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|WGM Chinese Version| We Are In Love - BF Choi Siwon |SUJU| and GF Liu Wen |Victoria Secret Model|

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Guest FatimaJelenko

Can @liddi help us to translate? :rolleyes:

It's reposted by Mun+Won~

ee80a2.png//@Phoebe老師:今晚从朋友那里'8掛'得來的,关于表姐今天工作趣事,迫不及待来个长篇大论跟大家分享,反正我单是听朋友说和看照片都已经激动一晚上了。朋友是一个嘴蛮贱的人哈哈,但是对表姐各种赞美,好开心[哆啦A梦花心][哆啦A梦花心]请大家笑纳[哆啦A梦花心][哆啦A梦花心] ¡查看图片


@Phoebe老师 was sharing what her friend told her about interesting things that happened when Liu Wen was working today. 

Tonight what my friend A kept saying was: "Liu Wen is really an extremely nice person, with no airs!!" A must have repeated it 10 times. For example:
1. When during Liu Wen's makeup session, someone knocked the door and she actually stopped and opened the door herself
2. When taking photo with Liu Wen, A was planning to take a selfie but Liu Wen refused, saying that she is bad in taking selfies, that her pictures come out bad (very cute Liu Wen), then she passed A's phone to someone else to help them take the photo. In the end, Liu Weh hugged A! It's a hug! They took 2 photos! Two!! I was really envious when I saw A's photos. Liu Wen's image was really amazing, a really commanding presence - I will never forget it. I am sorry I am unable to share [the photos] with everyone. However, this photoshoot is for the Autumn Winter shoe collection, so it should be revealed to everyone soon
PS: Just to let you know, Liu Wen will be flying to London tomorrow for a managzine photoshoot (I felt dismayed to hear this - another long distance flight). Just to share with everyone about our awesome idol. Wishing her and him [picture of a family]


from mun+won weibo...@liddi...please help...he he he

#forever16# 圖1/2 好故事;圖3/4 致可愛的SUJU(單純喜歡,不歪)。(椰樹圖cr. @玥玥玥_chen 奉上感謝[心])

Pic 1/2: A good story   [LW in the audience, SW searching for her then bending over at the railing]
Pic 3/4: The adorable SUJU  (innocent liking, not perverted)


@liddi...here is another one...thank u

原博,请问达人的主要工作是散播谣言么?所谓的爆料不过是极个别人的歪歪!评论里那么多人告诉你不是家,是香港酒店,故意视而不见么?!图4的9秒截图, 确定不是盗图么?盗图+散播谣言的目的是哗众取宠求关注?
#刘雯天涯# 独家大爆料:石榴夫妇真的在一起了。不仅仅是因为表姐低调现身SJ首尔演唱会。始源欧巴献上情歌并表白:Just for u,You know[心]有粉丝向我爆料,刘雯昨天发的微博其实吐露了一个惊天秘密,照片是在崔始源家里拍摄的,刘雯又去欧巴家了!不久崔始源、妹妹和刘雯就同框了,要公开的前奏?

The original poster claimed that Liu Wen not only went to the concert, but she was at Siwon's house, based on the photo Liu Wen posted by the window the day after the concert. This is basically someone telling off the original poster for continuing to spread false rumours about Liu Wen, reiterating that her photo was taken at a hotel in Hong Kong, not his house.


The next article is by JSTV "Let's Fall In Love" program, talking about Liu Wen showing up at the concert and all the details that happened during and after the concert (Siwon singing the 16th song "Lost Stars", what he said after, the so-called wearing of the Tiffany bracelet - they obviously pulled this detail from the internet :P, Kangin pointing towards Liu Wen when Siwon was talking etc), Jiwon's post (which indicates that after Daddy Choi gave Liu Wen 130%, Siwon's sister has also given her stamp of approval for them). The article keeps reinforcing the fact that "This is not part of the filming!" "This is not part of the filming!", and that the filming already ended last month. Basically they are saying that this reflects how real the interactions between the couples on the show are, and that people often forget that celebrities are also real people who have real romances.

If you want me to translate it properly, it will have to wait til later. However, we basically already know all the details like the back of our hand now :P 

thank you very much for your effort and dedication , hugs from Mexico
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This Friday we will very busy. The last episode and Radio Star. I wonder if MC ask SW about LW

After tease our emotion If they say "We are just friend" i don't know how to react:tears:. There's a thing make me bother, the way he hugs her when she say "i love you very much". Just my sensitive

Same here.... I have negative vibes on it but probably Siwon reaction is normal as they say male ego? In the sense that he felt so proud that someone like Liu wen was able to expressed her feelings knowing that she's a shy type person and with lots of cameras focus on them, but lets move on and be optimistic that LOVE CHANGES PEOPLE... That's why I'm so excited for the last episode as I want to find out what exactly happened in Guam. One thing I'm certain.... if the feelings that they confessed or showed with each other are not genuine and only an act or for the show....WOW they deserve best actors awards! Lol 

I think that the feelings Siwon and Liu Wen showed throughout the show were real + genuine. They showed their real emotions/thoughts at that moment. I think when they were watching themselves on the screen last episode, I think a lot of things went through their minds and I think they realized that they went through a lot to get to where they are today. And since the show has already stopped filming, I think the presence of Liu Wen at Super Junior's Concert sends a powerful message or re-confirms what some of their fans think of them.

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Since the show has started, every week seems to feel slower and slower. Sunday, please hurry and arrive soon! 

Liu Wen is genuinely beautiful, inside and out. Here's a video of her work earlier this year for Staccato

[Edit] Thank you @siwonie407 for the reminder that the finale episode will be aired this Friday and not Sunday!



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Since the show has started, every week seems to feel slower and slower. Sunday, please hurry and arrive soon! 

Liu Wen is genuinely beautiful, inside and out. Here's a video of her work earlier this year for Staccato



dont forget the last episode will be airing this friday :D


Edited by siwonie407
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Hmmmmm ... Basing on what I've observed and picked up about Liu Wen, I would have to disagree.. I think she's really not an easy girl . Being a girl who's been single since birth and who's had a lot of "twists and confusions" (the fact that she's been all over the world and met a lot of handsome and wealthy guys), it's not that easy for any guy to break her walls. I strongly believed that a guy like Siwon can only make her fall inlove... His desperation to really connect with her, his impatience, his being too straight-forward and competitive nature, his "Oppa can do anything" attitude but a really good and well-mannered guy, plus his "luck" from above ( Liu Wen being sick at the right time and the right place) all contributed to the seemingly fact that Liu Wen has finally fallen in love( with HIM) :-) 

Just my opinion :-)

Maybe you're right. ;) Okay, probably not just anybody, but I think if the guy didn't look like a toad, is essentially a good guy, and treated her right, Liu Wen might have fallen for him. I don't think she's that hard to please - didn't she say all she wanted was something simple between a man and a woman? There have been certain examples of Siwon's behavior on the show that didn't exactly thrill me, but I'll refrain from saying more since I notice most here think he's a saint who can do no wrong. As for Liu Wen, even looking at her behavior objectively and not as a fan, I can honestly say that it's hard to find fault with a single thing she did on the show.

Of course, the main thing is that I don't need to approve of Siwon; if Liu Wen does then it's all good. :P

well overall we cannot truly trust a man till the day he make a vow of marriage  LOL (including siwon).. :lol:.

It was actually the not-so-good side of Siwon that enabled him to breakdown Liu Wen's wall a little.. He was totally acting like a "bad boy"(immature) on eps 4 to 5.. :D which lead to the very famous COTC.. The good side of him enabled him to finally penetrate. Then the rest is history.:P If it was not Siwon and the guy turned out to be all-too-good.. I doubt we will get the same result, which is a real life dating. I bet we would have just witnessed the usual reality dating show. 



Yessss <3






I haven't logged into Soompi for a long time but this couple is way too cute for me to resist. I read this thread twice today LOL

Thanks everyone for your contribution :P

They looked like kissing! the first photo is different from the one which she kissed him on the cheek ..:o

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Just wondering, how does military service work in Korea?

Will Siwon be able to call Liuwen everyday? Or see her on weekends? =(

He will not be able to not unless he gets promoted to a higher rank will he be able to have limited access to internet and use his phone..

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Guest ghostemmalove

Hmmmmm ... Basing on what I've observed and picked up about Liu Wen, I would have to disagree.. I think she's really not an easy girl . Being a girl who's been single since birth and who's had a lot of "twists and confusions" (the fact that she's been all over the world and met a lot of handsome and wealthy guys), it's not that easy for any guy to break her walls. I strongly believed that a guy like Siwon can only make her fall inlove... His desperation to really connect with her, his impatience, his being too straight-forward and competitive nature, his "Oppa can do anything" attitude but a really good and well-mannered guy, plus his "luck" from above ( Liu Wen being sick at the right time and the right place) all contributed to the seemingly fact that Liu Wen has finally fallen in love( with HIM) :-) 

Just my opinion :-)

Maybe you're right. ;) Okay, probably not just anybody, but I think if the guy didn't look like a toad, is essentially a good guy, and treated her right, Liu Wen might have fallen for him. I don't think she's that hard to please - didn't she say all she wanted was something simple between a man and a woman? There have been certain examples of Siwon's behavior on the show that didn't exactly thrill me, but I'll refrain from saying more since I notice most here think he's a saint who can do no wrong. As for Liu Wen, even looking at her behavior objectively and not as a fan, I can honestly say that it's hard to find fault with a single thing she did on the show.

Of course, the main thing is that I don't need to approve of Siwon; if Liu Wen does then it's all good. :P

well overall we cannot truly trust a man till the day he make a vow of marriage  LOL (including siwon).. :lol:.

It was actually the not-so-good side of Siwon that enabled him to breakdown Liu Wen's wall a little.. He was totally acting like a "bad boy"(immature) on eps 4 to 5.. :D which lead to the very famous COTC.. The good side of him enabled him to finally penetrate. Then the rest is history.:P If it was not Siwon and the guy turned out to be all-too-good.. I doubt we will get the same result, which is a real life dating. I bet we would have just witnessed the usual reality dating show. 



Yessss <3






I haven't logged into Soompi for a long time but this couple is way too cute for me to resist. I read this thread twice today LOL

Thanks everyone for your contribution :P

They looked like kissing! the first photo is different from the one which she kissed him on the cheek ..:o

is there a link episode 12 preview video??? I see the pics but is there a video preview like previous epis

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this is what @bibidep posted earlier..

Welcome to WonWen thread!!!   Here watch this one and see at the middle part where they had the preview you saw the picture taken out from that.  At around the 25:05 minutes.   I think in the chapel either their misunderstanding or the goodbye of the couple leaving each other.    Because I remember @liddi had translated one of the preview saying that misunderstanding almost end up fighting.




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Guest tipanichoi

busy couple...hope one of them give us hints that they're doing face mask time part II while face time-ing :wub:


he lost his balance until slipped after he found lw seated in that section, nervous much siwon? 

THIS fancam is already deleted?? can't view it anymore, huhuhu 

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Guest bibidep

Wow wow so pretty!!!   Oh how can you two look too perfect for each other????









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Guest mywebfoot

This Friday's Radio Star broadcast pics - I am anxious about what they talk about. I think I would rather they didn't talk about LiuWen at all, but I suspect they will. This is the same bunch that queried Teukie about his supposed scandal with TaeYeon a long time ago. 

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Guest bibidep

So So beautiful.....How can we move on with these two if they don't get marry by the end of the year...The Gorgeous Famous Asia couple.









Look at Siwon ear, so red hahah, he nervous I guess.


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Guest Pepsi2015

Siwon always just likes to stand there with his hands in his bum pockets being a bum when Liuwen hugs him...... twice now!! hehehe if I was Liuwen I would want him to have hugged me back tight! >_<


^from the last pic, looks like he did it again! so three times so far now! >_<

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Guest tipanichoi

sooooo maaannnnyyyyyyy photos!!!.. I kennot handle my feelllllss anymore!!..

I really can't wait for episode 12 on friday!... :w00t::D

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Siwon always just likes to stand there with his hands in his bum pockets being a bum when Liuwen hugs him...... twice now!! hehehe if I was Liuwen I would want him to have hugged me back tight! >_<

Always acting cool ;) probably trying to conceal his super beating heart - he always told the interviewer in the black room that his heart was "beating wildly" since episode 1! lol

Gosh, can we just take another moment to look at how Liu Wen looks at Siwon? If that's not real love, I dont know what is. :wub:

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Guest bibidep

This Friday's Radio Star broadcast pics - I am anxious about what they talk about. I think I would rather they didn't talk about LiuWen at all, but I suspect they will. This is the same bunch that queried Teukie about his supposed scandal with TaeYeon a long time ago. 

I thought it today July 15, 2015 at 11:00PM Korean time.  I guess they will question some of his personal life, one question the member will ask him is in his phone now is there any picture that he didn't show to the member.   I can't wait to see what is his answer.

Today is SJ day

17:30 #Devil press conference

21:00 Naver Starcast

23:00 Radio Star

24:00 Music and MV release

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