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[Drama 2015] My Love Eun-dong 사랑하는 은동아


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(2)    Virgin Status --- undocumented ---Hearsay Report only ---  (Most likely 2 virgins),

(3)    Window for Conception ---  Time available on typical 3day/2night vac. =  24 hrs   (check-in 9 am fri & check-out 9 am Sun)   VACATION DATES:  ______? 


Later, as I fell so far behind the comments on Episode 8,  I came upon @ninaanin's comment regarding the 10 year old son Eun Ho does not know exists. If he was emotional in Epi.8, how will he even survive learning he's been a father for the past decade? That scenario is so hot the very thought of it SIZZLES!    :w00t:    But back to my online escapes ___ calculate the # of hours in a 3day/2night vacation in Nahmae, usual check in/out hours, many sites about Jesus's Crucifixion  & time in tomb prior  to His Resurrection, ,research on shift work schedules, definitions of virgin medically, through the ages, and in major religions, conception in human female, viability of sperm in a woman's reproductive tract (3 to 5 days), conception in female most likely about 5 days a month when ovulation occurs, Conception Calculator:...Calculate date you were conceived. of your conception.,   :crazy:


@mdj101,  Hi, I just love reading all the comments in this thread that always have my mind speculating on all kinds of what if.. But according to what I had calculated I think ED got pregnant the first night she stayed out with PHS when she and he went on they trip to the mountains she was already pregnant.. I believe within the time frame of the accident that took place 3 days later may have been a little to soon to tell but if it was discovered the time of the accident when she had arrived at the hospital and they ran tests on her most likely it happen the first night she stayed out.. It was the first out for both her and PHs they was both virgins and kind of still is technically speaking either one hasn't had another partner since then but even if the above calculation is true it's no way the child could be any other mans son but PHs/EH..


It just makes scared when he discover this fact because what was done to him ED and his son.. It wasn't none of adopted dad decision or business to make arrangements for his son without consulting him for approval.. SMH      



Here are some more thoughts as I posted that EH needs to get it together and start doing more into figuring out what happened to ED. Having watched over a decades worth of kdramas, my spidey sense tells me that the first person to undercover the true lies btw JH and the adopted parents toward ED is going to be Chaebol heiress SR. Then it's quite possible that she will join forces with them and throw her weight in money around in order to keep up the deception and keep EH apart from ED. There are so many forces around keeping EH and ED apart. EH needs to start smarting up in order to win against these forces. He has to get out ahead of them cause he's always two steps behind it feels. 

I say this as well because love in our 20s is different from love in our 30s. The older we get, the more that is at stake. 

After twenty years, it's going to take a lot more for them to be together than ever! I hope we can see soon, how ED and EH can join forces together to prove those wrong who want to separate them. I hope it's not a lot of the two of them "fighting" each other like most dramas do. 

While life may have been super unfair to JH with his disability, I still believe in the you reap what you sow. What did he expect when he came between them? Why do they owe him something? The only way he can redeem himself in my eyes is that he makes things right and let's go of what was not his to begin with. Seriously, ED is not the only women out there. I think he hurt himself the most. Since he didn't let ED go back then, he cheated himself out of a truly happy life with a wife that would have truly loved him. That's the true travesty for him. 

@junkietiger14,  I also think CEO SR will join forces with them and try and get them to leave the country again even if it means paying they living expenses and JH medical care it's a tax write off for her has she calls it charity..  I also think they will tell Ed it's a special program JH was accepted in because if ED knows if it's coming from her she wouldn't accepted and will tell JH to go by himself.. Also your are right they only way he can redeem himself if he don't have guts enough to tell ED at least tell Eh it would go along way then him finding out what they did.. Maybe just maybe these two can come to some kind of arrangement about RA II and what's best for him because right now nothing that's going on now is good for him at all..


What's interesting for me is when ED call Choi, "Ra Il Appa". To me there's no doubt EH is Ra Il's biological father since ED and EH practically bang bang each other till death for two days! Choi was there when Ra Il was born and till now so he is the only dad the boy knows. You can't break that bond. 

I try to hate Choi but I can't. He may be infatuated with ED before the accident and since ppl in the drama think he was "protecting her" during the accident, I think he was up to no good when it happened. When he woke up paralyze, his mom may be distraught and ED's dad knowing ED has amnesia, he got them married. 

One fact though, ED, Choi and Ra Il did go to America. That's where EH's manager's cousin met her. And Ra Il's teacher did asked ED to send him to an International school. 

Me trying to piece the puzzles together...hehe :crazy:

@sooyoungdaebak,  That time they were living in America was purposely done taking ED out of her familiar surroundings so that her memory loss would last longer and take longer for her to recover so they thought that book she wrote and her feeling a sense of connection to the story started her to having flashback right now everything is like a puzzle and all the pieces hasn't been all laid out but once they are she will then be able to understand more clearly by putting them together..   


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@sooyoungdaebak thank you for "practically bang bang each other till death for two days" hahahaha

I'm just waking up and laughed so hard when I read that it jolted me awake.  I don't know if actor/writer can say it this way on Korean cable TV but that's exactly what EH meant!

@valsava the level of interference in this story is beyond. ED family did not just remove EH from ED memory, but EVERYTHING. They made up her childhood til now.  She does not even know those are not her birth parents, where she used to live, what she likes to eat, etc. And if RI is EH son... So wrong What they did to EH too.  I view both Choi and Director as desperately doing anything they can to hold on to what they see as theirs. I cannot distinguish between their actions/interference In past or present, or feel sympathy for one and over the other.  Yes, it is sad to love someone so much one-sided. That's the only piece I can understand. 

@junkietiger14 yes! Please let them stick together!!!  If anyone watched KMHM that OTP was so awesome for this very reason. Also, I hope EH does not put too much pressure on ED and cause problems between the two of them. He is light years ahead of her in feelings and what a burden trying to Reciprocate for someone with such intense emotion when you are trying to sort things out. 

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A few pages ago, I asked the question if ED 20's did any effort to find HS... Well, I had a hard time falling asleep last night, and of course there's my brain hooked onto MLE... I came up with this answer to my own question:

-At first, I honestly thought ED 20s hadn't done anything on her part to find HS; that it was only our loved heroe HS doing all the job... but...

(Sorry don't know how to screencapture, nor have the time to start learning now)

Episode 1: Minute 52.26 HS riding the subway... she's there also riding the subway. When I first watched the episode I took this scene as the classic scene of "so close yet so far" kind of thing... When I carefully watched, I don't think that was the idea. She does take a glimpse of him. He has no idea she's there.

Episode 1: Minute 53.21 pasting the posters... again she's there passing by with a friend. And again she does take a glimpse of him.

HS joins the military and he's placed as a Civil Servant at City Hall. ED's legal name is now Jeung Eun and this is how she's registered in the University. 

Episode 2: Minute 8.22 "My name is Ji Eun Dong" says ED to her elderly students, even though her now legal name is Jeung Eun. And guess where is she teaching at? City Hall!!! Same place where Hyun Soo is doing his Civil Service. This is why she introduced herself with her original name, not her new one. See:

Episode 2: Minute 8.52 Conversation between Hyun Soo and his supervisor "that young teacher came to see the City Counsellor, so the class was revived" At this moment, Hyun Soo doesn't know that the young teacher is Eun Dong...but she did what she could so she would be easy to be found by him...

So, after investigating all this, I've come to the conclusion the bike accident was not an accident. It was Eun Dong's effort to run into Hyun Soo and re-connect with him. I feel so much better knowing that our heroine was also doing her best to find him... And maybe her other knee bruises, where previous failed attempts to run into him...kekekeke

So if anyone wants to do the mentioned screen captions and post them here, that would be awesome!  

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i ask first an apology because im not good of reviewing and giving insight of the k-drama.. but i think @mdj101 some of the dates are mis calculated ( im sorry) because if you calculated of 2008  RA Il is still 7 years old... ED and EH meet again in 2005 i hope not mistaken.. i think RA born in 2005 and now is 2015... exactly RA Il is 10 years old... i come up for this conclusion because i have a son born june 2005 and he is now 10 years old... hahahahah..:wub: just for clarification.... thanks... take care @mdj101....

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Basic K-drama rules:  time space continium does not apply.  Peripheral vision is not possible.  So, just let the writers unbundle the confusion right at the end.  Sister doctor will do the DNA test and clear up everything.  Psycho "kitty"  , for PP ease (replace with the other word for kitty starts with a "p" like richard simmons cat, will join stalker psycho dad and husband to try to stop them.  But, she should not have told sister doctor, because she will get to the truth.  She is a justice crusader, not of the psycho variety.  

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@sooyoungdaebak thank you for "practically bang bang each other till death for two days" hahahaha

I'm just waking up and laughed so hard when I read that it jolted me awake.  I don't know if actor/writer can say it this way on Korean cable TV but that's exactly what EH meant!

@valsava the level of interference in this story is beyond. ED family did not just remove EH from ED memory, but EVERYTHING. They made up her childhood til now.  She does not even know those are not her birth parents, where she used to live, what she likes to eat, etc. And if RI is EH son... So wrong What they did to EH too.  I view both Choi and Director as desperately doing anything they can to hold on to what they see as theirs. I cannot distinguish between their actions/interference In past or present, or feel sympathy for one and over the other.  Yes, it is sad to love someone so much one-sided. That's the only piece I can understand. 

@junkietiger14 yes! Please let them stick together!!!  If anyone watched KMHM that OTP was so awesome for this very reason. Also, I hope EH does not put too much pressure on ED and cause problems between the two of them. He is light years ahead of her in feelings and what a burden trying to Reciprocate for someone with such intense emotion when you are trying to sort things out. 

@luv2skulz,  The problem is adopted dad is banking on EH not finding out about RA II and said if he do what can he do this man has no clue or a thought of what could happen as long JH keep a tight hold on RA II he will keep ED. Adopted dad did contemplate the part of her memory returning but when it dose she would actually believe that she was the cause of the accident and stay out of guilt of him raising another mans child..  This plan has to many loose end and in the end Adopted parents and JH will loose it all because I think ED will take Ra II and leave she will disappear with the kid because how could she face EH..  This is why I agree with whoever posted that Eh needs to step up is game if plan to protect ED until all her memories return if not he will loose her again..         

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June 21, 2015  at 6:00 PM EDT

Happy Father's Day!

So many priceless comments here after Episode 8.  I love the latest definition of "to death" by @sooyoungdaebak , "bang, bang....to death for two days"!  That sound like exactly what Eun Ho meant!  He  remembers it vividly and we get the picture, too!  And even @seungshinl  commented  on the changing onscreen representations of the ultimate physical intimacy having moved past hand-holding, chaste lip-bumps, and the symbolic picture of the icy cold snow couple's kisses.  Thank you also for reminding me that they were in America long enough to meet the Manager's  cousin!   Wouldn't we like to know more about that period of time, too.

@valsava:... Thank you for your perfect calculation of Eun Dong's Conception Date!  You nailed it.  I must have not been paying close attention to the first night she didn't go home.  They really had such a short amount of time together.

And @ junkietiger14, You are onto something with the Rich Chaebol RA likely cooking up a scheme involving sending Choi to America for advanced treatment.  As a paralyzed patient, he may be interested, or be referred by his kind Rehab. Doctor, to Christopher Reeve's Foundation in the US.  Christopher Reeve was famous as the actor known for his film portrayal of Superman.  His organization funds ongoing  research into the use of epidural stimulation to improve function in spinal cord injured patients.  See it here:... http://www.reevebigidea.org/    If the link fails, just look it up --- simpy amazing.  See the Reeve's Foundation here:...  www.christopherreeve.org   (not even .gonna try a "link").  Actually, lots of research & development of electronic assistance to get paralyzed pts. on their feet and walking right near home ---Japan is already using a prototype with patients. 

@docster6 :.... Scanning past Episodes, marking  time-stamp on scenes of special interest, saying a whole lot about the wonderful quality od the entire drama, doesn't it!.   Bet we are not the only ones captivated by this drama!  ^_^

@j823 :... I'm amazed that you even waded through al those calculations.  You are probably correct, since one thing I am certain about is that My  simplest arithmetic calculations can be depended upon to to be either wrong, or at  best  still be slightly off by some digits!    So predictable that I NEVER count  what a bank teller gives me!  But I do check the change a cashier gives me in a regular store!   9 I'll look at that again later ---I knew it would be a problem!  I re-did it lots of times.  So funny!  I'm not surprised, and my feelings didn't get hurt either!     :rolleyes:  Thank you.  You seem as compulsive as I am about reading everything and checking out all the "links" here!

SPOILER ---   OK to Skip --- Commentary R/T My "Mini Lost K-drama Week End"  Experience.


Catching up ( now done p.144) and jumping forward to p.149.  I was never so disoriented after doing  2days/1 night  without sleep before!   I've done it for years and years!    And I'm convinced that the quality of the drama and the relationships with all of you here in the forum,  ( plus some incidental Real World "stuff", and we all have our RL "stuff"), made  a little unexpected, unpredictable "perfect storm", a little  "bump" I never saw coming in my otherwise quiet, ordinary retirement.  And being "retired", as opposed to being a wildly rich heiress, or an antisocial recluse/hermit, is the very reason I can  devote so much time now to all the dramas I want!     :w00t: 

How Strange it was!  Feels better., now that I know what was happening.    Hmmm.....Is this a new area for Specialized Psychotherapy? I may be on to something,  Really!!.  

At any rate, I am aware that I feel "like my old self", now.  So whatever that was, it's over.

PS:... Of course, you have only MY WORD that I'm NOT crazy!  But if I am, I'm doing a great job fooling folks all around me.   Maybe I should try acting with an amateur theater group around here!   Hah!  B)


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Besides all the tension, I can't escape the sexual tension between these two. The EH and ED in the 20s have that pure bang bang cos it's a first for both of them and while she remembered the details of their coupling, eg: the music that was playing in the background, EH was more absorbed on how he has her in his arms, feel her against him, and have her all to himself. He even said he could barely paid any attention cos he was "buried deep in the ground". That was smart of the writer if you get the gist...hehe. That two days are so magical for him that he couldn't stop wanting her, missing her, loving her and craves for her. And everytime he comes real close to her and stares into her face, I remember the time he kissed her all over her face and lips at that park. I'm sure EH wish he could wrap her up in his arms and not let her go. Now if this is American tv, I'm sure the 30s coupling will be real hot and intense. Poor guy waited so long...hahahaha. Ok, sorry for sounding byeontae but I just can't ignore this tension between them that makes me get butterflies in my stomach every time he comes real close to her. :) 

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@shamrockmom:... Thank you so much!  That Essay  on the parallels between MLE and the film, COMRADE: ALMOST A LOVE STORY was so delightful, amazing, and funny, all at once!  And it's all hidden under those three little words  "check it out" (p.149) --- SO DARNED MODEST of you.!   What if only we compulsive "checkers" find it and everybody else misses it?  What a shame that would be!     :(

(See the film on this Youtube poster's site:  Filmgeek Domain)

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Prove me wrong but I don't think I have ever seen another Korean Drama in which the line "great body" was used so often. Yes, I get it, Kim Sa Rang was Miss Korea in the year 2000, so she must have a great body for that. But when I watched the drama I watched her emotion on display and she dressed conservatives like an Ahjamma that is 33 years old. I think it must be the obsession of the PD (probably not the writer) that those lines were included. Of course, before EH and ED even met during the recent episodes, the description of Pretty Writer was that she is pretty, has kind eyes and a great body. During their first dinner date set up by Manager Ko, EH told ED he was nervous meeting such a pretty writer with kind eyes and great body. ED asked, "did he really say that?" After EH met ED and was thoroughly impressed, he asked KDG for confirmation if he thinks ED were pretty. Manager again referred to her great body and EH stopped him, "yah, stop looking at her body." Finally, the most comedic lines were from the just-fired female manager, "why me, I can see, the difference in the face (meaning ED is prettier)." But then she said, "and the body (meaning ED has a great body)." Aish, my head kept spinning why so many references to Kim Sa Rang's great body. But I am happy for the actress, I think her reputation has been that she is a sexy actress from all the youtube videos I have encountered. But this drama could put her into the class that she could actually act well. Before this 2015 drama, her previous one was in 2010. Also, this drama is on cable, so she hasn't reached the big time network yet. I am pulling for her big time, fighting!

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@shamrockmom:... Thank you so much!  That Essay on the parallels between MLE and the film, COMRADE: ALMOST A LOVE STORY was so delightful, amazing, and funny, all at once!  And it's all hidden under those three little words  "check it out" --- SO DARNED MODEST of you.!   What if only we compulsive "checkers" find it and everybody else misses it?  What a shame that would be!     :(

(See the film on this Youtube poster's site:  Filmgeek Domain)

I just updated the post with new info--now I have 2 movies to watch this week!   The parallels are simply amazing.

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@docster6 : ...  Re: "the great body" references. and Kim Sa Rang.

Oh my gosh!  What a can of worm your innocent observation opened up in my head!  So funny as I thought about the idea you brought up.

Could it have a little bit of something to do with how gender affects what a person perceives?   Even when we all look at the same image?  For example, I (a female) have been impressed with the absolute beauty of her face!  Practically every time I see her. But that's all!  It is a fact.   Does nothing for me personally.  I'm sure you can see where I'm going with this line of thinking. 

Episode 1 --- Now Junior also has a beautiful face.  From every angle!   Ah, his eyes, those lips,  the way he moves, , such a sweet young man!   And Ji Jun Mo, he's definitely  not just another pretty face!  The eyes, the deep voice. The way he moves!   Smoldering,  charismatic, etc, etc, and you get the general picture, Right? 

Oh, the places this forum sends me!  I couldn't have imagined how many ways  gender has been studied "to death" while exploring the differences between male and female vision in every possible way!   I stopped searching online as fast as I could.   :o

PS:... You made me wonder just what is it that sets actors like Ji Jun Mo (40 yo) and Jang Dong Gun (43 yo) apart from an actor like Kim Tae  Hoon (40 yo) as well as his brother, Kim Tae Woo (44 yo) ?   Solid reputations as actors, all 6 feet tall, physically imposing,  athletic and charming.

 Hope you aren't waiting for my answer!  Because I'm still working on it.   You may have noticed I've paid lots of attention to  Kim Tae Hoon, as Husband Choi,  in this drama. 

I thought he was so sexy and appealing when he acted the part of  a despicable, murder, a School Administrator in the drama, ANGRY MOM.  I think he definitely could be a hot leading man in the right project! And he seems to be positioning himself to have those scripts offered to him.


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 But I am happy for [Kim Sa Rang], I think her reputation has been that she is a sexy actress from all the youtube videos I have encountered. But this drama could put her into the class that she could actually act well. Before this 2015 drama, her previous one was in 2000. Also, this drama is on cable, so she hasn't reached the big time network yet. I am pulling for her big time, fighting!

?  While it has been several years since Kim Sa Rang's last drama, her last drama was much more recent than 2000.  Her last drama was "Secret Garden" in 2010, and before that, she was in a slew of other dramas. 

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It is quite clear that the adopted father had planned out everything. The fact that he banked on RI as the last straw to keep JE from leaving JH. No matter what, in his mind, he thinks that RI is the trump card and for any mother, it really is. The manipulative beep!! Using a child like that under the guise of saying it's best for both the child and JE. That part disgusts me the most. 

On the lighter side... well, since they so effectively parelleled the scene where they held hands at the movie theater at 20s and at 30s, I think a parallel scene of what they did that night ED didn't go home is also a must! A must I say. LOL Although I must say seeing EH acting out like a little kid in front of ED is really cute!! 

I can't believe that I, of all people is condoning ED to have "an affair" with a top star (EH)!! What have JJM and KSR done to me?! I actually do believe that ED need to divorce JH first. Or find out if she really is married to JH legally. What these people have done to her is completely despicable. But I also don't want to EH and ED to be as low as JH/adopted parents/SR have been towards them. 

This OST is absolutely addictive in of itself. I am certain that I have heard a song that is very similar to this somewhere. It sounds so familiar. It has those soothing soft melody to it. So perfect for this drama.

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@salijoo...The sky-high prices match those heavenly cars of Eun Ho's so perfectly.   :o  I'm trying to find something else to say about them, but it so hard when my mouth is still agape with AWE!

I mean those beauties you posted on page 148.  Can I get them in any other color besides Boring Black?

He actually got to DRIVE them, in traffic, by himself --- NO PULL BEHINDS or  PROPPED ON A TRUCK BODY for Eun Ho.    Yea!    

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Guest i.said.hi


This OST is absolutely addictive in of itself. I am certain that I have heard a song that is very similar to this somewhere. It sounds so familiar. It has those soothing soft melody to it. So perfect for this drama.


Whenever i hear the Ost I'm always reminded of Titanic. Just during the very beginning, and I'm always temtped to since "Every night in my dreams~" hahah


anyways, I don't know what it is but I like the sexual tension ;) I feel that it matches with their age perfectly, and sets the tone for the maturity of their relationship. PLUS, EH is 37 years old and the only woman he was with was 10 years ago. Guy fended off advances from women, especially SR, only to find out that ED is actually married and with another man's child (obviously though he'll find out that child is his). 


I honestly don't think ED has ever slept with husband, especially since the accident happened, and even before while they were somewhat dating. Like someone mentioned before... i don't mean to sound like a byuntae... BUUUT if everything goes according to plan like how the drama is showing parallels between the ages, then....

Like how in the webdrama My love Eundong Beginning... I think it was episode 4?( search it up on youtube!) they showed a very brief bed scene between ED and HS after they left for their 3 days 2 nights vacation, i HOPE that they show another bed scene between ED and EH after they're finally together (with ED having divorced JH)... I mean.. C'MOOON you've got to show one... perhaps they'll show a wedding too? 


My BIGGEST HOPE is that they WON'T shove ED and EH lovey dovey - "we're happy now yay" scenes in like the last ten minutes of the drama. PLEASE 2 episodes or even one and a half episodes of ED and EH living happily as a couple, finally together... I mean if you were going to spare one episode for when they were pre-teens, then please have one full episode when ED and EH are happily married... NOT in the last few minutes of the drama. ugh haha I get super annoyed when dramas do that (cramming a happily ever after main characters in the last few minutes of the drama) because that satisfying oomph isn't there, especially after rooting for the two throughout the entire drama!

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Hello?  Will "bang, bang" be the MLE synonym for the "pots and pans" of SLA? Absolutlely love it.  Puts a happy grin on my face, reading or saying it!     :wub:

@mdj101,  LMAO Thanks  guy's I got my laugh for today :lol::lol:

It is quite clear that the adopted father had planned out everything. The fact that he banked on RI as the last straw to keep JE from leaving JH. No matter what, in his mind, he thinks that RI is the trump card and for any mother, it really is. The manipulative beep!! Using a child like that under the guise of saying it's best for both the child and JE. That part disgusts me the most. 

On the lighter side... well, since they so effectively parelleled the scene where they held hands at the movie theater at 20s and at 30s, I think a parallel scene of what they did that night ED didn't go home is also a must! A must I say. LOL Although I must say seeing EH acting out like a little kid in front of ED is really cute!! 

I can't believe that I, of all people is condoning ED to have "an affair" with a top star (EH)!! What have JJM and KSR done to me?! I actually do believe that ED need to divorce JH first. Or find out if she really is married to JH legally. What these people have done to her is completely despicable. But I also don't want to EH and ED to be as low as JH/adopted parents/SR have been towards them. 

This OST is absolutely addictive in of itself. I am certain that I have heard a song that is very similar to this somewhere. It sounds so familiar. It has those soothing soft melody to it. So perfect for this drama.

It is quite clear that the adopted father had planned out everything. The fact that he banked on RI as the last straw to keep JE from leaving JH. No matter what, in his mind, he thinks that RI is the trump card and for any mother, it really is. The manipulative beep!! Using a child like that under the guise of saying it's best for both the child and JE. That part disgusts me the most. 

On the lighter side... well, since they so effectively parelleled the scene where they held hands at the movie theater at 20s and at 30s, I think a parallel scene of what they did that night ED didn't go home is also a must! A must I say. LOL Although I must say seeing EH acting out like a little kid in front of ED is really cute!! 

I can't believe that I, of all people is condoning ED to have "an affair" with a top star (EH)!! What have JJM and KSR done to me?! I actually do believe that ED need to divorce JH first. Or find out if she really is married to JH legally. What these people have done to her is completely despicable. But I also don't want to EH and ED to be as low as JH/adopted parents/SR have been towards them. 

This OST is absolutely addictive in of itself. I am certain that I have heard a song that is very similar to this somewhere. It sounds so familiar. It has those soothing soft melody to it. So perfect for this drama.


This also frustrates me about all this I get angry just thinking about it I don't think so much a fault lies with JH but if EH blows a fuse it should be at that horrible adopted father.. He did all this just to save his baseball team well I'll just what public sentiments have to say about him and if he fits to coach pee wee baseball when I'm done with him..



@isaidhi,    You Said :     anyways, I don't know what it is but I like the sexual tension ;) I feel that it matches with their age perfectly, and sets the tone for the maturity of their relationship. PLUS, EH is 37 years old and the only woman he was with was 10 years ago. Guy fended off advances from women, especially SR, only to find out that ED is actually married and with another man's child (obviously though he'll find out that child is his). 


Kdrama is notorious for women getting pregnant and claiming the baby is another mans after she has made look like they slept together and I'm hoping SR don;t purposely get pregnant with her boy toy to trap EH   

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