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Kam Woo Sung 감우성


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Thanks to jibjibjib, we overseas fans of "My Spring Day," now, have a place to add our name for a petition, requesting the release of a DVD set of the series, with bonus materials. Go to this link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1hL4SDIGX_F2RojrVBXVB6wLqxQi06IfLNTHILLlmTS8/formResponse Add your name, how many copies you would want, and add your thoughts on the series.

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@PeerNorway, sorry it's my first time at Soompi and I haven't had the chance to look around. I usually visit Korean fan sites since I'm Korean. I will delete my original post~! 

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@ChelseaS, this is what we have so far:
- Nov. 7: 1st talk with the production company- Releasing the Director's cut version of the DVD cannot be decided by the production company alone. They will talk to MBC and informed our staff that there should be reasonable demands to have the DVD released.
=> So the staffs of the petition started promoting the petition via local cafes and SNS (like Twitter and Facebook)
- Nov. 10: 2nd talk with the production company- The company informed the staff that the Director needs to make decision on the release of the DVD to get the project going. In addition, the company told the staff that the Director's out of country and he should be back by the night of the 11th. The staff told the company that we are getting petitions for the DVD to be released and the company wanted to know the demands so far. The staff told the company that there are about over 100 demands right now but aiming to have about 1,000. 
- Nov. 12: 3rd talk with the production company- The company was unable to get hold of the Director yet. When they get hold of him, they are going to contact our staff. Because most international fans can't access and participate in the petition cafe on Daum (local cafe), one of the staff opened the petition on goolgle so anyone can have an access to it.

We would like to have NG cuts, actor interviews, behind the scenes, unreleased cuts included in the Director's cut but the details of the contents can only be discussed after deciding to release the DVD. 
I'll try to give you more updates when I get more from the petition cafe.  
PS: I wish I know how to add pictures. I just revised the contents of the English promotion poster (like the name of the drama since there are many versions) and other details. I'll try to find a way to upload the file. :D 

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Guest sheilacolleen

@jiheyk‌ ... Welcome welcome >:D<
It's great to have someone who is Korean and can bring us KWS/SY/MSD news from other sites.

Besides what you mentioned is requested from the Director's cut, what I really wish from the Director's cut is an alternate ending .. where Bomyi lives to love Dongha a little longer .. maybe a full scale wedding .. perhaps a sweet honeymoon .... I am being greedy, aren't I?

If that happens, I promise to buy multiple copies as presents to my friends .. :)>-

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@sheilacolleen, thanks for the warm welcome! :D

I recently saw the last episode since I wasn't ready to see the ending for awhile. At first, I didn't like the ending neither but more I watch it, I'm thinking it makes sense. But I know there are tons of people who would love to see an alternate ending. One of the interviews (think it was from an interview..) mentioned that one of the reasons KWS decided to do the drama was becuase of the ending. So I guess the ending was set from the beginning.

We need to wait for the Director's decision but I'll pass on your words when the decision is made. ;) In the meantime, please give support by taking a part in the petition.

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@jiheyk welcome to this board!!!! nice to meet you here, annyeong ha sae yo excuse my hangeul :) welcome on board & thanks for dvd info i agrree with @sheilacolleen nice to hv a Korean on board - i really look f/ward to getting this dvd for sure! thank uuuuuuuuuuuu v much kamsa hab nida

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@chelseaS many thnx for the link, any tips w/c to click there tho i read hangeul but i hv to know w/c button right hehehehe

@JamaicaK re that movie Bold i didn't expect i'd like it but i really enjoyed it! i liked the chem of him & ahhhh i forgot the name hahaha

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@‌ jiheyk I hope they decide to keep the first English title, "My Spring Day," and not use "My Blooming Life," which is a terrible title. It's the British equivalent of saying "My Crappy/Lousy Life". One thing I wish I had added to the petition was the request for English subtitles, for the bonus features, too, but I didn't think of it, then. Glad you liked Bold Family, @Hibiscus23. I wasn't so sure I'd like it, either, but it was quite sweet, and an eye-opener about the family reunions.

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JamaicaK said: @jiheyk Please let them keep the English title "My Spring Day," and not "My Blooming Life," which is a terrible title. It's the British equivalent of saying "My Crappy Life". One thing I wish I had added to the petition was the request for English subtitles, for the bonus features, too, but I didn't think of it, then. Glad you liked Bold Family, @Hibiscus23. I wasn't so sure I'd like it, either, but it was quite sweet, and an eye-opener about the family reunions.

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@Hibiscus23, if I understood some of those articles correctly, KWS got married close to the same time Kim So-Roo did, so they went together to Australia (with their wives, obviously - lol!) to honeymoon. But, the translation could've been off. Lol! Same with me on King Geunchogo. I keep trying to start it up, again, but I never get far. Think maybe I'll just fast forward through everything but Woo-Sung's scenes! Lol!

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@JamaicaK woah really they must've gotten closer making the movie eh? imagine gg together on their honeymoon in Aussie...that's really nice! yeah i don't know also when i'm gonna be able to continue with KG LOLs! ahhh good idea i shld watch f/forward with only his scenes hahaha!

i can't wait to get the MSD dvd woah that'll be nice!

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I hope the MSD DVD will be as nice as the one for "Alone in Love."  It was really outstanding.  Lots of great bonus features, and the set was Region 1, so the subtitles in the Bonus features were in English, as well as the series.

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@JamaicaK, I have passed on yours and other people's requests. I'm just having my fingers crossed for the DVD release so we can talk more about it. :( 

On a different note, KSW will be going to the "Art Edition," an art fair, this afternoon. His agent(manger) gave the news through his fan page and emphasized that we should seem/act natural if we decide to go see him at the fair and don't have anything prepared. :D 
Art Edition: http://www.artedition.kr/artedition/

And this if for those who are interested in sending fan letters to KSW:
Address Clover Company (주)클로버컴퍼니Seo-Il Building (서일빌딩) #50147, Tojeong-ro, Mapo-gu, Seoul, Korea

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@jiheyk, thank you for the information! Hopefully, someone reading here will be able to attend the fair. Thanks, also, for the address, so that we can write him. Are letters in English okay, you think, or should we find someone who can translate them for us? I threw caution to the wind and sent a letter to him through MBC, but had very little expectation of it reaching him, but I had no idea of where he could be written. I figured it didn't hurt to try, anyway, so again, thank you. I'm sure quite a few people will be using this address. :-)

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@JamaicaK, I think it will be totally okay if you write the letter in English. You know sometimes it's hard to find that exact words to translate. If you want to translate some of it or also send him the translated version with your original letter, I can totally help out even though I'm not a skilled expert. :D The address which I have given you is also from KSW agent so this time the letter will get to him. ;)  His agent also mentioned that we should send lots and lots of letters...lol 

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jiheyk said: @JamaicaK, I think it will be totally okay if you write the letter in English. You know sometimes it's hard to find that exact words to translate. If you want to translate some of it or also send him the translated version with your original letter, I can totally help out even though I'm not a skilled expert. :D The address which I have given you is also from KSW agent so this time the letter will get to him. ;)  His agent also mentioned that we should send lots and lots of letters...lol 

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