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[Drama 2015] My Love Eun-dong 사랑하는 은동아


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Sorry folks, some tech funkiness on my end.  Sorry for weird formatting but below are my thoughts on episode 10  


Choi hubby is showing his full on manipulative, mean brand of crazy.  I want to slap EH sister. And God grant that haleomoni a long, blessed life!  
Seo wench is OUT of her mind.  She does not even begin to understand the man she is "in love" with. (I think her last name is actually Jo, maybe first name Seo?, but whatever.)

And as the saying goes, who needs enemies when you have friends like
ED agency director. 

But love DG. Besides covering for EH when he screamed out ED's name and literally made my heart stop (I had to put Viki on pause for like 5 minutes before I could finish that scene), did anyone else notice how he threw his head back in disbelief when Choi hubby asked ED to the stage?  He's sitting in back of EH. At least EH can count on him even if DG does not always do what he is told. 
JJM please, please be careful with those eyes. MLEDers have been saying it all along but ouch- they are dangerous. The flashback with Seo wench when he looks at her across the dining room?  But the press conference!!!  In a split second he changed from THAT gaze on ED (I don't know what to call it "you are the only one here who matters"?) to a completely devilish look at Choi hubby.  Both are killers...

I'm actually afraid though.  We're not going to get 6 episodes of ED EH love fest.  Is someone dreaming up episode 11 preview?. Writernim, where are you taking us?!?
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This episode was just awesome I knew that press conference was going to open up Pandora's box and SR tearing her azz with EH and also him letting Jh and adopted parents know he wasn't backing down..  

Forgot parents were there to hear it too. Awesome sauce...

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PS:  I know these have been posted before but WTH we need a refresher already.

@seungshinl, you had me at translations. But with this, you really know to get to a fangirl's heart. Refresh anytime you want! :D 


Oh no!! I just realized I deleted something I wrote!!! urgh!!!

I think it's easy to tell that JJM is one of my favorites (I guess bias is what people call them in the "k" world). I have very few k-actors that I truly consider myself a fan of their works. I have no time in RL for anything more than that. After having suffered through the painful experience with EK, I am really happy that he picked this drama (or any drama at all - I was afraid he was done with the small screen after that). JJM does the torture lover with a resilient love for just one girl so freaking well. QotG remains my favorite kdrama of his, having watched it over 200 times since it aired about 9 years ago. It remains to be seen if EH/HS and ED can topped that one in my heart. It will depend on the ending - not a reprise of EKs ending for him please! 

I really like how most of JJM's drama characters have this playful side to them. He does EH/HS so well. I'm glad that there are more people getting to know him through this drama (and KSR as well, although a lot of people know her already from SG). The stresses and hardships of life seem to fade away from HS's face whenever he is with ED. It's really cute how HS always gets a little upset with her and throws his small tantrums (verbally or physically), and ED lets him and then she gives him the look and he totally backpedals. He's going be whipped! :wub: kekeke... but also the happiest man alive. I am really hoping that the writer ends this one happily. The Park family just has to be reunited and happy in the end. Please - no deaths!!! I have seen one too many kdramas, so I can come up with a 100 possible scenarios. But I don't want to go there... Writer-nim, hear our pleas. I want those who have done wrong to pay for them. I know that ED and HS are the type to forgive, but at least give them the happiness together that they deserve. Don't make HS give up everything for nothing!! I can't wait for ED to be supporting HS hehe... cause she comes a famous writer. But no matter what, she will always be his 1st and #1 fan and she has always believed in HS and his abilities. (Big difference between how she viewed JH vs how she viewed HS). 

When can HS know about RI??? He is going to be soo mad. I wonder who will find out first - HS or ED? Can we assume that she knows already? 

Someone mentioned that HS should knock up ED a second time. :blink: I like the way you think!! :D I think he should... JH wants to have something to tie ED to him, well, to that I say, Fair Play my man, Fair Play (and in the english meaning of the word). I don't actually think this will happen in the drama, but if JH can think it, then EH should be able to too. HS was very concerned about the fact that ED has a child with another man. Too bad he doesn't know yet that that "another man" is actually himself. --- actually not to get ahead of myself, we don't officially know that RI is HS's kid yet... but it's highly likely. Poor HS... the things he doesn't even know that he's been taken for a big ride and they fleeced him of everything 10 years ago.

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SO I watched ep 10 again LOOOL And decided to screen cap my heart out to show my love for it :D

Personally for me I found the conversation between HS and his sister important. It was great to see that although HS sister loves him, she also wasn't blinded by her love. What I mean by that is that she explicitly told her brother that even if she wanted to support him, she can't because as a doctor, the essence of who she is she can't support him. And the fact that HS was so understanding really showed how strong their relationship was. It's not like she's telling him to stop seeing her but telling her brother earnestly that what his doing will break a family apart and hurt him as well. She has her own opinion and HS respects that.


And it was important for HS for him to know that there is no physical relationship between ED and Choi due to his disability. It's important to him to know that their not having sex because we all know that this act to HS is a physical manifestation of love, desire and passion. Did ya'll see his smirk while he walked away from his sister. LOL his spirit and fighting desire to win ED back of reinvigorated by that tiny but massive piece of information.


The conversation over the phone between ED and HS was just omg. You can see that ED misses him and wants to be with him but she can't because she is Choi's wife and a IR's mother. She can't do anything for herself because she's bounded by her duties for others that have filled his place in that 10 years there was separated. More than anything I think it's IR that's holding her back, but hopefully like all ya'll been saying that with her regaining her memory she can finally figure out that IR's biological dad is HS!


I found it incredibly endearing that fate has allowed ED to meet HS family before he even introduced them to her. For example his sister was ED husband's doctor and his mother goes to the shop she works at to buy clothes for her granddaughter. And I love how they have such good impression of her even though they don't really know her. She just give this vibe that makes people love her.


I can seriously imagine HS dad showering her with love and attention just like a proper dad should when ED and Hs finally get together!


We also get to see HS and SR first meeting. It's obvious that she was infatuated with him since the first time they met and the way he sexily kept glancing at her just made her keep staring back. I don't think he was staring back at her because he liked her, he only stared back because she kept glancing up at him! Though I actually thought he was interested in her when he began to write a note for her and my heart actually dropped because I thought he gave her his number. NOPE LMAO he just made a comment about her hotel's coffee being sucky LOL


The conversation between SR and HS when she was telling him who the event was gave the audience and SR an explicit insight to Hs determination. His ready to fight to death and her interference just made her look super bad in HS eyes.


The epic speech between those two I love it! Seriously one of my favourite scenes.

When HS walked in he was so hot and I loved seeing the different reaction of ED, Choi, ED's parents and SR. 


And he way HS looked for her and when he finally caught her gazed all he did was gave her this intense gaze!


Choi's speech was annoying. I was rolling my eyes the entire time.


The HS came on stage and OWNED him with what he said! I was literally going "THAT'S RIGHT BABE YOU GO GET HER!"


LOOL found this part heart rendering but also hilarious ahahahah His manager cover up is so good! bTD8xLt.png2PxRFAF.pngm3rcvHM.png40CwHh2.pngvccs1MH.jpgCWB533o.png74fwl5q.pngsm3UDO4.png

On a side note, I know there's something happening between these two... but isn't that guy married LOL I remember him saying he was. Oh damn! It would be so ironic if that happens because he keeps telling HS to stop trying to get ED back because she's married. And here he is interested in a girl that ain't his wife LOL



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If Choi can go berserk once with ED right beside him, he could do the same with Ra Il right next to him. That boy is the only excuse Choi has to hold on to JE. But now that ED has regained her memory, I hope she will pack up and leave. Scares me to think what Choi could do to Ra Il. Today I saw the evil Choi. Just that stare fest. His face is disturbing to look at. 

Remember that scene in the book, to me EH is Nello and Ra Il is Patrasche. I'm going way in advance but I gotta a feeling, Choi will harm Ra Il and EH will save his son. Ra Il did say his dad is a superman. That will change Ra Il's feelings towards Choi forever. 

Once again on today's episode, I saw elderly ppl as extras. The Notebook ending did show the leads at old age. Hope this one too we'll get to see. 

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Similarly JH professes via words to JE and the media/public that he loves his wife yada yada yada, but those are merely empty words. It hasn't been shown to us yet that JH has thought once about what was the best for his wife, her feelings and what her heart actually longs for and desires. While the accident injured his lower half, it did not injure his brain. If he has the energy to brilliantly drag on this charade for 10 years, then I think he had it in his power (if he so desired) to have done the right thing. Of course, he had no such desire. There was no gun to his head forcing him to do all these horrible things to JE. He doesn't even know the real her - the girl that is Ji Eun Dong. I have concluded thus far, he does not love JE - he just thinks he does.

Frankly, JH watched ED suffer during the event.  He looked at her, saw her squirm, fidget and look so upset but he merely observed it and did nothing to alleviate her pain.  What kind of love is that?  He knew she was uneasy when she saw EH come in and of course, when SR did her snake-like number on her too.  A man who would coolly observe his loved one in uncomfortable circumstances and be the architect of her misery all in the name of one-upmanship is no man at all.  He lost his ability to move but apparently he also lost any sense of compassion too.

@klgirl,  The man have never had a compassion muscle or bone in his body all he cared about was her obeying his order and he thought he could prove that to EH with the event today but the old ED kick in and let him know he don't control or order her to do anything just her jerking away from him tells the old ED is back and not going to take his crap.. Seems she don;t even want to look at him when he's was in her hospital room from the next episode.. 



@luv2skulz,  Frankly to be honest EH still wasn't aware of what SR was really doing until BG brought it to his attention why would SR sponsor him.. Hopefully BG  will stay on his toes and keep his thinking cap on and to take control of these manipulators the office manager is the one that gets me wanting him to marry a woman just because she loves him he's also another one that don't know the meaning of love and you can tell the girls that slept with him was only to get in a picture or meet EH 

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Guest vvpal

EH calls out "sekkhia" (sic?) quite a few times in the last two episodes. Even though I don't know Korean, it's very clear what it means. Well, familiar terms such as a$$hole and jerk. In the Viki version of episode 10, it was translated "dog bastard", and repeated as many times as EH calling "sekkhia". I nearly fell off my chair and I couldn't be further from an angel.

I'm not picking on Viki because Lord knows millions of K-Drama fans, including myself, are very grateful for their hard work and I'm just using it as an example. Can someone help me understand how these subbing teams work? 

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Gawd, Hyun Soo was right! Eun Dong is quite a fox...lol. A few pages back, there are pictures of their kiss scene for ep 11. In one of the photo, she has her legs/thighs in between his legs... :w00t: while his hand was on her face. I just love how brave and daring she is when she's with him. Playing footsies just to warm up his special anatomy and now one thigh in between....dayum! 

Thank you, Writernim, for not being boring. 

@jadecloud Hope that kiss will electrocute these two!! 

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Gawd, Hyun Soo was right! Eun Dong is quite a fox...lol. A few pages back, there are pictures of their kiss scene for ep 11. In one of the photo, she has her legs/thighs in between his legs... :w00t: while his hand was on her face. I just love how brave and daring she is when she's with him. Playing footsies just to warm up his special anatomy and now one thigh in between....dayum! 

Thank you, Writernim, for not being boring. 

@jadecloud Hope that kiss will electrocute these two!! 

@sooyoungdaebak,  Wasn't she something ED was speeding up the process and she knew just what was needed to marry her angle and nothing was going to stop that ED knew that unprotected sex would lead to pregnancy and knew that PHS would do what's right by her and they love child also ED saw Eh was her way to get away from abusive adopted whom seem to never like her I think he agreed to the wife wanting to adopt just so his wife wouldn't be lonely when he was away on those games..


Well I guy's I have to say I'm proud of us today just from this one episode alone we have managed to move this thread 17 pages.drinking-41.GIF   We all ED and PHS..


Something I've been wondering for a looong time: where and when exactly do they teach boys the art of the wrist grab and the one arm block in SK?  Is it during some sort of pre-military service training?  LOL

@luv2skulz,  I think this proves that JH also have and abusive with Ed he may have been told to do that with her from the abusive adopted dad.. I do think Eh is going to find out about her past with the horrible man and that RA II is his son and go looking for adopted dad.. He really needs to put him and adopted dad on the freeway with adopted pushing him in the fast lane..  I tell you where is the big hyundai truck when you need it    


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Something I've been wondering for a looong time: where and when exactly do they teach boys the art of the wrist grab and the one arm block in SK?  Is it during some sort of pre-military service training?  LOL

Nahhh! I think that when their training for acting, there's a master class in grabbing a woman's arm like a boss. LOL

In saying that some drama watchers don't like the grabbing of the girls arm because it's an aggressive display of man's physique and to them objectifies a woman as a possession where they can grab onto whenever they want. LOL I'm not that type of drama watcher! I find the grabbing of arm and dragging the girl away from in dramas so heart fluttering! 

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I can't believe there are people who think Eun Ho was the guy that came between Choi Jae Ho and Eun Dong. Saying Eun Dong was his girlfriend first. Are these people blind? She was not Choi Jae Ho's girlfriend. She was the girl Choi Jae Ho obsessed over and had her abusive adopted father force her to see him. Did they not see Eun Dong was the one that went looking for Eun Ho?

For any blind fool who think otherwise, Eun Dong was never his and she was the one that went looking for Eun Ho.

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@seungshinl,  The 4th still from the top is ED dress giving us a hint.. LOL  I just love how it's raised up is that the green light for PHS ..  The sly fox she's had the poor man on hold all these years don't tease don't tease..


Good night all it's after midnight in my world..

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