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29 minutes ago, bebebisous33 said:

PReview 10: He sees In Ho is there protecting HS and chasing YG! This must upset him... as we know that Yoo Jung is quite jealous of In Ho. He fears, he might lose HS to In Ho. Honestly, I can understand where it comes from. His father always shows more concern and affection to In Ho than to him. Even In Ho is aware of it and rubbed it under YJ's nose (episode 3).

I am quite sure, Yoo Jung was less praised than In Ho back in the day, especially due to In Ho's talent. That's why the scene in the restaurant (episode 8) was so important because I have the impression that for In Ho, it must have been the first time, where the roles were reversed! In Ho didn't have to feel lower than YJ before... he had the support from YJ's father (financially and emotionally).

A lot of YJ's insecurities towards In Ho were shown in the episode 7. IT is about the hugs. We have three scenes where Seol is hugged.

First picture: At the beginning, we see Seol meeting ET, Bora, Jun and In Ho for her moving. Interesting is that you can see that YJ isn't pleased to see In Ho being there, but he advices Seol that they all go to the restaurant together. Just after that, he puts his arms around Seol and In Ho has to follow. It is clear, he wants to demonstrate that he is Seol's boyfriend (he is kind of "marking his territory"). His moves reveals to me that he is afraid that he might lose Seol to In Ho because In Ho has always got loved so easily.

Second picture: In Ho had noticed his move in that scene (first picture) and decided to provoke him, that's why he put his arms around Jun and Seol later! He is definitely enjoying tormenting YJ and I am quite sure, he can sense YJ's insecurities! I really felt sorry for YJ in that scene. In Ho is well aware of YJ's presence. He saw him but didn't tell the others. He knew that YJ wouldn't reveal himself because he would have revealed that he was upset!

Third picture: I can imagine that YJ couldn't just take In Ho's provocation, therefore he wants to meet In Ho. He surely wants to help him but we saw that he was rather cold too. I guess, he was kind of conflicted. Doing the right thing but also not allowing In Ho to get closer to Seol. He always wants to show that he is Seol's boyfriend and he is the one who decides. That's why he hugs Seol and they leave In Ho behind! Yoo Jung is the one who gives the car, who gives him some advices and who decides when they leave In Ho!

All this illustrates YJ's big insecurities to be left behind. He is really afraid of In Ho who was so easily loved and admired! We shouldn't forget In Ho's professor told him that compliments and indirectly affections can be poisonous and he was right as In Ho has never realised how YJ's father was towards his son. He never cared about it.   


I agree with you 100%! Each character in this drama has their own battle that they are fighting with. YJ may seem to have all the confidence in the world from the outside, but deep down his insecurities run deep. If HS only know about these insecurities, she would understand his action a little bit more. Communication is key for them. I love this drama! Can't wait to see how they grow and understand each other more once they are more intimate with one another.

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Younggon is just delusional. After all that he did to Seol and all that rejection, he still texts and thinks they can form a relationship. He's even dating Dahyeon and thinks he and Seol still have a chance and that something might happen between them? Little boy needs help. Also Dahyeon is a freaking idiot! Is she that desperate to not only be dating Younggon but defending him and just being so easily manipulated and used by him. I look at a lot Seol's classmates and wonder how have they even survived to where they are LOL. I have no clue how San Chul ever made it as far as a fourth year student and I'm puzzled that he will actually graduate.

I loved the growth we have seen in Seol through out the series. Our little cinnamon roll has come so far. Now she's a true leader who takes reigin over her crew/group. In episode 8 she sized each person within the group up and thought of ways to communicate and work with them and their character. She honestly straight up told San Chul that she would not accept his lazy BS excuses dealing to get out of doing his fair share of the work and even warned him that she would kick him out the group if need be. I whooped and cheered so hard when she really did kick him out the group and did not let  him piggy back off everyone's work. I was even more proud when this time she stayed her ground, stayed in the room to hear the complaints (which she didn't allow to phase her) and did what she knew to be right. Man, she has come far. Remember how in episode 3 she did everyone's work, didn't say a thing, and then rushed off and away when they all unfairly bad mouthed her. I am so glad this time she stayed in the eye of the storm and didn't cower but stood firm in her decisions. Even her confronting and standing by what she said concerning Jung this episode was so fulfilling to watch. I feel like such a proud mama where Seol (and Jung) is concerned this ep.

I like that Jung helps Seol, but he also allows her to solve her own problems and learn and grow stronger. What I mean is he saves her, but he also really allows her to save herself. Like when the class was bad mouthing her, he saw it was troubling her and got San Chul to stop but at the same time he didn't immediately jump in. Also with the members in her group he could have easily gone to some of them and done his Jung thing to get them to cooperate with her, but he didn't. He let his girl lead on her own because even with tough team mates that he could put in their place, he has belief that she can do It on her own. The Minsoo situation. While it's true that he did purposely provide Minsoo with the links. Jung left it to Seol to stand up for herself and her work . He could have easily done something more, but he leaves it to Seol to either call out Minsoo for the copying or let her get away with it. Again, I like that he saves her just as much as he let's her save herself. I love how they both grow from the relationship and it's not a one way street. They both give and take and both learn and grow :D 

Inha is a piece of work but I really enjoyed her this ep. It helps a lot that there wasn't so much exaggerated eye bugging and lip twisting (though there still was some) I am amused by how she will use dude with glasses and how she's going to take down Younggon. It was cruel of her to purposely spill the noodles on Inho's music piece but I really see a girl who's scared of getting left behind by her brother and also she holds a grudge from their childhood where his dreams were encouraged and hers were crushed -by their aunt and him-. Really Inho is all that she has and all that she can really rely on. He's family. So if he's to go off an become some famous traveling pianist and leave her behind, who can she turn to when she has no place to sleep? I feel like Jung's father could be that for her, but there are strings attached there. He's not family. It's not unconditional you know? It's like how Inho didn't want to, but he still took off her glasses and covered her, it's what families do. Jung and his father are not family and we see that despite how they may want to help her, there are conditions (and reasonable ones at that. Girl needs to work and earn her money!!) and with Inho she can freeload LOL. Something about watching her sleep, made me really feel for her LOL. She looked like just the little girl that she is.

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30 minutes ago, bebebisous33 said:

@qwenli Thanks a lot for the compliment! smileyscrazy monkey  

I have been thinking about Kong Yoo Jong's words to Yoo Jung: "You don't know what love is and you'll never understand why I gave up everything for my love!!"

Honestly, I would like this script to happen! His dad who has such high expectations from YJ and never shows any affections towards Yoo Jung is not pleased to hear that YJ is dating Seol and put him in front of an ultimatum! Choose between his legacy and his love... believing that Yoo Jung will give up Seol. We saw that Yoo Jung never took his wealth and power for granted. He has always worked very hard and led a diligent life. He wasn't upset or disgusted to see Seol's flat or eat kimbap! That's why I imagine him very well to leave his father behind and live his life without his father's help. He can do very well on his own! 


I would like that too since the writer had that line as part of the drama. However, his father's heart seems too big to not accept Seol. He quickly took in InHo and his sister. From what I've seen, his father seems to be a decent man. 

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Now I wonder if Jung's decision that he's had enough of being a pushover or at least pretending to be the push over, like he was in high school had anything to do with Inho's hand and what may have come before or after that caused the whole mess and dismantling of the three musketeer's friendship...

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super love how they made the drama to in sync with the webtoon. can't wait for tomorrow's episode. i find minsoo pathetic, she was more annoying and pathetic in the webtoon though. 


how are the viewer's rating in Korea of CITT? considering the time of the show. I hope they go around variety shows and promote the drama. i wanna see PHJ in verity shows or photoshoots with KGE

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I'm really curious, a lot of things haven't happened in the drama yet... I'm worried they'll leave us hanging at the end of the drama. the prob with yoo jung and in ho. yoo jong's father taking bark siblings had ulterior motives.. from what i remembered he referred it as "pets" or something to keep his son busy. 

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25 minutes ago, tengxanxan said:

I'm really curious, a lot of things haven't happened in the drama yet... I'm worried they'll leave us hanging at the end of the drama. the prob with yoo jung and in ho. yoo jong's father taking bark siblings had ulterior motives.. from what i remembered he referred it as "pets" or something to keep his son busy. 

I sooo need tvN to go into Jung's father, his relationship with his son, and taking in the Baek kids. All of it is twisted and complicated. Jung as a kid *graps rosary LOL* and everything has really informed the Jungs we see now and the relationship he has and no longer has with the Baek siblings. Please drama go into it. Daddy Yoo is not what he seems...

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15 minutes ago, MrMarley said:

So since the webtoon has not ended, does that mean we will get an open ending? Or will the writer conclude his own ending in the drama?


From the article I read, they had spoken with the webtoon writer and the writer had wanted them to have a ending of their own (in term of how the production want the ending to be) since the webtoon hasn't ended yet. 

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27 minutes ago, MrMarley said:

So since the webtoon has not ended, does that mean we will get an open ending? Or will the writer conclude his own ending in the drama?

The drama writer/team have already stated in interviews that they got blessing from the webtoon writer to end the drama where/how they please. The webtoon as you stated is still on going and the writer of that said she has her own ending planned that is separate from the drama so I don't really forsee an open ending for the drama. Honestly, this is a slice of life drama that has little plot and is all really character driven. It's pretty simple to end (or maybe I'm easy LOL) they just need to show us what happened with Inho's hand and him making it. Take us into Jung's mind and see what kinds of growth he many have had. The last scene can be of Seol rushing off to class or even her smiling widely as both Jung and Inho look on proudly during her graduation (or they could even end it with Seol, Inho, and Inha smiling proudly at Jung during his gr4aduation). There are plenty of plot points and good areas in the webtoon they could end at where things would still feel finished but then it could make people go read the webtoon if they want more. The team has been doing a good job thus far so I trust they will end it all well.

@enigmatic_zephy LMFAO at "two Russian kids playing in the snow" :lol::lol: unfortunately I can't be of help but boy you crack me up.

@Ahpheng LOL I love your strips and because of it I see that Seol leans into the kiss too :D 

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8 minutes ago, MrsSoJiSub said:

I sooo need tvN to go into Jung's father, his relationship with his son, and taking in the Baek kids. All of it is twisted and complicated. Jung as a kid *graps rosary LOL* and everything has really informed the Jungs we see now and the relationship he has and no longer has with the Baek siblings. Please drama go into it. Daddy Yoo is not what he seems...


I agree, they need to extend the drama or make a season 2 perhaps? haha. i haven't seen any korean series having any season 2 though. Yoo Jong's father definitely has significance on why Yoo Jong grew up to become dark and twisty. He seems to think that there is something wrong with Yoo Jong, that instead of understanding Yoo Jong, he thought of him as a thing that can be fix or experimented at.

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17 minutes ago, Lyna said:


From the article I read, they had spoken with the webtoon writer and the writer had wanted them to have a ending of their own (in term of how the production want the ending to be) since the webtoon hasn't ended yet. 


Thanks. That's good to hear! My hope is for Seol and YJ to graduate college, get married, and have some red head curly hair babies.

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