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[Drama 2015] My Love Eun-dong 사랑하는 은동아


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What was CEO SR trying to enlist EH sister do that she got mad because the sister told her she knew he had found ED and it seems she was threatening to do something if the sister didn't intervene.  She also told his sister that it was JH wife that was ED and she couldn't believe it maybe just maybe being that the sister have the background information about the accident she may be the one to question RA II paternity especially if she find out it was discovered of her pregnancy at the time they was brought in from the accident.. Let's hope sister start to smarten up about all this and test RA II she can test him with her or her daughter if it shows that he's related she would know he's her brothers kid and seek JH for the truth..     

it was quite amusing when i see her so called suprise attack gone abit out of target .but she added in that extra punch to make sure that her attack still have some power. tsk ...what to do ..now everyone know that eun ho is playing with fire .as in affair with married woman ~~~~ .( but so sweet is that dong kyu who is helping him .get close to his eun dong )  


but anyway ..this stubborn lover status ..i think he will be too jealous to be able to keep sending her back to another man ....look at the way he send her away today after the dinner and with that not to sleep with your husband tonite ( the man is so bold to shock this woman --;; ..the early dinner conversation the jealous was already brewing ) . .

i could have swear .that imaginery line in his mind must have gone something like  "i will not have to see her return to another man arms again !!! this will be the last time ."".....

Eun Dong! ..my heart stopped for a moment ..as should hers too ..that name from his lips .

it is fast to go from 

he know .but she doesnt remember 

she knows and remember but he doesnt know she knows

to he knows she know and remembered ....good to have that in one esp completed .

now for the ride to .hell or heaven ....that is to be determined 




this man is such fun when he is happily loving his love ..".let eat together" .in their own way .




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Ra Il is EH's son ^^ I'm sure!! About Choi husband i hate him 'cause he play like a victim -.-'

@lolly84,  It's no way he's the victim in all this he used all the disadvantages to his advantage even his own handicap.. Just because she was and unwed mother with memory loss don't mean she have to take care of him he caused the accident he was the driver and the sooner ED figure this part out that lead up to the accident the sooner she can free herself from all this..

Love the bromance between EH and DG.  His manager was right when he said EH acts like a 17 year old...we see this when he had a sudden outburst at ED at the retail outlet and his giddiness with her while walking down memory lane in today's episode.  Hehehe :wub:

@luci888,  I like the conversation between EH and the makeup artist she always thinking he's hitting on her when he's only asking her question and she telling him she loves her husband LOL.. Poor woman I guess EH isn't choosing his wording very careful when asking her question that needs answers..


I'm trying to understand CEO SR thinking she acts as if EH owes her and how dare he choose another woman over her she like a fatal attraction..  She is truly angry that EH knew and had another woman before her I just hope she don't find out about RA II being his kid because she subject to Kidnap the kid to get what she wants and that's to be Mrs PHS..    


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@baloi, I would think it was done intentionally by ED not to tell EH the reality of her living situation as a way of protecting and preventing him from getting himself into trouble as we can guess EH's reaction if ED has told him that she is scared of her adoptive father and she has one oppa(JH) that gives her unwarranted attention.

The hot tempered EH would have let his fist do the talking for him, if ED has spilled the beans.


Yeah.  that makes sense.   I think you're right.  Komawo for taking time to reply. :)

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Eun Dong! ..my heart stopped for a moment ..as should hers too ..that name from his lips .

it is fast to go from 

he know .but she doesnt remember 

she knows and remember but he doesnt know she knows

to he knows she know and remembered ....good to have that in one esp completed .

now for the ride to .hell or heaven ....that is to be determined 


@shirley,  This what confused me about the dinner date did he realize she had got her memory back or not..

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I haven't posted anything in a while.  Not use to this new site yet.  But OMG!!! I loved watching episode 7!!!! And I loved the preview for today's show even more!  I can't wait to watch.  I really love this couple.  Even though she is married, I want her to be with Ji Eun Ho!  But I have a theory...maybe she is not married. Maybe it is a lie for the sake of appearances....She was pregnant before she was in the accident.  (At least that's what I think).  I love that Ji Eun Ho is courting her.  It's really cute.  

This drama is killing me!!!! LOL!

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Rough Re-cap Episode 8


Rough Re-Cap of EP 8 (June 20)


JH:  is something wrong?

ED:  no


Baseball field


ED:  That man knows JE is ED, JEH knows. I don’t know why I should have to know and go through this feeling.  When you are disabled you feel more.


ED’s father:  Even if he knows what could he do


JH:  I can’t keep her from him he is a man who has everything


Father: you have Ra il no one could break that bone.  A long time has passed.  He can’t come between you, RI and ED.


JH: Didn’t I get in between them?


Eun Dong’s Store


Owner:  you’ve had a hard time and you have so much going on, this is your last day because my niece is starting, I deposited your final payment


ED: (looks surprised) thank you


ED goes to bank machine and sees a large amount of money deposited 

ED calls DG and asking what the money is

DG it’s for selling 1 million copies of the book

ED says she will accept it with thanks and ask that DG pass on the thanks to JEH-ssi

ED starts texting to JEH and then stops


At a library


ED has a flashback of herself reading Flanders’ Dog to her granny.

‘Thank you God, Nero hugged Patra, remember the story she made up about Aurora’s tears warming up the bodies at the church


Voice over of EH


EH: I never cried for movies or someone’s death, I thought I was like that but that day I cried for strange reason


EH: how do I find you if I need to look for you, what do I use


ED is on the street looking at a large bill board of Ji E


On the movie set


ED is with his make up artist


ED: when do you hate your husband? 

ED: when you don’t want to see him

ED: when you see him after seeing me he doesn’t look good right?

artist:  I love him

EH: I’m not stopping you from loving him.  I was the MC at your wedding

artist:  I will just love him

EH: If the woman I love is married I should give her up?

artist: yes of course

EH: how can you be sure

artist:  it’s wrong and it’s an affair

EH:  Is your husband having an affair

artist: no

EH: be good to him


EH receives a text to ED 

ED: I would like to have a meal

EH: what does that mean when a woman asks to have a meal?

artist: women just say it when they are hungry, I say it

EH takes off telling her to be good to DG


At Eun Dong’s store


DG totally surprised to learn ED has been let go

Owner: I will do the part time work

DG:  Then I will do it

Owner: let’s do it together

DG:  You must be crazy call her right and cancel the termination



At the Hospital


SR: I came to register for tests

HA: You don’t look you need to be looked at

SR  looking for a time with you

HA: what is it?

SR I’ve been losing sleep, I’m worried your brother is playing with fire

HA: he starts fires all the time and put them out

SR: think of the mother of child or ED

HA:  she is special

SR: for her he bought a store and he’s getting into her life

HA: I know

SR:  EH knows?

HA:  he knows everything you do

SR: it was a matter of time

HA: It’s none of our business

SR husband is baseball a major league baseball scout and he was in an accident with his wife

HA:  No way (learns it’s JH and ED)  


SR: yes it’s CJH’s wife

HA: no way

SR: before he lights a fire you should stop him


AT EH’s home


EH: I will eat out 

Mrs. T:  dinner prepared

EH:  I don’t eat often due to drama

Mrs. T:  So I prepared health chick meat dinner 

EH:  I will call someone to eat with you




ED:  Please make me totally sexy, I have money so treat me like a real client, I will pay for proper treatment, do it tomorrow too

MS: what’s going on?

ED:  why? I got money I am allowed to spend

MS:  you are in rebellious mood so will do it all

ED: make me pretty

MS:  for whom?

ED:  for JEH

MS:  what?

ED:  he’s cool isn’t he/

MS: ?

ED: why should I not want to?  he is cool  I’m a woman so why should I not want to look good for him?

MS: :

ED: don’t ask anything and do it for me, do it like the photo

MS: what’s wrong

ED is sobbing


EH’s home


HB and DG came to EH’s for dinner thinking they were eating with EH

DG: try it 

HB: good,  EH doesn’t like this he likes sweet and sour nothing greasy

Mrs. T: taste changes

DG: are you married

Mrs. T: I got married and came back 

Mrs. T to HB:  you are ugly


At the Restaurant


ED how have you been, well?

EH yes

ED enjoying the drama

EH yes

ED came to some money so I wanted to treat you

EH really? I will receive it

ED orders a serloin

EH same

EH no (to wine), I want to drive you home.  I don’t want to call a driver 

ED went to get a job at publishing business

ED you were not at the store

ED got fired

ED started at publishing house

EH your dream is being a wrier

ED how do you know?

EH don’t you remember?  i read your mind

ED yes you did

EH DG told me that’s what you did in US

ED yes right

EH is something wrong?

ED no just my mind is being revealed

EH are you scared again, must think of things you don’t want to be revealed yah?

ED yes that’s right

EH I understand, i won’t look inside even if you show

ED really?

EH but I really am curious what you are thinking

ED Is it hard doing the drama, don’t skip meals, always, you look good without diet therefore please eat well

EH yes

EH publishing I want to help, we are fate, ED ’s dream was a writer, Flander’s dog she improvised very impressive

ED I thought of writing a drama story

EH do it

ED what should I write about?

EH Jung Eun’s first love (Your first love)

ED I have no memory of the first love, my head is an empty can, so I can't write it

EH then think of me as the first love

ED can I do that

EH yes you can

EH Jung Eun-ssi, please talk without avoiding eye contact

ED plse excuse me (leave for the washroom)


Back to the table


EH does your husband know we are meeting?

ED no

EH I don’t want him to know

ED why

EH it could be seen unwelcome relationship

ED You want us to see once in a while that’s why I’m here

EH is that everything, really?  Ok, once, twice, wenneed to see each other

ED I’m going to tell him (husband)

EH looks at her(he’s angry)


SR’s boy is taking photos ?


In the car


ED: why can’t you forget the woman may I ask?

ED Pulls over

EH I slept with her, I can’t forget that

ED: I’m sorry

EH: I told you in the recording, she didn’t go home that night.  


A week later she told the folks she was going on a graduation trip and we went away for a 2 nights and 3 day trip.  


Do you remember?  Why not?  You remember well things I haven't told you.  Are you confused?  The trip we took to Namahae.  We were...  


ED: stop

EH: no you listen to the end

ED: We loved each other to death that night and the next day too.  Three days after that she disappeared without a trace. How insane this made me...please find Eun Dong for me.  I beg you.

ED:  If you wait, she will come as I told you.

EH:  What’s the use when she’s living with another man, and she's had another man's child!  When she doesn't even remember me.  


Outside Eun Dong’s apartment


ED try to get out

EH can you stay a little longer

ED yes

ED when do you have time off, there is a place we need to go

EH ok, I will text you

ED go careful

EH tonight, 

ED pauses

EH please don’t sleep with him

ED gets out


Eun Dong’s home


JH: you are home

ED: goes into her room

JH: comes into her room

JH: where have you been

ED: I met with JEH

JH: I told you not to

ED: why I want to ask, why??  What would he be interested in  an ajumma with a child? I want to know the reason you tell me not to meet him

JH: JE-ah, we have RI in between us, think of him no matter what you do

ED: why did you do it, you’ve known who JED is, why did you pretend not to know

JH I wanted to protect you and RI

ED: no one tells me the truth, my memory disappeared, they should tell me out of feeling sorry for me but no one tells me the truth

JH: it’s over, you made me like this, that’s the only thing I can say

ED: did I love JEH?  Tell me what you know, I loved you to death and he had a crush on me is that it? 

JH: stop it

ED: RI’s father (another way of calling JH)

JH: what do you want to be untrue

ED: I will go wash


EH at home? JH at the bedroom


EH texts and JH looks at it

EH: sleep well I will too

JH deletes the text


JH’s work

JH calls for HB

DG ED took the money too easily, it was unexected

JH: stops looking at a 3rd are script

DG: Her heart must be there, I will take from JJY but not ugly woman

EH: the owner fired her?  That’s inhumane, fire her !


At the store

Owner is clearing out, you are too much, how are we so different, then looks at JE’s face, yes we are (different), beautiful face, then looks at her body, and body, the age, this is  a dirty world, I hope you fail (go bankrupt).


ED: what’s wrong, where are you going?


ED receives a text


EH: what are you doing, why did you ignore my text (last nite)


ED: what text, received none


EH: I have the proof (resends), you do it again and I will call you


the phone rings


EH: I told you I’ll call you 


ED: Ok I won’t ignore, have you eaten?


EH: filming, what should we eat


ED: cold noodles


ED is eating noodles


EH texts photo of cold noodels


EH: let’s eat together, we ate together


ED sends a photo, enjoy


HB are you posting meals on SNS


EH takes photos of him eating and sends to ED



At the hospital


DR:  Hey superman

JH: I feel it from neck to shoulder, I’m creating muscle

DR: we should should start electronic cycle, you need to recover, you need to protect Jung Eun


At EH’s work

woman are you HB?

HB ONS, want to audition, plse tell me i have potential

HB what are you good at

ONS i can speak like ‘french’ with MERS wear masks mr. HB you are beautiful, I’m good at art and music


ED’s mom’s home

mom: Ri is in Taekwondo, he will be good like his father

ED: thank you for raising me, I was weak and falling all the time, you made me healthy even though you didn’t give birth I will believe you did

mom:  how much do you know

ED: I am Ji Eun Dong, it’s funny, the woman JEH is looking for like crazy is me.  Mom, can’t you help me, if not you, no one else can help me

Mom: no I can’t, let it be, nothing will change, you are RI’s mom and Choi’s wife, keep it buried

ED: no

Mom: JE-ah

ED: I want to begin from there/then, day before accident, the day PHS was waiting

Mom: no

ED: mom, when I see him my heart trembles, more honestly?  I love him, 


EH at the office


EH: looking at RI’s photo

EH: DG, what’s my schedule

DG: going outdoor for shoot

EH: not that

DG: am I her manager

EH: you said you will help me

DG: she is working at the store

EH: ok

DG: where are you going, be back by 9


EH at the store

ED hello

EH lots of nice clothes, have you eaten

ED not yet

ED can we eat together

ED working till nite

EH let’s go eat

ED we can’t


They see customers and she puts him in the closet


ED: they are all gone please come out

ED: opens the door

EH: grabs her into the changing room


ED: else go out, not be here

EH: are you scared of me?  

ED: ?

EH: no, right?  You know why, ED said when she’s with me she’s scared of nothing, so you have no reason to be scared

ED: not scared of you but I am scared of myself

EH: you know who you are?

EH: you know who you are?

you know who I am looking for?

Sun Dong a


Someone at the store IS anyone here?


ED plse stay here, do not come out


Later on 


EH folding clothes

ED not supposed to do that, don’t do it I will do it

EH I’m going to Jaejudo

ED I see

EH is that it

ED what do you want me to say

EH how long, what are you filming

ED Not curious about that

ED then what

ED after you separated from Eun Dong you didn’t see any other woman?

EH let’s sit to talk

ED do it here, I need to finish

EH I can’t concentrate let’s talk over there

ED not me

EH not once have I dated, I swear

ED why?

ED I thought I should stay unattached so she wouldn’t I didn’t want her to be with anyone so i needed to make sure no one was around me so I can be confident about it

ED until all that is settled I’m not deciding anything

ED why didn’t you think she could be connected to another

EH can you even say that, yah, you are like how you were before, were you born to put a nail in my heart, is that it?

ED don’t talk down at me

EH puts stuff back

ED it’s late plse go

EH you asked me fora a time, you needed to go somewhere

ED it’s too late may be next time

EH grabs her puts up a ‘closed’ sign ‘the boss is my friend’

ED takes her to the theatre

ED is this not where you want to go, should we get off

they walk in front of the theatre


He tries to hold her hand


EH holds her hand, let’s walk over there, ‘who knows you might remember this hand was mine 10 years ago’


flashback to telephone booth


Preview of EP 9


EH:  How did you know you were Eun Dong?

ED:  When I see you my heart trembles.

JH:  I see Jung Eun with another man but I cannot hate her.

ED:  Do you want to live in hiding with a woman.

EH:  I want to see you.

ED:  (on the phone) I won’t be long

EH:  Even if it’s a torture and not a long time, I want to live that way

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Eun Dong! ..my heart stopped for a moment ..as should hers too ..that name from his lips .

it is fast to go from 

he know .but she doesnt remember 

she knows and remember but he doesnt know she knows

to he knows she know and remembered ....good to have that in one esp completed .

now for the ride to .hell or heaven ....that is to be determined 


@shirley,  This what confused me about the dinner date did he realize she had got her memory back or not..


personally i think he sense something from her .especially after that conversation in the car ..it was like she is remembering things the strong reaction she has to his words, and the way he is screaming out what happened between them . that love that make them loved with such passion .till death * so called ) ...that kind of love that is unforgetable as it consumed them both in such memorable days of passion ..~

..and now what should i do if she is married and with child and doesnt remember me !! 'her reaction to those words ...i think he knew somehow .it is coming back to her ?~~!! or should be ! or need to be !??! lol ..being sensitive as actor ( which i hope he is ) .lol i think that line was a very bold hint ...in a way .to tell her ..it matters to him..about her being with another man .displayng somehow his jealously telling her in another way ..this is hyun soo obba .eun dong ah

(it will somehow explain how he dare to bring up such words to her .) and then he confirmed it further in that little room ^~~^

anyway that is just my wild guess .  ~lolll.whether if that is  what the writer might intend . i think i have to rewatch that scene again ~

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thank you so much @seungshinl for the translation for the recap of episode8 im waiting for you to translate it... thank you so much i really appreciate your dying effort.... thank you and God bless...:wub:

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Rough Re-cap Episode 8


Hidden Content

;) it wasnt rough .such detailed translation take lots of effort thank you! ....i should be glad they didnt end it at that shop room .will have die from waiting for what happen~!~~

now things are clear between them but matters need to be settle with so many others ..it is not only two of them only 

i even wonder what his parents will think but that doesnt matter now at this moment ..deal with it when it come i think Eun ho's  style will be .

anyway his world is only eun dong ..so he doesnt care about  rest of the world 

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@seungshinl Thanks so much for the translations to tide us over

2 things really indicate to me how selfish and petty JH really is.

"if you're handicapped you feel it more" Really? He went there. If that's the case then he should understand ED would feel it more as well.  Not only has she been handicapped by her amnesia but also by him and her parents.

"it’s over, you made me like this, that’s the only thing I can say" Again he has a lot of nerve saying she made him like this. A normal person would have been hurt that she didn't love them and loved someone else but most would just move on. He may see HS and ED's relationship as being the catalyst to the accident when in reality he is solely responsible.  He chose how he reacted to the accident and the aftermath and now he wants to scream poor little me.  I also think it's disgusting how he keeps throwing Rall in her face trying to make her feel guilty, I think a little self reflection is in order on his part in the matter.

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@seungshinl,  Thanks for your speedy translation on today's episode deeply appreciate it..


ED:  That man knows JE is ED, JEH knows. I don’t know why I should have to know and go through this feeling.  When you are disabled you feel more.


ED’s father:  Even if he knows what could he do


JH:  I can’t keep her from him he is a man who has everything


Father: you have Ra il no one could break that bone.  A long time has passed.  He can’t come between you, RI and ED.


JH: Didn’t I get in between them?




That adoptive father purposely done this to keep her pinned in a marriage taking care of a handicap man for his own sake how dare he tell him he has RA II when he wants JH to continue to carry on with this lie by using the child that's not his.. The man should be shot using her and someone else child as his sacraficial lamb.. So this means that JH and EH may not be married.. Also we haven't seen one wedding picture nor a wedding ring on her finger..




In the car


ED why can’t you forget the woman may I ask?


ED Pulls over


EH I slept with her, I can’t forget that

ED I’m sorry

EH I told you in recording, she didn’t go home that night and a week later we took at trip to Namhae for 2 nights and 3 days, why don’t you remember, you know things I didn’t tell you why are you confused about this

ED stop

EH no I want you to listen, we loved to death, next day, 3 days later, she disappeared, you know how crazy this has made me.  Please help me find ED, I beg you.

ED if you wait, she will appear

EH what’s the use when she’s living with another man, with a child and she doesn’t remember me



Bingo Ladies there we have it they loved for 3 day's and 2 night he slept with her how can her forget her well that tells us pretty much who's RA II father .. If you wait she will appear I think JH has played fake daddy long enough it' time to let what's real take place none of this is good for any of them RA II will learn to accept things JH needs to tell his mom to come pack his things and move out..

Eun Dong’s home


JH: you are home

ED: goes into her room

JH: comes into her room

JH: where have you been

ED: I met with JEH

JH: I told you not to

ED: why I want to ask, why??  What would he be interested in  an ajumma with a child? I want to know the reason you tell me not to meet him

JH: JE-ah, we have RI in between us, think of him no matter what you do

ED: why did you do it, you’ve known who JED is, why did you pretend not to know

JH I wanted to protect you and RI

ED: no one tells me the truth, my memory disappeared, they should tell me out of feeling sorry for me but no one tells me the truth

JH: it’s over, you made me like this, that’s the only thing I can say

ED: did I love JEH?  Tell me what you know, I loved you to death and he had a crush on me is that it? 

JH: stop it

ED: RI’s father (another way of calling JH)

JH: what do you want to be untrue

ED: I will go wash

Wow these people is using the I was trying to protect you bit to get what they wanted they acts if PHS was some kind of maniac and a stalker that he would harm her and the child so this is the reason they done this no matter what they say and do there is no justifiable excuse for what they did.. SMH So this means she do know that JH is RA II father.. Wow Just mind blowing I'm gawking just reading this stuff..




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