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1 minute ago, debolina said:


To add one more to the beautiful jawline..... what a sexy adam's apple (i can't believe i just said that). I'd be staring at that when he's it's noisy,noisy, NOISY!

lol omg me too.. I was amazed with that scene! And even more amazed at the bench kiss scene... God his jaw.. It moved subtly but with enough hunger ... And his hands.. God he's freaking hands... It must be trilling to be touched by them

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hi there, ive decided to unlurk^^

the latest episodes get me hype. Moreover the preview for upcoming episode. But unfortunately, it wont be released, until 2 weeks more. and i cant sit still. I have figured out i must get my weekly dose of cheese in the trap. if i cant get the new episode, at least i can enjoy the manhwa. another unfortunate thing is, the webtoon only update once in a week T_T and then Ive decided to go to oddsquad and do the overtoon thingy. There goes another unfortunate thing..i cant read season 2. It sucks i can only access two pages, either it is the prologue or the main page of naver. 

Is there any way to read season 2 other than oddsquad? :'))

fellow CITT fans, i hope you can feel my desperation :')) this forum is my only salvation *make crying sound* pardon the exaggaration but i need you guys help *haalp*

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7 hours ago, MrsSoJiSub said:

@lclarakl I personally find the Inho vs Jung vs Seol comparisons unfair to all three people involved but especially to my precious cinnamon roll Seol because she always comes out looking the one at fault or the bad guy. I do not understand why people are being insecure when it comes to Seol/Jung and the endgame status (oh well I get it because you never know what a writer will do) and are like projecting that onto Seol and her interactions with both boys.

I say it is unfair because the two boys involved are so differnet that off course Seol's interactions with them will/would be different. I like that. I accept that. The differences in their interaction is what makes me ship one and not the other. Seol and Jung are not going to have that type of relationship where they run through the rain laughing or where they sit besides one another playing the piano (though they may sit holding hand watching a certain someone play the piano, make it happen drama gods). They aren't going to bicker about drummer boy boyfriends nor will Jung's cheeks turn read at Seol's touch (though it does effect him as we saw in the flashback. Without that touch a relationship may have never begun). They are never going to have that laughy, jokey, easy, friendship, like relationship we see with Seol and Inho, because they simply aren't like that together. Jung is not the type of guy to do that.

Now when I say the above it doesn't mean the two can't have fun. That they don't laugh, they don't flirt, don't joke, they don't tease one another, they are not at ease and comfortable around one another. I am not saying any of this because they are all of this and do, do all of this. Watch any of their interactions after the initial first awkward date and that is all that they are. Hell even during their courtship they were adorable with the teasing, and nervousness, and secret smiles, and holding hands while caressing a finger, ruffling of bangs. Look at the adorable talking on the phone scene where Jung makes her nervous and try to laugh by droping jokes then he teases her by pretending offense and having the most adorable happy smile from his end while he leaves her fluttered on hers. Or the way Seol and Jung anticipate and get giddy from simply texting one another. Or she walking dazed after a kiss or skipping home happily after a second one or the way the two walk, talking, smiling and laughing with entwined swinging hands. Look at how Seol glows (to the point of not hearing Inho call her 'dog fur') as she happily skips to a sunbae who came to drive her home and one who can't help but smile at her and ruffle her bangs. Just watch how they hug and never want to let the other go when they meet for 5 minutes at their spot in episode 9.

Seol and Jung have their own relationship. Seol and Jung have their own dynamic. Seol and Jung have their own spark, their own thing, their own it that makes them, them and makes their relationship all their own. I can see Seol sitting side by side studying with sunbae as she did with Inho. I could see her being the one to steal glances at him and he teasing her about it similar to how he teased her in ep 6 when she asked to sleep and then could not. I can't see her calling him "oppa" and I don't want her to. Because I like the way she calls him "sunbae" that's kind of her pet name for him, because the way she says it to him is different from how she calls the other sunbaes, "sunbae".

STOP COMPARING SEOL AND INHO'S FRIENDSHIP TO SEOL AND JUNG'S RELATIONSHIP. SEOL AND JUNG ARE NEVER GOING TO INTERACT LIKE SEOL AND INHO. THAT IS NOT WHAT THEY HAVE. IF YOU WANT SEOL AND JUNG TO BE LIKE SEOL AND INHO, SHIP SEOL INHO AND NOT SEOL AND JUNG CAUSE THEY JUST AIN'T LIKE THAT NOR WILL BE OR SHOULD BE! They ain't like that. They ain't ever gonna be like that. Don't want them to be like that, and if you waiting on that, you on the wrong ship! Sorry, it's just that these the two characters are so different and the two relationships so different that it's like comparing apples to oranges. Just because both are round (in this case both like/interact with Seol) doesn't make them the same nor do they have to be. It's unfair to the characters, the writers and especially Seol because people just end up bashing her and I am tired of it.

What has she done wrong? She has a friend and she hangs out with him! It's not her fault he fell for her! Her feelings are clear that she likes/half loves/whatever with Jung, and Inho is aware of that. Could some boundaries be set, yes and if need be, it will come. But right now she ain't cheating or nothing. Honestly if it weren't for the lack of Jung & Seol scenes (which THEY ARE ON A BREAK!! I sound like Ross Gellar LOL) we wouldn't be tripping. We shouldn't be tripping because what are we scared of? Do you doubt Seol's feelings for Jung and think in ep 12 she will look at Inho with new eyes "oppa" and kiss him like no tomorrow and proceed to have piano sex? Not going to happen so why stress when stressing ain't needed. Both Jung and Seol will soon tackle the whole Inha and Inho insecurities thing. Neither one has done wrong (Jung be secretly scheming with Inha) and let's just wait and see if one or the other feels some boundaries are needed and it's talked on and followed through with. Also the "oppa" thing is not a big deal you will see and is done one and only one time in a joking manner and even after that in the preview you can see Seol has a "boy you though, if I'm going to call you oppa".





It's hard to not compare the "friendship"  when it's also impacting the "relationship".  It's the "friendship" that Jung is having a hard time with. It's the "friendship" that clearly shows In Ho is developing feelings for Seol because of their close interactions.  She spends more time with the man In Ho than she does with Jung the man she's in a "relationship" with.   In Ho is craving more out of this "friendship" and is getting more attention out of Seol than Jung in his "relationship" which he will comment on in future episode.  Jung wants to defend Seol because they are in a "relationship" against crazy stalker, but can't outright because he would be 'misunderstood' by Seol who doesn't misunderstands In Ho in their "friendship" chasing after crazy stalker--she's patient with his actions.  Others are also noticing that "friendship" of In Ho and Seol seems more like a "relationship".  It also doesn't help when the man in your "friendship" say negative things about the man you're in a "relationship" with.

I'm comparing the relationship and discussing because the writer is showing it as a comparison and will be shown to be a sticking point for Jung in ep 11 or 12.  I would have to have blinders on to not see the picture the writer is trying to paint. Seol is oblivious to the impact her "friendship" may have on her "relationships", but she's not oblivious to how the non-existent "friendship" between Jung and In Ha is causing her concern in regards to her "relationship" with Jung.  

I am hopeful that the outsiders that are attacking Jung and Seol's "relationship" from the outside (Seol's lack of trust in Jung and his jealousy over the "friendship" between Seol and In Ho), will be able to finally see a couple who isn't easily swayed.  

It's the close "friendships" with the opposite sex that has destroyed many "relationships". 

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7 minutes ago, lclarakl said:
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It's hard to not compare the "friendship"  when it's also impacting the "relationship".  It's the "friendship" that Jung is having a hard time with. It's the "friendship" that clearly shows In Ho is developing feelings for Seol because of their close interactions.  She spends more time with the man In Ho than she does with Jung the man she's in a "relationship" with.   In Ho is craving more out of this "friendship" and is getting more attention out of Seol than Jung in his "relationship" which he will comment on in future episode.  Jung wants to defend Seol because they are in a "relationship" against crazy stalker, but can't outright because he would be 'misunderstood' by Seol who doesn't misunderstands In Ho in their "friendship" chasing after crazy stalker--she's patient with his actions.  Others are also noticing that "friendship" of In Ho and Seol seems more like a "relationship".  

It's the close "friendships" with the opposite sex that has destroyed many "relationships". 

I compare the relationship and discuss because the writer is showing it as a comparison.  Seol may be oblivious to the impact her "friendship", but in a "relationship" she should be conscious of it since the "friendship" between Jung and In Ha is causing her concern in regards to her "relationship" with Jung.

well she's not hiding anything.. Jung knows... She doesn't betrays Jung.. And defends him always when he's attacked.. She even acknowledges that she's Jung girlfriend when In Ha asks and In Ho is by her side... She never looked at him as a man but as a friend.. She touches him because he's a friend but his shy when touching Jung because how she feel's... At least that's my perception.. Maybe because I'm like her in this chapter..

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@debolina I agree with you. As for now, I see no problems with Seol and Inho interactions (although the large amount she gets to spend with him and the little that Jung gets because life is busy is disheartening but alas not much can be done when on a break and life is life). However down the line if Jung really has a problem with it and that weight of problems starts to interfere with her and Jung's relationship yes she's going to have to compromise and for the ease of her relationship and having it continue to run smoothly, cut back on the time she spends with Inho (I mean a 2 or 4 hour train rides, hours studying, working together in a restaurant, and then piano time; yeah it's a bit much especially when she get 5minute to an hour of face time with her boyfriend at most). Now if Seol is unable to compromise, if she simply can't stay away from Inho, girl is going to have to ask herself some questions.

  • Why do I spend so much time with Inho?
  • Why is it that even though I know it displeases my boyfriend and hurting my relationship I still seek this guy out?
  • Do I miss this dude when I'm not with him? I.E he is on my mind.
  • Do I enjoy spending time with this dude more than my boyfriend?

If the answers to these questions are yes. You have the wrong boyfriend Seol. Dump my Jung and go be with much easier and more enjoyable for you, Inho *ducks from own shippers* That's just how it works. If you aren't enjoying time with your boyfriend and or you got another boy on your mind and or you are willing to damage your relationship just to have time with this boy, why are you not dating him? As of now, none of the answers to the above questions are a yes so I'm still cool. However the moment it becomes a yes and or she prioritizes Inho and time with him over Jung....I am buckling the last life vest clip and start pushing my life raft. I am not supporting a ship that only one side is really into or trying to make work. Jung should not have to pull Seol kicking and screaming to be with him. You shouldn't force yourself to be with someone you don't want to be with. It's not fair to the other person or yourself. Seol wants to be with Inho, go ahead girl. Many a international fans will celebrate while I despair because, Why? Why? Why? Again...I ship it until there is no longer something to ship.

The whole damn "love triangle" is just ajkh;djhf;ioashjkl;ah;oweiuhjasihfuio;jh because there is sooo much we could have touched on, and I really though the drama would stick with the webtoon on that front and would be better than needing this but it is what it is. I don't like the basicness of it (aww look at those rosy cheeks soooo cute. that be some emotionally manipulating basic richard simmons stuff. they add rosy cheeks to Jung and it a fair game? LOL) but whoop there it is LOL. If I sound bitter it's because I kinda am. I stay petty and pressed because HE WAS SUPPOSED TO BANDAGE AND HEAL HER WOUNDS!!! Why Inho got to see that hug and audience be more of all "aww poor puppy, don't hurt Inho" What does it add to the story where is it going to lead other than what you already established it would lead when she was with him the whole time but almost freaking walked into a pole!! Yes I'm bitter cause I know people are going to gif Inho's stupid sad face than the freaking hug and I miss you and talk and reunion! Yes it's petty and stupid of me but I DON'T CARE :P I AM ALWAYS IN THE UNPOPULAR SHIP (I know that doesn't apply on here) This feels like watching R94 and rooting for Oppa-ya and Jeong all over again *goes cries over her stupid childish things*  

*prays to the kdrama gods* "don't do me like 88, don't do me like 88, don't do me like 88...."

*yes I am laughing at myself too because I now how ridiculous I sound. People can enjoy and gif whatever they want. BUT REALLY ALL THE WORLD AND I CAN'T EVEN GET THAT MUCH EXPECT LIKE ONE OR TWO!! It's okay cause I am laughing with you guys. Stupid Jung if only you laughed more *kicks Jung then runs away because he's about to kick me back with spiked heels :lol:*

Oh gosh CiTT see what done to this girl....Please don't take offense or hate me guys I'm not that deep about half of it. Frakkin sad faced gifs...

ETA: Since I'm on a bitter roll, can we ship off Jung's dad and Seol's to a place where they shall never be seen or heard from again!! Dude really couldn't stretch out his hand and pick up the phone!?! richard simmons faced mother richard simmons punk richard simmons richard simmons let me get my hand on richard simmons faced richard simmons I will kill you in your sleep!!


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6 minutes ago, MrsSoJiSub said:

@debolina I agree with you. As for now, I see no problems with Seol and Inho interactions (although the large amount she gets to spend with him and the little that Jung gets because life is busy is disheartening but alas not much can be done when on a break and life is life). However down the line if Jung really has a problem with it and that weight of problems starts to interfere with her and Jung's relationship yes she's going to have to compromise and for the ease of her relationship and having it continue to run smoothly, cut back on the time she spends with Inho (I mean a 2 or 4 hour train rides, hours studying, working together in a restaurant, and then piano time; yeah it's a bit much especially when she get 5minute to an hour of face time with her boyfriend at most). Now if Seol is unable to compromise, if she simply can't stay away from Inho, girl is going to have to ask herself some questions.

  • Why do I spend so much time with Inho?
  • Why is it that even though I know it displeases my boyfriend and hurting my relationship I still seek this guy out?
  • Do I miss this dude when I'm not with him? I.E he is on my mind.
  • Do I enjoy spending time with this dude more than my boyfriend?

If the answers to these questions are yes. You have the wrong boyfriend Seol. Dump my Jung and go be with much easier and more enjoyable for you, Inho *ducks from own shippers* That's just how it works. If you aren't enjoying time with your boyfriend and or you got another boy on your mind and or you are willing to damage your relationship just to have time with this boy, why are you not dating him? As of now, none of the answers to the above questions are a yes so I'm still cool. However the moment it becomes a yes and or she prioritizes Inho and time with him over Jung....I am buckling the last life vest clip and start pushing my life raft. I am not supporting a ship that only one side is really into or trying to make work. Jung should not have to pull Seol kicking and screaming to be with him. You shouldn't force yourself to be with someone you don't want to be with. It's not fair to the other person or yourself. Seol wants to be with Inho, go ahead girl. Many a international fans will celebrate while I despair because, Why? Why? Why? Again...I ship it until there is no longer something to ship.

The whole damn "love triangle" is just ajkh;djhf;ioashjkl;ah;oweiuhjasihfuio;jh because there is sooo much we could have touched on, and I really though the drama would stick with the webtoon on that front and would be better than needing this but it is what it is. I don't like the basicness of it (aww look at those rosy cheeks soooo cute. that be some emotionally manipulating basic richard simmons stuff. they add rosy cheeks to Jung and it a fair game? LOL) but whoop there it is LOL. If I sound bitter it's because I kinda am. I stay petty and pressed because HE WAS SUPPOSED TO BANDAGE AND HEAL HER WOUNDS!!! Why Inho got to see that hug and audience be more of all "aww poor puppy, don't hurt Inho" What does it add to the story where is it going to lead other than what you already established it would lead when she was with him the whole time but almost freaking walked into a pole!! Yes I'm bitter cause I know people are going to gif Inho's stupid sad face than the freaking hug and I miss you and talk and reunion! Yes it's petty and stupid of me but I DON'T CARE :P I AM ALWAYS IN THE UNPOPULAR SHIP (I know that doesn't apply on here) This feels like watching R94 and rooting for Oppa-ya and Jeong all over again *goes cries over her stupid childish things*  

*prays to the kdrama gods* "don't do me like 88, don't do me like 88, don't do me like 88...."

*yes I am laughing at myself too because I now how ridiculous I sound. People can enjoy and gif whatever they want. BUT REALLY ALL THE WORLD AND I CAN'T EVEN GET THAT MUCH EXPECT LIKE ONE OR TWO!! It's okay cause I am laughing with you guys. Stupid Jung if only you laughed more *kicks Jung then runs away because he's about to kick me back with spiked heels :lol:*

Oh gosh CiTT see what done to this girl....Please don't take offense or hate me guys I'm not that deep about half of it. Frakkin sad faced gifs...


LOL wow! Clap clap clap... I'm team Mrssojisub :)

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Honest to goodness question and I want some honest to goodness unbiased opinions and responses. Should Seol dump Jung and go be with Inho because she is obviously secretly in like with him and she just doesn't know/is not aware of it yet?

I feel like the above is what people are waiting for. That is what all of it boils down to and I want to know why? If you really think this is going to happen. Please tell me why and with examples of scenes etc that support this so I can jump off now and save myself R88 levels of pain. Because I'm not seeing it but I have learned from the last time, that maybe it's there and I'm just choosing not to see it!

I had almost gotten over my trust issues and ya'll are bringing it back 10 fold LOL. Am I watching it all wrong again? Am I reading Seol's clear feelings for Jung wrong again? Aww ashi another Jung...another 2 weeks :o...is it a sign...I SHIP NOTHING!! I SHIP ME AND MY SANITY AGAIN!! ! Even when I got it, I don't got it....

*reminds self it is just a tv show. it's just a tv show. it's just a tv show. I need a time out LOL*

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51 minutes ago, debolina said:

I don't find In Ho and Seol's interactions to be problamatic, at this point in the story especially. Infact, in the earlier episodes i felt a bit threatened. Especially, when Seol had just agreed to date Jung, and had not spent that much time with him. I used to freak out when they showed her having an awkward date with Jung and then smiling flying paper planes with In Ho in the academy. That actually scared me more than the rain chase. I used wonder, what are they intending to show now? she will be happy with In Ho but still her heart will be with Jung. (i know all sort of nonsense right?) even when she dresses up thinking what In Ho had said, those times i was a bit scared for JungxSeol from a story/narrative point of view.... not whether they'll end up together, which i always thought they will, but will the story justify that? 

But honestly after that rain confrontation with Jung...onwards that not once i had these feelings...ever again. Cause the relationship just went on becoming stronger with each hurdles. With each conversations, both of them revealed a part of each other, to each other. - about families, childhood photos, sadness about leaving her PG what not. Which they hadn't done with anyone else. Seol became happier with every time spent Jung. All doubts just vanished in thin. So at this point, it really doesn't worry me if she is having fun with In Ho, calling her oppa ...it's all just cool. Because JungxSeol for me have reached a point in their relationship, that despite being on a break or even feeling insecure, i see the strength in that relationship, which cannot be broken as easily...it'll only get stronger with subsequently.

Also in my opinion, In Ho and Seol's interactions have had more effects on In Ho, rather than Seol. In the sense, in the drama most of the times when they meet, it's purely coincidental...a very few times the other ways. Correct me if i am wrong, most of the times it's about In Ho - his piano, his aspirations, his curiosities about working hard. Seol i feel finds solace in the music that In Ho plays.  Ofcourse, there has been occasions where they brought up Young gon, him always ready to protect her and all of that. Also, his opinions on Jung and her curiosities about In Ha. But she has never shared her life, her struggles, even her distress regarding Jung with him, which for me makes their interactions pretty one sided. Like In Ho himself said in the last episode that she can never share what's on her mind with me (which made my heart really go out to him.)


Hey. She had been excited about Jung a lot of time. Two instances that i cannot forget. One outside the English coaching institute when he comes to pick her up...and remember she had thoughts put in her mind by YG just before that, yet she was excited as ever. Another one being when Jung was waiting outside her restaurant, and she rushes over to him smiling...and In Ho was there with her.

About letting guard down - the time spent with him in her room, where she talks her heart out, i don't know what better example of having a guard down can i give. the kiss scene on the bench is another one of those moments

Also, just in my opinion, i feel its fine for women in relationships to hang around with people. (ofcourse, around the people they know and not complete strangers) There is a life outside relationships, people spend time with other people...it's a different space of their own, just like a relationship is. Yes, i know there are apprehensions when it comes to In Ho. initially even i was bothered by her meeting In Ho when Jung had discouraged it. But eventually since it turned out this way, and Jung got used to it, i started bothering me less. so at this point, i would say her spending time with in ho is spending time with a friend, which is perfectly ok, irrespective of her being in a relationship...i hope i am making sense.

P.S. as what @MrsSoJiSub says, it really appeals to me that Jung cannot live without ruffling her hair, while In Ho calls her dog fur....it might be a really small thing, maybe even insignificant to some....but i have the same sort of hair as Seol, and i get really annoyed when people call my hair bird's nest or things like that. Infact i never hear good stuff about hair ROFL, so Jung's gesture means a lot to me, than it might actually mean ROFL. hey Jung totally approve of u ok? 


Me as a viewer,shouldn't really be bothered by HS-IH interaction.It's obvious she likes YJ a lot and even though she spends a lot of time with Inho she keeps her distance but...most of the time we get Seol's point of view and I'm trying to watch it from Jung's(I am Capricorn by the way) and it just doesn't look good.YJ was insecured already,they have been dating for only 3 months(?),they are on the break now,he has problems with his father,at intership and while Seol thinks about YJ a lot, on the outside it looks like she doesn't care that much(it would be easier if they just met and talked for hours about everything that bothers them,even if it hurts but it is drama)......At the end of episode 5 they had a fight and HS got mad partly because YJ did something(TA,scholarship story arc)without looking at it from someone else's perspective.The thing is she does not even try to look at what she has with Inho from Jung's pov.

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10 hours ago, coffeeboy said:

I think the main reason behind YJ manipulating "problematic elements" is that he can't call them out publicly. Why ? I think it's because he was taught by his father that he needs to be the bigger person and also because (him being the heir) he needs to "save face". 

The same way, being from wealthy and notable family, YJ's father want him to save the face of the family in every circumstances. And think YJ has a found a way around this rule by manipulating people so that he can punish the offenders whitout losing face in the process.

Hi @coffeeboy sorry to have cut a part of your post but I just wanted to nod my head and agree strongly with what you said. Jung is sincere with only a few people (that Capricorn analysis...amazing) and that would include his father (and Sul, the baek siblings too till their fall out). Like he said in ep10 that he seems to do whatever and however his father told him to do- ie behave with people, in situations, be careful of his reputation and so on and Jung has been following that diligently because he wants his father's approval/ love/ understanding. So yes, Jung is conditioned from childhood i believe, into a very narrow range of expressive emotions (plus he is naturally reserved) that makes it extremely difficult to react in a manner that would be fitting  for all "problematic elements". He cant really fly into a rage and start punching (Baek In Ho's MO) without heed of the consequences even if he wanted to. So as intelligent as he is it really is not a surprise he would use subtle manipulation (and be very good at it).

However, just like every other character in CIIT is going through a journey, growing up, so is Jung. I am hoping he realises that not all of his actions are right or necessary, that not every interaction with someone has to be mentally viewed as give and take.  By the Young gon incident he should also become better at this manipulation stuff and cover his bases better in future. I fully believe he will need that talent much more when he assumes responsibility of his father's company alongwith a better understanding of people (as in which ones are for keeps and which are not).

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2 hours ago, Anabela Sampaio said:

is there anyone that could translate this please?


please please please :)

They are doing a location poll of where to do the free hugs event by phj n njh. Seoul is obvious winner at 32%, busan is next at 10.9%. I guess becos busan has a large population n both phj n njh are from busan.


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Let's give Seol the benefit of the doubt because she's new to all this. She's not deliberately trying to string two guys along. She's a good hearted sort of girl and most probably she feels sorry for In-ho and wants to help him get back on his feet. It comes from the best part of her, wanting to help even when no one acknowledges what she's done. It probably seems like she's spending a lot of time with In-ho because that's where the cameras have been directing our attention to lately.

I don't think she sees In-ho as anything but a friend. Despite all that's transpired, it's clear to me that she's still all about Jung. Even when he's barely around, he's still in her head space and haunting her insecurities.

Yeah, the imaginary love triangle is a ridiculous plot device here but let's spin it positively. All it's done is show that In-ho's falling for her but she, on the other hand, doesn't see him that way. It could be she's wanting to help In-ho because she senses that he used to be Jung's friend too. Maybe that's partly motivating her good-doings.

In-ho has been very cute and cuddly lately but maybe she's not really looking for cute and cuddly. Maybe she's hankering for "cunning as a snake" but she doesn't quite know it yet. The thing about "cunning as a snake" is that he really got under her skin. 


I swore I would never get into another "chemistry" debate but I will chime in briefly here. While I agree that whether we "see" chemistry can be subjective, I think what is even more subjective is the kind of chemistry that the viewer wishes to see. What are we expecting to see between a couple of kids with family and personal baggage? At the start Seol is quite inexperienced and not used to intimacy and then we see the progression in small steps. A touch here and there. A smile. Holding hands. A slow embrace. Playing with the curls of her fringe. She's a nervous nelly and overthinks things and Jung respectfully gives her the space to be herself. Evidently she does crave the intimacy and yet fears it at the same time. How would all this play out? Shouldn't there be some degree of awkwardness initially before things eventually heat up?

This show is about growth. Growth as individuals and growth as a couple. I expect a slow build-up, a slow burn. Those of us who have had the misfortune of seeing a part of or all of Dr Strange know what PHJ is capable of. The same with KGE. So it's about the journey to finding the equilibrium and good things come to those who wait. As my elders used to say to me. ;) 


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41 minutes ago, MrsSoJiSub said:

Honest to goodness question and I want some honest to goodness unbiased opinions and responses. Should Seol dump Jung and go be with Inho because she is obviously secretly in like with him and she just doesn't know/is not aware of it yet?

I feel like the above is what people are waiting for. That is what all of it boils down to and I want to know why? If you really think this is going to happen. Please tell me why and with examples of scenes etc that support this so I can jump off now and save myself R88 levels of pain. Because I'm not seeing it but I have learned from the last time, that maybe it's there and I'm just choosing not to see it!

I had almost gotten over my trust issues and ya'll are bringing it back 10 fold LOL. Am I watching it all wrong again? Am I reading Seol's clear feelings for Jung wrong again? Aww ashi another Jung...another 2 weeks :o...is it a sign...I SHIP NOTHING!! I SHIP ME AND MY SANITY AGAIN!! ! Even when I got it, I don't got it....

*reminds self it is just a tv show. it's just a tv show. it's just a tv show. I need a time out LOL*

If she is going to dump Jung then it should be because she doesn't want to be with Jung. In-ho is irrelevant. :P But I know what you're saying.

Why are people turning wobbly? It's because the show runners are turning In-ho into 2ML and the audience ain't stupid. But it's the sort of BS manipulation that K dramas like to do. Getting people's knickers twisted into knots.

I think a lot of people here love Jung to death... I do too... and are reacting to recent plot developments. Like you I don't think Seol is even remotely thinking about In-ho romantically or even as some kind of Big Friendly Protector. Even In-ho knows it too.

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12 hours ago, MrsSoJiSub said:

I just read the latest S4 chapter 22 of the webtoon and I literally screamed (and scared my flat mate because *runs out the bathroom* "who are you talking to" LOL) Me: *clapping happily* SEE richard simmons that's how and why they'll work and do work and continue to work!!!

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Jung comes upon Seol and San Chul arguing. San Chul pushed Seol and she would have fallen and hurt herself on the side walk but Jung was there in the nick of time and got behind her and took the burnt of the fall. He injured his hand and got scratched up. Jung and Seol are both on the sidewalk still and Jung is looking up at San Chul pissed as heck and has this glint in his eyes. San Chuo is frozen scared and I'm thinking, you shouldn't have pushed Seol like that. OMG everything you have done and did do you shouldn't have done, but run LOL.

Seol recognizes the look in Jung's eyes and covers his eyes. She recognizes that he's kind of loosing it and she's trying to defuse the situation. Seol tells San Chul to leave. The whole thing draws the attention of Bora and Euntaek and Seol continue worry over Jung. With the eye covering and breathing. Jung calms himself down and he becomes the one to assure Seol that he is really okay and that he fine (she was fretting over his anger and his injury) and that they can simply go to the hospital for his hand. Inho had seen the whole thing and his hot headed self was going to come beat San Chul with a stick (he was literally holding a stick/branch to beat San Chul LOL) and happened upon the Jung Seol moment. Jung and him share a mind and those two boy really need to work this richard simmons out already and ugh someone needs to someone else about a piece in all of it that is missing but I ain't gonna spoil that. It's too good to spoil.

The point is Seol handled the situation Jung too learned to calm himself down (he didn't go after San Chul and I hope he doesn't cause he's made some strides in that area). They work. They've built a way of working and handling these situations together. See we don't need to lock people up in the attic (yes I'll forever detest Rochester for that) or dismiss them as bad or unredeemable or unable to learn and grow. It may be a slow process. They will have as many success as they do failures but no one is helpless or hopeless. I think it's the one day hopeful future psychologist in me, but I can't give up on people. It hurts me some of the comments about Jung because I work with young children (elementary-middle school) who are Jungs or have their own share of deep issues. It breaks me to know that they live in a world that's never going to really give them a chance and just label them as something and not really allow them to grow or become better and more than just that label :tears:.

One of the 8th graders I'm working with is really, he has a lot of issues. He threw a chair at a teacher's head and exposed himself in class once. Which is wrong and I know and we are working on this. People fear him and avoid him and to some extent its reasonable and needed to be cautious around him. However, they don't know that in the dorm he is the one who looks out for this kid who has mental and physical disabilities and is bullied a lot. The boy always eats with that kids and tries to make the kid feel include and "normal" while almost everyone else ignore that child's existence. They also don't know that he comes from a violent home and has been sexually abused by a male family friend. Knowing all this some of his behavior are due to the trama of all of that and although wrong it's just his misguided way of trying to cope and let his feelings be known (and we are working on ways for him to recognize these feelings and healthier forms of expressing it). People are so much more than just moments we see of them. Bad moment because they also have their good ones. I've already said we shouldn't go out making friends with the Charles Masons of the world. However when we only fixate on the bad and ignore the good when they do it (no matter how small) we're just killing any potential they have of becoming and doing more.

Ugh Cheese in the Trap was not supposed to give me all these irl feels and connection.



I ran to webtoon after reading your post, @MrsSoJiSub tyvm lol.


If I were SangChul, I would run away so fast after seeing Jung that furious.

Man can't stand any chance against Jung in that condition :phew:

So happy Seol recognizes his eyes, so she can do damage control #violenceisbad :w00t:


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10 minutes ago, manji said:

Me as a viewer,shouldn't really be bothered by HS-IH interaction.It'sious she likes YJ a lot and even though she spends a lot of time with Inho she keeps her distance but...most of the time we get Seol's point of view and I'm trying to watch it from Jung's(I am Capricorn by the way) and it just doesn't look good.YJ was insecured already,they have been dating for only 3 months(?),they are on the break now,he has problems with his father,at intership and while Seol thinks about YJ a lot, on the outside it looks like she doesn't care that much(it would be easier if they just met and talked for hours about everything that bothers them,even if it hurts but it is drama)......At the end of episode 5 they had a fight and HS got mad partly because YJ did something(TA,scholarship story arc)without looking at it from someone else's perspective.The thing is she does not even try to look at what she has with Inho from Jung's pov.


Alright no idea, how much sense i am going to make. Anyways.

Yes i totally get about YJ's insecurity, especially since it's In Ho. The insecurities are justified, as i said before there is a fear in him about losing her, especially now that he is so much involved with her to the point he cannot look back. In fact it did bother me first when she was interacting with In Ho despite Jung being against.


(It once happened to my friend, where her BF and a good acquaintance of her had a spat in a party. While one wanted her to stay, the boyfriend wanted her to leave with him....which she did cause there are certain things that are wise to do in a relationship.)

So it would have been ideal for her to do so, but i would give her the benefit of doubt to her cause everything was new to her, YJ, the relationship. 

However, they have moved on from that. There are so many small instances where it was shown YJ had some what let it go, like when he finds her treating In Ho once (where she got drunk), he doesn't say much just that just let me know. Remember the time when Jun was offering In Ho the job in their restaurant, and she was riling up at him. YJ just holds her hands saying, relax. What i mean to say, he let it go, though definitely it bothered him time and again. he told her that vocally as well, hugging her. But what my point is that the interactions have been casual and coincidental. She just happened to run into IH at school, the prof happened to give her the card....and so on (ofcourse its not always like that, just most of the time) its not that they planned to meet and spend time together. Most of the time they run into each other going back home, or he volunteers to go with her to school, or maybe she hears him play piano and feels like hearing more. . Even in the previous episode after Min Soo fight, he happens to find her. She can't just brush him off, why should she? It's none of ur planned date thing until she decided to tutor him.

And since he works at her place, it's impractical to think she won't run into him. Ofcourse it's debatable that why did she offer to coach him? for me it was a polite thing to do as a friend (cause let's face it, they have become so)

Saying all the nonsense above, i do get your point. If you see it from Yoo Jung's point of view, it is very hurtful, no matter how many times he let's it go (cause it's always easy to let it go, remember?) and tries to understand. And since he's going through all the things he is, the separation should definitely fuel up his insecurity rightly so. Yes, at the moment she is not looking at it from his pov, cause even she has a lot of things on her plate, more importantly because she is not seeing In Ho in that light, she'll be all clueless as far as the realization goes.

For me it's all about how they will move on from all the above flaws - the insecurities (in both Jung and Seol), Seol understanding him. That for me will be the next step in the growth of their relationship. Jung has to get over his insecurities, Seol has to understand him more for this relationship to work. I hope the next episode will work on this bit, moving closer. Cause it's not the friendship with other men/women that jeopardizes relationship, it's the insecurities. He cannot go on hurting himself with his insecurites, and she cannot go on without understanding his pov and needs to understand things standing in his shoes. That's how people grow in relationships.

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1 hour ago, Anabela Sampaio said:

well she's not hiding anything.. Jung knows... She doesn't betrays Jung.. And defends him always when he's attacked.. She even acknowledges that she's Jung girlfriend when In Ha asks and In Ho is by her side... She never looked at him as a man but as a friend.. She touches him because he's a friend but his shy when touching Jung because how she feel's... At least that's my perception.. Maybe because I'm like her in this chapter..


@Anabela Sampaio, that's why I plan on re-watching this weekend to see what I may have missed.  I like that she acknowledges to In Ha with In Ho standing there that she's Jung's girlfriend. However, I couldn't miss the watchful look on Jung's face when she avoided saying she had a boyfriend ("and everything else") in her speech to Min Soo after their fight while everyone was standing around.

Also, my opinion has to do with how I see friendships between men and women when they are in a relationship. Feelings can develop when you least expect them to. In Ho was immediately drawn to Seol when he first met her, now he's also realizing that he has romantic feelings for her.

I have an issue with their "friendship" because it's becoming closer than a "friendship", it's becoming a love triangle.  Sadly in the relationship chart, there are no love lines between Seol and Jung, although we know there should be.......I think. Instead, on the chart below, Jung is depicted as being on the same level as In Ho in regards to Seol.



(Found on first page of this thread).

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@MrsSoJiSub @lclarakl @40somethingahjumma @debolina

I really loved all your comments about the In Ho - Yoo Jung - Seol relationship.

I have to say, although I am pretty aware that Seol loves Yoo Jung and only sees In Ho as a friend, I do think, Seol needs to reflect about her actions as well. I have already mentioned that one of their problem is the balance in their couple. Until the end of the episode 10 she was the one with power! Yet she wasn't aware of it!

The other flaw I see in Seol is this: she doesn't think enough from YJ's point of view!  

- When she argued with YJ in the episode 5 (twice, at the beginning and at the end), one of the topic of their quarrel was In Ho! YJ said, In Ho wasn't a friend and there had been a misunderstanding to which Seol thought that it wasn't just a misunderstanding! She really sensed that there was much more to it. The cause is Yoo Jung's insecurities. However, she didn't know YJ that well back then. Yet, she knew that  the trouble between YJ and In Ho is more than a misunderstanding. 

-  Since she had argued with Yoo Jung about In Ho and he gave in, YJ tried to control his jealousy and insecurities. Therefore he didn't stop her from meeting In Ho. He acted bravely in my opinion. Because of that, Seol saw no reason to avoid In Ho, since YJ seems to have accepted that In Ho was her friend!

- Then in the episode 6 and 8, she finally discovered YJ's true personality. She heard from him his insecurities (f. ex. Do you like me, right?) but she didn't think much about it. I have to say that's her first relationship therefore it is all new to her. Nevertheless, she is someone who thinks a lot and even too much, yet in that matter it seems that she should have realised it! Yet she didn't spend much thought about it! As YJ had given his authorisation, why should she change her behaviour?

- Now, Seol and In Ho are getting closer and closer, while she distanced herself from YJ. She didn't think about the consequences of this change. Seol is oblivious of the impact of her relationship with In Ho on Yoo Jung,although she knows about it. YJ who was jealous before but tried to control it has noticed that IH and Seol are spending more and more time together, while he was pushed away. His jealousy can't be controlled any longer because of his insecurities. Seol's mistake in my opinion is that she never thinks from YJ's perspective. She knows that there is more than a misunderstanding between IH and YJ, she should have realised about YJ's insecurities. 

- Moreover in the episode 10, she didn't mention boyfriend to MS' yelling so for YJ, it seems that Seol doesn't recognise him as a boyfriend. This must have hurt him a lot!! To me, she denied his status and she looked at him, when she mentioned it! So her words have consequences: YJ feels even more insecure! If I were him, I would feel rejected and would see her behaviour as if she had broken up with me! YJ wasn't there, when Seol met In Ha and she called herself YJ's boyfriend. so he has no idea that he hasn't been dumped. He witnessed how In Ho would intervene in YG's case so that he looks as if he would become her next boyfriend! 

--> She doesn't mention YJ as boyfriend and he sees that video with IH who acts as knight defending his damsel!

- Finally, when Seol sees In Ha with Yoo Jung, she is shocked. She is afraid of losing. She is definitely jealous... but on the other hand, she was the one who didn't recognise YJ as her boyfriend in front of him. 

To conclude, in my opinion, Seol should have reflected more about her words and actions with In Ho. She gets jealous, when she sees In Ha with YJ, but she expects from YJ to accept In Ho as her friend. Sure, he gave her the permission (episode 6, 7) because he didn't want to lose her. Yet from the moment she asked for some time off, she should have thought about her relationship with In Ho. From my point of view, she should have changed her behaviour towards In Ho as well. But she didn't.

She is jealous as soon as she sees In Ha, but she doesn't allow YJ to be jealous as he has no right to interfere in her relationship! To me, a little double standard. On the other hand, I would say that this is Seol's first relationship and she has no experience in that matter. Yet, she should try to see it from YJ's point of view!

Seol is flawed just like Yoo Jung! I hope, we'll see Seol apologising again just like YJ apologises to her!   

Sorry if I wrote so much again... bad habits die hard! LOL!

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1 hour ago, qwenli said:


They are doing a location poll of where to do the free hugs event by phj n njh. Seoul is obvious winner at 32%, busan is next at 10.9%. I guess becos busan has a large population n both phj n njh are from busan.

(Ignore my emoticons n call out abv. Difficulty posting fr mobile)

thank you so much for your kindness :)

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Just curious those that are doubting Jung/Sol ending, is it because of R88?  I don't really read the webtoons other than what's posted here but it seems like Jung and Sol stay together and work out their issues.  I know that the webtoon is not done yet and the finale is pretty much fair game but I don't see Sol and IH ending up together.  Yes episode 9 and ESPECIALLY 10 was heavily focused on IH but I never saw Sol look at him in the same way as she does with Jung.  There's no awkwardness because she's comfortable with him the same way she's comfortable with Bora and Euntaek.  With Jung, there's always that tension and happiness when she sees him.  When Sol saw that picture of Jung with In Ha, she was so bothered by it that she didn't even pay attention to In Ho.  I'm not worried.

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