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9 hours ago, mayuwi said:


I am just wondering if someone could help answer my question.... Please please please :)

Can anybody point me out what are the things that make Jung finally realize that he's different from Seol? I am not really good at reading someone personality so this thing has bothered me. (I think it happened when Seol had a fight with Min Soo, but I just don't know what)



I was just watching these previous episodes (cause honestly, what else can u do in anticipation of the show when there is still more than a week to go), the scene where Jung was hitting the pervert fellow. Pervert asks him that does ur girl know what sorta guy are you. Yoo jung at that moment confidently says yes she does, Infact she's just like me. Upto that point he was very clear and proud of the fact that they were so alike. Then the pervert guy gives a sarcastic sorta laugh and says alike my foot. She probably wouldn't even understand you. Ouch.

I think that bit hit him first when she refused his help just after that (heartbreak. His face :( ) He probably waited all night in the hospital pondering over that. (The way I interpret it of course ) And eventually went on to be more cemented fact. All these pages of discussions mainly all of us have pointed out how Seol doesn't understand his point of view....which she is gradually is now getting to. This after all dawned upon yoo jung after all after a series of events. If she cannot understand why I did so, she is after all not putting herself in my shoes, so are we after all alike? Cause honestly she pretty much seemed clueless. 

Although their situations are same. The way they deal with it are different. Jung has evolved his ways in dealing with them....which Seol hasn't. She probably standing where she always has, starting to take baby steps ( telling of SC or fighting MS). Seol probably doesn't understand  how he deals with situations.....is clueless about his methods. I thing that's where they differ...in their approaches. 

No wonder Jung had finally concluded they were indeed very different when she confronted him after the Min Soo showdown. He somehow deduced that she wasn't very happy about his methods of solving issues which even he might have faced before

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When you look at this poster of Yoo Jung, he is wearing a grey shirt mixed with some yellow. And as you know, each colour symbolises different values. On this link, different notions are connected to grey, which kind of represents YJ's personality, like conservative / a little dark, mysterious, authority, wisdom aso. So the yellow represents Seol in YJ's life. She is his sunshine!  

Colour grey Cheese in the Trap1

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6 hours ago, bjvipb2uty said:


I think both of them had one ultimate question: Who are you? Who is this person that keeps finding their way in my thoughts? Matter of fact, they're still asking themselves this.



I feel it's very fascinating as to how this essence of who are you has been so integral, despite so very little scenes from the scenes have been used to illustrate that. In fact for me it was from the very first interaction of them, where she catches him smiling after his mischief is managed lol. Like u and others have pointed out in the webtoon she ll be looking at him trying to figure him out, and he'd catch her and judge her. In the drama I ve always interpreted that while all the girls around him would have eyes on him maybe swooning, admiringly or whatever,  when he catches Seol gaze on him, it was totally diff from the others.....they were judging him. So there starts, who is she? / Who is he after all? The one smiling slyly in secrecy or the one giving the warm smile

post that it was mostly jung thing why is judging me (that's my job lol) at every point and being amused. Seol's judgy attitude is Infact her way of trying to figure him out. Like that scene where she accuses him indirectly of posting SC's mismanagement of funds, I get the vibes.

there's another scene I absolutely like. Where  Jung is waiting for the lift and Seol avoids him to take the stairs. No other girl would do that right? That scene just screams the fact Jung is trying to figure out what is this girl all about. 

I don't know what is it, the writing or the performance.... this essence always came out. Whether it was their body language in the flashbacks or their conversations in the present (they didn't like each other n all) or snippets of Jung's pov where he said you ve been judging me forever Seol whilst playing video games.

i have never seen such a subtle and realistic portrayl of a love-hate (so called) story. That's how it is. You have minimum confrontation with the guy/girl you dislike, but she/he is often in ur mind. A refreshing break from the bickering love hate relationship of sorts. 

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5 minutes ago, bebebisous33 said:

When you look at this poster of Yoo Jung, he is wearing a grey shirt mixed with some yellow. And as you know, each colour symbolises different values. On this link, different notions are connected to grey, which kind of represents YJ's personality, like conservative / a little dark, mysterious, authority, wisdom aso. So the yellow represents Seol in YJ's life. She is his sunshine!  

Colour grey Cheese in the Trap1

And as you can see the grey area is smaller ;)

And it is yellow on the torso (area of the heart) not grey :D

Gosh how i love this guy

As we say in Portugal: Meu Deus desce à terra para ver isto :D

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@MrsSoJiSub, @debolina, @bebebisous33, @Anabela Sampaio

Thank you all for your feedback. It's been very helpful. :) I'll know for next time what kind of texture to go for. I'm glad that some of you commented on the pics because those are some of my favourite moments too.

@bebebisous33 -- The most laborious part is doing the screenshots and then getting the words to fit in the squares -- that's usually pretty fiddly especially on the iPad. It generally takes 2-3 hours as I do everything on the iPad.

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1 hour ago, 40somethingahjumma said:

@MrsSoJiSub, @debolina, @bebebisous33, @Anabela Sampaio

Thank you all for your feedback. It's been very helpful. :) I'll know for next time what kind of texture to go for. I'm glad that some of you commented on the pics because those are some of my favourite moments too.

@bebebisous33 -- The most laborious part is doing the screenshots and then getting the words to fit in the squares -- that's usually pretty fiddly especially on the iPad. It generally takes 2-3 hours as I do everything on the iPad.



Love the second one as well! The message and the picture you used was perfect. Oh the things we do while waiting for the next CitT episode! Hahaha!

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yes i may or may not have watched eps 9 and 10 several times (oh and the other eps as well).  ep 9 is filled with such beautiful angst, not only the scene where seol says they need a break but the next day when she feels and looks like hell and of course ending with the most amazing back hug scene ever.  

in ep 10, i really think that inha steals the show.  by then i think i'm used to her "big-ness" in all of her scenes so when she scares away SC and reels YG in, its fun to watch.  i mean whose presence is bigger than SC's in scenes?  of course, its inha!

totally on the seoljung ship.  she may like spending time with inho but seol and jung *need* each other. in 9 and 10 they seem barely able to prop themselves up without the other. when seol tells MS that she had to earn everything she has, her grades, her friends, and . . . everything else, when she doesn't say boyfriend, jung's chin wrinkles in either empathy or disappointment.  i can't decide which.

is anyone else wondering why jung angrily pushes his chair away from the computer desk (looks like he's in a computer lab?) during the previews at the end of ep 10?

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3 hours ago, MrsSoJiSub said:


In real life I am more Seol (I think that's why I judge the characters so harshly here because I would never do that with real life people and it's why I like Jung because he does some of the things I wish I had the heart only sometimes to do to people who really...)



Yes, that is what I said yesterday. I like Jung so much because he does things that I would never dare doing, he is unapologetic about it too. I've always said here that I don't want him to change and I still think it, though he needs to understand where Seol is coming from.

And @MrsSoJiSub Let me hug you! ;)


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45 minutes ago, chrianna said:

yes i may or may not have watched eps 9 and 10 several times (oh and the other eps as well).  ep 9 is filled with such beautiful angst, not only the scene where seol says they need a break but the next day when she feels and looks like hell and of course ending with the most amazing back hug scene ever.  

in ep 10, i really think that inha steals the show.  by then i think i'm used to her "big-ness" in all of her scenes so when she scares away SC and reels YG in, its fun to watch.  i mean whose presence is bigger than SC's in scenes?  of course, its inha!

totally on the seoljung ship.  she may like spending time with inho but seol and jung *need* each other. in 9 and 10 they seem barely able to prop themselves up without the other. when seol tells MS that she had to earn everything she has, her grades, her friends, and . . . everything else, when she doesn't say boyfriend, jung's chin wrinkles in either empathy or disappointment.  i can't decide which.

is anyone else wondering why jung angrily pushes his chair away from the computer desk (looks like he's in a computer lab?) during the previews at the end of ep 10?


I agree with you, InHa was my surprise in episode 10, because she was no longer annoying but entertaining!

I finally began to understand how the actress was portraying the character! InHa is a canon loose but still has a comical side and LSK accentuates that! I thought she was like a hilarious spoiled brat with the world at her feet! How she saved JW from SC Sumbae was epic! And the sms with YG ("my handphone  will rot! Muahahahahah!!!) And now I really care about InHa... Is it weird?

And regarding Seol's feelings... I totally agree with you. I'm in seoljung ship too, let's travel together...

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Hi does anyone of you here know what type of Daniel Wellington watch HS is using? I saw her sporting a black nato strap and also the stripe strap (pink/navy blue i think) but i dont know the type of dial though. I have no time to rewatch CitT (I need to study while there's no new CitT episode) so my only hope is you guys!  I've been wanting to buy one for so loong, years ago and only now that she's wearing it did I realize that I so love this watch I NEED TO BUY ONE! Huhu! The things CitT do to me! 

Thanks for those who can give me the exact watch or if not a close up screen shot will do! Hihi just in case you might stumble upon a particular scene while you're rewatching. Hope this is not much to ask. 

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@bjvipb2uty you asked if I think Yoo Jung setting up Minsoo was wrong objectively speaking......NO. Because honestly speaking, all of this would have caught up with Minsoo and it very well could/would have caught up with her in that public way it did, why? First Minsoo had told Da Young and a group of girls that she had a boyfriend. Those girls said they wanted to meet him and or see a picture of him. For how my clique of friends and I work it was only a matter of time before we asked to see a picture or some kind of proof solid that you have a boyfriend and aren't making things up. So eventually she would have had to show that picture. Second, Minsoo had that picture of Joon as her phone background. Seol Joon's older sister is in her class. Let's say one day Minsoo gets a text alret and or checks the time in front of Seol (remember she didn't know Joon was her brother so would have had no reason to hide it) Seol would have seen the picture and then "here come hell go" "Isn't that my brother? Why do you have a picture of him"

Then busy body Da Young would have said "You're dating Seol's brother?" Fourth, Joon is always on that campus either coming to see his girlfriend (only a matter of time LOL) Ah Young or to get Seol or Jung or Inho to buy him food. Joon is even thinking of transferring from his American college to the university (he may have said it like he was joking but boy means it. I feel for that boy cause it's hard to receive an education all alone in a country that is very racist and prejudice. Also he's not that bright so he may not be doing well in school and feels he is wasting his parents money and probably feels it should be his sister instead of him but off course asshat dad won't listen. Think of the language barrier and trying to make friends...my poor Joon). It was only a matter of time until someone see's Joon and is like "Hey, Minsoo's boyfriend" and Joon is just going to be all "WTF who's Mansoo? LOL" And here come hell go.I honestly think they whole blowing up in Minsoo's face was a coming Jung simply sped it along. Also I feel that by the time when it would have finally naturally came. Minsoo would have dug herself into a much much much bigger hole than what she was in now. With or without Jung's cheese moving this "busted!" blow up would have happened. As for Jung's role in it...I get conflicted. I personally have no problem with it (man I wish I was that intelligent and able LOL) but I can understand why others would. 

I legit feel if Jung hadn't have seen Minsoo crush the lion key chain which means something to both him and Seol, wearing copy cat boots of the boots Seol was wearing an episode ago -how does the girl do it, she's creepy-, and just done the whole thing with such anger and detest and poor Seol looking so hurt and distraught by it all but not being able to do anything in the moment because of midterm tests -remember Jung really relates to being a pushover and having to suppress your feelings- he wouldn't have done what he did. He had something planned but maybe not exactly what played out -i think it was during class that Joon texts to confirm meeting time- I think the class presentation slide copy which lead Seol call Minsoo out was the plan. Then when he saw Minsoo do what she did, and since Joon had wanted him to buy him a meal anyways (yes it was Joon who been called and wanting a free meal) Jung he seized the opportunity that was gift wrapped to him.  I ain't even mad at him for real and think he would make a brilliant lawyer, cop, DA, CEO, those people who handle mergers and acquisitions, a politician, Gordon Gekko but NOT Patrick Bateman LOL....just about anything. However, little boy is going to need to learn to cut back a bit on some of that. I like others do not want him to change, but sometimes for some situations he just got to let it naturally play out. He got to learn to let go of needing to control it and just let it happen. Minsoo was going to get busted. It was only a matter of time before she got busted. Jung rushed it along and well she had it coming (was was mentally exhausting Seol which wasn't good for her) but sometimes for some situations, I want him to let it play it's self out. This wasn't one of them because how I loved the "Who's Mansoo" LOL line and even a day more of this and i fear Seol would be the one having a breakdown. However in the future, Jung my man sometimes it's best to do nothing and let the universe and karma do it's work.

@carolinedl *hugs the tightest* I really appreciate R'88 and our ship for all the people I got to know through it. People you really should watch the Reply series (97, 94, 88). They are soooooooo good. Seriously, they are good. The family, friendship, first loves, the life of fangirling, the characters, the attention to details, the writing, the directing, the props LOL.....it's all so good. Even the husband game and the heart break I got this time around, was I even loved the pain *sniffles* (for me cause I'm a sadist LOL and I like the hard complicated stuff and can't say if others viewed it that way). Don't let us and our trust issues (again't that's just me LOL) keep you from watching a gem of a drama (though episodes are hella long). You never know you may pick the right dude and wonder why the rest of us idiots never saw the "obvious" LOL.

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Hi, all.  I'm an avid reader, and right now I would love to get some recommendations from you guys over what I can read to help me bide my time without CitT.  This no CitT for more than a week is killing me.  I mean, I don't do anything social ever and have never read a forum let alone join then write?!  Argh, I need help.  Sorry for the rant.  But if anyone has a recommendation for something to read that harkens to the same feelings we get from watching CitT, please advise...  

P.S. I've read/watch plenty of Jane Austen material and like @MrsSoJiSub I'm not fond of Rochester from Jane Eyre (though fassbender was great in the movie).  I hope that helps you with guiding me.  Thank you in advance.

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Dear PD-nim,

Please please please tell me we going to get a scene similar to what you gave us in episode 4 and 5 of Heart to Heart. If you just give me that or similar, hell I will gift wrap Seol to Inho myself LOL -not really but ya'll get me- *starts praying to the kdrama gods -because each country has their own drama gods ok-* And because I am greedy if you could please throw in the kdrama shower of broody for PHJ I will send you a fruit basket. It's not needed, Jung would never do that, it throws off from the flow of how this drama is done, ME NO CARE! :lol: I feel like I never get to see the full glory of PHJ's body be put to use in dramas. Do the lawds work and be the one to change that. 


Thirty and parched, but not as perverted as this post may have made her seem,


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28 minutes ago, MrsSoJiSub said:

Dear PD-nim,

Please please please tell me we going to get a scene similar to what you gave us in episode 4 and 5 of Heart to Heart. If you just give me that or similar, hell I will gift wrap Seol to Inho myself LOL -not really but ya'll get me- *starts praying to the kdrama gods -because each country has their own drama gods ok-* And because I am greedy if you could please throw in the kdrama shower of broody for PHJ I will send you a fruit basket. It's not needed, Jung would never do that, it throws off from the flow of how this drama is done, ME NO CARE! :lol: I feel like I never get to see the full glory of PHJ's body be put to use in dramas. Do the lawds work and be the one to change that. 


Thirty and parched, but not as perverted as this post may have made her seem,


That's what we are missing! A broody shower scene!! Specifically YJ since he seems to brood a lot....hahahaha

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i really hope there is a few minutes epilogue with a few fat-cheeked, curly-haired toddlers running around as well (with Jung lavishing all the love on them he never got as a child).  not as amazing as a shower scene but it would be satisfying right there at the end.

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4 hours ago, chrianna said:

yes i may or may not have watched eps 9 and 10 several times (oh and the other eps as well).  ep 9 is filled with such beautiful angst, not only the scene where seol says they need a break but the next day when she feels and looks like hell and of course ending with the most amazing back hug scene ever.  

in ep 10, i really think that inha steals the show.  by then i think i'm used to her "big-ness" in all of her scenes so when she scares away SC and reels YG in, its fun to watch.  i mean whose presence is bigger than SC's in scenes?  of course, its inha!

totally on the seoljung ship.  she may like spending time with inho but seol and jung *need* each other. in 9 and 10 they seem barely able to prop themselves up without the other. when seol tells MS that she had to earn everything she has, her grades, her friends, and . . . everything else, when she doesn't say boyfriend, jung's chin wrinkles in either empathy or disappointment.  i can't decide which.

is anyone else wondering why jung angrily pushes his chair away from the computer desk (looks like he's in a computer lab?) during the previews at the end of ep 10?


@chrianna, I don't see the see of Jung in a computer lab in the preview at the end of ep 10. I see In Ho and Seol in the library fooling around. It looks like she's pulling In Ho's chair close to hers or he's pushing her chair. I only saw three clips of Jung, 1) In Ha is showing him pictures of Seol and In Ha together, 2)  Jung loosing his tie as he walks, 3) Jung walking away from Seol after telling her she's become close to In Ha lately.

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