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10 minutes ago, qwenli said:

@kasmic I think lee sung kyung got the best deal in clothes, because she is always decked up in some designer stuff! :D


So true hahaha the beauty of playing rich characters right u get designer clothing and sponsors.. even sunbae too. :w00t: Poor Seol she needs a new wardrobe i would love to see her in something less casual. I wonder if we will get that chance??Thou the chances are quite slim right?? Because its a college  based like drama :sweatingbullets: 

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1 hour ago, mywebfoot said:

Wow, I've read about Kim Go Eun's acting ability, but I had my reservations until I saw this clip. She's unrecognizable. Kim Go Eun is surely a rising star. 

In spoilers, because it's a clip from Coin Locker Girl, her recent movie.

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Woww..gonna watch this film ASAP. Park bo gum? Kim go eun? I really like them both! ^^

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im variety show person.
I rarely watch k-drama online
I just give this drama a shot since its over my twitter timeline.. and

Within a day i finished ep.1 to ep.8, hahaa. (im obssessed~) already read the latest webtoon chapters. Mondays & Tuesdays are now my favorite days. lol

PHJ is born to play Jung, KGE is such a good actress. (Im a fan~!)  I cant imagine anyone can portray Seol the way KGE did. PHJ & KGE chemistry on or off screen is too much for this world.  DATE NOW! I wont mind, after all Park Hae Jin ideal girl is Kim Go Eun.. :D

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i totally agree about Jung not being as rotten as some of the k-drama leads i've watched before.  the deal breaker for me (maybe) is if he knew when YG was stalking Seol.  if he didn't know it was happening when it was happening, ok.  but i really hate that kind of violence against women and i really don't like that he enabled it.  i do realize that YG has to be an extra special kind of psycho to operate that way based on jung's texts.

i'm still figuring out the timeline of the first ep.  so when she gets drunk and says she's dropping out for a year that is a year after she catches jung spilling the drink on NJY.  so the YG stalking has already happened as well as the party prep where seol has held jung's hand.  so when jung goes to pick her up, he has already started liking her then?

also, i'm rewatching ep 5 right now and angry jung at the end is a leetle sexy . . . 

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glad I caught this drama, caught up to the 8 episodes and will be following this thread going forward. 


I can understand jung's personality, I've had instances where I can relate to him in how he treats others, but at the same time I really do like In Ho's character and am really interested in his and In Ha's back story. 

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And I love HS outfit in CITT the most, because her outfit is really nice and look casual and vintage for me and I love vintage so much

 You should watch Monster , her acting in that film, superb!!! She really could pull as crazy girl in there and lee min ki (his co star) said that he is her fan for a while before they acted together in Monster and really like her (beware PHJ) :phew: @mywebfoot

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Edit: accidentally double posted about BTS for upcoming link! Sorry didnt refresh the page so didnt see that someone else posted 'bout it already. Anyways I'll keep you guys posted if theres one with c-subs so i can translate it when im free (that is, if sushisubs doesnt do it before me,ha) 

*goes back to lurking mode*

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Never thought i would like this drama. let's say most of the time i'm a bit disappointed with webtoon adaptation drama. that's why every time article about this drama or article that related to this drama come out i just ignore it (especially because there are to much concern and pro-con about the leading role), and too at the first i think PHJ will be seen to old to be college student.
but thanks to my boredom to current airing drama i give a try, and here i am... become a trapped mice.
i try this drama last Thursday morning and marathoning until 3am the next day this is totally first time for me. i really caught by this drama. i just love interaction from each character.

it's been a long time since i'm yelling, screaming, giggling at the certain scene in a middle of the night because of a drama (my mom scolded me because of that).
i almost scratch my laptop screen when ever YJ come out with his mysterious, cold face or sarcastic smile. but the other time i melt like an ice when ever the lovey dovey scene come out. i even start to read the webtoon just because i'm curious about tonight episode but i didn't read it read it properly because i'm afraid it will be ruin my mood to watch the drama. 

PS... : some time KGE really looks like PARK SHIN HYE for me. isn't she?

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Oh and I want to say that most viewers been tricked with the storyline, the storyline delivers or potrays YJ as the bad guys from the start. Especially the story between YJ and In Ho. In Ho from the start said that YJ who is responsible with his hand, and that's why he never can play piano again. But we never know the story behind his comment, is Jung really behind that incident? Or IH just make assumption because he saw Jung just walked by when he was in pain? That goes for HS as well, she starts doubting YJ when she heard from IH that YJ is the cause and the storyline supports YJ as the bad guy (the incident with TA Heo, Stalker, etc) 

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cr: http://llllilian.tumblr.com/


Now I need BTS for upcoming bed scene (assuming we got one we MUST GET ONE!!)

 we'll get it right, pd-nim? ;)

goes back to her lurking mode, cause still has 50 more pages or so to backread....

edit: just realized they are wearing couple outfits again hahahhaa, loving it <3

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Wow these last few posts. Ya'll know I'm a Jung ride or die chick (though he makes it so hard sometime, but that's what makes him feel real. No one always does the right thing all the time. We all richard simmons up and come with our fair share of issues and baggage. I love my sisters but I don't always like them and or their words, actions, choices, etc. The same is true of Jung.) With that said, both those who like Jung (this includes me LOL) and those who don't leave me puzzled from time to time so imma play devil's advocate for the side of those who don't like Jung.

@bjvipb2uty have you been reading tumblr posts LOL. If so, take a time out LOL. I have come to the conclusion that the general international audience (since a seemingly large majority of kveiwers are okay with Jung and enjoy Jung&Seol) are: "aww poor puppy Inho let me love you. Serial killer Jung, KILL IT WITH FYAH!!!" LOL. I have noticed international viewers and kviewers tend to differ in their reception of things, and I tend to fall on the side of the kviewers but that's not the point. Those with concerns about Jung are not unfounded in their worries and concerns.  Now I am not going to label Jung with a pathology nor do I think he will/would/has it in him to hurt Seol (boy is sprung and even if he stops liking her -which I can't see happening. Jung falls more each day- or Seol dumps him, Jung will most likely be how he was in ep 4 after the whole Ah-young set up. An richard simmons who ignore her existence but still silently notices her and looks out for her in that he rescues her from campus rapist that I really don't understand why he is still on the show or why Jung talks with him!). However just because we have had, do have, and will always have the worst abusive male leads; doesn't give Jung a free pass to be a richard simmons and not get called out on it when he does.

When it comes to Jung let's call a spade a spade. Boy was an richard simmons who behaved like a tantrum-ing like struck elementary school boy in year one all because Seol ignited something in him he couldn't fully comprehend (what is this...real emotion? real care for what someone thinks of me?). He made judgements about her and who she is all from one meeting with her. Also Seol looked at him, saw though his mask of perfect subae and does not worship at his feet like the whole class does. Seol called Jung out on his richard simmons (because he was doing dumb richard simmons to get NJY riled up against Seol, he did have a part in San Chul's receipt incident, and he did have a role in Youggon incident) and that riled him up. It bothered him just as much as it intrigued and attracted him to her. And just as she found him a dangerous attraction so she blew things up in her head in order to stay away; so did Jung. Expect he didn't keep things in his head. He used actions and words to keep her and himself at arms length (aka in/at the same distance of indifference he applies to all those at school he don't give two hoots about) until she, her care and literal touch awoke some sort of understanding and want to know this girl he had misjudged. 

Jung with Seol is fine. I agree with you that he doesn't disrespect her, down talk her, make her feel an idiot, etc etc basically treat her like richard simmons that most male leads do. However Jung away from Seol is problematic as hell and we all would be fools if we weren't wary about the stark differences and contrast of year 1 Jung, Jung with Seol, and Jung with the world he don't care about. The three different Jung's leave a lot of room for questions and concerns. So while I may not agree with the general notion that he's Darth Vader in sheep's clothing and it's only a matter of time before he sets Seol on fire, I too have some worries and concerns. Jung could fall either way and his actions and inactions has lead to harm (even if most people brought it onto themselves and he doesn't always intend for thing to happen as they do) and could lead to bigger harm.

@lclarakl this is Seol's first time in a relationship. She's in a relationship with someone much more experienced and knowledged than her and also someone who is Yoo Jung (what a first boyfriend to have *le sigh*). Seol is a natural introvert and she thinks and thinks and thinks and over thinks far too much on everything. The fact that she is/was that nervous around Jung and reacted to his every look and touch tells me of how much she does like/is attracted to  him. Jung is Seol's sexual awakening if you will. Her one experience was with a church drummer boy that didn't go anywhere. Now here comes along a man (they are in college them relationships lead to more than just hand holding and kissing) showing her how much of a pretty, charming, funny, intelligent, precious, desired woman she is. This being her first time experiencing all of this (she went from last on the most wanted by the boys list, to being wanted by the most popular boy, that would have me spun too) it's only natural that she is nervous and jumpy. It means his looks, touches, etc elicits a reaction out of her (did you not watch her think if she should ask him to stay for ramen, coffee that's basically drama lingo for a little something something LOL. This precious girl). She wants Jung as much as he wants her, but again it's her first time and she, well, she's going to be awkward about it and move slow for a variety of reasons.

As for Inho, the fact that she is so calm and relaxed around him is why I think there is nothing there. His looks and touches should be drawing something in and out of her, but it don't. The lack of nervousness, of anticipation, of walking down the street grinning like a fool and fanning your face simply because you had a nice talk and hug, a hug (LOL) the day before or instinctively reaching for his hand whenever he lets go (all things she does with Jung) tells me she doesn't see him as more than a friend (don't come for me shippers who knows it may change :P). Inho is like Euntaek to her. While Jung is very much a red blooded male who's kisses on a park bench has her walking home like Gene Kelly 'Singing and Dancing in the Rain' LOL. And that was just kissing! If anything more ever happens...LOL, I can't even imagine.

As for not trusting Jung, good! Trust is a two way street. He wants her to be open with him, to trust him, to share what's going on in her head, her worries, and concerns, and problems with other people, YOU FIRST JUNG, YOU FIRST!!! So much of the richard simmons that keeps attacking the two and their relationship is because Jung won't freaking talk to her. A large part of it has to do with the fact that's he scared. Jung fears being completely open and vulnerable with Seol. He fears baring his all with her, why? because he like the rest when in like/love, fears rejection. What if he lets her see all of him (the good that she knows of, the bad she is aware of, the lot that she doesn't know, and especially the "Am I weird or strange? Am I a bad guy?") and she rejects him. Seol leaves him, what does he do? Jung likes Seol a lot. He likes he a lot. Look how he worked to try and get her to change his mind about him and agree to one meal. Look how slow he has been taking things in their relationship and moving at her pace. Just listen to the park bench conversation where for once, he's actually is concerned about what another person thinks of him "don't think of me as a bad guy okay." He likes her and that opens a whole new can of worms for him.

Jung really really likes Seol and he's not sure or secure that she likes him the same and would accept and understand him (it's so important to him that she understands him, hence the whole "we're alike") and will continue liking him because of who he is and in spite of it (shocker Jung is human and has the same human worries of simply wanting to love a person for who they are and be loved in the same way). But about the trust, Seol is wise to be wary and have yet to give him her full trust. It's not that she doesn't want to (in ep 9 preview she says "I want to come to you" or get closer to you or go to you or something of the sort). It's that he makes it so hard to LOL. I mean as soon as she thinks she knows him (and look she doesn't runaway), someone comes to her with something new that makes her question (because she's actually smart and not blinded by what she feels with him) what she thought she knew (which is understandable and I would do the same). Also let's not forget year 1 Jung and what he did to her. She is trying, but hasn't fully let go of that and it's hard to do so when Jung doesn't even want to talk about any of that "let's forget the past". Jung doesn't allow Seol to trust him. She can't blindly believe him/in him because well, his character, and past and present actions beg otherwise. Jung is killing me because it's so freaking simple talk to her!! Freaking tell her things. I mean Seol saw all that richard simmons with TA Heo, what she thinks may have happened with Inho's hand, beating the pervert, and she's still by his side so I don't think she wants to go anywhere anytime soon. So it's not really his actions, but his lack of communication in talking to her, in telling her, in allowing her to know him, him. She says as much in ep 6 "talk to me before you do these things" (I think we'll see for the Younggon situation that she will be more angry that he didn't talk to her/tell her when he had so many opportunities to do so more so than the act it's self since that one is kind...yeah LOL). So richard simmons Jung and giving him trust until he can do the same!

ETA: Dang I wrote a novel again, LOL. I just got a lot of feelings okay...TL;DR, people do have reason for concern when it comes to Jung. Jung is not a typical male lead a-hole in regards to Seol. Seol does like Jung and is in a spring awakening LOL. Trust is a revolving door, you get as much as you give and it's got to go both ways. 

ETA 2: I HAVE DIED AND I'M WRITING THIS FROM HELL (i sinned way too much to get though the pearly white gates LOL) MY BACK HUG klhs'khdfhea'irihg'hs'iehposuji'erhakjorj''hhh *runs around in happy circles* I GET MY BACK HUG 

d32cebf0-ccdb-0132-45c7-0ebc4eccb42f.gif myemotions_troy.gif

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1 hour ago, gothigh said:

Haiiii~ NEW BTS EP 9!!!!



Thanks @gothigh for the vid! (although I can't watch it since I'm in the office :cry:)

33 minutes ago, demarchelier said:


cr: OSENYeah, In Ho is getting his hand checked...

cr: topstarnews



Thanks @demarchelier~~ the backhugs looks so sweet.. is it for the scene after YJ ignoring Seol?? and finally backhug and give her the soda? I think I saw someone posted the webtoon's part of it...

18 minutes ago, ihate0ni0ns said:


cr: http://llllilian.tumblr.com/

goes back to her lurking mode, cause still has 50 more pages or so to backread....


Thanks @ihate0ni0ns! Finally I can see some 'movements' here in gifs... hahahaha...

Ha... can't wait for tonight episode!!

I'm hoping for smooth streaming tonight!! :blush:

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