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4 hours ago, qwenli said:

PHJ said: KGE is very natural and we werent really acting but its like we are living there. I usually will remember how to move in respond to the camera but with KGE, I often forget those technical things and just immerse myself. When I watch the drama broadcast, I will think did I actually look at Seol that way? For e.g. when I met Seol infront of her school and arrange her fly away hair, I thought to myself why is my face so happy?

PHJ praise that KGE is pretty " If there is a friend like HongSeol, I think anybody will fall in love. She does all her things well and is very sensible. She never wants to be a burden to anyone and usually wont seek help from others. In real life, if there is such a person like HongSeol, she will be a great as a girlfriend.

Thank you for translation! 

Oh his frankly words is so dangerous ))) 



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2 hours ago, 40somethingahjumma said:


I dunno why but I'm not really bedazzled by the piano scene at the end of Ep. 8 that everyone seems to be. Something's wrong with me I'm sure but I can't help feeling just a tad manipulated by it. I'm really really not a fan of love triangles  and it's as if I'm being flash burned by a huge "love triangle" sign.

Yeah, yeah, I know... I'm biased.


I know what you mean. I actually fast forward that scene too.:P super bias of me, I say.:lol:

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35 minutes ago, opinionatedajumma said:

@MrsSoJiSub hahaha so those are your feelings for Mr Rochester, I see! I enjoyed his tortured soul and Jane's strengh and purity. Now after so many Kdramas those characters seem so far behind.. Good so! Back then I spent a couple of years watching and reading every Victorian series and novel I could find. I guess this fandom, together with loving Anne of Green Gables (I was very young when it aired and loved it immediately) is something many of us have in common in this forum. 



Oh wow! Jane Eyre & Anne of Green Gables ~ hi 5 to that haha

Has anyone watched "North and South"? I think I went on a BBC drama craze after watching it.

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On 1/31/2016 at 8:59 PM, NRGchick said:

You have to watch out for the trap when the director says it would be nice for them to date. LOL at PHJ's response - not a definite No.

That video didn't include the part where the director actually gave the suggestion nor their immediate reactions following that (which sparked my downward descent into OTP oblivion). 

But the short clip below does, so here:


LYJ Director-nim suddenly throws a bomb out of nowhere that throws everyone off:

"Actually, whenever I embark on a new project, I would hope for the main male and female lead to date".

So much so that the host has to clarify and ask:

You mean for the two of them to date? Even after the drama has ended?

The director replies here*

After which PHJ replies:

My schedule is pretty busy after the drama ends.

(As for the line after, according to the sushisub press con video he continued, saying "I'm thinking of continuing working", but according to an article(x) I read he apparently played it off saying "I will seriously think about it if I'm still in Korea" so it's probably a matter of translation, but since I dont understand Korean I can't verify what exactly he actually said.)


Edit: *Found the director's reaction, so adding this here for posterity

 6aa6653bjw1f0fkz8v4tfg20aj08mu0y.gif(cr x)

LYJ: It'll be nice if they really date. How nice would it be if they marry after the drama is over~

Host: You mean for the two of them to date? Even after the drama has ended?

LYJ: Yes

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ohhhhh, @NRGchick you just gif on that one scene that stole my heart and cemented my addiction to CITT.

After watching that ep, my imagination of an alternative story was this (if I was Seol):


As sunbae turned his back on me and walk coldly down slope, I ran after him painfully in my tight heels and tugged his arm to stop him. He stopped in his tracks but didnt turn to look at me. "How long have you been waiting here" I asked, trying to look into his eyes. 

Sunbae, still with his head down, did not answer. I can sense his awful mood, and felt terrible for setting him up with Ah Young without asking him. As I held on his arm, both of us stood there in the dark alley for what seems like forever in a loaded silent atmosphere. 

"I am sorry, I shouldnt have left early just now, I thought Ah Young is a very pretty and nice girl for you." I said, trying to explain myself. At this point, Sunbae turned his head and glared at me. I looked into his eyes and were just too shock by his seriousness as he said "You dont even understand how I feel!" I let go of his arm and stood there looking back at him helplessly. What is happening I thought, why did Sunbae come all the way here to tell me all this? He seemed to be behaving like we have known each other for so long, but we are not even close friends.

I felt like crying and look down. This had been a bad day, meeting that rude arrogant guy at the blind date and now sunbae is not happy with me too.

 "Forget it, you must be tired in those pair of shoes" sunbae said staring at my feet. He started walking away as I stared at his tall lonely back until he went further and further.

Sunbae is really messing up my life, what have I done wrong?! I need to talk to Bora about this! 

@mgicc lol, the director is a romantic! But its true, only a romantic can direct a romance right? hee hee 

can you send me the video link? I will try to listen to what he said with my limited korean.


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After watching the episode 3 again, YJ's friend really stroke to me with his behaviour towards YJ. In the first picture, he points out to YJ that YJ's personality is similar to HS'. But we know now, this isn't the first time he is doing a similar comment to YJ. He did it before, yet it's only shown in the episode 6. But in the episode 3, he mentions it again so that I've got the impression, he had noticed that YJ was attracted to HS. First, he must have noticed that YJ changed his class and visited two classes where HS was in. So this must have caught his attention. Then he was present, when HS tried to apologize to YJ but YJ showed her the cold shoulder. So maybe he must have figured it tout that something must have happened because in the scene where I took the first picture, he doesn't only mention HS' personality, but also the problems she is dealing with right now: SC as part of her team. He shows concern for her and tells YJ that if he had SC in his group, he would have failed too. So the friend is trying in my opinion to arise empathy from YJ in an attempt to make him forget why he was so upset due to Seol. Then he is the one who tells about the bad reputation of DH implying that something bad might happen to HS. Interesting is that although he showed some concern for Seol, he doesn't do anything as if he wanted to push YJ to protect Seol despite the argument! In the end, YJ put his anger aside and decided to rescue Seol from Do Hyun!

There is also something else: while the group with YJ was working, DH started talking about Seol, you could see YJ's jealousy!! It was written on all his face... maybe his friend noticed it too!! 





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@qwenli I believe that the original video that the gif was made from is this :


About 4:38 onwards. The footage sure seems to match. However the footage was abruptly cut after he said his schedule was busy, so you'll have to refer to the sushisub press con vid for his full answer, which seems to be from 4:14- 4:23 of (x)

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50 minutes ago, kasjady said:


Oh wow! Jane Eyre & Anne of Green Gables ~ hi 5 to that haha

Has anyone watched "North and South"? I think I went on a BBC drama craze after watching it.

*gets so freaking excited when she reads North & South* MEEEEEEE!!!  I watch that about once a week on Netflix. I love it!!!!! I actually really enjoy Victorian Brit lit but the Bronte sisters anti-heroes just.....ah;jdhf;lhs'lhsl. I think for me I start to think too much in modern times because I start to wonder "how old is this little girl? where are your parents? how long you known him that marriage is being talked about already? girl, you can do much better than this stale milk abusive old enough to be your granddaddy." LOL things like that and then for some things I just chuck it all out the window. I'm more an Austen girl (Persuasion is one of my favorites). North & South turned me on to the BBC big time. Has anyone seen 'The Forsyte Saga'? Now I want to go watch movies with magnificent bastards and anti-heroes as the lead...*I'm coming Phantom* Man, when I was young I hated Christine for not staying with the Phantom (a part of me still does). When I got older I wondered "girl what was wrong with 12 year old self?" LOL. 

I notice I got a thing for complicated leads (had anyone seen the now cancelled Fox show 'The Following?' tell me why I was more interested in Joe Carroll the cult leader than Ryan Hardy the FBI agent. I think I was the only one enjoying Hannibal slowly turning Will, Dexter, Tony Soprano, Omar Little, Harrow, Marty, Luther, Alice, Yoo Jung...) man I got issues LOL.

KGE cracks me up at the press conference. Poor girl's neck. I too noticed that even with manner legs, she comes to his chest area and still has to look up. It's cute how far PHJ/Jung had to bend to give her that second kiss in ep 8. It reminds of the OTP in Murphy's Law of Love, not that was a height different (poor dude and girl). Also I must be blind because I do not notice the age difference between PHJ and his cast mates. Hold the phones though, SKJ (along with PBF) were born in 93 and are younger than my little brother (tis only a year but still LOL) my lack of "come and get it bae" attraction makes sense now. I mean they are good looking guys and we ain't too far apart. But when I look at them I'm more "let this noona feed you and talk to you about put you in my pocket to protect you from this world *pinches cheeks*" and less " shawty can I take you to my crib?" LOL. 

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@mgicc ok i strained to hear what PHJ said after he said his schedule was busy, but he was kinda of mumbling and speaking very fast, I think he said, when he come back to Korea he will think about it.:lol:, then the emcee said " oh so its a schedule problem" which trigger KGE's big reaction to PHJ saying - like what are you saying? :D 

but dun trust me, I self taught myself in korean. LOL

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Remember this?

It looks like KGE is really singing an OST for CITT since there's a follow-up post that confirms it!! (see below)

Translating from post by c-netz(cr 追剧噢@ weibo)...

Chinese translation here: 


ost制作中 让音乐导演和我都很惊讶的 ~#金高银# 唱歌实力~音调是不用说,拍子踩的准,音感也很出众的演员 ~ 还有, 人也是很善良~

Eng translation here:


In the midst of OST production~~ (KGE) Surprised the music director and I~ A talented singer~ [赞]  An actress with outstanding pitch, rhythm, and music sense~ [赞] Also, she is very kind-hearted too~ ~ ^^


Omg I'm really happy because I posted about hoping to hear her sing a CITT OST way back in the thread and it's actually happening!! [得意地笑] Back then I posted a link about her featuring in Shin Seung Hun's album~

Go listen! It's great, she's great:



1) Full song ( Sun, Moon, Stars and We (With Kim Go Eun) ) here:



2) I've since found a link to the BTS behind the song with C-subs+K-subs which you can view here:






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I'm one of those people who loved the piano scene in episode 8. :D

For me, it wasn't just that I found it cute. Actually I don't think I'd describe it as so. Nor do I like the 'love triangle' sign all up in my face, much like @40somethingahjumma. I didn't sign up for a love triangle..but if you're gonna do it make the sign less flashy. 

No, what I liked about the piano scene was mainly Inho catching up with an old friend, his piano, his identity. So when Seol thinks 'was this what he was like when he was in high school?' I felt she voiced some (not all lol) of the viewers' perceptions of him. It was like she had finally met the real Baek Inho. THIS is Inho. This is what he looks like when he's doing what he loves. 

And then when he stopped playing I found it of importance (symbolism-wise) that Seol jumped in to help him finish. Because although Inho did seek the professor after he sat down and reconsidered his life, Seol played a big role in him finding his path back to his passion. She was the catalyst for him to get there.

So ignoring the 'love triangle' sign, for me this scene was all about Inho reconnecting with his identity and his passion. ......okay yeah I admit I love anything piano but I rest my case.

*goes off to rewatch the scene*

ps. jung you're still my fave graphics-pyong-the-red-fox-689403.gif

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Omo, who is this? It's Sang Chul aka actor Moon Ji Yoon who we all loved to hate in the drama. Found an interesting tidbit about him which I thought I would share. 


These pictures apparently show him before and after his CITT casting.

Eng Translation from (x):


In order to achieve a greater rate of synchronization with the webtoon character, actor Moon Ji Yoon piled on approximately 30kg to prepare for his role as Sang Chul. During the first production meeting, he had already put on 12kg, but the director requested for him to put on more weight, and so he had to eat, eat, eat. Now, his priority is to lose weight, with the aim to lose more than 20kg as his final goal.


Wow I'm really impressed with the lengths he went to in order to present a more accurate Sang Chul. It's a shame that the efforts of supporting actors like him often go unnoticed so I'm really happy for him that someone took the trouble to highlight his efforts! Kudos to anon and the actor! 

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