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Everyone let's try not to shrivel up and die while waiting for the next ep! We can do this! Have an IH BTS (IH rain scene)/SKJ interview while we wait~


Cheers~:(Korean+Chinese subs) http://video.weibo.com/show?fid=1034:21261321f2a4c8d580669e2069fd3245

Eng translations here:



BTS: BIH’s tearful rain scene

[Captions] oh? This scene is?

[Captions] Look! It’s “Baek In Ho” aka SKJ

[Captions] At the filming site where he weeps in the rain

[Captions] Now in rehearsal~

[Captions] Attracted by a sound

[Captions] IH who suddenly goes under the rain

[Captions] Whole body being drenched… Being immersed in the moment (In Ho _the best)

[Captions] Discovers Dog Fur

*S appears to shelter IH with her umbrella*

*IH doing his lines, S following along*


[Captions] Let’s hear SKJ’s opinions on the scene

Q: What are your thoughts on today’s scene?

A: IH suffered a very serious hand injury when he was younger.. So from then on he lost his dream. IH’s dream… (The rain scene where he saw his ex-piano teacher) made him relive various memories… His nostalgia toward the past? His wistfulness over his lost dream… were all contained within that scene

[Captions] The rain scene (where IH was completely drenched)… Your first?!

A: The rain scene… It was my first time shooting a scene where I was completely drenched in the rain… It was freezing. Although it was very very cold, the filming was completed in an interesting manner. The reason to act (while being drenched in the rain)? I could not adjust properly the first time, but the filming thereafter was also very happy. Because today was a very special experience, it was very interesting/fun. *thumbs up and smiles* CITT fighting! :)



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Hehe here’s a fun BTS to stave off the CITT withdrawals~ Features the 2 kids – Our Seol & Arcade Master Hae Jin (unapologetic Family Outing reference heh) having fun during their arcade date.



And as usual, Eng translations here for our Non-Korean/Chinese speaking friends :) :



[Captions] Wild challengers at the arcade – HS & YJ sunbae


[Captions] Now rehearsing…


*shoot shoot*


[Captions] This is definitely not fooling around… We’re rehearsing


*HS & YJ playing while director watches on in the BG*


[Captions] Aren’t you just playing at the arcade, why are you acting cool?


[Captions] Completely immersed


[Captions] The director who finally steps in to stop the rehearsal


[Captions] The kid-like duo who are completely absorbed into playing


[Captions] Kid-like HS. Kid-like YJ


[Captions] And the Mum-like director


*Director desperately waving hands in front of the kids*


Director:  That’s enough~! That’s enough!~


*S finally putting down the gun* *smiles*


*S shaking the gun violently*


[Captions] We’re rehearsing very diligently

*Director laughing at S as she puts down the gun*


[Captions]Filming commences


[Captions] Surprise that even sunbae himself didn’t expect/realize


[Captions]See the unexpected side of YJ sunbae


[Captions] The two who burst into laughter again


Director: Cut!~


[Captions] The two who give up


[Captions] The laugh inducing CITT filming site



PS: For those who may be curious, here's Arcade Master Hae Jin taking on our Nation's MC Yoo Jae Suk on  FO ( the 2 are hilarious xD ):



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7 hours ago, RandomAwesome said:

Thanks for the explanation :)

Yes, I would love to know the spoiler regarding min soo...haha..pls pm me :P 

Here, I wrote something about the animals (bebebisous33). analysis animals

I would like to add that it shows that YJ prefers animals because they don't behave like people: approach someone with ulterior motives. He feels more comfortable and smiles more because of that. Let's not forget that in the episode 5, his sunbae Joo Yong reminded him of that and he realised that it would get YJ upset!

Interesting is that YJ bought a "lion" saying that it would look like her! I know it was because of her hair. Nevertheless this implies too that HS has the qualities of a lion. Lion is offen connected to the sun (like I wrote yesterday, she represents his sunshine in his life!). The lion also represents strength, justice, courage and dignity, all qualities that HS has!! She is hardworking and doesn't rely on anyone but herself. She helps without asking anything in return. 

@MrsSoJiSub Actually, we saw YJ apologizing to HS. First, it was after he heard her explanations about the setting up. She admitted, she was in the wrong. However, YJ admitted that his behaviour had been childish. Then at the hospital, he admitted that he went to far with his orders. YJ has started accepting her behaviour. He doesn't show the cold shoulder. He respected her anger and didn't contact her... so he has already started changing. To him, her decisions are so important to him therefore he accepts "her justice". He thought, she would never forgive him so he was surprised by her decision "I thought, I would get more troubles!". Because that's where YJ and HS are so different: he can't forgive but she can!!

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@NRGchick Heehee you're welcome! Sorry the translations may not be super accurate esp since im translating from chinese subs (idk korean TAT) . I think the BTS are released pretty regularly, usually new (official) BTS vids appear when there's new eps so we can only be patient :D And you can look out for non-official BTS rather than just relying on the official CITT BTS feeds too~ The really great thing is that the cast & fans regularly upload behind-the-scenes tidbits from their respective social media channels that are always different (since they are from diff POVs), so like how we gather the different POVs in the drama to piece together the puzzle that is YJ sunbae, it's pretty fun to hunt for these different BTS of the same scenes to get a clearer picture of how the real CITT behind-the-scenes must have been like ^^ You could perhaps check my previous posts if you're looking for more translated BTS? haha. Cheers~



Some social media feeds I can think of offhand:

tumblr - just search cheeseinthetrap there's tons of gifs, reactions and posts by fans hahah

weibo (like Chinese twitter)




official channel( WM_company) accs:  YT: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNc_JNKrKPXf1V1hubZfG9g ,Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wm_company/

PIG PIG (lots of chinese subs videos) YT: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCafOi4Op0-Xgjz6pA17xwzA/feed Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/pigpig2016/



SKJ Entertainment company YT: https://www.youtube.com/user/officialfantagio

SeoKangJoon Bar 百度徐康俊吧 YT: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZ7rk3u4J0RvBkGN2Y21-_w



Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ggone/


Or you could follow other awesome users like @Ahpheng who create their own original content related to the show in the mean time xD :https://www.instagram.com/ahpheng8/

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2 hours ago, badsmuler said:

'Cheese in the Trap', the most expensive Korean cable drama to be exported in China

Friday, January 22, 2016 


Credit : http://kkuljaem.blogspot.co.id/2016/01/cheese-in-trap-most-expensive-korean.html



Silly question,nosy question here.:phew: Most expensive cable drama export sure to benefit (profits) tvn and the production company but will it have domino effects on the actors too? Publicity is a given but monetary effects on the actors too? 

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Hi guys!! I have been lurking for awhile in this thread, although I haven't been posting.

Today I just wanted to delurk to say hi to my favorite 'comic strippers' uri @Ahpheng and @NRGchick especially, and all of you other Cheese Trappers as well. I've been watching, and am on track with CITT, and funnily enough it wasn't even on my To Watch list in the beginning since I wasn't too familiar with the manwha. Still casting PHJ, who I liked from YFAS and all the brouhaha over casting that went on for months made me curious, and it was a drama-less day (OMV had ended and I only had my SFD to follow) and so I decided to check out one episode... just one episode. Well... as they say, the rest is History. One episode and I was sucked into the world of Seol and Jung, and life has never been the same again. I mean wow... PHJ is amazing... and Kim Go Eun... I never knew this actress (and it turns out she only did films until now), but she's just amazing. I love her. I even read a bit of the manwha on line, and the actors are just spot on. I mean I can't even imagine anyone else playing Jung and Seol now. And InHo. Although the actress playing InHa is kind of grating on my nerves. LOL

So yeah... I caught the bug. May not be too chatty, but enjoying the conversations in the thread and definitely looking forward to Monday. :)

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PHJ is so caring onscreen and offscreen! Another reason to swoon over our YJ sunbae- he treats his cast & staff to delicious meals :D

[Park Hae Jin] True Story No.20 (ksubs):



C subs here:http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTQ0ODg0NDI2NA==.html?from=s1.8-1-1.2



Eng Translations here:



*Park Hae Jin walking in*




Staff:  That..I heard that you sent a food truck…?


PHJ: Ah~ That was prepared by the company (Acting innocent)


(joking)PHJ: If I say it like that you can’t write about it right~ haha


[Captions] Will this be enough… *worried*


PHJ : Hello~ *bows*


*PHJ talking to other cast members*


[Captions] So harmonious/happy whenever meeting (each other)~


(For the production staff) PHJ: Today I prepared a lot of delicious foods for everyone, please enjoy~


*waving at camera*


*staff streaming in*


[Captions] Always so happy and lively when we meet~ The CITT production staff~


*happy laughter*


OS: Please go first (to take the food)~


*Director Lee Yoon Jung moving towards the food*


*director’s signature hearty laughter hahahahahaha*


[Captions] What a feast~ All laid out properly for the CITT staff


*staff being all cute*


*PHJ putting down his food*


[Captions] Commence eating


[Captions] CITT actors- CITT Production Staff-


[Captions] B Team Camera Director


LYJ: PHJ-ssi ~ Today we ate till we were really~ satisfied, Thank you~~


Camera director: Our Yoo Jung sunbae, today we really had such a full/satisfying meal~  We will turn this into strength and continue to work hard! We’ll film CITT well. Thank you~


Q: What’s the reason for the food truck?


PHJ: Since we’re filming in a school, wouldn’t it be so convenient to eat together~ Since we don’t get to eat with everyone often, I thought how nice it would be if we could all have a meal together. So with that thought I decided to prepare this.



PS: I noticed this while translating all those BTS vids… Variations of “laughing”, “smiling”, “happy”  kept coming up and I love it~ The atmosphere always seems to be so happy, harmonious and relaxed which is so great to see(it shows on the casts’ and staffs’ faces too). I’m pretty sure that a large part of the reason is that there isn’t the stress that comes with live-shooting and having to frantically push on with minimal/no sleep. Pre-production FTW!~ Also in PHJ’s case I’m sure being able to act alongside your ideal type all day long can’t hurt eitherxD 

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Translated parts of SKJ’s V app video where he answered some questions about CITT (it was too long to translate everything so I only picked some parts)… This interview was conducted on the day of CITT’s premiere when the script was not finalized so his answers would be based on what he knew at that time… Maybe mild spoilers ahead? Enjoy:

V-App D-Day Special LIVE 20160104 (서강준/Seo Kang Joon) :




Eng translations here:



7:00 Q: Who will get the girl?

A: I don’t know either. I don’t know the ending either. I hope it’s me.


8:21 Q: How similar are you to the character of Baek In Ho?

He’s similar to me by 50%. There are some parts that are alike and some not. There are some outgoing characteristics of BIH… A person does not have just one kind of characteristics…(A person ) has many different traits. I try my best to express my inner Baek In Ho when acting.


9:18 Q: Ratings target?

A: Ratings target? What should I say? Mm… we said before during the opening party… To say the truth this should be discussed with the other actors. Today it’s just me, I will give a personal ratings target. Ratings… How much would be suitable? 10%? 8%? 10%? 8%? 7%? 8%. If it exceeds 8%, Oh right needs to be said in 5 words (like in the press conference V app video) Mm… Coffee event, if it exceeds 8%. My company has a café on the first floor. I will serve coffee to 100 members of the public. I threw these words out without discussing this with anyone beforehand. *hahaha* *reads netz comments*( You) don’t drink coffee? If not coffee you can choose ice chocolate, or latte…or mocha…everything is possible.


11:00 Q: Are the cast members close?

A: *trying to do the 5 word answer thing* *immediately gives up* Not gonna do the 5 word talk anymore, I’ll just speak comfortably . The cast members are all very close, since there isn’t much age difference between us. We meet to eat often. The filming site is very happy. Work feels like play.


11:28 Q: Any kiss scenes?

A: Regrettably, not yet. Actually, webtoon IH and Seol did not get together. So, I don’t know the ending. (It’s) such a shame that there’s no kiss scene.


11:51 Q: Is KGE good looking?

A: (She’s) very pretty. Very pretty. (She’s) the woman In Ho loves, how can she not be pretty?


12:07 Q: Is PHJ handsome in person?

A: Extremely handsome. The first time I saw PHJ hyung, it’s the day for LEADING, no, before LEADING, we had a meeting once with the directors. We met then. It was fascinating. (It was) the feeling of meeting a celebrity. I watched <My love who came from the star>,< Bad Guys> . I also watched his debut work <Famous Chil Princesses> at home with my mum. But to see the real person sitting beside me, Ahh~ A celebrity~ It was very fascinating.


13:03 Q: Who are you closest to on set?

A: Yeah on set…*thinking* Looks like… I meet with Seol-ie and In Ha a lot… In Ha is like a real sister just like in the webtoon, she’s full of contradictions. A trouble-making character. Seeing her like that, I will feel tenderness/pity toward her.  Feels like I have blood-ties to her. And Seol… Actually I see her the most. I’m also very close with Seol noona. She takes care of me very well. Yep.


14:02 Q: Any plastic surgery?

A: No, no PS


16:13 Q: Thoughts on being 24?

A: Mm… 24 is still a  young age, I don’t like growing older. I wish to stop at my 20s



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Thank you for all the translations of BTS and things. They are all a treat to read and watch. PHJ continues to be a sweet heart on sets. He's knowing for being super nice and doing things for the people that he works with so I'm glad to see it continued and appreciated.

SKJ I love ya. You doing mighty fine with Inho (though I really wish he was more the brash, anger management needing sometimes annoying little richard simmons he was in the webtoon) you are stealing many a hearts and causing many a SLS. With that said, sit down with your mess because it may go from your mouth to the kdrama gods ears and I cannot. I will legit have to give up on kdramas for a while (and go back to my thai lakorns and J, C, and Taw dramas) if this one goes south too...

Someone here said Jung's hair in the drama shows his crazy? so that means when the bangs are a bit swept his "good Jung aka with Seol" and when they are kind of just straight down he's "bad Jung aka no Seol so he don't give a f"? Cause that's what I noticed with the hair or are ya'll richard simmons with me and I just been silently reading too much into PHJ's fabulous hair cape?


In the webtoon I noticed that when Jung is being kind and sincere aka good Jung, his eye color would be blue

Jung's apartment has gotten lighter since he started dating Seol. They used to film those scenes in such dark moody light. But now, when he's there on the phone talking to Seol it's bright. I also notice he wears soft colors with her/scenes that concern her (pink, light blues, yellow) and then the dark/darker colors when he's with everyone else. Does anyone know if the drama will ever bring Mona into things? Also what happened to that like flirty judged to be a richard simmons seat mate friend that Seol had at the learning academy? 

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@MrsSoJiSub :D I really enjoy reading your comments too hehe. Have no idea about Mona or the academy friend but  yeah I noticed that part about lighting/colours too. I also noticed(like some forum users mentioned) that the main characters take turns to wear couple outfits. I'm guessing that the production team is taking care to match outfits between Jung and Seol to show that they are more similar than they think. The number of times they matched is way too many to be mere coincidences, I have full confidence in the coordi team that they know exactly what they're doing. This production team really pays attention to details, which is great for happy easter-egg hunting viewers like me ^^

From the first time they met to the many run-ins they had, Jung and Seol always had chemistry, sartorially speaking (cr to dramabeans &weibo for pics).

See below the cut for evidence:





Even if they didn't match colour wise, the material would match somehow (ie the woolen knits, jeans,bags etc)


9defeb2ejw1f04sirz6mfj21120ku4ao.jpg 9defeb2ejw1f04siodvflj21120kuqis.jpg

Look at them wearing pink and being lovey dovey together on the phone


IH and Seol also had their matchy-matchy moments:


Ie the first time he conned a meal out of her


Even our favourite secondary OTP couple got their moment


And lastly, our resident bromance couple here... w Seol:


Need I say more? haha



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24 minutes ago, mae054 said:

Hi all. Just a question. I've been reading this thread for a while, and I've been seeing the term 'richard simmons'. What does that mean? LOL. Sorry, not so familiar with net lingo here :P

Wherever I go this question tends to follow LOL. I have a bit (okay a lot) of a potty mouth so I curse like a richard simmons sailor (though to be fair some of the words soompi considers curses are weak school yard words. The word p i s s and t i t s and d i c k are not curses) anyway when you curse, the form automatically changes it to Richard Simmons and you are correct if you imagining that overly enthusiastic, hyped up, red headed white dude that used to teach people how to excercise in the 80's/90's. I don't know why they chose him but he be it. I curse a lot so he'll be around for a while :) 

ETA: @mgicc that is the worst news ever LOL. I so want to be done with productions and the silent background things they put into their work. We playing with colors again I see (I noticed it too since ep 1 with the grey shirts, then the blues of the blind date). Next thing you know imma have to pick up a business management book and online course to understand the ending they provide ;) I wish they would play it straight but I wouldn't even believe them if they did/are/were. Yes drama, I got my eye on Jung's little friend...it's the quiet ones you got to look out for...always the quiet ones LOL *this is all said in jest so please don't come for me :P 

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By the way there's something that has been bothering me for a while now...


^Remember this article where PHJ supposedly said:"But as we progressed with the filming, [Kim Go Eun and I] must give off the feeling that we just met but because we became more comfortable with each other, she said we seemed more like old lovers." Well I've read articles in chinese that say differently. In this article for for eg(http://pic.yule.sohu.com/detail-704056-15.shtml#15) , PHJ says that although KGE and him just met because of this drama, but they became close really fast so the director said they weren't like lovers but more like friends. Clearly some parts of the original article must have been inaccurately translated so what is the truth?!? Though such details don't seem to mean much, it means the world to my poor shipper heart. I'm really dying of curiosity. Can some kind soul who can read korean and has seen the original article enlighten me on the truth please???

The greatest of thanks to whoever can put me out of my misery TAT


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9 minutes ago, mgicc said:

By the way there's something that has been bothering me for a while now...


^Remember this article where PHJ supposedly said:"But as we progressed with the filming, [Kim Go Eun and I] must give off the feeling that we just met but because we became more comfortable with each other, she said we seemed more like old lovers." Well I've read articles in chinese that say differently. In this article for for eg(http://pic.yule.sohu.com/detail-704056-15.shtml#15) , PHJ says that although KGE and him just met because of this drama, but they became close really fast so the director said they weren't like lovers but more like friends. Clearly some parts of the original article must have been inaccurately translated so what is the truth?!? Though such details don't seem to mean much, it means the world to my poor shipper heart. I'm really dying of curiosity. Can some kind soul who can read korean and has seen the original article enlighten me on the truth please???

The greatest of thanks to whoever can put me out of my misery TAT


The truth of it all is that k-fandom is a very unforgiving and never forgetting one. They will one star you writers, you hear me..they will one star you! LOL I'm kidding and I swear one day my bitter evil side that comes out from time to will let it all go LOL. Nah, they filmed the drama out of order so the some later scenes may have been filmed first and vice versa. Scenes were filmed when they could be then cut pasted into the right places (I think it was a weather thing) anyhoo all I now is the writer said that they had such awesome chemistry that she thought they should date (I remember this clearly cause kfandom was still not liking my girl and were all "don't bring PHJ down with her" and "don't say that PD-nim" *rolls eyes* my how their tune has changed) take that for what you will. Even though I joke, I am pretty sure/solid of Jung & Seol being endgame (disclaimer, I made similar statements just one week ago and was completely wrong so...) or Seol being single in the end. Would the writer really play with the webtoon's huge huge and very very vocal (going from the casting fiasco) fanbase? For me I learned a valuable lesson and now I am open to anything (girl why you lying, look at your avi...*shut it brain*) 

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