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[Drama 2015] My Love Eun-dong 사랑하는 은동아


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It is quite clear that the adopted father had planned out everything. The fact that he banked on RI as the last straw to keep JE from leaving JH. No matter what, in his mind, he thinks that RI is the trump card and for any mother, it really is. The manipulative beep!! Using a child like that under the guise of saying it's best for both the child and JE. That part disgusts me the most. 


I agree with you this appears to be the father's thinking.  Which makes me wonder.  Could it be that the father really believes Jae Ho is the real father of Ra il.  Otherwise how could he bank on it with such certainty and conviction?  If he knows JH's not his father he has to think there is at least a slim chance his banking on it could be a problem.  Just putting it out there.

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Staff record of Episode 8 shooting

[photo deleted]

이날은 사랑하는 은동아 최대 위기였어요..
지나가는 행인의 관심과 노래와 기타를 심하게 좋아하는 2인이 있어 힘들었던 하루 였어요.(가끔 이런 상황들이 발생하죠 ㅋ)
두배우의 감정씬인데 오디오 관계상 힘들었어요
조금 조용한 가운데 찍을려고 하면 기타 좋아하는 아저씨가 찾아왔고 조금 조용해서 찍을려고 하면 비가 너무 많이 와 처마밑에 앉아 대기 할수 밖에 없는 상황이였어요 
이번주 방송이라 돌아갈수없는 상황ㅜㅜ
느낌 아시죠? 
이날 새벽 3시를 넘긴상황이였어요
사랑하는 은동아에서는 있을 수 없는 상황 이었지요 감독님 콘티가 정확하셔서 밤새는 경우가 드물거든요ㅋ
(감독님왈 시청률 2%도 안넘고 촬영 시간 12시도 못넘기니깐 12시 넘게 찍어야 시청률 오르려나 ㅋㅋ)


This was a high risk time for 'My Love Eun Dong'

The interest among the passers by and two people who were really into singing and playing the guitar (things like this happens once in a while k)

It was an emotional scene between the two lead actors but this posed a real audio problem

When we found it 'quite' and tried to film 'guitar ajussi' came around, when another 'quiet' time came around it started raining so much we had to escape the rain under the eve troughs

It was for this week's episode so we could not give up hh

You can guess the feeling right?

We went way past 3 am that night.

This was a highly unusual situation for MYED because the PDnim's coordination is very precise so we rarely work over night kk

(PD-nim joked 'since we don't get over 2% or work over 12 hours do we need to work over 12 hours to get over 2%? kk)

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Yes, I think she will be the one to initiate the 3D2N Part II.

Because she already knows that this man and his love is now the only real thing in her life. He is the only person she can rely on.

He is the bridge between her past and her present (and her future for that matter).

And since you've mention it I want to insert this here.  Perhaps her memory will come back and prove to her what she speculated to JH when EH called her out but didn't meet with her.  Before she knew she was JED.  May be she will learn she was/is also head over heals in love with him. 


Remember in their 20's it was ED who gave EH the permission for their relationship to advance forward which led them to the phone booth, the first night and the 2D3N!


In Korean she literally says 'you can increase the speed'.  ha !


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That "clue" of the possibility Ra-il being EH's son is annoying to me because that gesture is a habit, it's not hereditary. It makes no sense for them to have the same habit when they never even met each other before. This method is used a lot in movies and TV but honestly, it's nonsense and lazy of the writers/directors. An allergy or any other medical condition would be better. /end rant

I've always believed people's gestures were a habit, a learned behaviour, rather than born (genetic) until I saw the way Prince William of England would have his head and eyes 'down' and look up in the exact same way as how his mother Princess Diana used to do.  I learned there that some of these gestures are not habits or learned but they are genetic inclinations.  Since then I've noticed a lot of regular people behave exactly like their genetic relations in so many unlikely ways.  Scary but true.

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OK, time for some side fun. I did some research into the movie HS is watching toward the end of Ep. 1, at about the 49-50 minute mark.

[photo deleted]

It's way too long for a post here, but I invite you to check it out on my blog.  Thanks! 

Edit. -- Updated with more info 

I read your blog, you are connecting so many dots there, by God, the mind of a FF writer.  KSR with her hair up was a Goddess and JJM really looked Hollywood in BW movies of the 50s.

You didn't mention it (may be it doesn't fit) so I don't know if you caught that but in ELLE interview KSR mentions that a boy from her class told her she looked like the female lead of the movie Comrade:  Almost a Love Story.  I looked up the name of the actress but couldn't find it under 'Korean name' now I see that she was an Chinese actress. Didn't know it was a Chinese movie either since the actress had a Koreanized name Jang Man Ok.

Here is what she said about her:

Kim Sa Rang ‘ I am who I am ‘


It took a while but I am happy to return with a melodrama after a long time away.  I loved the script. It is not a common love story.  An analogue love story.  I enjoy watching romantic comedies and melo movies.  One of my favourite movies is ‘chom-mil-mil (Almost love story) [http://ontvkorea.com/?p=4413]


By coincidence we filmed a teaser to pay homage to the movie as a part of the promotion of this drama.  Joo Jin Mo-ssi and I re-enacted the famous ending scene of the move so I enjoyed it very much.  


I think I was in second grade.  I visited a boy’s home from my class and he handed me a note when I was leaving.  It said, ‘Sa Rang-a, your face is nice and pale and you look like Jang Man Ok.’  How did a grade school boy know of Jang Man Ok?  I didn’t know who she was at the time and when I saw how she looked later the little child in me was a little disappointed.  When I think of it now it really was an enormous compliment.



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@seungshinl SO glad we have you in this room cos you helped us understand so many things that lost in translations and explained so many things too. Thank you! I've always wondered how that fish bread tastes and now I know. 

@jadecloud and other Eundongers, I'm glad y'all enjoyed my last post. :D Don't ask how passionate their 30s lovemaking would be cos this mind of mine is already writing its own EH and ED's bang bang till death 2.0 version. This time not only unicorns will sing, they will see stars and unicorns singing and dancing to Bang Bang Bang song while banging pots and pans. :P Poor EH, he told that rich girl he could sleep with her and satisfy his needs but he's afraid he might like it and forget about ED. Gawd, I love how the writer made him so normal, he's a man with needs too and he could get any women. But he chose to preserve himself for ED. Fighting, EH sshi! You're so close to copulation...himnae! 

Not to make ppl think I'm weird, I didn't watch this drama just for bang bang. It's really such a beautiful love story which if ends well, it will go down as one of my favorites that I would rewatch again and again. I blame JJM intense eyes and charisma to making imagination run wild... :P 

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According to JJM Chinese Fan Club...credits as tagged. Date of sightings 2015-6-22.

What do you think? Come on and throw some thots out 

OMG. Friday, COME NOW! MLED...Indeed a poppy-like addiction.

Honestly?  Thus is the power of attraction between this OTP I don't think I can handle any skinship between these two on screen.  Even a kiss.  Their words seduce me completely.  

I've tried my hardest to read the writing on that banner, zooming in on it and everything and I really can't make them out;

On top it says something like 'Beginning (Launching) of Hope ... ???'

Night of Support for '???.......... (something that sounds like a romanized Korean of a foreign title - could be a French title?  Not recognizable English title it appears)

@seungshinl  Honestly? Not even a kiss? LOL. Arasso-yo. 

I think for the sake of many of our health (esp me LOL), there better be at least a kiss or skinship of some kind soon. But, even just a hug will no longer suffice, since they're so explosively sizzling as a couple, and the good work of the PDs/writernim in building this seductive suspense so magically, the thot and sight of them STILL BEING KEPT APART in any way, for whatever reason, just 'kills me'! I want them to find the true them and 'get buried under ground' again. I need Eun Ho to be compensated for his 20 years of yearning and waiting, and Eun Dong to be removed from that 'sorry excuse of a family', with Ra Il in tow. 

And above that, which is just for MLE and just acting, I think a real sizzling kiss or more, that could be the catalyst for their latent attraction for each other to be brought to the fore. They could really transform into a beautiful k-ent power couple. Not a bad thing at all.

About the banner, thank you for zooming and trying :)

The C-netz are speculating -- one version is that Eun Ho is holding a presscon to reveal to the public the big news of having found his love Eun Dong; and another version is, seeing a word of 'hope' like you did, they think it could be a fund-raising event for some kind of 'hope' charity. I guess we'll soon find out.

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Episode 8 reviewcap/opinion :)

Episode 8 Recap: My Love Eun Dong (2015)

HoDongThenAndNowIf i am reading your mind correctly, you desperately want it to rain during the very beginning of the 9th one after the gracious ending of the 8th episode. It is about time the rain gradually embraces their lives anew, adorning them with that kind of warmth only they know; the way it did 20 and 10 years ago. The water had always been their very own element with the pouring rain always bringing them together or tearing them apart. And this time it’s going to be even more heartfelt but twice as vicious in the shadow of the circumstances as the magic steadily surrenders under the sleepless stare of reality.

Read more here: https://dramajjang.wordpress.com/2015/06/22/episode-8-recap-my-love-eun-dong-2018/ (never mind the 2018, put it by mistake in the title before posting the article xD )

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@seungshinl SO glad we have you in this room cos you helped us understand so many things that lost in translations and explained so many things too. Thank you! I've always wondered how that fish bread tastes and now I know. 

@jadecloud and other Eundongers, I'm glad y'all enjoyed my last post. :D Don't ask how passionate their 30s lovemaking would be cos this mind of mine is already writing its own EH and ED's bang bang till death 2.0 version. This time not only unicorns will sing, they will see stars and unicorns singing and dancing to Bang Bang Bang song while banging pots and pans. :P Poor EH, he told that rich girl he could sleep with her and satisfy his needs but he's afraid he might like it and forget about ED. Gawd, I love how the writer made him so normal, he's a man with needs too and he could get any women. But he chose to preserve himself for ED. Fighting, EH sshi! You're so close to copulation...himnae! 

Not to make ppl think I'm weird, I didn't watch this drama just for bang bang. It's really such a beautiful love story which if ends well, it will go down as one of my favorites that I would rewatch again and again. I blame JJM intense eyes and charisma to making imagination run wild... :P 

@sooyoungdaebak Agree. Agree. And agree. :) You're anything else but weird. Who can resist a JJM at his peak performance? Me neither. And I'd like to add KSR as well! Truly a perfect CP in every way!

And...OMG! I just downloaded the mp3 file of Big Bang's song, hoping to use it for a 2.0 ver vid. If inspiration hits, that is :)



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Quote @jadecloud :even just a hug will no longer suffice, since they're so explosively sizzling as a couple, and the good work of the PDs/writernim in building this seductive suspense so magically, the thot and sight of them STILL BEING KEPT APART in any way, for whatever reason, just 'kills me'! I want them to find the true them and 'get buried under ground' again. I need Eun Ho to be compensated for his 20 years of yearning and waiting. 

Me: YES!!! *fist bump*  Gawd, a 20 seconds kiss on the last episode will make me smash my laptop and curse writernim especially after all these anticipation building and building. Aigoo....jaebbal writernim, these characters are in their 30s. Let the tree and ground meet again!! 

And Jadecloud, you crack me up for downloading Big Bang's song! Lol...inspiration will soon hit, chingu yah...kikiki. I have faith in writernim. ;) 

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The book of poems that HS had and memorized "Fate" , ep 2, ED asked to have it. She kept the pic of herself together with the book. If she still has it it may jog her memory.

Also the scene where they are hugging on the bridge. You see the blurry profile of someone watching them. Perhaps JH?.  

I believe he intentionally called her his fiance during the press conference. When ED was talking to her classmate before the movie date she asked her what she wanted from HS. ED said "marriage". She was willing to work to help support HS as long as they were married. So as had been mentioned by someone in the forum, they promised to marry during the 3d2n trip. IMO.  

Love all the comments. Thank you seongshil for your hard work



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I am trying to hold myself back cause I have been disappointed many times in dramas. Still no kiss for our OTP after ep 8!!! This truly is a conundrum. How can they get past all those judging eyes? (including mine)... which is why I was trying to come up with a faster solution to their issues. It's ep 8 already and those liars and cheaters are still going strong. In fact, they are getting stronger by the minute. So it would be helpful for EH and ED to spend at least 10 minutes of those 2N3Ds to discuss how to expose the scammers for who they are. EH is definitely going to get blindsided by them.

He needs to step back and look at the overall and the future instead of just the here and now. I can understand how difficult it can be when she's right there in front of him. But for the sake of getting ED free - totally free is going to be a massive undertaking. 

Someone mentioned a scandal, which I also thought about before everything got erased from my post when I tried to post it. The only reason I would be worried about EH getting into a scandal at this point is because I think money (and lots of it) will actually come in handy up against both SR and those 3 others. At least, it would level out the playing field btw SR and EH (if by chance they were up against each other). They can't throw money around and use it as a weapon as easily since EH has it. Even with a scandal, I supposed he could always sell one of his fancy cars LOL. With all kidding aside, I think having money and power is important too (even if it's not the end all be all). These 4 (SR + the 3) are a force to be reckoned with. They have the upper hand right now, and show no signs of letting go. They need to start fighting fire with fire. The love part is really great!! And I love it too... but the older one gets, the more complicated things are, the higher the stakes. It's going to take a lot of strength and even more endurance than probably all 20 years of separation required. EH definitely needs to get wiser and smarter with his actions. He has ED and possibly a son that he needs to protect cause we all know, we cannot leave the protection up to those "3". Fighting!!!!

oh... and also show us just how much you love ED, Park Hyun Soo =) Wink wink... a kiss simply will not do! However, I must keep my expectations in check. But this is cable!!

Again, having watched years and years of dramas, I know a scene where EH has to "give up" (at least temporarily) ED is coming up. I just know it. I really don't want that to happen. 

.... more to come.

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OK, time for some side fun. I did some research into the movie HS is watching toward the end of Ep. 1, at about the 49-50 minute mark.

[photo deleted]

It's way too long for a post here, but I invite you to check it out on my blog.  Thanks! 

Edit. -- Updated with more info 

I read your blog, you are connecting so many dots there, by God, the mind of a FF writer.  KSR with her hair up was a Goddess and JJM really looked Hollywood in BW movies of the 50s.

You didn't mention it (may be it doesn't fit) so I don't know if you caught that but in ELLE interview KSR mentions that a boy from her class told her she looked like the female lead of the movie Comrade:  Almost a Love Story.  I looked up the name of the actress but couldn't find it under 'Korean name' now I see that she was an Chinese actress. Didn't know it was a Chinese movie either since the actress had a Koreanized name Jang Man Ok.

Here is what she said about her:

Kim Sa Rang ‘ I am who I am ‘


It took a while but I am happy to return with a melodrama after a long time away.  I loved the script. It is not a common love story.  An analogue love story.  I enjoy watching romantic comedies and melo movies.  One of my favourite movies is ‘chom-mil-mil (Almost love story) [http://ontvkorea.com/?p=4413]


By coincidence we filmed a teaser to pay homage to the movie as a part of the promotion of this drama.  Joo Jin Mo-ssi and I re-enacted the famous ending scene of the move so I enjoyed it very much.  


I think I was in second grade.  I visited a boy’s home from my class and he handed me a note when I was leaving.  It said, ‘Sa Rang-a, your face is nice and pale and you look like Jang Man Ok.’  How did a grade school boy know of Jang Man Ok?  I didn’t know who she was at the time and when I saw how she looked later the little child in me was a little disappointed.  When I think of it now it really was an enormous compliment.


@shamrockmom Interesting blog inspired by 10s Hyeon Soo watching Tian Mi Mi. Enjoyed it. Thank you :)  

This is neat. I've thus far only seen kdramas/movies being subbed in chinese/english, but now seeing the opp done to a chinese movie is pretty refreshing. And the subs aren't in hanja but hangul! I could not resist and watched Tian Mi Mi once again. A trilingual movie at that. What a treat! :) Thanks for the link @seungshinl.

Just curious...I wonder why KSR, the lil her, was disappointed? Was she already looking at 'beauty and being beautiful' in her second grade? I can only deduce that the young KSR didn't think the young Maggie Cheung was a pretty girl/a good actress.  

張曼玉 Maggie Cheung Man Yuk is a gorgeous, well-known, awards-adorned actress who hails from Hong Kong. Almost all of her movies are awesome. She remains one of my fave actresses of her generation. It seems writernim and CPnim are huge fans of hers too :) 


Back to Tian Mi Mi, the movie. Some of you prob knew this...there was a plan to remake Tian Mi Mi into a kdrama. The female and male leads were chosen and confirmed. I was excited about the news. But sadly, things took a bad turn and later it was canned. What a pity! RIP PYH.






CR: As tagged



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There are many moments in this drama where I just wanna hug Writernim for giving me what I had in mind. One part that grabs me is the part when ED sat down with her adopted mom. She asked her a question and mom refused to answer. And ED said let me rephrase the question and asked again, and mom still won't answer. And ED kept pushing on and rephrase her question the third time....that scene, KSR was brilliant. That controlled emotional look was just awesome. My heart breaks for her. Like someone or a couple of you here said, let's keep ED bold and strong. For a change, I want to see a Kdrama actress stay this way till the end. Keep her real. That's the charm of this drama for me. 

When ED said to her stylist friend, make me look sexy/pretty and later on she walked in with that expensive outfit for dinner with EH, I did go, "Omg, so pretty!" It's so realistic. And during their first unexpected dinner together, she was wearing plain clothes thinking she's meeting only the manager, when she saw EH, she reacted like how I would have reacted. Like, "O.m.g, I'm meeting this top star looking like this...gawd I'm not dressed up, ahhh so embarrassing! Wae now??"  :D  Sigh....I'm gonna go recruit my friends to watch this drama...lol. 

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She is a very beautiful actress *__* I hope that we'll have a kiss scene after all 'cause in this drama there are all people married and with experience :D She never slept with Choi husband, her only bed experience was with EH so i wish to see a romantic kiss scene or a romantic bed scene *__*

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WOW Thank you @seungshinl It's a great honor we have you in this thread to translate and explain those we don't know. Many many thanks to you!

@sooyoungdaebak Love your comments on that bang bang scene. I laughed really loud. Cute!

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