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@horticultureHahhahha dat wink!!! Slay our hearts boy!! 


@chriannaAs for the decision to not air episodes next week, even if they decide to air them don't know guys..they don't air episodes those days in general cause of the ratings that are low those two days. I wouldn't want our citt to have lower ratings..but then again you never know, i mean what else are people doing on lunar year besides watching tv with their fam?? 

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Just some random thoughts:


I think a lot of the comments about Jung being scary, sociopath, psycho, etc. are from viewers who may have had the privilege to read the webtoon first. So they know what Jung's character is in the webtoon, but for some of us that may not have read the webtoon we're seeing a very different character.  It didn't take me long to see that the character that is depicted in this drama, IMO, seems to be the sane  person and mostly everyone else seems to be insane. They are so 'in your face' with their crazy actions while Jung is quietly behind the scene showing up people for who they really are.


So Seol is upset over a picture of In Ha and Jung although she has been reassured by Jung, In Ho and In Ha that they are only friends. Yet, she continues to hang around In Ho like he's her boyfriend. I swear it seems like in a regular day she's spends more time with In Ho than she ever spent with Jung in one day:  she's in the library with him, riding the train with him, walking home with him, playing the piano with him, working at the restaurant with him, walking the streets with him.............can I just say that as much as I like In Ho as a side character, I'm truly sick and tired of seeing him constantly in Seol's face like he's her boyfriend and protector. She's upset over one stupid picture that crazy guy working with crazy girl sent her, how in the world does she expect Jung to feel when she's hanging out with a guy she just met who he told her he didn't want her hanging around.


If there is one man in this drama that I think is a waste of human flesh, it would be Seol's father.  Because of his careless actions, the family is in a financial bind. I felt sorry for Seol's mother who was trying to run the restaurant by herself because her husband went home saying he was tired. I'm sure she's the one doing the most work at the restaurant.  Then later at home she's still working and he's on the couch--too lazy to answer the phone that's right in front of him. Yes, I feel sorry for Seol's mother.


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With regards to the preemption, i think people are holding out for hope becos the news is not posted on tvn facebook or website but came thru another news source.

Of course anything can happen but i think by tomorrow they have to decide, because if there is a change in programming, advertisers need to know in advance n change their advertising plans. Come sat, everything will start to shut down in prep for hols. Since the titles of the movies to be screen in citt place has been named, i think those are what advertisers were advise about.

I guess for a major holiday, people are expected to do alot of travelling all over the country and wont hv time to watch tv. So they rather put in special seasonal programming.

#missingsunbae #missingphj #moreseoljungplease


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9 hours ago, enigmatic_zephy said:

Also, I have a feeling, as far as In Ho's father is concerned, Seol will break the ice there.. for a change rescuing he sunbae

Personally, I have started to enjoy In Ha... I don't know about others..

I have sort of come to appreciate the actress's interpretation of this character


9 hours ago, carolinedl said:

InHa knows InHo feels guilty and uses that ot her advantage. But she knows she is and blames him for being too considerate of others.

I like her actually, I think there is more to her. She IS dangerous for sure, like you said, she holds mean grudges. I like that aspect of her though, I want to know more about her!

I also hope that HS will be a catalyst to heal YJ's relationship with his dad. It would almost be natural for her to be that.

About In-ha's character, I feel similarly, @enigmatic_zephy and @carolinedl      I also feel similarly about the actress who plays In-Ha - Lee Sung-Kyung. I have not read the webtoon, but I have seen parts of it, and sometimes her expressions seem to be exactly what I saw on the webtoon. I  have to say, the actress has surprised me with this role. I hope the drama will develop her character more.  I want to know more about her; Like others in this drama, she's got some maturing to do, and self reflection; Right now, she is in some respects similar to MS' character in her victim personality, but she is way more interesting to me than MS.

I think to some extent, most of the characters in this drama are wounded souls. We empathize more with those we like more, and are scared/annoyed/ even disgusted sometimes, at some of the others.

10 hours ago, carolinedl said:

The way I see it, InHo is more a tool to deepen YJ and Seol's feelings for one another. I think InHo also knows it and hence he tried to stay away.


Interesting take, @carolinedl.  I also think that deep inside In-Ho has a heart of gold despite his rough appearance and behavior. Even though he is angry at YJ (and I think it is his own pain about where the relationship went), I don't think he actively will move on YJ's girl.

I found it interesting what he said in the end about HS, that she will not allow him to be an emotional support for her. (and he is correct in that)

Actor Moon Ji-yoon binge ate & put on 10-12kg after casting to play Sang-chul

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7 minutes ago, qwenli said:

With regards to the preemption, i think people are holding out for hope becos the news is not posted on tvn facebook or website but came thru another news source.

Of course anything can happen but i think by tomorrow they have to decide, because if there is a change in programming, advertisers need to know in advance n change their advertising plans. Come sat, everything will start to shut down in prep for hols. Since the titles of the movies to be screen in citt place has been named, i think those are what advertisers were advise about.

I guess for a major holiday, people are expected to do alot of travelling all over the country and wont hv time to watch tv. So they rather put in special seasonal programming.

#missingsunbae #missingphj #moreseoljungplease



i really can survive for 2 weeks to keep repeating the hugging scene:grin: tvn sure thinking/ consider of the ranking rating if is show on lunar new year holiday...

i love all those tags! 

#missingsunbae #missingphj #moreseoljungplease #jeongxseol

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Finally finished watching ep.10 with subtitle..

still quite annoyed at the producers switching Jung to Inho..but whatever..it's futile to cry over spilled milk :phew:

Inho is so cute with his blushing cheek though:wub:

Found this on NB:

[+50, -4] Why does Seol feel miserable over one picture when she's the one hanging out with another man that her boyfriend doesn't like and does whatever she wants with him

gotta say I agree with this.. Jung has repeatedly said there's nothing with Inha. Inho also strongly denied there was even 'something' between them... but she keeps harping on it and being miserable with just mere pic/one phone call...while ignoring Jung's concern over her closeness with Inho. Sure, she can hang out with whoever she likes, since she sees them as 'friends' anyway...but I feel here, she just brushes off Jung's concern while at the same time, she repeatedly mistrusts him about Inha. Not cool, girl, not cool. :sweatingbullets:


Meanwhile, I gotta live off the tearing up Park Haejin for two weeks.:bawling:



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4 hours ago, ValentineJ said:

Seriously, in my eyes Seol is cheating because she is hanging out way too much with In Ho.  She is doing this she is supposed to do with Jung with In Ho and that looks bad


@ValentineJ, I agree with you. She may not see her actions that way and neither would In Ho, but the fact of the manner is she's hanging around another man, not out of necessity, but out of choice. She's spending more time with In Ho than she's ever spend with her own boyfriend. Just the easy way she grabbed his hands.......I would love to see her do that with Jung.

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1 hour ago, horticulture said:

I know it's a hard waiting for two weeks but he's rooting for you....

Sunbae! If you wink at us Seolie will scold you. Lol.

How long can you watch this over and over?


Gaaawwwd why you do this to me! This is so funny. He's so serious and then he winks (my heart stopped)!

P.S.: Note that I'm playing this super close up LARGE video of his at work... ooops (sorry can't help but play this!). 


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@ValentinaJ  @lclaraklAgree...well kinda, she is not cheating and of course can hang out with anyone she wants but she should know that it hurts jung as she is hurt when hearing about inha and jung..and it's not helping her case that she IS actually hanging out a lot with inho while jung hates inha and can barely look at her...jung is actually handling it surprisingly well, he told her that he doesn't like inho and the fact that they are close but he never did anything to stop her from meeting him..

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2 hours ago, MrsSoJiSub said:


I don't even get what everyone is so scared that Jung will do. Boy is manipulative, he is cunning. But he has never gotten violent (expect that once with the pervert dude which was a normal reaction to seeing someone you care about get the life chocked out of them) and is actually very aware and in control of himself and his emotions. He's a good boyfriend to Seol (he talks, he listens, he's supportive, he's there, he tries to respect her decision and her way of being while still remaining true to his self). Like really so many times people keep expecting, maybe even hoping for Jung to crush an ant or a snail as to feel some kind of vindication of is "creepy, scary, evil guy" image they have built up in their heads, and Jung never does. The guy is problematic as hell, but none of his actions have ever scared me nor do I feel he is a threat or danger to anyone. The people that surround Seol are more a threat/danger to Seol and themselves than Jung. Most if not all of them have brought it upon themselves. They had what they do to others done onto them and they get mad over it. Yeah it's not comfortable when the shoe is on the other foot right...

Why do we demand Jung to be something we are not demanding of all the other characters. Why must he be honest, when those that surround him are not? Why must he not be cunning and manipulative, when those that surround him are? Why must he not use others when those that surround him do? Is it becuase he's rich, he gets good grades, he's good looking? If so, that is grossly unfair. Like Seol said, just because some people make it look easy or like they don't work for it doesn't mean that is actually the case. Many viewers are hoping for Jung to change in some dramatic way (and while I agree there are some small changes he must make aka communicate with Seol before, after, and during the things he does, letting her in, in his world) I do not feel he needs or should make drastic huge changes in his character becuase his character to me really isn't the problem. Jung does have it in him to treat others well. He does that with almost everyone. It isn't until you cross him that he seeks some type of retribution and honestly aren't we all like that? Yeah sometimes he goes too far (hence needing small changes) but for the Minsoo's, Younggon, rapist, thieves, liars, manipulator, etc of the world, his way of doing things is kind of wise and gets results. I guess for me the ends many times justify his mean *Kayne shrug*

At this point just like Seol is thinking on it and having to decide on it. We viewers too have to accept that some aspects of Jung is simply who he is. For the small efforts and strides he makes we should recognize that (and he's made much of that these last two episodes) and applaud it. The little things will eventually lead to the big things and it makes me sad faced that not too many are recognizing that. Also why do so little people seem to see that Jung too drives Seol to change and be vocal and stand up for herself as much as Inho, He's been as good an influence on her life as much as Inho. The two's methods are different but the end message and outcomes have been the same. I don't know. It feels like people do not give credit to Jung where credit is due (I know I don't do that her for Inho, but that's simply because boy gets all the credit he needs and more everywhere. Like every tumblr post, dramabeans comment, netzienbuzz, etc, are about his awesomeness) and it makes me sad faced. Aishi, some people do receive love easily. I guess it's easier to love the cute blushing puppies (Joon, Inho) instead of the porcupines or the sharks (Seol, Jung, Inha -who I have found a new appreciation for-). 

If I sound bitter as richard simmons it's becuase I am. Lack of Jung love means little gifs, pictures, and ish to reblog *pouts like a 2 year old toddler* I want to reblog the reunion hug and no one has made gifs of it, and there is little of the back hug too :( I am bitter for selfish reason LOL.




Let me hug you, girl. The feels, when you see the fellow Jung supporter ^___^

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9 minutes ago, madlena said:

@ValentinaJ  @lclaraklAgree...well kinda, she is not cheating and of course can hang out with anyone she wants but she should know that it hurts jung as she is hurt when hearing about inha and jung..and it's not helping her case that she IS actually hanging out a lot with inho while jung hates inha and can barely look at her...jung is actually handling it surprisingly well, he told her that he doesn't like inho and the fact that they are close but he never did anything to stop her from meeting him..

I'll cheer for Jung if he's flipping mad about their closeness so Seol cuz at least understands why he's concerned about it... 

Seeing the preview..it seems that there'll be scenes about this :w00t:

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Article: 'Cheese' Moon Ji Yoon, "Handsome in the past? I gained up to 107 kg for the role of Sangchul"

Source: Sports Chosun via Naver

1. [+7,737, -54] He gained weight for his character... that's amazing

2. [+6,343, -38] He's 100% in sync with his webtoon version. If I had to pick him from a crowd, I'd know for sure he was Sangchul sunbae! ㅋㅋ Enjoying his acting!

3. [+5,806, -35] He's so annoying in the drama but that just means he's that good at his job

4. [+4,504, -27] He's so identical to the character that it pisses me off ㅎㅎ I'm sure that came with much effort~~ show us more of your great acting please

5. [+3,815, -31] Wow, didn't know he gained weight for the role. Hopefully he keeps his passion up and does well in other ventures too!

6. [+394, -1] Sangchul's chubby but he was never depicted as being ugly in the webtoon. He really brings out the annoyance of the character well ㅋㅋㅋㅋ the way he talks just makes me want to smack him upside the head...

7. [+340, -2] Wow, he's so good at acting... just dripping with annoyance ㅋㅋㅋ

8. [+289, -2] He's Sangchul sunbae in both acting and visuals!!!! I hate him so much

9. [+282, -3] I always knew he was originally thinner!

10. [+279, -4] Even when he gains weight, it doesn't hide his handsome features... hopefully he continues to grow as an actor






Article: 'Cheese in the Trap' Yoon Ji Won, "I get hate on SNS all the time for my character of Son Min Soo"

Source: Newsen via Daum

1. [+180, -1] Why don't people differentiate between acting and reality...

2. [+134, -0] Why would anyone send her hate ㅜㅜㅜ so many crazy people

3. [+47, -0] Idiots, keep your hate to yourself when you're watching the drama, why can't you differentiate between reality

4. [+14, -0] People did this with 'Reply' too, kept bringing up Junghwan on Hyeri's Instagram. So many people who can't separate drama from reality.

5. [+12, -1] It just means that she's that good at acting.. ^^

6. [+5, -0] The drama is made better by the characters who bring out their full annoyance! Son Min Soo is cancer but it makes me sad that people can't separate the drama from reality. Find strength.


Source: http://netizenbuzz.blogspot.com/2016/02/tv-cheese-in-trap-stars-sangchul-sunbae.html


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Just finish watching the subbed CITT at the moment and 8 mins in I'm losing it and its not even In Ho and Seolllll

1. Seol knew about Jun having a lunch without h8er and she felt down..? Think about Jung when he finds out things that she doesnt tell them

2. Seol saw a picture of Jung and In Ha (who she has never seen them talk to each other) and she couldnt help being miserable. Think about Jung when he sees and hears her interaction and spend day and night with In Ho with his own eyes and ears.

It doesnt make any senseeeeeee. Im lost for words now.:blink:

In Ho and Eun Taek are super cute in this episode!! Cant help but smiled at these two :D

It  seems to me that In Ho knew his boundary. He likes her but theres a line he cant cross

I gotta say that the only thing I enjoyed in this ep is In Ha. Some might say her annoying and overacting but she got me laugh every time she appears but I hate her in webtoon ..

When it returns, I truly and deeply hope that they wont just throw Jung in to get back together. Please be just step by step. Not like 'Bam, you happen to be there when she's upset about her family' then 'Bam, just kiss' or 'Bam, give her heart-eye' and then disappear for the rest of episode.

I dont feel theres less Jung or more In Ho in this episode tho. 

Okay deep breath....

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59 minutes ago, lclarakl said:


@ValentineJ, I agree with you. She may not see her actions that way and neither would In Ho, but the fact of the manner is she's hanging around another man, not out of necessity, but out of choice. She's spending more time with In Ho than she's ever spend with her own boyfriend. Just the easy way she grabbed his hands.......I would love to see her do that with Jung.

I got to defend my girl yet again (I know I was the one  mad a bit ago LOL) Okay, I agree the amount she hangs out with Inho is a bit much but they friends. Jung interns and has a lot on his plate right now with school too and the distance it takes to get to her house. I know we been in a dry spell these last 3 eps, but every moment the two can be together they both make an effort to be together. Heck they would be together now as in he would be driving her home from school and or meeting outside of school like going on a movie date or resturant or meeting just for 5 minutes at their water front area. However they are on a break and giving each other time to think. Seol does want to go to him but she does need the time to think and accept him as is.

Honestly if she chooses Jung after this and then something we all know will pop up, pops up and her immediate reaction is to believe the other person, doubt Jung, etc (like Jung's dad did with him at the dinner table) I want Jung to dump her. Coming to him now means she should be truly, really willing to give him the benefit of doubt. To take his word. To have some faith and trust in him and believe him. I am not saying she should stay silent on things however when she approaches issues it should be coming from of wanting an explanation and understanding and not of a place of accusation. He should be innocent before guilty and not guilty, now show me you're innocent. Nah Jung we done with that LOL. Trust me and love me for me or leave me so I can find somebody who will. Love me for all of me and try as I am willing to try and want with you, or leave me and go be with easy Inho! To constantly give and give and give but never reach a point of satisfaction, never be "good enough" is damn tiring and wrecks havoc on a person's sense of self. Jung gets that enough with his father "Am I that strange? What are you nervous about?" He don't need it from Seol too.

Now Inho and Seol. Okay remember how Seol and Bora got into that one fight in episode something or the other because Bora said Seol is never real with her. Seol doesn't show her true feelings, doesn't share on her hurt and pain and only shares smiles and the easy stuff. That is exactly what Seol does and has with Inho. Theirs is the surface, fluffy cute stuff. They are cotton candy which is all nice and well. But eating candy everyday and you will throw up. Seol has really opened up wth Jung/ to Jung in a way she hasn't even with Bora and the rest. Seol has let Jung in, in a way that she hasn't/doesn't with Bora and the rest. Sharing her insecurities about her family....it's that deep emotional stuff. That, I can pour my heart out to you. It's easy to laugh with someone but can I let my guard down with you enough, can I be open and vulnerable enough to cry with you...I have that trust in you that you will be of comfort and support and I can come to you and you will be there? The emotional depth in a relationship, she has it with Jung and not Inho.

She jokes and teases and shows concern (and she does that with Jung just as she does with Inho) but can we tell each other harsh truths, can we confront each other about things...when Seol needed comfort in ep 10 she doesn't confine in Inho. He asks her and she says it's nothing. In ep 9 when they broke up and he asked again Seol said it was nothing. Inho guessed at it. Seol never willing gave it (the same is true of the Younggon situations that he knows and Jung does not). When Jung and her were out on the hospital bench and he asks her what was wrong, she opened up and told him and he did the same in return. Inho himself saw he is not the emotional support she wants nor seeks (honestly everything has been of Inho trying and Seol giving very little of her core self. yes she buys him medicine and holds umbrellas. But do they connect because they both understand how it feels to be a pushover and doormat for everyone? Does he understand what it feels like to feel that you are never enough for a parent or that you are not easy to love?). 

What I saw this ep was Seol escaping into something light and easy (her interactions with Inho) as a means of avoiding having to deal with the more heavy closer to the heart matters (Jung). If the flickering light mean something, then does the piano room means something too. It's a place she passes by on the way home. A rest or pit stop if you will. So I guess you can think of the piano room and her escaping interactions there (I remember she went there before having to leave to study, today she stopped by before going home to study and do work) as the rest/pit stop on her way home which could be Jung? I make no sense do I? All I know is Seol isn't cheating and what she has with Jung (I honestly think that girl is half way to love. She has her doubt and concerns but the feelings are there and real. Just look at her face when she sees him. Like...like...you just saw everything you ever wanted or needed. Jung does that a lot. He tends to be there when she needs him the most -well in the webtoon at least-) is more than what she has with Inho. Don't let cute fluffy scene fool ya. I relationship is more than just being able to laugh together. You got to understand me emotionally as well and I believe Inho does, but is it on the same level as that of what she has and wants to have with Jung. For as much as they are different they are also similar and understand each other. I think this why they both try because they both recognize  that there is something worth trying for. 

*goes to watch the two previews again and again and again and again I keep coming back to you, the song is so fitting*

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2 hours ago, MrsSoJiSub said:

I don't even get what everyone is so scared that Jung will do. Boy is manipulative, he is cunning. But he has never gotten violent (expect that once with the pervert dude which was a normal reaction to seeing someone you care about get the life chocked out of them) and is actually very aware and in control of himself and his emotions. He's a good boyfriend to Seol (he talks, he listens, he's supportive, he's there, he tries to respect her decision and her way of being while still remaining true to his self). Like really so many times people keep expecting, maybe even hoping for Jung to crush an ant or a snail as to feel some kind of vindication of is "creepy, scary, evil guy" image they have built up in their heads, and Jung never does. The guy is problematic as hell, but none of his actions have ever scared me nor do I feel he is a threat or danger to anyone. The people that surround Seol are more a threat/danger to Seol and themselves than Jung. Most if not all of them have brought it upon themselves. They had what they do to others done onto them and they get mad over it. Yeah it's not comfortable when the shoe is on the other foot right...

Why do we demand Jung to be something we are not demanding of all the other characters. Why must he be honest, when those that surround him are not? Why must he not be cunning and manipulative, when those that surround him are? Why must he not use others when those that surround him do? Is it becuase he's rich, he gets good grades, he's good looking? If so, that is grossly unfair. Like Seol said, just because some people make it look easy or like they don't work for it doesn't mean that is actually the case. Many viewers are hoping for Jung to change in some dramatic way (and while I agree there are some small changes he must make aka communicate with Seol before, after, and during the things he does, letting her in, in his world) I do not feel he needs or should make drastic huge changes in his character becuase his character to me really isn't the problem. Jung does have it in him to treat others well. He does that with almost everyone. It isn't until you cross him that he seeks some type of retribution and honestly aren't we all like that? Yeah sometimes he goes too far (hence needing small changes) but for the Minsoo's, Younggon, rapist, thieves, liars, manipulator, etc of the world, his way of doing things is kind of wise and gets results. I guess for me the ends many times justify his mean *Kayne shrug*

At this point just like Seol is thinking on it and having to decide on it. We viewers too have to accept that some aspects of Jung is simply who he is. For the small efforts and strides he makes we should recognize that (and he's made much of that these last two episodes) and applaud it. The little things will eventually lead to the big things and it makes me sad faced that not too many are recognizing that. Also why do so little people seem to see that Jung too drives Seol to change and be vocal and stand up for herself as much as Inho, He's been as good an influence on her life as much as Inho. The two's methods are different but the end message and outcomes have been the same. I don't know. It feels like people do not give credit to Jung where credit is due (I know I don't do that her for Inho, but that's simply because boy gets all the credit he needs and more everywhere. Like every tumblr post, dramabeans comment, netzienbuzz, etc, are about his awesomeness) and it makes me sad faced. Aishi, some people do receive love easily. I guess it's easier to love the cute blushing puppies (Joon, Inho) instead of the porcupines or the sharks (Seol, Jung, Inha -who I have found a new appreciation for-). 

If I sound bitter as richard simmons it's becuase I am. Lack of Jung love means little gifs, pictures, and ish to reblog *pouts like a 2 year old toddler* I want to reblog the reunion hug and no one has made gifs of it, and there is little of the back hug too :( I am bitter for selfish reason LOL.


THIS. it really upsets me when people don't try to accept Jung as he is. i know some of the things he did earned a side eyed from me but that is how he functions, sheesh. 

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In defense of Seol and In Ho - 

Seol does not know specifically why she should stay away from In Ho. YJ mentioned that he was afraid that In Ho would take the bad blood between YJ and him out on her. 

At this point, Seol does not know of In Ho's burgeoning feelings towards her. She was already insecure over In Ha (pretty yada yada yada) and the fact they grew up together. YJ has not overtly shown any signs of jealousy about In Ho to Seol (although we can see it when YJ realises In Ho has been 'rescuing' Seol) [Is it bad of me to want more of the jealous YJ?]

Seol STILL treats In Ho as a friend (and we are talking about this girl who brushed off Ah Young's declaration that sunbae liked her ) I think if she realises that In Ho has these romantic feelings, things will become awkward between Seol and In Ho. 

Have faith all Cheesy fans! I echo the sentiment that YJ was around in Ep 10 (in an hidden and omnipotent manner) He knew what was happening with MS and Seol, realised the problem with YG but he couldn't approach Seol as Seol had requested for time to think. I love how the time apart has actually made Seol ponder over their relationship and it has made her miss him even more. Even when she is walking with In Ho, she is thinking about YJ (that's a very good sign!) When YJ is apart from Seol, he's thinking about her (:wub:)

Who wouldn't fall in love with Seol who cares for her friends? I don't blame In Ho for this and I wouldn't blame Seol for In Ho's feelings. Seol has tried to help him find direction in his life and rechannel himself into his music and now he wants to get his education back on track. 

Who knows, if YJ says that he is uncomfortable with the close relationship between her and In Ho (and states why) - she might start to avoid In Ho (poor In Ho!) 

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