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|WGM Chinese Version| We Are In Love - BF Choi Siwon |SUJU| and GF Liu Wen |Victoria Secret Model|

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Guest mywebfoot

by the way, if another staff would stop him from answering questions about LW i would be honored to smack his mouth or shove a corn to shut him up heheheh so brutal .


@liddi already gave the go-ahead, so the gloves are off. You go to the right. I'll be in the left corner. I'll be the one with the crab in my hand. The plan is to either kidnap SiWon or restrain staff who want to filter questions. 

@siwonie407 has a schedule.

Now we just need a location. 

*switches off secret spy console hidden in the crab*

*casually goes back to regular office work*

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I just wanted to share this with you guys. It may be the reason why the staff of To the Fore wants the spotlight on this film only.
This is from To The Fore's Facebook page:

與林超賢導演合作過《線人》、《證人》等電影的謝霆鋒則從《十二道鋒味》拍攝現場趕來,身上還穿著節目中的廚師服。他說:「他們拍這個片子,在行內大家都 知道很不容易,很辛苦。有林超賢這三個字,電影已經有品質保證了。希望電影大賣!」至於陳嘉上來捧場,對於林超賢來說最重要的支持,林導表示:「陳嘉上導 演是帶我出道的人,他是我的貴人,而我是他的破風手!」

《破風》是林超賢導演與IMAX公司合作的首部作品,在現場,IMAX中國首席行銷官周美惠女士與林超賢導演暢談了關於《破風》的感受.《破風》將青春熱血與競技運動相結合,IMAX也是首次在國內做這種新穎的題材。裡面許多比賽場景都適合以IMAX銀幕呈現,我們願意用最好的技術來説明 導演製造出最華麗的視效。」林超賢導演也說:「非常開心能與IMAX合作,這對我來說也是一個全新的嘗試,而且最終的效果非常好,雖然後期製作時我已經看 了無數次,但IMAX版的《破風》還是有把我震撼到!"

Jackie Chan: When Dante Lam gave me the script, I immediately think that how can a bike race be filmed? Action films are not hard to film. Everyone just stands there and hit, hit, and hit. But his new piece is constantly moving, very hard to film. In fact, it is a big surprise in Chinese film industry. I really liked this film! Next time if there is something new and similar, remember to find me to film!

Nicholas Tse: They filmed this movie. Everyone in the film entertainment industry knows that it is not easy, very hard. With the words Dante Lam, the film is ensured to be high quality and hope that this film is successful!

Dante Lam: Gordan Chan is the person who brought me into this field and hence he is very important to Dante.

To the Fore is Dante's first film piece with Imax. During the Beijing premiere, one of the Imax's representatives talked about how they view To The Fore. They expressed how this is also Imax's first time to film something like this for the Chinese movie industry.

TL:DR: Basically in the Chinese film industry, the movie "To the Fore" can be considered as a masterpiece as it is very hard to film. Lots of breakthroughs and First's. In addition, this is Dante's first film with I-max. I think this is why there were a lot of prominent well-known celebrities that attended the premiere in both Beijing and Hong Kong to show their support for this film.

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@mywebfoot Looks like the MI:WonWen SG is well in place to get us the answers we need!

Conscripted police... any idea when his date of enlistment is? Methinks law violations will be increasing exponentially next year :P 

Today all we see from Miss Liu is a photo of her feet, with a caption "resting... feet". Hmm... running snails... resting feet... is there some subliminal message that I am too dense to decipher there? :blink:

Watching his interview in Taiwan from yesterday in which he mentioned that he really loves to eat hot pot. Then she posted pictures of her hot pot dinner last night. Aww...

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@liddi: According to the Soompi thread, We are Pretty is scheduled for 20 episodes and is scheduled to air on Wednesdays and Thursdays. And I have calculated that the drama would finish in early-mid November but no one would know if the drama may or may not get extended due to number of viewership. But it also depends on what the filming schedule is since most k-dramas are filmed while they are airing.

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@twistbow thank you for the heads-up. SM did say that the drama comes first, so it would be either the latter part of Nov, or Dec I guess. I am just wondering whether he would still have any schedules lined up during the drama filming... or he would be staying put in Korea. Now, did anyone check with Liu Wen's manager what her schedule is for the rest of the year? You could offer her another sumptuous hotpot meal to get her talking :P 

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@twistbow thank you for the heads-up. SM did say that the drama comes first, so it would be either the latter part of Nov, or Dec I guess. I am just wondering whether he would still have any schedules lined up during the drama filming... or he would be staying put in Korea. Now, did anyone check with Liu Wen's manager what her schedule is for the rest of the year? You could offer her another sumptuous hotpot meal to get her talking :P 

You're welcome! I think he would staying put in Korea during the time of filming but there's a really slight chance for SJ to release an EP as well before he enlist (not really sure but they might follow the steps of how TVXQ released an album right before one of TVXQ's members enlisted). I did hear that there's a lot of expectation as this is Siwon's last drama/work before he enlists. As for Liu Wen, I think she may have Fashion Weeks or magazine shoots later this year (not sure).

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@mywebfoot Looks like the MI:WonWen SG is well in place to get us the answers we need!

Conscripted police... any idea when his date of enlistment is? Methinks law violations will be increasing exponentially next year :P 

Today all we see from Miss Liu is a photo of her feet, with a caption "resting... feet". Hmm... running snails... resting feet... is there some subliminal message that I am too dense to decipher there? :blink:

Watching his interview in Taiwan from yesterday in which he mentioned that he really loves to eat hot pot. Then she posted pictures of her hot pot dinner last night. Aww...

Calling @juzagurl! Time to book those air tickets to Seoul ;) 

Hmmm ... aspiring to slow her life down to snail's pace? Dreaming of gliding around like the snail? Leaving a trail like the snail for fans to follow? Snails like cloudy days (which is pretty much the trademark of the rain couple)? Snails have great reproductive skills?? :blink: :lol:


Abort abort all plans!

Why? He's not going to taze you. Yet. :P

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Also, here is my two cents on Liu Wen's snail post. There is a saying that goes "as slow as a snail". When she says "run, snail run", it could totally be referring to the painful wait she has to endure for a certain someone, and she so eagerly wants that someone to run to her. But of course that's just my take, it could be totally something different. 

Fantastic line of thought! ;) 

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I'm just surprised and wondered why did she delete her post yesterday (the raining video) 

Any reason that is involved him? hmm... since many people here said that it's because there are many people were talking about them and the rain so she decided to delete it... I find it weird D: 

First, she didn't write any detailed caption for the video, it was just an icon of an umbrella. The video was nothing but rain and chairs and tables and plants (?) Couldn't find any deep meaning through it. I would say the picture when she was picking pomegranate has more meaning if they want to dig in

Second, even it did had some deep thoughts idk if why she got sensitive all of a sudden and chose to delete? (It wasn't an accident for sure cause Instagram required a few steps to finally delete a post) It's now not on Instagram neither Twitter but it's still on facebook and all the comments were mentioning him, and mostly "are you meeting oppa?" "are you missing oppa?" "you guys are tgt that's why it's raining"... (this makes me happy so much and hope it's real) 


But well idk if she didn't want to cause any misunderstanding that she missed him or meeting up with him, or didn't want to upset oppa's fangirls or a particular person.. Only God knows D: 

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Guest bibidep

Here is the picture of him and the director Dante.  Siwon really know how to answered the press question.   He speaks with the audience and answered the question in Chinese and the reporter asked who teach him Chinese, he said Eddi Peng taught him.   When last time he had an interview with EXR event in China on June 10 he was asked the same question and his answered was Liu Wen taught him well.   2 different answered for 2 interviews.


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Guest bibidep

I hope our couple happy day will come true like them soon.   How similar their interacted with their partners.



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@mywebfoot You have your location! 7:00pm @ The Skating Rink, The Shoppes at Marina Bay Sands, Level 2 Basement. Go get 'em!

@siwonie407 Thank you for sharing the dating news of Song Seung Heun and Liu Yifei! He starting filming the C-movie with her Aug 2014, which wrapped in November. So basically they got outed by the paparazzi a year later. Song Seung Heun is also in a different stage of life compared to Siwon... with no enforced enlistment looming ahead. Still, I hope WonWen too would one day announce happy news for us as well... preferably sometime soon :) 

@justafan29 Thank you for sharing her latest Weibo update! So let's see... horse... Guam... rain... swimming... bracelet... hot pot... bicycle... please decode ;) 

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Ive noticed that Liu Wen has been wearing this black band/bracelet recently? Siwon as well? Do you think thats a coincidence? Hahahah

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