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Kam Woo Sung 감우성


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I always feel like, Bom-Yi had to die, to truly heal Dong Ha's heart and spirit - to make him live the wisdom he was always sharing with her.  It's one thing to know those things in your mind, but to live them in your heart is another level of maturity.  
(I have him permanently tattooed in my mind from age 32 to now.  :-)  Beautiful man!  )
I really like Lt. Choi (and yes, Kam really exuded a cool, masculine lethality, as a soldier - a panther-like sort of presence).  I like how, as things start to fall apart, he really gives up his reluctance to care about his men, and his reluctance to lead, (because of his past horrific experiences), and starts doing both, investing everything he can to get them home.  With the work Kam put into the movie, it's too bad it wasn't a drama, rather than horror film, (but it's a very good, thoughtful horror film), it would've been great to see him get to develop that character, and deal more directly with the Post Traumatic Stress Disorder that Choi was fighting.

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Sounds like this article is saying that KWS and Choi Soo-Young made donations to Korea Heart Foundation, because of their involvement in MSD.

감우성·최수영, 한국심장재단에 후원금 전달

한국심장재단(이사장 조범구)은 MBC 드라마 '내 생애 봄날'의 주연을 맡은 탤런트 감우성과 그룹 소녀시대 맴버인 최수영이 심장이식 환자를 위해 후원금을 전달했다고 26일 밝혔다.

두 주연 배우는 지난달 30일 '내 생애 봄날' 종영을 기념해 재단에 후원금을 기부했다.

드라마 '내 생애 봄날'은 시한부 인생을 살다가 심장 이식을 통해 새 생명을 얻은 여자와 심장을 기증한 여인의 남편이 만나 특별한 사랑을 하게 되는 휴먼멜로드라마로, 운명적인 사랑을 잔잔한 이야기로 담아 감동을 전했다.  

감우성과 최수영은 "이번 드라마를 촬영하면서 심장이식 환자에 대해 새롭게 알게 됐다"며 "이번 후원금으로 심장이식을 애타게 기다리는 환자가 이식을 받고 기적 같은 봄날을 선물 받았으면 좋겠다"고 소감을 밝혔다. (연합뉴스)AKR20141125158800848_01_i.jpg
<저작권자© 연합뉴스, 무단 전재-재배포 금지>2014/11/26 10:10 송고
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An actual news item on the drive to get a director's cut of MSD made.  Too bad the whole thing wasn't handled in a more official manner, it would've gotten more orders.  Would they have been enough to go into production?  Who knows?  I'm feeling bitter right about now....  Apparently both Woo-Sung & Soo-Young were really hoping for this this cut as well.
최근 종방한 드라마 <내 생애 봄날> 감독판 DVD 제작이 추진된다.
MBC에서 수목극으로 방송된 <내 생애 봄날> 드라마 팬들은 팬 카페에 감독판 DVD 추진을 위한 모임을 결성하고 제작사와 배우들의 힘을 모아 감독판을 만들 움직임을 보이고 있다.
감우성은 팬 카페에 “회당 25~30분씩 분량이 초과돼 잘려나간 장면이 많다”고 쓰며 안타까워했고, 최수영은 본인의 사회관계망서비스(SNS) 인스타그램을 통해 “저도 갖고 싶어요. ^^ 여러분도 DVD 가수요조사에 많이 참여해주세요”라고 글을 남기기도 했다.
MBC 드라마 ‘내 생애 봄날’ 출연자들. 왼쪽부터 배우 이준혁, 장신영, 최수영, 감우성. 사진 경향DB실제 가수요조사 이후 21일부터는 팬 카페를 중심으로 선주문 구매가 이뤄지고 있다. 오는 24일 자정까지 500세트의 판매를 목표로 하고 있는데 목표에 수요가 모자랄 경우 제작이 취소될 가능성도 있다. 감독판 DVD는 제작이 까다롭고 비용이 많이 들어 1000장 정도가 판매돼야 손익분기점을 맞출 수 있기 때문이다.
드라마 ‘내 생애 봄날’ 주연배우 최수영이 감독판 DVD 발매를 기원하며 쓴 인스타그램 글. 사진 최수영 인스타그램 캡처감독판 DVD 추진 카페 운영진 관계자는 “드라마 팬 중 드라마를 보고 실제 장기기증 서약을 하신 분들이 많다. 그만큼 감동이 크다는 증거가 아니겠는가. 발매가 되는 날까지 숨어있는 팬들을 찾기 위해 최선을 다하겠다”고 의지를 보였다.
감독판 DVD는 이재동PD가 재편집한 영상과 감우성, 최수영, 이준혁 등 출연배우 인터뷰 영상, 2회 분량의 코멘터리 영상, 메이킹 영상, NG 모음 등이 포함될 예정이다.
드라마 제작사 드림 E&M 관계자는 “연출자의 의지가 있고, 배우와 팬들이 원하는 만큼 DVD 제작을 적극 추진할 계획”이라고 덧붙였다.
<내 생애 봄날>은 자신의 죽은 아내가 가진 심장을 이식받은 여인을 사랑하는 남자의 이야기를 담담한 톤으로 담아낸 작품으로 지난달 30일 최종회 시청률 10%(닐슨 코리아 집계)의 준수한 성적을 내고 종방했다.

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Guest sheilacolleen

@JamaicaK ... Agree with you that the whole thing was not handled in a more official way. I actually went as far as following the translated instructions that @Jiheyk provided. I stopped short at pressing 'Submit' button as I thought about the language barriers I would have if I had to follow up with Yes24 on delivery or refunds.

Clearly the overseas fans were not considered. It was only through the kind efforts of our Korean counterparts that we were kept in the loop. Perhaps if more time and efforts were expended to extend this to overseas fans, the results would have been different.

I hope the Korean fans do not lose heart and come up with some other alternatives.

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LOL!!!  I finally found it!  The best ad for "Big Bang"  "A Bold Family"!  I saw it a couple of years ago.  It used to be on You Tube but it has since disappeared, so I'm thrilled somebody still has it up on the net:  

The movie, itself, can be seen

here:  http://www.gooddrama.net/korean-movie/big-bang-movie

Very nice screen-captures of WS sketching, from WS's 2007 "On Style" One-Year Anniversary Special.  
From:  http://oeker.net/m/bbs/board.php?bo_table=show3&wr_id=918327

3tX1oCy_zpsa33f2a1c.png 3mSyL2g_zpsa91efe7e.pngTWEK6P2_zps3f4f4da1.pngMClw4BA_zps0d4ac0b0.pngwL9Nrea_zpsa857fbbb.pngz4l0RDY_zpsdcf7d0e2.pngIUVmtAD_zpsa8083ebc.pngyHzt1me_zps64801488.pngPMIbl9J_zpsa06f62c1.pngN2k87N7_zps31070d3e.png

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sheilacolleen said: @JamaicaK ... Agree with you that the whole thing was not handled in a more official way. I actually went as far as following the translated instructions that @Jiheyk provided. I stopped short at pressing 'Submit' button as I thought about the language barriers I would have if I had to follow up with Yes24 on delivery or refunds.

Clearly the overseas fans were not considered. It was only through the kind efforts of our Korean counterparts that we were kept in the loop. Perhaps if more time and efforts were expended to extend this to overseas fans, the results would have been different.

I hope the Korean fans do not lose heart and come up with some other alternatives.

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Guest sheilacolleen

@jamaicaK @jiheyk .. I was thinking ..

Would it help our Korean counterparts' efforts if we were to write a mail in English to express our interest, disappointment and communication difficulties with Yes24? We can suggest that presale be extended to some overseas-friendly sites e.g Hanbooks or YesAsia.

I really really want the Director' Cut - even more so after JamaicaK shared that KWS and SY were also behind this. We might actually get post-drama insights from them!!

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sheilacolleen said: @jamaicaK @jiheyk .. I was thinking ..

Would it help our Korean counterparts' efforts if we were to write a mail in English to express our interest, disappointment and communication difficulties with Yes24? We can suggest that presale be extended to some overseas-friendly sites e.g Hanbooks or YesAsia.

I really really want the Director' Cut - even more so after JamaicaK shared that KWS and SY were also behind this. We might actually get post-drama insights from them!!

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@jibjibjib and I were talking about the DVD drive, and this is the latest she's been able to tell me, as of Nov 28, (I'm only posting it now, because I was waiting to hear from her again, as to whether or not it was okay to post this, but I feel I can't wait any longer:
(Jib):  ok so the new staff update is just saying new deadline is 1000 preorders in one month. it says until december but doesnt have a specific date. first 400 preorders get something special i have no idea what they didnt say. about the premium dvd this is different from directors dvd. it will include deleted scenes but it wont be edited by the director meaning the director is not involved in the premium dvd production. this premium dvd will also be more expensive. i think this is what the staff want if they cant get a directors cut dvd. also they are trying to find an alternate site for overseas fan preorders but they say the problem is they dont allow refunds or something like that. so they are still looking for other ways. for now they will keep promoting to reach the 1000 preorder goals. they are starting to put english notices on the fancafe so i can see they are trying. there is still hope!

they have a staff that can speak english you can email them for questions. uhmcom@naver.com


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Well, for what it's worth, I sent an email to the address Jib supplied.  If anyone interested in getting the DVD hasn't written or ordered, yet, I encourage you to do so. If they realize there is interest, outside of those who read Hangul, they might make more of an effort to provide a way for us to order the DVD that we feel comfortable with.  Don't wait for someone else to do the writing.  Everyone who is interested should write, and give them an idea of the numbers interested.  Here is what I wrote, if it helps.

I am writing from the United States.  I loved "My Spring Day," (which I watched on Soompi.com), and heard there is a possibility of a director's cut being made of the series, if 1000 pre-orders are made to Yes 24.  I would very much like to make an order, but I do not read Hangul. 
Is it not possible to make the director's cut, and all its bonus features, into a download, which can be purchased through online websites such as Amazon, and iTunes, which should be accessible to many buyers outside of Korea; or at least make the DVD set available through YesAsia.com, which sells Korean, Japanese, and Chinese DVDs, music, etc., to people both inside, and outside those countries.  
The 1,000 pre-order requirement COULD be met, I think, if you can just find a way to allow buyers, outside of Korea, to order this DVD set.  A lot of people are interested, but can't do anything about buying it!
Thank you for your time!

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Are my eyes playing tricks? But i could have sworn that KWS is thinner post MSD. He kinda looks gaunt. Whatever it is he is still dishy drop dead gorgeous. Super talented actor n accomplished artist n wine connoiser- hope i spelt that right. His wife is one damn lucky woman

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hello all here! been MIA for a while since we got a long w/end off here, however reading about the DVDs i can't help but wondered as well why this MSD drama seems to be somewhat diff in terms of the other Kdramas in which after it wrapped up it seems a standard procedure to produce the dvd regardless of whether there's a pre-order or what-not! i agree with u guys in that i wldnt want to pre-order unless i hv a reassurance that my product or item will indeed be on hand, esp dealing with online order per se! no offense to our friend jiheyk :) if anything we are thankful that she's able to share all the info re this (dvd) with us!
@jamaicaK i'm also a longtime customer of yesasia & over da yrs nvr encountered any problems purchasing thru them & i do trust that site!

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I just got this reply from the DVD staff, regarding refunds:

Hello J. Knauer,

You will get a full refund if it is decided not to make a director's cut DVD of My Spring Days.

(Or you can get a full refund in any time if you want)

If you have any problem that you can't get a refund, please contact us again.

Thank you,

H.Y, Uhm

And I forgot to mention, everyone, who orders the Director's Cut DVD, will get the bonus, (whatever it is - hopefully it's autographed by the cast), not just the first 400 customers, as originally intended.

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