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[Drama 2015] My Love Eun-dong 사랑하는 은동아


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The child theories;

  1. The creeper had a wife and child and they died in the accident, but after episode 4, not likely, I think he is in on it.  
  2. Post or pre-accident, could not be the husband's child, if the child is actually hers. 
  3. They will make the child be hers and EH.  

Now, was this planned by the dad?  How did the accident happen?  How as the convenient case of amnesia come about? 

For those who are conflicted about her being married, the marriage under any of these conditions is not a valid marriage, it's slavery, so please, don't torture us with the " she is married" and she cannot get divorced diatribes because I will scream.  As it stands right now: it's not a marriage, it's slavery.  

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Guest sweetisa

Hi everyone! Ep 3 and 4 were amazing! So many questions about ED's adoptive parents and JH's family! I think the husband feels guilty towards ED because he lied to her for 10 years. His mom is terrible! They let ED leave this fake life taking care of JH and stil treat her like that. I mean it was an accident, so I don't see how ED is rensponsible for JH's condition.

Next week EH will recognize her yayyy :w00t:

The OST of this drama is very beautiful! I especially like the instrumental playing in ep4 when EH is walking on the beach with the dog, thinking of ED.

Btw, I'm surprised that no one has mentioned EH's housekeeper, LOL I find her hilarious! And I wonder what her role will be, maybe she could have a funny scene with the spoiled girl who likes EH (forgot her name) hehe.

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The child theories;

  1. The creeper had a wife and child and they died in the accident, but after episode 4, not likely, I think he is in on it.  
  2. Post or pre-accident, could not be the husband's child, if the child is actually hers. 
  3. They will make the child be hers and EH.  

Now, was this planned by the dad?  How did the accident happen?  How as the convenient case of amnesia come about? 

For those who are conflicted about her being married, the marriage under any of these conditions is not a valid marriage, it's slavery, so please, don't torture us with the " she is married" and she cannot get divorced diatribes because I will scream.  As it stands right now: it's not a marriage, it's slavery.  

Hi, ​@stellaa,  Yes she was sold into slavery and adopted dad made use of her pregnancy to keep her pined in that marriage even if it's illegal because of her memory lose.. My guess is after they planted they story into her and ship them off to america because familiar surroundings could trigger her memories to come back so soon after the accident and she could have had more treatment in the states to help the lie they told..  Now even if ED figures out her son is PHS her adopted father will make her feel guilty for having the man claiming him as his own and the child not knowing been living with the stepfather thinking he's dad.. I tell you everything was done for the benefit of the adopted father and Mr. Handicap himself.. They never shows a lot of time him spending with the boy are treating him as his..  I speculate if his mom (PHS) sees the little boy she may make the connection of him looking like PHS or favoring him..

Well I got the answer to my question about PHS sister she did marry the cancer patient both brother and sister has been a big disappointment to they mom not so much as PHS he just haven't settle down waiting for that one true love.. But it's time for the parents to give in to the daughter the husband is dead she's doing well taking care of her daughter on her own without the help of anyone and they should give for they grand daughter sake..       

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Finally catching up with the 30s arc and I have to say, the execution is beautiful. I like how they just glossed over Jungeun's family and move on the next scene without really explaining anything. Same goes with Eunho's family. Another thing that really hit me right in the heart is when Eunho realises that Jungeun is Eundong, the music is gorgeous! And the crescendo when Jungeun insisted that it's too late to meet up, I'm beyond impressed. That 'it's too late' could also be 'you are 10 years too late' or 'it's too late at night' axbwudbcuer I rewound that scene for the music alone <333

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Finally catching up with the 30s arc and I have to say, the execution is beautiful. I like how they just glossed over Jungeun's family and move on the next scene without really explaining anything. Same goes with Eunho's family. Another thing that really hit me right in the heart is when Eunho realises that Jungeun is Eundong, the music is gorgeous! And the crescendo when Jungeun insisted that it's too late to meet up, I'm beyond impressed. That 'it's too late' could also be 'you are 10 years too late' or 'it's too late at night' axbwudbcuer I rewound that scene for the music alone <333

​I also replayed it. The suspense with the crescendos and then more suspense with the decresendos.. looking forward to this week to be over and onto  Friday! 

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For those who are conflicted about her being married, the marriage under any of these conditions is not a valid marriage, it's slavery, so please, don't torture us with the " she is married" and she cannot get divorced diatribes because I will scream.  As it stands right now: it's not a marriage, it's slavery.  

I'll scream along with you too :tears:

I agree totally. It's exactly how I see it, and have posted earlier. This is not a marriage, let alone a legal marriage, that Jeong Eun is in. It was a sham from the beginning. It's just like a 'will' is not valid when the signatory was not in 'Testamentary Capacity'. 

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The more I think about the madder I get at the adopted father he may even

Look at this from one point of her owing them like I said she was a sacrficial

lamb for him and that wife..  

@valsava Now I am wondering how the adoption took place. Did the adoptive dad adopte Eun Dong back then because he knew Jae Ho, a famous pitcher, likes her? I cannot see him and his wife, The Seos, deciding on the adoption of Eun Dong out of goodwill or compassion.

Can't wait to see the flashback. 

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the story could be simple , the idea kind of overused !! but the production overall is just amazing and keeps me captivated !!


All the more why this production, just in its 4th episode, under the direction of PD-nim Lee and CP-nim Song, who clearly understand the beauty in simple basics, is so sophisticated and creative. Finally!... we get to enjoy a romance drama that's turning out to be a beautiful k-classic, whatever the ending will be. TBH, no matter how bad the ending may turn out to be, it would suffice to be able to enjoy a drama this skillfully produced! B)


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The child theories;

  1. The creeper had a wife and child and they died in the accident, but after episode 4, not likely, I think he is in on it.  
  2. Post or pre-accident, could not be the husband's child, if the child is actually hers. 
  3. They will make the child be hers and EH.  

Now, was this planned by the dad?  How did the accident happen?  How as the convenient case of amnesia come about? 

For those who are conflicted about her being married, the marriage under any of these conditions is not a valid marriage, it's slavery, so please, don't torture us with the " she is married" and she cannot get divorced diatribes because I will scream.  As it stands right now: it's not a marriage, it's slavery.  

​@Stellaa Interesting points you brought up but I don't believe her marriage constitutes as slavery. That's a pretty strong word to use to describe her situation, and currently we are all assuming what's happening so I guess that's understandable. However, I think her marriage to Husband Choi is valid in the sense that there is love and care between those two. I think ED loves Husband Choi, however love is complicated and there's a whole array of categories within love.The love she feels for Husband Choi would have been enough for some people to be together. Though this love has been in a sense born out of her situation, because her adoptive parents have hidden her past from her for their own gain. Also the love between EDxHS is the crazy-intense-until death do us part-fateful love that only few people are able to find, and I genuinely think they should be together. And if this is a melodrama there's a lot of roller coaster emotions such as happiness, tears, hurting and sadness but maybe I hope there's a happy ending at the end of the tunnel!

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The more I think about the madder I get at the adopted father he may even

Look at this from one point of her owing them like I said she was a sacrficial

lamb for him and that wife..  

@valsava Now I am wondering how the adoption took place. Did the adoptive dad adopte Eun Dong back then because he knew Jae Ho, a famous pitcher, likes her? I cannot see him and his wife, The Seos, deciding on the adoption of Eun Dong out of goodwill or compassion.

Can't wait to see the flashback. 

​@jadecloud,  Before ED Halmoni died they was trying to take her then but due to the fact that ED wouldn't go and Halmoni didn't have long to live they let her stay until Halmoni passed away but I think ED did mention something about and adoption then not to sure.. But I think her adoption is legal I know that dad may have seen the boy eyeing her and did all he needed to do to help them both get what they want..   

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The more I think about the madder I get at the adopted father he may even

Look at this from one point of her owing them like I said she was a sacrficial

lamb for him and that wife..  

@valsava Now I am wondering how the adoption took place. Did the adoptive dad adopte Eun Dong back then because he knew Jae Ho, a famous pitcher, likes her? I cannot see him and his wife, The Seos, deciding on the adoption of Eun Dong out of goodwill or compassion.

Can't wait to see the flashback. 

​At the time, she was very young and she was adopted immediately it seemed after her halmoni passed away. not sure how this pitcher fits in. We'll have to see.. 

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the story could be simple , the idea kind of overused !! but the production overall is just amazing and keeps me captivated !!


All the more why this production, just in its 4th episode, under the direction of PD-nim Lee and CP-nim Song, who clearly understand the beauty in simple basics, is so sophisticated and creative. Finally!... we get to enjoy a romance drama that's turning out to be a beautiful k-classic, whatever the ending will be. TBH, no matter how bad the ending may turn out to be, it would suffice to be able to enjoy a drama this skillfully produced! B)


​me too have the same thoughts , do not care much about the ending !

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Ji Eun Ho Oppa!!! I am a fangirl too. Haha. ED has a good eye... hehe... and at such a young age.

I'm just so happy to see JJM on the small screen again. In all honesty, I don't care too much about the ending cause it will be whatever it will be. But sometimes it's nice when things work out cause in real life, we know that they don't really work out the way that we want them too. It's nice to see a couple that does "win" despite all the odds that life and people have stacked against them.

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I think she is not the wife or even the mother of Il Rae. I think when the accident happened the wife died and because she doesn't remember they blamed her and her parents took advantage and told her that he is her husband and the child is her's. I think they are all into it. If you remember the ambulance scene someone clearly dies.

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beside for sure her adoptive father does not seem to be a good one since that time when she was young and dating EH again ! 

but what could be the benefit of her adoptive family ?! they do not look like taking money from her assumed husband or his family?!! 

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I think she is not the wife or even the mother of Il Rae. I think when the accident happened the wife died and because she doesn't remember they blamed her and her parents took advantage and told her that he is her husband and the child is her's. I think they are all into it. If you remember the ambulance scene someone clearly dies.

​For some odd reason, I thought that she was pregnant with a girl. o. O odd... 

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I think she is not the wife or even the mother of Il Rae. I think when the accident happened the wife died and because she doesn't remember they blamed her and her parents took advantage and told her that he is her husband and the child is her's. I think they are all into it. If you remember the ambulance scene someone clearly dies.

​For some odd reason, I thought that she was pregnant with a girl. o. O odd... 

​LMAO guys I wouldn't have thought of the possibility of her being pregnant with HS baby if I didn't see the web drama, where there was a clear bed scene between HS and ED. I think there's a strong possibility of IR being HS son, but in saying that just because Husband Choi is disabled doesn't mean he can't have kids. Look at Stephen Hawkins, he still had kids despite being paralysed from the waist down and being in a wheel chair. What I know for sure is that ED adoptive dad came into her room and told her off, saying what why she didn't listen to him and did what she want. I think that the adoptive father knew she was going out with HS, which would have impacted his coaching career. ED must have known Husband Choi after living with her adoptive family, and her father must have wanted an arrange marriage between them so that he could secure his career. And Husband Choi maybe would have been in love with ED since the moment he met her, and wanted to marry her. And maybe he didn't know about ED relationship with HS, which would make him just as much as a victim as ED is in this marriage. Or maybe he knew about HS and didn't care about it and due to his own selfish need for her decide to hide her past with HS from her. There's so much MAYBES happening since it's still early on in the drama!

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