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I just sat through episode 15. Wow! Don't underestimate Hong In Bang! He's smart! Anyway, I think i just fell more in love with BYs character. I love how she says she would like to find a new world that have more people like MH. Her goal is so beautiful, she has so much hope even when she suffers the most out of the characters. she's seen the ugly, her villagers dying and now the corrupted politics, still this girl is willing to give up her love story with BW to help create Joseon. When she took the shoes he bought her off, it broke my heart. :( it was like a closing to their love story. He should have never bought those shoes. Don't couples who break up buy shoes for each other? (i swear i read or heard that somewhere.) 

I want to see more scenes between BW and BY even though he is married now. I feel the relationship between BW and LM will be experience some hardships now. in the next episode it seems BW is threatening to behead MH's family who signs their name on something? i doubt LM would like that. I feel their marriage is based on politics so to me, i can't accept as romantic one bit.

Kudos to YH and DS, episode 15 marks the real beginning to their love story for me.

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Yes, I am a fan GSY but this is doesn't matter. I am happy see her in this drama but I read about her character before I started watch SFD. And she didn't have also happy ending. She got a power but she don't have love. I read about king too... Little scary person. And yes I like actres but this is doesn't mean that I don't like BY and BW together. I like their love story but I also saw many k. historical drama before and only one -ONE happy ending. And that drama was more like romance kdrama than historical. So yeah I don't believe for happy ending for them- and this is doesn't mean that I don't want that!! If you see that happy ending for BY is become BW concubin (for me this is not happy ending for her)- I'm thinking that in their situation this is the only one option when they could be stay together -that maybe writers do that.. who knows? but I don't call this happy ending...What a life...Be a concubine...:huh: 

What a life???... Is that job kinda pitiful for you? If watch you watch JangOkJung drama (which YooAhIn's previous historical drama) she's also being concubine from the beginning and then step by step she aims herself to become a queen, Yeah at last she did it.

But somehow i also hope writer dont make BoonYi become a concubine. And it Seems like theres many GSY stans in this thread. im somewhat getting cautious to talk about BY & BM. :sweatingbullets:

yet we still not see hows BY reaction towards BW after he gets married. Perhaps in Ep.16 :rolleyes:


but all in all there's only few options since they can't rewrite History

so even if they end up together BY won't be the only woman in BW's life...

BUT still BoonYi is the women that he gonna love till he dies, & she loves him too. thats the fact;)


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The latest episode look like  some early foreshadowing has been injected regarding the future battle between Bang Won and Jung Do Jeon as Jung Do Jeon once again miscalculated and underestimated the enemy due to his carelessness, assuming HIB to be just a one-note greedy person with his plan to rob the lands of the Hakdong noble clan as purely just that. Whereas, BW was a better judge of character and much more accurately deemed HIB's plan from his past interactions with him( where he got alienated and miscast as the villain in front of his classmates) as much more sinister and deep. As a result, HIB successfully checkmated Jung Do jeon as he first stole lands from the Hakdong land prompting a retaliation which allowed him to frame them for murder and planted evidence which showed them to be in cohoots with the Lee family who have just become very close to them. 

The next episode, from the trailer, it looks that BW will play a major role in the fight back including rousing the Hakdong clan in a collective alliance and pushback against HIB. 

I agree, there has been subtle forshadowing in the last episodes in the difference between their style of politics but most especially in this episode. JDJ is not able to cipher the mind of a man like HIB. He underestimated the deviousness of HIB and should have at least given consideration to what BW said. BW knows HIB better than anyone else. I think this where BW will start to play a major part fight back as you said and I think Lady Min may start to play parts little by little. She after all thinks like BW.

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Guest srainy .


Yes, I am a fan GSY but this is doesn't matter. I am happy see her in this drama but I read about her character before I started watch SFD. And she didn't have also happy ending. She got a power but she don't have love. I read about king too... Little scary person. And yes I like actres but this is doesn't mean that I don't like BY and BW together. I like their love story but I also saw many k. historical drama before and only one -ONE happy ending. And that drama was more like romance kdrama than historical. So yeah I don't believe for happy ending for them- and this is doesn't mean that I don't want that!! If you see that happy ending for BY is become BW concubin (for me this is not happy ending for her)- I'm thinking that in their situation this is the only one option when they could be stay together -that maybe writers do that.. who knows? but I don't call this happy ending...What a life...Be a concubine...:huh: 

What a life???... Is that job kinda pitiful for you? If watch you watch JangOkJung drama (which YooAhIn's previous historical drama) she's also being concubine from the beginning and then step by step she aims herself to become a queen, Yeah at last she did it.

But somehow i also hope writer dont make BoonYi become a concubine. And it Seems like theres many GSY stans in this thread. im somewhat getting cautious to talk about BY & BM. :sweatingbullets:

yet we still not see hows BY reaction towards BW after he gets married. Perhaps in Ep.16 :rolleyes:


Jang Ok Jung is an actual historical figure and she's usually portrayed evil in sageuks, except in the YAI drama (that i remember of). She got the queen exiled (Queen InHyeon, who I believe is coincidentally from the same Min clan as Gong SeungYeon's Lady Min) but I remember the king eventually had Jang Ok Jung executed for plotting and praying for the queen's death and returned Queen In Hyeon back to her queen status.

In any case, I don't see Boon Yi as someone who'd plot to be queen for herself - I see her more as someone who's working towards a better place for people like herself. I mean BW could make her his concubine and maybe the writers are going to turn her into BW's favoured concubine who was a slave originally but I don't judge BY's worth by her relations to BW. Her purpose in life is just so much bigger than just BW.
Either way, regardless of which woman BW is in love with or chose to be with (and we know this to be BY and LM respectively), she isn't the only woman in his life. He isn't even loyal to the queen or BY in the modern sense - he had children with different concubines after all 

What I'm happy about in this drama is the three main girls - BY, YH and LM all being strong, smart women in their own right working with the opportunities they have at the situation they're in. I would love for them all to be friends and comrades rather than be involved in things like petty jealousy and fights when they have Goryeo to take down and in case of LM, putting BW on the throne too ^_^

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I forgot to add. Even though I know the future for BW and BY isn't very bright. YAI and SSK has some kind of...magic onscreen. I did watch Fashion King which was...hahaha. I'll stop there with FK, but it was because of FK I liked them together. honestly, I felt SFD gave me another chance to cheer for this onscreen couple. I was way too happy when SFD was announced. And in SFD i feel both actors have grown so much. Its a pleasure to watch them.

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육룡이 나르샤 16회
방송일 : 2015.11.24 22:00

홍인방은 자신의 탄핵 여부를 결정짓기 전에 조반이 일으킨 역모를 먼저 조사하라 말하고, 민제를 찾아가 조반이 일으킨 역모의 배후는 이성계라는 상소에 해동갑족들의 서명을 받으라고 협박한다. 한편 방원은 친정을 다녀온 민다경에게 민제에게 듣고 온 이야기와 이성계 가문의 가장 큰 비밀로 거래를 제안하고, 영규와 무휼과 함께 민제를 만나러 향하는데...


Six Flying Dragons Episode 16 text preview
Air date : Nov. 24, 2015 PM 22:00

Hong In-Bang insists that they should investigate Jo Ban's rebellion before deciding whether Hong should be impeached or not. Hong visits Min Je and threatens him to turn in a petition with Haedong Gapjok's signatures claiming that Yi Seong-Gye is the instigator of Jo Ban's rebellion. Meanwhile, Bang-Won proposes a deal to Lady Min Da-Gyeong : exchanging the biggest secret of Yi Seong-Gye's family for what Lady Min heard from her father when she went back to her parents' home. Bang-Won goes to meet Min Je accompanied by Young-Gyu and Moo-Hyul.


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I watch this wondering how historically correct the writers are going to stay and what "creative liberties" they will use for the romance side of this historical drama. I love the cast ...every single one! SSk & YAI do have some great chemistry, but I also notice that whenever YAI looks at ANY lady and he could create some chemistry with them too LOL (sorry, he just has that look about him :P ) Loving how they brought out the queen. Her real life reputation isn't a bad, so I'm glad at this point they didn't try to make her evil to intensify the romance side of things. Looking forward to next episode! 

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Bang-Won never proposed marriage to Boon-Yi. That's exactly my point.

He is smart. He already knows that it is impossible to marry her in the Goryeo sociey. He also didn't say he would make her a concubine. There is no solution about reality, just love and heart. "I love you. I know you are mine. Accept my love. I want to be your comfort instead of your family. What? Are you refusing me? Why?" This can not be called a marriage proposal. Just love confession.

Even if he loves Boon-Yi, he will choose to marry Lady Min for political benefits. He is that kind of person, and Boon-Yi already knows it. Don't think he is a typical melo drama hero. He is not sacrificing himself. It was his choice. That's my point.



This was how that scene came across to me, too. There was no offer of marriage. It was an offer of love & comfort (to be her "family", in lieu of her real family because she has none (discounting DS - they didn't know he's still alive.) Boon-Yi knew how difficult and impossible the situation is, so she said no, even though she loves him. She doesn't have the luxury to say 'yes' even though that would have made them both happy.

Good Morning,

Okay, okay, I submit to your knowledge of the culture and the history.  I think the text


is ambiguous on this point and, perhaps, on purpose.  The writers aren't writing a historically-accurate text even if the history must eventually end up correct.  BY is a fictional character SO they could make anything happen between she and YBW. From the perspective of this Western woman, BY is, so far, the only female dragon and that is for a reason, she is YBW's equal.  Also, I remember when she was identified as a dragon there was a subnote stating that she was YBW's lifelong love.  She is not his social equal but they are equal in spirit and this is what he has realized instinctually.  The writers have gone out of their way to make her appear to be a strong and courageous woman who, in her own words, wants to strike down "this shitty world (Goryeo)".  Nothing about her character to this point fits with the whiny, petty and petulant BY we saw at the beginning of Ep. 13 in the woods with YBW.  That's why I don't buy that she's being honest with him.  She's lying to herself and to him.  There is some other reason she is keeping him at arms length and, since the writers inserted that clip of her remembering her brother and YH at their happiest moment just before their worst moment, I'm thinking she is making some psychological connection between what happens between them and what MIGHT happen between her and YBW.  But that would mean, taken into contex


t with everything else she said, like about not caring about people, etc., to mean that BY has serious psychological issues and that doesn't make me happy.


You know the culture better than I so, yes, YBW did not come out and say "BY marry me, please" but he did say he has always known that she was "his" soulmate and, later on when she was washing clothes, he told her he wanted to be a family with her, to be her beloved and someone special to her. Since I'm not aware of men ever so beautifully asking women to be just lifelong friends with or without benefits, it registers with me that he is asking her to marry him even if he doesn't think farther than that moment, which is why she calls him immature and unrealistic.  I think he's a romantic.  When BY says that the law won't allow them to be together and that he knows that, he responds it isn't about that (the law) right now.  So, here's the thing.  They are both in this fight to take down the corrupt Goryeo and to build a new Joseon.  There are people of the noble class, the warrior class, the scholarly class and the peasant class all working together for this goal.  This seems very democratic.  To my way of thinking, YBW is asking for a long engagement... he just wants to be assured of her feelings since neither of them may live to see a new Joseon and neither of them knows what that new Joseon will look like and if in that new world it would be possible for them to  be together.  Under the laws of Goryeo it is impossible but under the laws of a new Joseon yet to be written perhaps not.  In BY's mind, we see her thinking that she will never make a family and that if she is loved by someone she "will feel too shameless to her brother".  Now, this I don't understand and perhaps you can enlighten us.  Why would she sacrifice her own happiness for a brother she hasn't seen for a decade or more because of something she screamed at him in anger when she was a child.  This isn't noble or loving or courageous or even honest at this point.  This is BY taking out her anger at herself for something she did a decade ago, her envy at BY for being so well-loved by his father and brothers and her frustration with her place in the social order on YBW and that is completely out of character with the BY we've seen so far.  If this is the true BY, than there was no nobility to her cultivating that field, harvesting those crops to feed the townsfolk and setting fire to the store house.  If this is the true BY, then those were the actions not of a courageous leader, but of a bandit pure and simple.  But if BY was nothing more than a thief and troublemaker, she wouldn't be a dragon.  There is something here that doesn't fit and, like I said, since BY is a fictional character who doesn't end up with King Taejong and Ms. Min does, the writers probably needed a way to put an end to his infatuation with her so her character fades to the background and to bring in Ms. Min, who does become Queen, into a more prominent role in YBW's life and the drama.

@zenya22 - YBW had no intention of marrying Ms. Min or anyone else until after BY rejects him, not once, not twice, but three times.  When he hears about the baddies trying to forge an alliance through marriage, and since the woman he has always loved has rejected him so definitively, he then decides if he can't have (marriage with) the woman he loves, he might as well make a marriage that is helpful to his father and useful to the cause (a political marriage).  @valsava is right, YBW's decision is all about BY rejecting him.  Look, this is a drama, BY could have accepted him, they could have been on Cloud Nine and then the General could have ordered YBW to marry Ms. Min for an alliance with her family.  THAT would have been a political move.  That's not what happens.  YBW offers himself up AFTER BY has rejected him multiple times.  

The writers have a goal here and I think that goal is to put the future King Taejong in as good and noble a light as possible since I think that's the goal of this drama, to tell the story of King Taejong and, based on what I read about him on the internet, they will have their hands full...



I hope that seeing this latest episode, you will understand BW better. This is a political drama and BW is not a sappy sentimental romantic who will go marry some girl just because he got rejected. Do you really think that if BY accepted his proposal and became his mistress that he will not marry Lady Min. It was his decision to marry LM because it was politically expedient. Do you really think that he will take BY and ride the white horse into the sunset because she says I will be your mistress in the middle of a political war where his father is already lagging so behind his political rivals?  this is the kid who killed 3 students when he was 12 because he thought it was just. The kid who put his father's seal on the ABC plan without his father's permission after he eavesdropped on his dad's and JDJ's conversation where JDJ told LSG that he will make him the next king,, the kid when after he got out of prison knelt before JDJ and asked JDJ if with his politically and morally correct methods make his father win? He asked JDJ can you promise me that man to man? As seen in episode 14 and this episode JDJ and LSG are slow in the uptake when it comes to the political enemy. BW took it upon himself to foil and take out HIB sails when he upped and married the girl before HIB can seal the deal with a marriage with his own son. This is a drama all right a heavily politically laden drama as it is ousting of an old dynasty and the founding of a new one and BW and JDJ plotted to kill each other because of their political differences but BW acted faster and killed JDJ first. His path to the throne was bloody. As read from an earlier this episode already shows some rivalry between the two. I agree that BW can love deeply the way he loves BY as he is a man who goes all or nothing and so is BY. This is only the 15th episode and BY and BW will probably have some spicing up togetherness after all they are the lead pair.

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육룡이 나르샤 16회
방송일 : 2015.11.24 22:00

홍인방은 자신의 탄핵 여부를 결정짓기 전에 조반이 일으킨 역모를 먼저 조사하라 말하고, 민제를 찾아가 조반이 일으킨 역모의 배후는 이성계라는 상소에 해동갑족들의 서명을 받으라고 협박한다. 한편 방원은 친정을 다녀온 민다경에게 민제에게 듣고 온 이야기와 이성계 가문의 가장 큰 비밀로 거래를 제안하고, 영규와 무휼과 함께 민제를 만나러 향하는데...


Six Flying Dragons Episode 16 text preview
Air date : Nov. 24, 2015 PM 22:00

Hong In-Bang insists that they should investigate Jo Ban's rebellion before deciding whether Hong should be impeached or not. Hong visits Min Je and threatens him to turn in a petition with Haedong Gapjok's signatures claiming that Yi Seong-Gye is the instigator of Jo Ban's rebellion. Meanwhile, Bang-Won proposes a deal to Lady Min Da-Gyeong : exchanging the biggest secret of Yi Seong-Gye's family for what Lady Min heard from her father when she went back to her parents' home. Bang-Won goes to meet Min Je accompanied by Young-Gyu and Moo-Hyul.


Thank you @ homura, now we see the politically insightful but crafty YBW. Here we go.

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I agree that BW can love deeply the way he loves BY as he is a man who goes all or nothing and so is BY. This is only the 15th episode and BY and BW will probably have some spicing up togetherness after all they are the lead pair.

will probably... spicing up?? okay thats just your assumption, cause we still not seen yet hows their reaction after he got married, writer perhaps can make them meet up secretly? who knows.. :P


Anyway love this BY's moment

and this, not sure if this been shared here:lol:


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Episode 15 Neilsen ratings
Nationwide 14.6% (+1.4)  / Seoul 16.3% (+0.9)

Episode 15 was the funniest ever.  I love it. :lol:


Yeah, I found the encounter of Gil Tae Mi and Myu Hyul so funny. I was laughing the whole time. Gil Tae Mi, says why are you wearing that? Is that a trend? LOL

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I am a fan of films of Asian material art in the background so I was really enjoying in today episode fighting:D They are really great and I want more!!;)

Hi,@netka85,   I also enjoyed the fight scene in today's episode.. I felt sad and happy for BY reunion with her brother telling him how a weak person can fight so well he had to learn in order to protect what matters the most to him she admit how childish she was back then but she had bark and bite in her as a child after seeing so much of the world at a young age and seeing the people she loved alive that she had left for dead I have a feeling we will see a knew BY.. She might just become BW concubine to protect who she loves and consider being with him could protect them also.. So DS will also try and help create the next world..

I have to ask since LBY is taking DS as one of his son will this make BY and BW brother and sister it seems it should be this way..  DS becomes LBJ JDJ personal warrior and poor whats his name MH feels it's just not fair.. I think he's the comedy aspect of this drama YH accepts LBJ as her comrade and nothing more he refuse to try and protect a double agent..

So is HIB is going after BW bride property which will end up in LBY hands once he takes over the country..

@nevill, or @zenya22, I have to ask once HID and his family gets executed wouldn't all that land he has stolen go to the state or back to it's rightful owners..  

@nevill,  BY has lived on the wild side all of her life it's no way she will live as a caged bird in the palace she likes freedom to much also don't LBY suppose to start liking her also..?



at LBW & LM wedding night LM is unwilling to sleep with LBW and tells him for now you have yet to prove your worth to me - if youll not be able to prove yourself i will abandon to which LBW promise he will do whats necessary so she wont abandon him (paraphrasing hancinema) 

 befitting a queen to be LM tell LBW that he has to pass her test and she is making the decisions  -  a great queen   

I think LM and her father rejection of LBY and LBW will come back to them ten fold sure she married BW because she knows HID days are numbered HID is crazy wanting peoples land and this will cause his downfall and he's after they land because of the marriage rejection especially her marrying his enemy BW I can't wait to see him and BW go at it will the youngster be able to go wit for wit with HIB


The latest episode look like  some early foreshadowing has been injected regarding the future battle between Bang Won and Jung Do Jeon as Jung Do Jeon once again miscalculated and underestimated the enemy due to his carelessness, assuming HIB to be just a one-note greedy person with his plan to rob the lands of the Hakdong noble clan as purely just that. Whereas, BW was a better judge of character and much more accurately deemed HIB's plan from his past interactions with him( where he got alienated and miscast as the villain in front of his classmates) as much more sinister and deep. As a result, HIB successfully checkmated Jung Do jeon as he first stole lands from the Hakdong land prompting a retaliation which allowed him to frame them for murder and planted evidence which showed them to be in cohoots with the Lee family who have just become very close to them. 

The next episode, from the trailer, it looks that BW will play a major role in the fight back including rousing the Hakdong clan in a collective alliance and pushback against HIB. 

I agree, there has been subtle forshadowing in the last episodes in the difference between their style of politics but most especially in this episode. JDJ is not able to cipher the mind of a man like HIB. He underestimated the deviousness of HIB and should have at least given consideration to what BW said. BW knows HIB better than anyone else. I think this where BW will start to play a major part fight back as you said and I think Lady Min may start to play parts little by little. She after all thinks like BW.

@zenya22,  You have hit the hammer right on the nail I was just saying I'm ready to see BW and HIB go wit for wit but the good thing about this is HIB would never know he's up against BW because he thinks JDJ is leading everything and will aim his attacks at him and LBY when his attacker is in the shadows and realize to late that his biggest enemy was BW that owes him a great deal of payback who will be checkmating every move HIB makes.. SO my guess within the next three episodes we should see BW making moves that JDJ hasn't even thought of like you said he should have listened to BW.. Now Bw will use HIB same dirty moves on him.. 

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Guest abeille25

Watched episod 15. I can't believe Lady Min rejected her "hot" husband in their first night? Are you tipsy, girl? What? You didn't want to bear his children?? Poor girl... I thought she didn't aware that maaaany woman in this world will happy to bear his children, especially to have a special son like the great King Sejong...

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Guest paston15

Okay just wanted to show my appreciation to people like nevill for starting this forum, homura for your political notes which helped me in particular to enjoy this series and learn about the historical background the storyline was based off on. And yeah not forgetting zenya, although i didnt participate much i enjoyed your meaningful posts. @homura will  actively be checking your websites for updates on the historical backgrounds. I hope yall have fun discussions here. Will be taking my exit now due to certain reasons. Lets all Enjoy the drama.

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Guest srainy .

Watched episod 15. I can't believe Lady Min rejected her "hot" husband in their first night? Are you tipsy, girl? What? You didn't want to bear his children?? Poor girl... I thought she didn't aware that maaaany woman in this world will happy to bear his children, especially to have a special son like the great King Sejong...

well king sejong IS her son with bang won so... :lol::P

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@MiAmour i know your worried about BY that she wont have a happy ending

but i think that out of everyone the writers do care about BY happiness the most bc although  they have to follow the history and marry BW to LM 

they reunited her with her brother DS and hr sister YH and gave her a cute and funny MH that is trying to cheer her up

not to mention a mission to keep her busy, changing history as weve seen from the stills, she will become more permanent in the creation of Joseon

although love can make you happy there is nothing more exhilarating than creating something new 

no matter what BY will be happy BY more than the other dragons represent the commoners represent us - the ppl

although the story is BW it is also the story of a nation and its ppl represented by BY so its her story too

and she will be happy bc she and we are getting a better future 

im not worried for BY i know she will be happy

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@MiAmour i know your worried about BY that she wont have a happy ending

not to mention a mission to keep her busy, changing history as weve seen from the stills, she will become more permanent in the creation of Joseon

although love can make you happy there is nothing more exhilarating than creating something new 

im not worried for BY i know she will be happy

First of all why you keep say "she will be happy" in ur sentence? LOL smwhat funny thou

Anyway i dont think im worried to that extend, As we all know that shes one of the main character amoung the dragons,


Eventhou shes may not gonna endup w/ BW, we gonna missed the way she cares for him :rolleyes: 


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I forgot to add. Even though I know the future for BW and BY isn't very bright. YAI and SSK has some kind of...magic onscreen. I did watch Fashion King which was...hahaha. I'll stop there with FK, but it was because of FK I liked them together. honestly, I felt SFD gave me another chance to cheer for this onscreen couple. I was way too happy when SFD was announced. And in SFD i feel both actors have grown so much. Its a pleasure to watch them.

i agree - im also one of those who love SSK & YAI in FK but im also probably the only one who loved the ending 

it made me immediately go back and look for nuances that will imply for such an ending i found them -but this is for another thread 

what i like most is what i different vibe they give me in SFD BW is not motivated by revenge and actually BW is less of an richard simmons than YG

and SSK in SFD doesnt feel sorry for herself and a crybaby as she was in FK 

the have a more subtle and beautiful relationship here than the intense almost suffocating relationship they had in FK

i bc a fan of YAI since TMWCGM  - the cool a bit geeky photographer 

and liked SSK in FK and bc an addict fan after WAML as im still today

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