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|WGM Chinese Version| We Are In Love - BF Choi Siwon |SUJU| and GF Liu Wen |Victoria Secret Model|

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 @fantastica1234 I think I briefly read that letter sent to LW that you mentioned before. To say the least, I understood the intentions but I didn't appreciate it at all when I read it. Seriously no matter how experienced and mature you are, who are you as an outsider to give personal advice and to judge whether someone is worth of someone's affection and love? 

I find the Nana theory in that letter and some online news disturbing. For goodness' sake she's only 16. Are they implying SW is pervert? In most promotion photos Eddie looks more in a friendly/brotherly term with her compared with Siwon and am completely being objective here. I mean if she was say 6 years older the age gap would be nothing but I genuinely believe they find her cute and fun simply like her as a younger sister/good girl in general. No more no less ;)

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Guest LWangel

Hi everyone

Since we are a mature and analytical bunch, shall we do a quick MECE (mutually exclusive collectively exhaustive).  So here is mine

1. SW/LW in a casua relationship - to me, this is very unlikely.  LW does not do casual, otherwise she probably has had many relationships before. Also she seems to be a serious person in general. I give this 5% probability 

2. They are in a relationship - if we believe some of the hard to script moments during the show, SW's exr and Bazaar interview, LW's attendance at SJ concert (I wouldn't put myself through all tha traveling hassle just for a friend, there are other visible ways to support friends, e.g. Weibo and IG posts), her weibo posts during early August, I doubt she would expos herself if she did not feel secure in a relationship (evidenced by her unwillingness to tell SW she liked him because she was not sure if he was serious).  The list can go on but I will stop here. But the biggest problem with this scenario in my mind is that it SEEMs that they have not seen each other lately despite they are not too far from each other.  Seoul to BJ is about a 3 hour plane ride, it is less than a train ride fr NYC to Boston.  If they can arrange to spare 24 hour window I would think people in a relationship would meet. I once traveled 26 hours round trip to be withy now husband for less than 24 hours.  It is possible that they managed to meet without fans finding out, LW went from HK to BJ without being noticed... I know it is harder for SW but not impossible.  I have changed from an amused onlooker to a hard shipper, so I really hope our ship is afloat.  I will give 70% to this scenario.

3.  They are not in a relationship.  Mainly due to lack of known meeting up.

I really don't know what to say here. Although there is clear upside for being ambiguous about the relationship to keep the 16 fans happy, why would someone put themselves through all the criticism, fan backslash... Plus Compared to ELF, 16 fan base is a lot smaller...  Also they BOTH will be running the risk of leading the fans on ... As I said before, they have had multiple opportunities to come clean and make their image enhanced and intact... Additionally why Liuwen would do something like this to herself? It is not like she is getting more fans...

one detail it is confirmed by the article that SW was going to go back to Korea on 11th but he left a day earlier, too many possibilities here... We don't know what contributed to this schedule change, but the fact remains that he did not get a chance to see LW...  So 25% for this scenario?

Whats your point of view?

btw. People who work with LW this past week commented she is busy working and seemed happy and to be in a good mood.

I have a different interpretation based on what I read from weibo and instagram, but I cannot really prove anything. I am tossing it out as it is my contribution to MECE (mutually exclusive collectively exhaustive) here.

My take is that they are still in a relationship right now judging by their happy expressions, but there was some sort of misunderstanding right around Aug. 8, 2015.  On her Instagram, I saw a picture of dark clouds and Liu Wen's words were 2015/8/8 and a fallen star icon.   At first, I didn't notice the words or the icon, but then when I went to think more about it, 8 plus 8 are 16, but here 16 is divided/separated and a falling star sign is shown.  Since the couple is referred as the 16 couple and Liu Wen is Siwon's lost star, I feel that Liu Wen's choice here is quite telling.  

Siwon's Aug. 8 posting shows his movie promotional activity in Hong Kong, but the next day, his Aug. 9 posting shows that he looked away into the sky and the quote "A flower cannot blossom without sunshine, and man cannot live without love."     I believe, at this point, Siwon probably has begun to sense something was wrong in his relationship with Liu Wen--it could be that Liu Wen refused to contact him or showed some other behaviors that he interpreted as that he has lost his love.

I have gone back to look at Liu Wen's last weibo posting and comments before she closed her comment function (Aug. 8) and I saw a long letter comment that is particularly attention-getting as many people liked it.  The poster scanned the letter in as an image and in this letter, she referred to herself as someone who is much older than Liu Wen and advised Liu Wen to look at this relationship sensibly.  She basically said that she is a fan of the couple, but she loves Liu Wen more.  She listed a few reasons that Siwon is not particularly talented in singing, dancing, or acting, and at best, only a hard-working person and is not worthy of Liu Wen's talent and status.  What is most damaging in her letter, I think, is that she mentioned Ou-Yang Na Na, the 15-year-old pretty costar, who Siwon has previously been quoted as saying that "he will wait for her for 6 years.".  According to this poster, during the promotional itinerary, Siwon has been seen to hug Na Na frequently, which surpassed the normal range, and Siwon has said something like "she has a beautiful heart." during the press conference.  The poster said that she was totally disheartened by this exactly same comment as she was previously very moved by Siwon's similar comment of Liu Wen when he was interviewed in Beijing. How could Siwon go around saying this girl has a beautiful heart and that girl has a beautiful heart?  She said that despite that Ou Yang Na Na is only 15 years old, she could be another "Liu Yi-fei" to Siwon as Song Seung Hun is only 11 years older than Liu Yi-fei and Siwon is only 13 years older than Na Na.  All in all, she suggested that their relationship has a lot of hidden hazards because they live far apart and reunite infrequently, and that people in the entertainment industry are likely to be roiled in scandals. Even if Siwon is a loyal partner, the rumors would still be annoying and bothersome for Liu Wen. Finally, she suggested that Liu Wen should select someone low-profile and live a peaceful, happy life as her Miss World friend Zi-Ling Zhang.

When I first read this letter, I was actually quite taken as well as it was very well-written and makes a lot of sense. I can imagine Liu Wen being affected by it and beginning to reflect on it.  It seems to be coming from someone who really cares about Liu Wen's welfare and has a mature outlook about life. What she said about Ou-yang Na Na definitely strikes a chord as well since she said there is something ambiguous in Siwon's 2014 Weibo comment of "I will wait for you for 6 years." (till Nana is old enough to be in a love relationship.)  However, when I got a chance to see the Youtube clip of this press conference https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xUPlIpq03UQ, I can see that perhaps due to his limited Chinese vocabulary, Siwon did a poor job of clarifying his earlier comment by adding that he thinks Nana has a beautiful personality and heart.  He may be joking or had some real intentions when he posted the comment last year before he met Liu Wen.  Either way, during the press conference, it is clear that he is caught off guard by this questioning and didn't explain too well.

I guess that Liu Wen must have felt really hurt and disappointed in Siwon after reading this letter.  A few days before, she was all happy and posted many pictures related to their happy memories, but all of a sudden, she was pulled into reality.  The cautionary words in the letter must have got her thinking and she chose to not contact Siwon at all.  Siwon therefore went into overdrive to appeal to her by posting many things related to 16 couple.  In the end of their promotion, he returned to Korea one day early without meeting up with Liu Wen probably because Liu Wen refused to contact him and closed her Weibo comment function too (this is consistent with her behavior of walking away during ep. 2 in the cherry blossom park when she thought that Siwon was a womanizer.)  

After Aug. 9, Siwon's postings said that "Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced" and "Life's warrior needs to pay tuition as well to gain precious things in life,  The longer the wait, the more learning to be gained and perspectives of life become more broadened.".  On Aug. 13, when he had a film festival with another female celebrity walking down the red carpet, his movements seemed to be extra strained without going arm in arm with the female celebrity. I think by now, he was aware of what potential reasons Liu Wen has for shutting him off and became more sensitive than usual.  His later posting of "Long day, good night" also shows him looking quite beat and sad.  For his posting "waiting for something special", I interpret that he was waiting to communicate (face time) with Liu Wen perhaps some time that night or the next morning (Friday).  When he finally cleared things up with her and they made up, he appeared to be happy and relaxed the next day in the Pharrell Williams concert and coincidentally, Liu Wen also appeared to be happy in another person's picture on the same day. 

Either way, their relationship is still pretty young and bound to have some conflicts down the road.  Considering the potential damages brought up by well-wishers or nay-sayers from outside, I believe that they both prefer not to announce anything and let time take its course now.  I believe that the love they have shown in the show is real and the memory cannot be so easily erased and forgotten, but the reality (time, distance and career) does pose real challenges, so mature people like them may prefer to take it slow and carry on the love affair away from public attention.

This is really my little theory and I have no way of proving it, but I guess no one else other than Liu Wen and Siwon themselves can prove it either. Sorry about the long post.

Hi everyone

Since we are a mature and analytical bunch, shall we do a quick MECE (mutually exclusive collectively exhaustive).  So here is mine

1. SW/LW in a casua relationship - to me, this is very unlikely.  LW does not do casual, otherwise she probably has had many relationships before. Also she seems to be a serious person in general. I give this 5% probability 

2. They are in a relationship - if we believe some of the hard to script moments during the show, SW's exr and Bazaar interview, LW's attendance at SJ concert (I wouldn't put myself through all tha traveling hassle just for a friend, there are other visible ways to support friends, e.g. Weibo and IG posts), her weibo posts during early August, I doubt she would expos herself if she did not feel secure in a relationship (evidenced by her unwillingness to tell SW she liked him because she was not sure if he was serious).  The list can go on but I will stop here. But the biggest problem with this scenario in my mind is that it SEEMs that they have not seen each other lately despite they are not too far from each other.  Seoul to BJ is about a 3 hour plane ride, it is less than a train ride fr NYC to Boston.  If they can arrange to spare 24 hour window I would think people in a relationship would meet. I once traveled 26 hours round trip to be withy now husband for less than 24 hours.  It is possible that they managed to meet without fans finding out, LW went from HK to BJ without being noticed... I know it is harder for SW but not impossible.  I have changed from an amused onlooker to a hard shipper, so I really hope our ship is afloat.  I will give 70% to this scenario.

3.  They are not in a relationship.  Mainly due to lack of known meeting up.

I really don't know what to say here. Although there is clear upside for being ambiguous about the relationship to keep the 16 fans happy, why would someone put themselves through all the criticism, fan backslash... Plus Compared to ELF, 16 fan base is a lot smaller...  Also they BOTH will be running the risk of leading the fans on ... As I said before, they have had multiple opportunities to come clean and make their image enhanced and intact... Additionally why Liuwen would do something like this to herself? It is not like she is getting more fans...

one detail it is confirmed by the article that SW was going to go back to Korea on 11th but he left a day earlier, too many possibilities here... We don't know what contributed to this schedule change, but the fact remains that he did not get a chance to see LW...  So 25% for this scenario?

Whats your point of view?

btw. People who work with LW this past week commented she is busy working and seemed happy and to be in a good mood.

I have a different interpretation based on what I read from weibo and instagram, but I cannot really prove anything. I am tossing it out as it is my contribution to MECE (mutually exclusive collectively exhaustive) here.

My take is that they are still in a relationship right now judging by their happy expressions, but there was some sort of misunderstanding right around Aug. 8, 2015.  On her Instagram, I saw a picture of dark clouds and Liu Wen's words were 2015/8/8 and a fallen star icon.   At first, I didn't notice the words or the icon, but then when I went to think more about it, 8 plus 8 are 16, but here 16 is divided/separated and a falling star sign is shown.  Since the couple is referred as the 16 couple and Liu Wen is Siwon's lost star, I feel that Liu Wen's choice here is quite telling.  

Siwon's Aug. 8 posting shows his movie promotional activity in Hong Kong, but the next day, his Aug. 9 posting shows that he looked away into the sky and the quote "A flower cannot blossom without sunshine, and man cannot live without love."     I believe, at this point, Siwon probably has begun to sense something was wrong in his relationship with Liu Wen--it could be that Liu Wen refused to contact him or showed some other behaviors that he interpreted as that he has lost his love.

I have gone back to look at Liu Wen's last weibo posting and comments before she closed her comment function (Aug. 8) and I saw a long letter comment that is particularly attention-getting as many people liked it.  The poster scanned the letter in as an image and in this letter, she referred to herself as someone who is much older than Liu Wen and advised Liu Wen to look at this relationship sensibly.  She basically said that she is a fan of the couple, but she loves Liu Wen more.  She listed a few reasons that Siwon is not particularly talented in singing, dancing, or acting, and at best, only a hard-working person and is not worthy of Liu Wen's talent and status.  What is most damaging in her letter, I think, is that she mentioned Ou-Yang Na Na, the 15-year-old pretty costar, who Siwon has previously been quoted as saying that "he will wait for her for 6 years.".  According to this poster, during the promotional itinerary, Siwon has been seen to hug Na Na frequently, which surpassed the normal range, and Siwon has said something like "she has a beautiful heart." during the press conference.  The poster said that she was totally disheartened by this exactly same comment as she was previously very moved by Siwon's similar comment of Liu Wen when he was interviewed in Beijing. How could Siwon go around saying this girl has a beautiful heart and that girl has a beautiful heart?  She said that despite that Ou Yang Na Na is only 15 years old, she could be another "Liu Yi-fei" to Siwon as Song Seung Hun is only 11 years older than Liu Yi-fei and Siwon is only 13 years older than Na Na.  All in all, she suggested that their relationship has a lot of hidden hazards because they live far apart and reunite infrequently, and that people in the entertainment industry are likely to be roiled in scandals. Even if Siwon is a loyal partner, the rumors would still be annoying and bothersome for Liu Wen. Finally, she suggested that Liu Wen should select someone low-profile and live a peaceful, happy life as her Miss World friend Zi-Ling Zhang.

When I first read this letter, I was actually quite taken as well as it was very well-written and makes a lot of sense. I can imagine Liu Wen being affected by it and beginning to reflect on it.  It seems to be coming from someone who really cares about Liu Wen's welfare and has a mature outlook about life. What she said about Ou-yang Na Na definitely strikes a chord as well since she said there is something ambiguous in Siwon's 2014 Weibo comment of "I will wait for you for 6 years." (till Nana is old enough to be in a love relationship.)  However, when I got a chance to see the Youtube clip of this press conference https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xUPlIpq03UQ, I can see that perhaps due to his limited Chinese vocabulary, Siwon did a poor job of clarifying his earlier comment by adding that he thinks Nana has a beautiful personality and heart.  He may be joking or had some real intentions when he posted the comment last year before he met Liu Wen.  Either way, during the press conference, it is clear that he is caught off guard by this questioning and didn't explain too well.

I guess that Liu Wen must have felt really hurt and disappointed in Siwon after reading this letter.  A few days before, she was all happy and posted many pictures related to their happy memories, but all of a sudden, she was pulled into reality.  The cautionary words in the letter must have got her thinking and she chose to not contact Siwon at all.  Siwon therefore went into overdrive to appeal to her by posting many things related to 16 couple.  In the end of their promotion, he returned to Korea one day early without meeting up with Liu Wen probably because Liu Wen refused to contact him and closed her Weibo comment function too (this is consistent with her behavior of walking away during ep. 2 in the cherry blossom park when she thought that Siwon was a womanizer.)  

After Aug. 9, Siwon's postings said that "Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced" and "Life's warrior needs to pay tuition as well to gain precious things in life,  The longer the wait, the more learning to be gained and perspectives of life become more broadened.".  On Aug. 13, when he had a film festival with another female celebrity walking down the red carpet, his movements seemed to be extra strained without going arm in arm with the female celebrity. I think by now, he was aware of what potential reasons Liu Wen has for shutting him off and became more sensitive than usual.  His later posting of "Long day, good night" also shows him looking quite beat and sad.  For his posting "waiting for something special", I interpret that he was waiting to communicate (face time) with Liu Wen perhaps some time that night or the next morning (Friday).  When he finally cleared things up with her and they made up, he appeared to be happy and relaxed the next day in the Pharrell Williams concert and coincidentally, Liu Wen also appeared to be happy in another person's picture on the same day. 

Either way, their relationship is still pretty young and bound to have some conflicts down the road.  Considering the potential damages brought up by well-wishers or nay-sayers from outside, I believe that they both prefer not to announce anything and let time take its course now.  I believe that the love they have shown in the show is real and the memory cannot be so easily erased and forgotten, but the reality (time, distance and career) does pose real challenges, so mature people like them may prefer to take it slow and carry on the love affair away from public attention.

This is really my little theory and I have no way of proving it, but I guess no one else other than Liu Wen and Siwon themselves can prove it either. Sorry about the long post.

Even though it may be your theory and opinion but it is a definitely a very good sharing.  It being quite sometimes I have not read such an well written analysis and rational.  I like the fan's letter or comments written to Liu Wen, it is a concern and love of  someone who care for her.

Like you said only Liu Wen and Siwon can prove it  but still it a rational  post.  @Liddi  you still one of my best.


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Guest fantastica1234

@Moonee No, I don't think there is anything going on between Siwon and Nana either.  However, the poster mentioned it in the letter and the letter was so well-written that I think it will cause people to think.  Ultimately, I feel that Siwon could have done a better job explaining in the press conference.  He didn't probably because he didn't think too much of it.  He is also very liberal with holding and touching other women/girls so that it touches on the nerve of this poster.  Either way, the events seem to gather around that day (Aug. 8), so I have been verifying my thoughts with the weibo and instangram postings.

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@fantastica1234  Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

Personally, I think it's fantastic that Liu Wen closed off the comments section of her SNS. It isn't something she would miss much now, given that many comments left aren't at all positive nor helpful, to her. And she may as well concentrate on finding laughter in ways outside of SNS.

What I find extremely disturbing about that letter you mentioned is this "Siwon is not particularly talented in singing, dancing, or acting, and at best, only a hard-working person and is not worthy of Liu Wen's talent and status" and the disturbing allegations about Ou Yang Na Na. For anyone to be writing this way to Liu Wen, claiming to be a fan of the couple, and letting it be known that she's older .... all she has said has worked against Liu Wen and would've caused more hurt than the good she claims to want to impart. That this person feels qualified to dish out such advice to anyone, age or other qualifiers notwithstanding, is rather horrifying. Even more mortifying are the people who can actually like/support such a poisonous piece of letter. I'm glad Liu Wen effectively and emphatically shut them all down. That's her pretty much saying what she thinks of all this so-called care, concern and damaging advice. I certainly hope this poster comes to her senses soon and takes a good long, hard look inwards to concentrate on working on her own heart and life. This is definitely not love or concern for any individual in the slightest! What dreadful slander of Siwon and young Nana as well.


On the matter of Siwon being free with his touch, there are people who are more tactile than others. Siwon happens to be one of them. This poster might be one of those who aren't, and is overly bothered by it. But is Liu Wen? Or any girl that Siwon has a relationship with? For a tactile person, with experience and age, they will learn when and where it's 'safe' to touch someone. They will be most free to be affectionate when they know there is nothing remotely romantic involved with the other person. One need only observe Siwon closely. Look carefully at his body, and hand language, depending on who he is in contact with. Look at his recent photos with others, especially females. It's very clear there are lines drawn, subtle though it may be, when he is with someone not so familiar or he isn't comfortable with/unsure of. It's those he considers as very close friends that he's free with.

I've got my suspicions about this person who wrote the letter being who she claims to be. This letter is in no way from one who supports them as a couple, with a fondness for Liu Wen. This is someone who is uncomfortable of skinship of any kind between males and females, and males and males, unless it fits whatever definition she herself has set as acceptable skinship. This is also a person who is very dangerous in that she wraps her poison up as an apple. It's not how well one writes, but the heart of what one wants to convey, that is important. My guess is that Liu Wen saw through to the heart of what was written, if she did read this letter.

Edited by silvergrey
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@Moonee I too believe that the rumors with Nana are ridiculous, but I can't help but feel that his behavior of praising other females almost exactly like he does Liu Wen is the exact thing she feels uncomfortable with. We've seen throughout the show that she really needs to feel a sense of security otherwise it's close to impossible for her to open up to him, because she feels like he is not being genuine with her. In episode 2 it was evident that when he was bowing and saying hi to all the female fans, she felt he was like that to all women and that might have made her second guess his feelings/attention towards her. When you are hardly able to see the other person, and he is not there to show her through his actions which are the most meaningful to her, it probably makes her second guess the relationship even more, especially if he's using the same words to describe other girls as he used to describe her. So no matter how many sweet things he says to her on the dl,  she might actually be more affected by his actions to the public.

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Guest fantastica1234


I also think it is fantastic that Liu Wen is really brave to close her comment section.  It is great that she doesn't need to rely on public opinions to do her job.  It shows that even for people with good intentions, their words may still have the potential to derail a good relationship.   It is also a sign that she really wants the attention to cool down.  However, since Chinese people just discovered her through this show, I don't think the attention will go down so easily.  I hope there will be some other engaging shows coming up and draw people's attention away soon.


I think Liu Wen is the type of person who needs time to reflect.  When she encounters this letter, she may not believe in it completely, but she may need some time to digest it.  After she thinks it through, she can then open up to talk to Siwon.  Either way, I am so happy that they are both all-smiles again and this incident may teach them something for their future interactions anyway.

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@Moonee No, I don't think there is anything going on between Siwon and Nana either.  However, the poster mentioned it in the letter and the letter was so well-written that I think it will cause people to think.  Ultimately, I feel that Siwon could have done a better job explaining in the press conference.  He didn't probably because he didn't think too much of it.  He is also very liberal with holding and touching other women/girls so that it touches on the nerve of this poster.  Either way, the events seem to gather around that day (Aug. 8), so I have been verifying my thoughts with the weibo and instangram posting

@fantastica1234 I agree there were something going on during that time. I kind of noticed LW's seemingly sudden change of mood and SW's posts on that day too. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. 

Imagine how happy I was when LW closed her weibo. If I were her I would find some comments/advice too intrusive and destructive. Come on they ain't her family or close friends. Even if they were, there are some certain things off limits. I could be unhappy or angry with my partner and could take my anger on him but I wouldn't appreciate it if someone bashes him with unfair accusation and untrue allegation in my present. 

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It is really quite scary how seriously some people take their SNS posts, trying to decipher them as if they contained the mysteries of the world or something. Liu Wen probably closed the comments section of her Weibo not because she feels there's truth to those ravings, but because she's disturbed by the bizarrely literal analyses of these so-called fans. These nutjobs probably spend more time obsessing over a possibly non-existent relationship than either Siwon or Liu Wen do on each other daily.

And I'm hardly the biggest fan of Siwon, but to suggest that he fancies some 15-year-old co-star is to intimate that he has pedophilic tendencies which is just sick if true - sick if he really harbors such feelings or sick for people to hint that he does when he doesn't.

ETA: moonee, she has a charity event to attend on the 29th in Beijing, so I'd imagine she's still in Asia at least. I suppose shippers might suggest since FB isn't conventionally accessible in mainland China maybe she's logging on while in a certain country that's just next door? ;)


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I think his post about Nana is just a joke. The only reason people are taking it seriously is because of the instagram post he made with the Nicolas Sparks quote on Stella's birthday which also happens to be Nana's birthday too. And why Siwon posted that quote if he is dating Liu Wen is confusing to me.

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I think his post about Nana is just a joke. The only reason people are taking it seriously is because of the instagram post he made with the Nicolas Sparks quote on Stella's birthday which also happens to be Nana's birthday too. And why Siwon posted that quote if he is dating Liu Wen is confusing to me.

when is her birthday?what did siwon write?

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I think his post about Nana is just a joke. The only reason people are taking it seriously is because of the instagram post he made with the Nicolas Sparks quote on Stella's birthday which also happens to be Nana's birthday too. And why Siwon posted that quote if he is dating Liu Wen is confusing to me.

when is her birthday?what did siwon write?

Per the internet Stella and Nana's birthday is June 15,


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I think his post about Nana is just a joke. The only reason people are taking it seriously is because of the instagram post he made with the Nicolas Sparks quote on Stella's birthday which also happens to be Nana's birthday too. And why Siwon posted that quote if he is dating Liu Wen is confusing to me.

when is her birthday?what did siwon write?

Per the internet Stella and Nana's birthday is June 15,

mod edit: please do not quote images!

I don't think it was a reference to either nana or stella tbh. After all, wasn't he spotted wearing the Piaget ring when he got back from Paris?

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I think his post about Nana is just a joke. The only reason people are taking it seriously is because of the instagram post he made with the Nicolas Sparks quote on Stella's birthday which also happens to be Nana's birthday too. And why Siwon posted that quote if he is dating Liu Wen is confusing to me.

when is her birthday?what did siwon write?

Per the internet Stella and Nana's birthday is June 15,


he just copied that quote not related with stella or nana, his love story with stella has been end when (idk who cheated first, both of them play as if as victim)

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I think his post about Nana is just a joke. The only reason people are taking it seriously is because of the instagram post he made with the Nicolas Sparks quote on Stella's birthday which also happens to be Nana's birthday too. And why Siwon posted that quote if he is dating Liu Wen is confusing to me.

when is her birthday?what did siwon write?

Per the internet Stella and Nana's birthday is June 15,


I don't think it was a reference to either nana or stella tbh. After all, wasn't he spotted wearing the Piaget ring when he got back from Paris?

I don't think its in reference to Nana, but I always found it odd that he posted it on Stella's bday. 

EDIT: And that post is part of the reason why people think he has a thing for Nana. There were news reports on it: http://v.qq.com/cover/e/eqsho5wsqd8gzww/y0016wt12mn.html


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I think his post about Nana is just a joke. The only reason people are taking it seriously is because of the instagram post he made with the Nicolas Sparks quote on Stella's birthday which also happens to be Nana's birthday too. And why Siwon posted that quote if he is dating Liu Wen is confusing to me.

when is her birthday?what did siwon write?

Per the internet Stella and Nana's birthday is June 15,


he just copied that quote not related with stella or nana, his love story with stella has been end when (idk who cheated first, both of them play as if as victim)

Actually, come to think of it, it could be directed at stella saying people change,meaning her changing and thats why they ended? Just my guess.

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i dont think she's someone who leetuk (super junior's leader) mentioned in radio star..."siwon ideal type is tall girl with those sharp facial expression"

I think she does fit his ideal type, but I think Leeteuk was referring to Liu Wen in Radio Star. Its just Siwon does odd things like posting that instagram on Stellla's bday and telling the reporter to invite Liu Wen to watch To the Fore, which makes people question him. And then he does things to make you think he and Liu Wen are really together, eg. posting black and white pics after she posted them on weibo/instagram and posting 16 weibo posts in one day (on Aug 9). He is just a very confusing person.

Actually, come to think of it, it could be directed at stella saying people change,meaning her changing and thats why they ended? Just my guess.

You may be right.

Edited by cutie_panda
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