting for KJE and looked at his watch... what time was it?

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9 minutes ago, rain719 said:

watching the raw and crying when uri KYH cried in the hospital!! His cries was just so gut wrenching, I wanted to run to him and envelope him in my embrace.... I'm eagerly awaiting the subs for this scene which might explain his reason to stay away..... 5 months in the hospital to recuperate from multiple fractures (seems too long, 3 months should do it) without a visit from KJE again and 7 months of rehab in the US only (seems too short at least 8-10mos)... the pain and hard work he went thru ALONE (chief min wasn't with him??!! why??) all chief min lovers pls answer @Ahpheng@Lissabonni@jemmaca@jusash@onnififi@artholics@zagigirl@lclarakl why did your devoted chief min leave uri KYH to cope by himself?

@zagigirl@nona88glad to put a smile on your face ... good morning!

Come on chingu...as if they r not to close as it is :P...with him beside YH wouldn't be able to concentrate ;)

Beside...his devoted Min had to protect his woman while he's away...you saw that other 2 guys was occupied with championship and all

BTW 1...back to knitting thing...once SJS's macho image fades he'll still have a future with knitting...if you ask me it suited in his hands better then any other female i saw in k-drama so far :)

BTW 2...morning to you chingu maybe but time for good night to me...0:36 at my place...was a pleasure as ever :)

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5 hours ago, lclarakl said:

Knowing that YH hand knitted that scarf just makes it even more special. It means that he was thinking of her the whole time he was recovering.  That's really sweet and thoughtful.

Oh i agree. What's not to love about him? A chaebol, cutie, hottie A-class fitness trainer and with a super sensitive caring heart for others.. :heart::heart:

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7 hours ago, Ldy Gmerm said:

I have to agree with you on CF girl. I too feel like she has pushed her way into his life and has taken advantage of his new relationship with his mother but then again perhaps it is what is needed for him as well. (He is a cutie but he is a bit uptight).


Yes to this! I felt like she was insensitive and a bit selfish.  I mean, most people would notice that JS wants to have some bonding moment with his mom, and we wouldn't interrupt that because we know it's important to the mother and son.  But this one, it's just too much. It's not cute, it's disrespectful.  There's a difference between trying to be a part of her boyfriend's family, and trying to make it all about her.  I mean, remember the restaurant scene where KJE's brother introduced his fiancee? When they noticed that there was something going on, they didn't try to push it.  The brother and the fiancee backed away, knowing that there would be a right moment for them to get to know each other (that sweet moment with the herbal medicine in the restaurant.  Such a subtle way for the fiancee to show that she wants to be a part of KJE's life).  As much as the brother wanted her to be recognized as someone important in his life, he also knew and accepted that there are some things where she's not yet a part of it.  But... I guess we're asking too much from CF girl. Then again, she's never shown us that subtle is a word that she understands.  I just hope that JS grabs a page or two from his hyung's dating book, so he'll know how to deal with this.

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1 hour ago, zagigirl said:

Well...not so big like to YH's tie at the end...somehow didn't fit that coat of his ;)...or was it just me?...JE should give him a new one


the tie matches his brown shoes..... somehow korean fashion always match a blue suit with brown shoes, for the life of me I don't see why! blue on brown is ok for interior designing purposes but on clothes??  but then again, they love to mix match colors....

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Chief Min not being with him was understandable because he actually works for grandma. 

Actually, all the characters had their own personal mission to accomplish. And, it was a mission only they could accomplish individually, i.e.,  rehab, enlisting in the Marines, winning the championship, continuing to exercise, etc. So,  endure and live each day, until the pain or mission is over.

I liked that episode 13 focused on JE and episode 14 focused on YH. This allowed Shin Mina and So Ji Sub to really display their acting talents.

I think the watch said 12: 20.

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ep 14, let me recover first before i recap what i just saw. that's how speechless i am right now. the first 3 minutes and the last 3 minutes were all i needed and although we should've seen more, the previous 50 mins didn't even matter to me. comfortable erotic night WINNING. bring it. bring it. 

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Just now, rain719 said:


the tie matches his brown shoes..... somehow korean fashion always match a blue suit with brown shoes, for the life of me I don't see why! blue on brown is ok for interior designing purposes but on clothes??  but then again, they love to mix match colors....

:lol:...sorry didn't come all down to shoes...well ok with the color...but did you notice the pattern?..and he had gray coat with some kind of stipes

If i put aside too short pants on tall man i like how they dress...females have a lot of great clothes...designs and colors i like...and YH is usually ok dressed for me ;)

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First half of the episode had me in tears, seeing YH struggle to get better and be able to run to JE when he sees her nearly broke my heart. JE is extremely strong and understanding and for a socially awkward person who isn't very good at expressing himself she's indeed his life line. I loved that the first person he went to see was her, I liked the realism in her not wanting to let him out of her sight even for a second. SMA acting was amazing in her sad scenes and when he came back it was like we saw the color come back to her face, and she was living again. I hope she does another drama soon, love her in everything. The little ball at the end of the scarf def. contains a ring, and it better be prettier then SJ's ring lol:lol:. SJ seems to be self medicating herself but I don't know with what, anti-depressants? diet pills?. CF girl is still so irrelevant to me, I actually fast forward any scenes she's in, which is a shame because a JS love story would have been amazing, writer nim def. dropped the ball on that plot. Halmoni and step mom will need to make up, and maybe its time YH steps up as a member of his family and bring them all together. No way YH would put up with the arrange marriage ploy, plus the blind date girl seemed understanding.

Why oh why did we get trolled again, like seriously we've been way too good to be getting that kind of ending in ep 14. I better get two erotic nights at this rate its the only thing that will subside my disappointment. 

Finale next week, can't wait...but I also don't it end.:bawling:

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9 minutes ago, rain719 said:

watching the raw and crying when uri KYH cried in the hospital!! His cries was just so gut wrenching, I wanted to run to him and envelope him in my embrace.... I'm eagerly awaiting the subs for this scene which might explain his reason to stay away..... 5 months in the hospital to recuperate from multiple fractures (seems too long, 3 months should do it) without a visit from KJE again and 7 months of rehab in the US only (seems too short at least 8-10mos)... the pain and hard work he went thru ALONE (chief min wasn't with him??!! why??) all chief min lovers pls answer @Ahpheng@Lissabonni@jemmaca@jusash@onnififi@artholics@zagigirl@lclarakl why did your devoted chief min leave uri KYH to cope by himself?

@zagigirl@nona88glad to put a smile on your face ... good morning!

the little ball at the end of the scarf, seems like the camera spent a couple of seconds to focus on it.... maybe he gave her a ring? cuz I know he didn't like it she kept WS ring although he said it's ok (tongue in cheek).... maybe the ring of his mom? if that's the case, what a gesture!

oh and anybody with sharp eyes, just curious... when KYH was waiting for KJE and looked at his watch... what time was it?

dont even ask ,MIN has :
1- to take care of the grandmother , that what his job first ,doyou forget how shocked and weak she was in the end of ep 13 , she didn't even go to the airport to see KYH off , i think she was more then busy and sick
2- MIN has his important work on the company , even without all the  trouble he more then busy person
3- that now KYH isn't there , and they all hide the fact he was sick , he has so much more work and keep eyes on other shareholder and to control the media 

look at me really trying hard to define MIN :wink:, i guess haven him on my avatar three weeks has affect me :tounge_xd: ( just joking , how i cant love that kind heart person after all what he did)

and i keep enjoy your posts more and more dear:heart: 
 by the way there things to  worry:
1- the fact they didn't talk about step mother and step brother 
2- the fact when the doctor tell the father he will prepare  his next cancer treatment and he just has that look on his face
3- SJ look sick
4-the grandmother look not well
and how crazy i am now my friends , i remember now  i faith in the writer  ,let see what he hide for the last week 

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I'm hoping that in ep 15, we will see the dad's own cancer ordeal - and hopefully, this will bring him, YH, granny, the stepmom and brother together.  I hope YH will make them realize that they don't have a lot of time now, so they might as well make the most of it as a family.  I just wish granny will stop using YH as an excuse to let her own fears turn into selfishness.  Because as much as we understand how much she loves YH, she's not the only who feels that way about him.  The stepmom and the brother might not be her family, and everyone seems to be respecting her decision that she doesn't want them to be a part of her life, but she should stop denying that they are YH's family and should therefore be a part of his life.

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32 minutes ago, rain719 said:

watching the raw and crying when uri KYH cried in the hospital!! His cries was just so gut wrenching, I wanted to run to him and envelope him in my embrace.... I'm eagerly awaiting the subs for this scene which might explain his reason to stay away..... 5 months in the hospital to recuperate from multiple fractures (seems too long, 3 months should do it) without a visit from KJE again and 7 months of rehab in the US only (seems too short at least 8-10mos)... the pain and hard work he went thru ALONE (chief min wasn't with him??!! why??) all chief min lovers pls answer @Ahpheng@Lissabonni@jemmaca@jusash@onnififi@artholics@zagigirl@lclarakl why did your devoted chief min leave uri KYH to cope by himself?

@zagigirl@nona88glad to put a smile on your face ... good morning!

the little ball at the end of the scarf, seems like the camera spent a couple of seconds to focus on it.... maybe he gave her a ring? cuz I know he didn't like it she kept WS ring although he said it's ok (tongue in cheek).... maybe the ring of his mom? if that's the case, what a gesture!

oh and anybody with sharp eyes, just curious... when KYH was waiting for KJE and looked at his watch... what time was it?

I agree about the time in hospital it certainly seems long. But they wanted that exact one year separation so we can allow for a little bit of dramatic license I think.

I am sure that Chief Min did what was best for KYH. They would have talked and agreed. Grandma would have let him go to the US with KYH if that was what was wanted I am sure. We don't know how often he flew over and visited nor do we know if he sent assistants there to keep an eye on KYH.I am betting he did.

I think you missed out on @Lady_Fay and @ladychan1984 for members in the Min appreciation group :)

I would like to know what the time was too but my eyes were not good enough. Also I wonder where the scarf is he made for his mother. Perhaps the dad still has it?

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12 minutes ago, Reyko said:



National  9.9%

Seoul       10.9%

cr weibo@omv


YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. Reyko, I think you know the key to my heart ha ha ha. All I gotta say about this scene is that they had better lock all doors, turn off all phones, ignore all doorbells and doorknocks AND that we are owed our overdue FULL BED SCENE. NOW. #SOSHINFTW

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What a beautiful episodeeeeeee. Gosh, can I be annoying and talk about their chemistry for the 975th time? I hope they win best couple! It's sad because I think after this collaboration, it'll be a long while before we see them team up on another project. Sighs, oh so perfect together, these two. I think they must be good friends in real life to be able to channel that trust and energy to create such mind blowing chemistry. Imagine acting like you're in love with a colleague/friend, I'd burst out laughing. Unless he looks like SJS, because then that's a different story lol 

Thank you SO much for the pics, recaps, etc. This forum is SO fun to be a part of. ♡ have a happy new year, friends! 


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Okay I just watched both episodes,  I  went through a all box of tissues between ep13 and the first half of  episode 14. Then I kept grinning like  a fool through the second half. 

1.  I really liked it that KJE and OSJ went at it, I always though that this two girl  needed  each other in their lives in some way. 

2. Well nothing will ever change my mind about grandma, these two episodes showed us  once more how she is a seriously flawed human being how does she justify putting her grandson life above all the other lives she is destroying. 

3. I hated the fact that chief min  didn't let the stepmom and the brother through to talk with YH.  This family needs serious  healing and that can only  start if they  start talking to  each other. 

4.  Once again writer-nim prove my  point that daddy is simply misunderstood. You could  see ooze right off him that he loves both his sons. And that he cared for his second wife enough to be worried,

What I hope we see in last two episodes, instead of grandma just proving to us that she is a abject human being.  I want YH  to be the  bridge of  healing for his father, brother and stepmom,  I could care less about grandma ( I gave up on her as a human being a long time ago.) 

I wish that sec. Min who  has witnessed how broken this family is also  become the foundation YH the bridge needs to overcome all the obstacle  that he may  face in helping his family heal.  

K-dram  has us so conditioned that we are all in a  panic when we see so much  happiness. I hope this writer prove us wrong and that she turns this drama into a truth healing drama.

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10 minutes ago, Darrkn3ss said:

Okay I just watched both episodes,  I  went through a all box of tissues between ep13 and the first half of  episode 14. Then I kept grinning like  a fool through the second half. 

1.  I really liked it that KJE and OSJ went at it, I always though that this two girl  needed  each other in their lives in some way. 

2. Well nothing will ever change my mind about grandma, these two episodes showed us  once more how she is a seriously flawed human being how does she justify putting her grandson life above all the other lives she is destroying. 

3. I hated the fact that chief min  didn't let the stepmom and the brother through to talk with YH.  This family needs serious  healing and that can only  start if they  start talking to  each other. 

4.  Once again writer-nim prove my  point that daddy is simply misunderstood. You could  see ooze right off him that he loves both his sons. And that he cared for his second wife enough to be worried,

What I hope we see in last two episodes, instead of grandma just proving to us that she is a abject human being.  I want YH  to be the  bridge of  healing for his father, brother and stepmom,  I could care less about grandma ( I gave up on her as a human being a long time ago.) 

I wish that sec. Min who  has witnessed how broken this family is also  become the foundation YH the bridge needs to overcome all the obstacle  that he may  face in helping his family heal.  

K-dram  has us so conditioned that we are all in a  panic when we see so much  happiness. I hope this writer prove us wrong and that she turns this drama into a truth healing drama.



1.  I really liked it that KJE and OSJ went at it, I always though that this two girl  needed  each other in their lives in some way

NOT REALISTIC! You can call a truce, be civil but you cannot put that kind of a relationship in its original form....they can go their SEPARATE lives....  same with WS....

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41 minutes ago, rain719 said:


the tie matches his brown shoes..... somehow korean fashion always match a blue suit with brown shoes, for the life of me I don't see why! blue on brown is ok for interior designing purposes but on clothes??  but then again, they love to mix match colors....


Now I have to say that they haven't made YH the most fashionable in this drama--I could have gone without seeing him in that plaid coat during his reunion meeting with JE.  However, I will say that from a fashion standpoint, brown and blue in clothing goes very well together.  Okay, I will confess that I own a couple of business skirt and pants suits that have brown and blue as their color scheme and they look awesome--it gives the appearance of mix matched, but at the same time it obviously matches due to the accessories (buttons, jewelry, scarfs, etc).  It has a lot to do with the color tones of blue and brown.

However, since I'm not a fashion designer and when it coms to clothes I buy and wear what I like, I may not be a good judge on this topic--:lol:

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40 minutes ago, miss-guided said:

I'm hoping that in ep 15, we will see the dad's own cancer ordeal - and hopefully, this will bring him, YH, granny, the stepmom and brother together.  I hope YH will make them realize that they don't have a lot of time now, so they might as well make the most of it as a family.  I just wish granny will stop using YH as an excuse to let her own fears turn into selfishness.  Because as much as we understand how much she loves YH, she's not the only who feels that way about him.  The stepmom and the brother might not be her family, and everyone seems to be respecting her decision that she doesn't want them to be a part of her life, but she should stop denying that they are YH's family and should therefore be a part of his life.


If halmoni and the uncle were out of the picture, I think they could have bonded as a family a long time ago. She's the main driver behind the family division and uncle was the driver behind trying to elevate one son about the other. The stepmother and her son both have very good personalities and are not motivated by greed. I think if given an opportunity, YH and his younger brother could have a good relationship, as well as the stepmother. The father would have no choice but to come around. I know he's not telling anyone because he wants to spare them the worry, but I hope it will bring all of them together as a family----including halmoni.

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