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Annyeong :)

I'm new here (been a silent lurker before, I'm sorry). I love the webtoon. I've read it till the 4th season although I don't understand a whole of it because it's written in hangeul. The drama is really nice and I love it (I like TvN's drama versions of webtoons). It is strange that when I watch it, I can feel the same feeling when I read the webtoon (I've rewatched it soo many times lol). I can't help waiting for Tuesday and wednesday. I'm still curious how the story will going. I love Seol, Jung, and Inho. I want them to be happy. I really enjoy the drama and I enjoy this thread too. There are so many interesting thing here. Hope this drama will be daebak.


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15 minutes ago, colormejoyous said:

Honestly, I'm more of a Jung supporter. But, I'm also sort of done with explaining his behavior to people outside this forum. They can call him the devil himself and I'm not saying anything (though it seems like "devil" is the only label left after using every negative label (warranted or unwarranted) to describe his personality. I'm just DONE explaining because if people choose to see certain things with negatively biased glasses then there is not much I can do to change their perception. I'm just going to keep enjoying the show, and stay away from commments that don't bother to go any deeper in understanding Jung's character and the reasons behind his actions. If they want to simplify everything then congratulations to them, but they have picked the wrong drama to watch. If people are watching cheese, then they should at least learn to deduce and connect the dots for characters' various choices and their resulting personalities.

But, at the same time, I do like reading reason based opinions on this forum, so keep at it guys! (sorry for the ranty comment, couldn't help myself. lol)





that day my friend watched Cheese because she saw me giggling and laughing - she thought CITT is something that is light and easy. i warned her that it's not; with this one you need to understand and not labeling character right away. you have to understand their actions and why they are like that. although the premise is cliche, the character development definitely not.

and after first ep she's like - lol Jung is super evil.

i didnt say anything after that to her (regarding this drama lol, we are still best friends) but i think that is the easiest and what most people do. labeling is easy, so does saying Jung is straight out; full blown evil. i'm watching cheese because i read the webtoon (and honestly i was interested solely because Hae-jin) so i have the understanding that my friend dont have. 

like some people like Seol to be with In-ho because she's happy and it seems easy to her - i like Jung because he's not easy to figure out. aren't humans like that, not that easy to figure out?:sweatingbullets:

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You have perfectly elaborated about Seol-Lizzie-Jane similarities. I ve nothing to add more. Just that it ll hurt her to know abt the truth of the messages as Elizabeth was offended with the manner of proposal

About Darcy refusing to explain... what i meant he at that very moment not explaining himself...just walking away saying u have said a lot n i m sorry to take much of ur time. Ofcourse u are right abt him explaining everything later...i however am skeptical about YJ explaining himself

Why i brought pride in this because i read few pgs before in the translation of written preview where something like he can't take seol to be like that or something...so i took it as maybe a part of him would distance himself cause Seol said so, while another part would be hurt seeing seol not wanting him around her...hence i thought maybe some pride can come into picture?

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24 minutes ago, colormejoyous said:

Honestly, I'm more of a Jung supporter. But, I'm also sort of done with explaining his behavior to people outside this forum. They can call him the devil himself and I'm not saying anything (though it seems like "devil" is the only label left after using every negative label (warranted or unwarranted) to describe his personality. I'm just DONE explaining because if people choose to see certain things with negatively biased glasses then there is not much I can do to change their perception. I'm just going to keep enjoying the show, and stay away from commments that don't bother to go any deeper in understanding Jung's character and the reasons behind his actions. If they want to simplify everything then congratulations to them, but they have picked the wrong drama to watch. If people are watching cheese, then they should at least learn to deduce and connect the dots for characters' various choices and their resulting personalities.

But, at the same time, I do like reading reason based opinions on this forum, so keep at it guys! (sorry for the ranty comment, couldn't help myself. lol)




Same here. It's sad that people judge him so easily. He's a complex character but that doesn't mean he has an evil side. You can see in recent episodes that he really cares about Seol. Yoo Jung is the most realistic drama character ever!

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Thank you to the person who recommended this forum to me. Before I used to comment my thoughts on the drama episode on DramaFire, which is the website I use to watch this drama. I will be posting my thoughts on here from now on. :D We recently passed the halfway point in this drama and there are still so many unanswered questions that I have. The biggest being what happened in the past between the Baek siblings and Yoo Jung. That's what I want to answered the most. I feel like more people would understand Yoo Jung's personality if the past is revealed. Okay, enough ranting for now. Once, a new episode comes out, I will be sure to share my thoughts on the episode here! Look forward to my posts! I hope you enjoy reading them. My thoughts can be random at times. Hopefully, you can put up with that. Okay, I am seriously done this time.

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One thing I really love about Jung is that he is honest to fault with Seol. It actually amuses me sometimes how he does not lie or sugar coat things and sweet talk to let it to her gently. He's very blunt and straight forward like how he just tells Seol his father is the Taeng Group CEO. He just says it like it's nothing and mean while poor Seol is having a mental melt down because to her that just puts distance between them and it's really interesting that to Jung it doesn't. It says a lot about his character that to him being the son and heir of Taeng Group is not that  big of a deal. It doesn't mean that he and Seol can't be together or that they are in such opposite worlds. It also says a lot of how much he wants people to like him for him (even when he knows he is being used) so he hasn't told anyone on campus. Yeah they know he's a rich kid, but they don't know of the amount and richness and power he has. I also think it says a lot about his worth ethic and how he wants to work hard to earn and not be given the things that he has. He's going into his fathers company starting in an entry level position and wants to work his way up. Unlike his YFAS character he doesn't want nor expect special treatment (I forget but I think in the webtoon people at the internship do they know or not that he's the CEO's son?) and seriously want to "started at the bottom but now I'm here".

At the same time it's kind of naïve of him to really think that he's like everyone else or could be like everyone else. He is a rich kid and he has been afford education and opportunities that others do not/have not had which is why he is where he is. At the same time I feel Jung is aware/knows of this, and that is why he does not put up with the Baek kids richard simmons and wants both Inho and Inha to work and earn their keep if you will. Remember that Inho and Inha have grown up with Jung since they were like 8 or 9. The same things that Jung's father provided for Jung was provided for the Baek siblings also (sometimes they given even more than Jung). They were affored the same money, same education, same vacations, and same opportunites. In that regard I can understand why Jung has this sort of, disdain is too strong a word but I can't think of another. For their lazing around if you will and (this is not so much Inho as it is Inha) refusal to get up and actually work for and earn what they want/what they are provided with. Like life is handing you all this richard simmons that other can never even dream of and your kind of letting it go to waste you are not really seizing and taking advantage of the opportunity. I too would be mad and would not longer have time for their richard simmons because if I the heir apparent can go out and try to anonymously make it on my own (well to an extent since dad pays for my education? my house, my clothes, etc) and earn my independence or my throne....why they hell can't ya'll!?!! I know some think he is being cruel and manipulative and to a degree that is true. However I think much of it comes from a place of deeply deeply buried care.

Jung cares about the Baek siblings more than he lets on. Come on we saw the flashbacks (and I hope like in the webtoon the drama goes deeper into this) at one point they were like a very weird three musketeers. Even watching the drama it's clear to see that Jung and Inho know each other very well (and also not well at all since both have changed in their time apart) and know how to poke at each other and make each other tick. Inho does a lot of things to get a Jung (the umbrella huddle wave, calling him using Seol's phone, conversation in the pub before Jung losses it) and Jung does the same (piano talk, your sister, the shared history of the hand incident and other things). They understand each other and know how to push each other. So when Jung comes to the basement and says something like "this is your last chance" while some say he's being arrogant or jerk I think he's push Inho (and also enjoying having the upper hand) the best way he knows how, through his pride and anger. Get him to be like "richard simmons you Jung I'll show you" and he'll get to doing what needs to be done. As for Inha, you got to push her into the deep end and watch how she will sink or swim because that girl is a warrior (she manipulates, she lies, she leads on, but she gets things done for herself) and she'll make it. I don't find Jung's treatment of the two cruel. He gave Inha opportunities to stay in her apartment, keep her credit cards and basically continue living the life she had become accustomed to. All she had to do was take some classes and then go start a job that is ready and waiting. I would kill for something like that.

Man my mind scattered from the main point of this post. Which was supposed to be that Jung is refreshingly honest. When Seol asks him if he's done something he honestly tells her yes what he did and from his point of view why he did it. In this Younggon and Minsoo arc I think we'll see that some of his truth may hurt her or send her reeling, but truthful he will be. Then I think he'll hear her truths and they'll both have to decide where they'll go from there. What I'm interested in seeing is if there is ever a line that Jung could cross that has Seol saying "enough is enough sunbae, I'm out" or does she really see all of him and still love/like/whatever him and accept  him unconditionally. That there really is nothing he could say or do that would have her walk away from him for good? I am interested to see that and how I and the rest of the audience (and Jung) will respond/react to that.

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7 hours ago, enigmatic_zephy said:

 So r there any specific society rules for inter/intra clan dynamics..e.g. not marrying within clan etc

hi, for some historical reason, the overwhelming common surnames in Korea is Kim, Park and Lee. More than half the people you come across will have these surnames. As coffeeboy mentioned, they segregate them into different provinces,so when two kims meet, they may ask for the ancestral area. 

In dramas,  to make it easier for story telling, less common surnames are used.

I find Korean culture very interesting because it has so many traditions and rules, some are even embedded in the language so the is no way of ignoring them.


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@MrsSoJiSub that is what i like about Jung too - how he is honest when answering to Seol. if he really do the deed, he'll say yes. for him, it was already done, milk was spilled, water under the bridge, and so on. what is important to him is now, and future. he even promises Seol that "I won't do anything that will make you mad" and i believe that he will. he won't do anything that will harm/causing her to be mad at him.

but, the problem is that perhaps Seol will see him as too "calm" and not remorseful. us girls sometimes just want some kind of reaction  like "hello, i'm in danger, please show some that you are panicking or something" or "i am sad. please show that you're sorry" but guys sometimes can be such a one track mind. when they ask "are you sad?" and we say "No" (in disdain) they will brush it off (hahaha). but that's what happened in reality.

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7 hours ago, bebebisous33 said:

He smirked because he is thinking, YG will never be able to discover the existence of the two cellphones! To me, he smirked since he thought, he won't get caught! I never saw it as he didn't regret it but as he felt so superior to YG!

We saw he will recognise his wrongdoing to HS, although he never sent himself those messages, but he will take his responsabilities (which is why he will follow HS' request!)  

  @bebebisous33...Chingu, your right YJ's smirk is all about him outsmarted YG. He knew YG could never prove he sent those text. I agree he regretted letting YG think HS likes him. But he did not know that YG was planning on hurting HS. YJ is not a violent person but doesn't trust people because of their insincerity. He likes to live in the present not the past. 

A lot of people think YJ isn't good enough for HS but I disagree. He is the perfect guy for her because he would never use her like some other characters in the show have. IH is an ok guy but what can he bring into their. relationship, nothing because IH has no ambitions and he would just make HS work even harder to survive like her father does to her mom. She needs someone who can take pcare of himself and not cause any problems. In Ho acts like a child sometime but I don't think he ever really knew YJ. I feel that In Ho might be wrong at who got him beat up..

YJ is cold but he can be just as sweet to someone he cares for. He believes in making the person who wronged him pay for their actions. Maybe how he makes them pay is the right way but his heart is in the right place. He knows he is different but he also want someone to love him for him not what he can bring to the table. 

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Chingu's after watching episode seven I think  I think  In Ha got her brother jump couldn't play the piano anymore.  Remember the scene where she had painted something, and he made fun of her because she wasn't talented and hurt her feelings. Even YJ told him he went to far and felt kind of bad  for In Ha. that same day  she threatened to  get someone to break his fingers . At that time In Ho was conceited,  selfish and kind of cruel to his sister . He may have thought he was helping her but  but all he did was hurt her feelings . So when he accused YJ for breaking his fingers ,it must have hurt YJ feelings.  In Ho also must have said something to have pissed YJ off,mthat when he saw him being jumped he refused to help him. In Ho has a big mouth and doesn't think before acting or speaking. 


This is is just my opinion Chingu's , I might be wrong.

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1 hour ago, colormejoyous said:

Honestly, I'm more of a Jung supporter. But, I'm also sort of done with explaining his behavior to people outside this forum. They can call him the devil himself and I'm not saying anything (though it seems like "devil" is the only label left after using every negative label (warranted or unwarranted) to describe his personality. I'm just DONE explaining because if people choose to see certain things with negatively biased glasses then there is not much I can do to change their perception. I'm just going to keep enjoying the show, and stay away from commments that don't bother to go any deeper in understanding Jung's character and the reasons behind his actions. If they want to simplify everything then congratulations to them, but they have picked the wrong drama to watch. If people are watching cheese, then they should at least learn to deduce and connect the dots for characters' various choices and their resulting personalities.

But, at the same time, I do like reading reason based opinions on this forum, so keep at it guys! (sorry for the ranty comment, couldn't help myself. lol)




  Well said Chingu @colormejoyous.... I agree I am a JUNG SUPPORTER. ALL THE WAY. YAY YAY

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5 hours ago, 40somethingahjumma said:



Do people seriously think that Jung would hurt Seol physically if she broke up with him? I've been seeing comments like this (not here) but in other places. It's never occurred to me that he would. Even when he thought that she was using him (to help Ah Young) all he did was sulk and walk away. I don't even see him trying to hurt In-ho and In-ha despite the issues amongst them.

Yes @40somethingahjumma i agree, YJ hardly uses violence. Isnt the thief beating the only time he did in the drama (excluding the flashback w inho), the rest of the time he uses his brain to tackle the villains.

It reminds me of kim jongkook of runningman, he can be rough and no hold bars with guys but when it comes to women, sometimes he even let them push him around. Sometime kim also uses his brains to solve missions or he hide until he sees an opportunity to win.

I dont think YJ will ever beat up Seol or any other women. If there were ever a spat, he will likely just change his phone number and move on. But he also probably wont date for another 5 years.

I dont know, i seriously got a feeling that its the older audience (me included) that is understanding him. Maybe we need another ahjumma fanclub. Haha.

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1 hour ago, MrsSoJiSub said:

Just a little taste of Jung's childhood. Do not look if you do not want to be spoiled and also it wasn't always like this.

  Reveal hidden contents


The drama really needs to take us into Jung already....


Damn, the father seems to be bit of an richard simmons ( excuse my language). I can't imagine this being the same father that treats Inho and Inha so kindly and nicely.

MOD EDIT: 1. Do not circumvent the swear filter. 2. Do not quote pictures

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26 minutes ago, UnniSarah said:

Chingu's after watching episode seven I think  I think  In Ha got her brother jump couldn't play the piano anymore.  Remember the scene where she had painted something, and he made fun of her because she wasn't talented and hurt her feelings. Even YJ told him he went to far and felt kind of bad  for In Ha. that same day  she threatened to  get someone to break his fingers . At that time In Ho was conceited,  selfish and kind of cruel to his sister . He may have thought he was helping her but  but all he did was hurt her feelings . So when he accused YJ for breaking his fingers ,it must have hurt YJ feelings.  In Ho also must have said something to have pissed YJ off,mthat when he saw him being jumped he refused to help him. In Ho has a big mouth and doesn't think before acting or speaking. 


This is is just my opinion Chingu's , I might be wrong.

Yea In Ho's personality did change from the start. That is true. I figured Baek In Ha might have had to do something with what happened with his hand. I mean, he ruined her dreams of becoming a painter so she decided to destroy his dream as well.

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Guest mywebfoot

Thank you all for the lovely and thoughtful posts. Enjoy reading them. I've been sucked into CITT like everyone else, and did not expect a drama like this one. As I told @NRGchick elsewhere, I've been avoiding the forum because of spoilers, but today I am bored and need some Cheesy goodness while I wait for the next eps. Also, thanks to everyone who takes the time to put their webtoon comments into spoilers. Truly appreciate it as it helps me enjoy the drama as seen through PD Lee's creative vision, and not just that of the Webtoon Artist's.

Since everyone has been posting analyses on the JungxSeol relationship, I thought I'd go elsewhere and try to share what I think is so intriguing about this show.  

At the core of the wonderful addictiveness of this show, for me at least, is a dialogue I imagine takes place very often between girlfriends.

Imagine one friend, the practical sort, giving advice to another, the over-thinking sort. The overthinking girl has met a guy. A great guy... but he has some odd habits, which she shares with her practical friend. Is she overthinking them, she asks her practical friend. Practical friend proceeds to give advice. 

Seol is the overthinker. Jung is the great guy. And we, the audience, are the practical friend. And so we begin to churn through it, analyzing, commiserating, squeeing and unknowingly sucked into over thinking too. To me that's how this show works. And it's BRILLIANT. Much better than the Reply Series Husband Game, this one is a, let's call it 'Groupthinking the Boyfriend' game. 



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