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|WGM Chinese Version| We Are In Love - BF Choi Siwon |SUJU| and GF Liu Wen |Victoria Secret Model|

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LW's manager, Ms. Ren, has blocked her comments section as LW did back in August because a hater has been repeatedly trashing LW on her weibo.  

On the bright side... 

1) Dan Cui, the fashion editor who helped discover LW and a good friend of LW's, posted a weibo update " A friend of mine saw the third picture and said how grand a wedding needs to be to deserve this girl's figure."  He was referring to the below picture from the La Perla event.


2) Ms Ren's husband also posted a weibo update that goes with the below video which is apparently very popular on Weibo right now - 不需要对着全世界宣布,只要对着旁边的人说就行!---老婆说:你就得瑟吧 (You don't need to announce to the whole world, you just need to tell the person next to you.  The wifey said: (liddi, help here, I don't understand the Chinese idiom here).  Basically, some major PDA between Ms. Ren and her husband... 

http://www.miaopai.com/show/AgeQSefCiP5tLgmksc-IVA__.htm   (It is a ring commercial about everyday life interactions between a wife and a husband.  The wife wants to call him husband for the rest of her life and the husband says it is his honor to be her husband, the husband also said I have been your husband since the moment we exchanged rings.)

These two posts got some 16 fans going big time because of the close relationship these two people have with LW, a lot of delulu thoughts going on right now...


Edited by Kculturefun
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Yes, thanks for that update, Kculturefun. With the news that Liu Wen's been receiving all this hate, one is apt to get depressed at how pathetic certain women can be. There's also a strong likelihood that Liu Wen is still in NY, seeing as her update was posted on 20:16 China time which should be in the a.m. in NY, and bread and bananas is likely a breakfast meal (for models, anyway! :lol:). So yeah, we're in some need of cheering up.

Those updates from Liu Wen's associates are certainly suggestive, especially the one from the manager's husband. The obvious connection is that SW & LW have no need to make an announcement as long as they know what's between them...very timely considering many are clamoring for a confirmation before Siwon enlists. I couldn't understand a word said in the ad, but that couple's behavior is exactly how I picture SW & LW to be when they're alone together based on what we saw in the latter episodes of LFIL. You know, the familiarity, almost like they've been together or married for years. I've a feeling that they're further along in their relationship than we'd ever suspect, and that they're sure of each other as a life partner. I didn't watch Siwon's latest televised interview, but in it didn't he suggest that he'd be married with kids in the not too distant future? Assuming the person he has in mind to do those things with is Liu Wen (and the shout-outs to her on his show are a little incongruous if she's just a friend), that would likely indicate the relationship is stronger than perhaps we even realize.   

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Yes, the recent posts definitely help brighten our mood... by the way, LW "commented" on her manager's husband weibo by @ her and including three smiley faces.. her managers also responded by smiley faces too.... so seems to me that this weibo is either a PDA between a husband and wife... or he is trying to kill two birds with one stone...  he frequently reads "Mun+Won" weibo and knows the fans very well and how imaginative they can be... so at least he is not afraid of the fans going delulu with his post., a positive sign.

BTW, the man and woman in the ring commercial are real-life husband and wife...  The word the wife said again and again in the commercial "Lao Gong" is Husband in Chinese. 

Siwon did say that in the next 10 years, he would like to follow suit of his Dad and becomes a handsome (good) father..

Edited by Kculturefun
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Yes, the recent posts definitely help brighten our mood... by the way, LW "commented" on her manager's husband weibo by @ her and including three smiley faces.. her managers also responded by smiley faces too.... so seems to me that this weibo is either a PDA between a husband and wife... or he is trying to kill two birds with one stone...  he frequently reads "Mun+Won" weibo and knows the fans very well and how imaginative they can be... so at least he is not afraid of the fans going delulu with his post., a positive sign.

Thanks for mentioning this. Given all the tie-ins, I doubt the manager's husband posted that as just a random PDA to his wife...he must've known connections would immediately be made to SW & LW. The fact that LW responded in the way she did is even more suspect. Completely delulu here...but SW had to have been included in the group of people that this ad was circulated amongst. :lol:

There's also the very obvious connection with the couple in the ad exchanging rings and the husband's comment that they belonged together the moment they did that...now, what does that remind everyone of? I'm sure a number of things were staged on LFIL, but that very last sequence in the final episode is one that I always felt was authentic and completely SW's idea.

And thanks for letting me know what "Lao Gong" means...I remember the subtitles indicating that SW referred to himself as LW's husband in one of the LFIL episodes! Another reason to ship this couple...hanging out in this thread and watching the show has increased my Mandarin exponentially! :lol:


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@Kculturefun The words "你就得瑟吧" means "you must be immensely pleased with yourself".

Yeah, that video is saccharine sweet and features HK actor Jordan Chan 陈小春 and his Taiwanese wife Cherrie Ying 应采儿. Perhaps Liu Wen's manager and her husband are feeling inordinately romantic, or it could be referring to WonWen. Either way, the timing is highly suspicious, and definitely a source of great encouragement to shippers.

It is unfortunate that Liu Wen's manager has had to resort to blocking her Weibo comments. Are the haters targeting her account only, not Liu Wen's? Wonder what triggered this latest bout of attacks... seeing she hasn't even been seen in the vicinity leading up to his enlistment.

There have been repeated statements from the management, requesting that Siwon and Changmin's wishes to enlist quietly be respected, and that there will be no interviews or greeting events. Lee Teuk has stated that he will see Siwon off, and that the chances of the other members being there are also high.

One more day to go.

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Guest mywebfoot

Time to go bananas! 

Look at the bread! The sequence shows at least two slices being eaten, not one. The clue is in the crust. One eater nibbles the crust before eating the rest, the other takes big bites, leaving a corner behind. One person has bananas and some brown (syrup? Fried onions?) stuff on top of the bananas, the other doesn't. 

My imagination is running wild here. So wild it's got grass skirts and coconut husks on. I have an entire dinner and breakfast scenario playing out in my mind. Halp. 

Why dinner, you say? Olaf, the night lamp. "I like warm hugs" it says, just before being switched off. 

Time to add some jungle drums. :P

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