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[Drama 2015] My Love Eun-dong 사랑하는 은동아


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 When I first decided to give this series a try I only had one reason and one reason alone: the cast - the 4 lead grown up characters are all played by proper actors who somehow always end up getting short-changed with their parts in a series. But now, after 2 beautifully executed episodes I'm thinking there might be more to this story than just the acting. While I do agree that this isn't the most original story the writing manages to keep a good flow to the story and the directing does a good job of toning down the inherent cheesiness with some well placed moments of levity or with some nice little cinema "tricks" (the scene of the teenage version of the lead watching the scene from Comrades: Almost a love story is the perfect example of smart directing and smart writing in one short 30 sec moment which might go unnoticed if you don't know the film or the song).

 I too have a feeling this might not end in a happily ever after kind of way but by now I've learned jTBC is the only network that can still take a sketchy story and make it work so I'm expecting heartache but presented in a smart non-OTTmakjang fashion.

 The first ep also surprised me with the cutest little hidden gem: Lee Ja In who as far as I can tell is at her first role ever but slipped right into her character and stole the show for almost the entire ep. Hope this is just the beginning for her and we'll get to see more of the cute miss Lee :)

 I hope the grown-up story stays as solid as these 2 eps and whatever route the series takes (sad or happy) it will be handled the right way because now we know they are capable of it.


P.S. I don't know what's gotten into the subbing team over at viki but I hope it lasts for the whole series, I haven't seen this speed since the last LMH drama :lol:

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P.S. I don't know what's gotten into the subbing team over at viki but I hope it lasts for the whole series, I haven't seen this speed since the last LMH drama :lol:

:w00t: ​Think it will last for the whole episodes. They even invite JJM to give greeting video to Viki fans.

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I have not watched an old fashioned love story for such a long time. These 2 episodes are just lovely. It is so beautiful, sad and heart-breaking. Lee Ja In who played the 13 year old Eun Dong is impressive. I also like the portrayals by Jr, and the leads in 2005. I am excited over the coming episodes with the adult leads (JJM and KSR)  and the questions I have of what really happened after Eun Dong left Hyun Soo in the Park. That melancholic mood, the nostalgic feel, and mysterious ambience!  I am not hopeful of a happy ending, but would like that we have a most memorable love story - a classic please!

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@irilight  While I'm disappointed with the premiere ep, I'm still looking forward to MLE and the ep where the adult arc begins. And since you haven't watched the web eps, I believe it would be worth-watching and you will likely have a different experience vs the disappointment I felt.  


MLE.....Still a drama worth-watching. That's for sure :w00t: Hwaiting!

@jadecloud, sorry to cut your wonderful response short.. I did in fact watched the first 2 web episodes that had Eng. subs. I still enjoyed the first episode. I found their relationship charming, as were the two young actors.

@salijoo, @meelis, . Yes I agree with @coffeeboy.   When I googled Nero and Patra I got The Dog of Flandres. Seems like the original names were Nello (and we know that in Hangul L/R are interchangeable) and Patrasche. They even show a statue to commemorate them.

Unlike most of you, I actually liked ep. 2 less than I liked ep. 1.  Part of it is that the change from Junior to Baek Sung-Hyun was too jarring for me, and I did not like his performance/character as much as I liked Junior's. On the other hand, I love Yoon So-Hee portrayal. She has not disappointed me yet. She brings an air of mystery intrigue to her roles, that draws the audience to want to know more about her.

I thought there was something strange about the relationship between her and her father. The way she cowered when he yelled at her, gave a sense of a life she had with this adoptive family, that was not only full of light. I almost thought he may have been abusing her, either physically or sexually, or both. And right after that scene we see her packing to leave. And maybe I am just imagining...

What a shame that Hyun-Soo did not give her back her mother's ring. Granted, he thought she was coming back. But still - he knew what this ring meant to her, that is why he jumped to retrieve it. oh.. shurgs. As I said, I did not like his character the way he was portrayed in ep. 2.

@irilight,   I also got this kind of impression I don't know if it was and illicit and and abusive thing going on in that house but you could tell she was afraid of him..  

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A Dog of Flanders is such a sad story. I watched this cartoon in our local TV when I was a kid. If that would be the ending then it would be so sad, but then at least they will end up together (in the afterlife). Thank you for all your wonderful reviews. I missed classic love stories like this. I would love this to be that classic love story, something that will forever touch people's hearts. Something that you will never forget. I have faith in jTBC and the writers.  


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If anyone is interested by the song that Eundong said to Hyunsoo was theirs, there you go: 


Here the OST listed in the ending credit of MLE.... (think it'll be the one released:

  1. 이원석 이원석 데이브레이크 (Lee Won-seok of Daybreak) - Back In the Days [ending song]
  2. 김태현 (Kim Tae-hyun) - 내 맘이 그래요
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Hello friends, I just joined the MLE train after watching the first two episodes.  I know nothing about the drama other than from what I've seen.  I didn't follow any of the preproduction news.  I was just drawn in by one of its teasers and the fact that it seemed a sweet, melo sort of story.  It's been a while since I've watched a drama that just stirs all the emotions.

But . . . now that I've watched the first two episodes, I'm afraid I might have bitten off more than I can chew! 

Will there be a sad ending?

When I first started, my expectation was that it would end happily with the leads finally reuniting for good after 20 years of finding and losing each other.  But the more I watched, it was just the tenor of the drama.  I also didn't like that one part where Eun Dong fell off her bike and then told Hyun Soo that she was always getting into scraps and falls, and that her nickname was Clumsy.  I felt I was suddenly thrown back about 10-15 years and watching one of the early K-drama classics where the heroine would be sickly as a child and then grow up only to reunite with love and die of cancer.  (Stairway to Heaven, anybody???  It did not help having Baek Sung Hyun in this drama, as he was in StH.)

I pray that I'm wrong and that things will end happily.  It seems too cruel to expect that Hyun Soo and Eun Dong will finally reunite, and she'll die.  Like Hyun Soo's mom, I'm going to start praying in every religion possible!

Even fearing the worst outcome, I can't help myself and will keep watching.  (Even if it means I'll end up with a broken heart.)  I can't wait to find out what happened after Eun Dong left Hyun Soo in the park.  (Got into a car accident and suffers from amnesia, hence the anticipated name change?  Part of the problem of watching as many Korean dramas as I have is that I start expecting the worst.  :P

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I forgot to say, another reason why Hyun Soo and Eun Dong should be allowed to have a happy ending is his sister has already fallen in love with a cancer patient.  How much tragedy should one family be allowed to endure???? 

That's my argument and I'm sticking to it.  Let's hope the writer sees things the same way.  ;)

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I forgot to say, another reason why Hyun Soo and Eun Dong should be allowed to have a happy ending is his sister has already fallen in love with a cancer patient.  How much tragedy should one family be allowed to endure???? 

That's my argument and I'm sticking to it.  Let's hope the writer sees things the same way.  ;)

@themarchioness,   I was also thinking about his sister and the cancer patient this a big tragedy for they family ED being and orphan is nothing compared to that.. ED is a big mystery herself she never told HS nothing about her life growing up being adopted only that her adopted parents was nice to her.. From the fear I seen with her adopted father I don't think so.. When she pack her things to leave I wonder did the man have debts or was he abusive arrange marriage just what's going on her life still a mystery.. Just think did they keep her lock up or something only school and home because if she was so happy I know they allowed her time to meet up with friends and she could have found HS if she truly wanted to but it's seem she avoided meeting or finding him at all cost..          

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Guest sweetisa

Hello everyone, it's my first post in this thread and my first time watching a k-drama after almost 2 years!

I ran into MLE by chance because I was bored, without having ever heard of it, I decided to give it a try looking at JJM, but after the first two episodes I was definitely hooked and eager to check this thread to see the discussion about this drama.

I was really impressed by teenage HS's acting, and was surprised to find out that he is an idol form GOT7, I hope he makes other appearences in future episodes!

I'm kinda sad to let the young actors go since their portion was so lovely, but I'm eager to see the development of the story.

From what I've read in previous posts, looks like it could be a sad ending :tears:, but I'm hoping for a twist!

But there are some parts of the first two episodes that aren't really clear to me, could someone please explain?

1. In the teenage portion, did ED really have a boyfriend, or was she simply playing with HS? And if yes, isn't it odd that they never showed him or the moment she broke up with him to stay with HS?

2. In the middle of ep2 they show ED packing her suitcase and looks like she and HS are going somewhere (they ride the bus together), where are they going? Because in the next scene he is back to work :blink:

Hope that someone can help me to understand, thank you in advance :wub:


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1. In the teenage portion, did ED really have a boyfriend, or was she simply playing with HS? And if yes, isn't it odd that they never showed him or the moment she broke up with him to stay with HS

​I'm not sure about the answer to your second question, but I think she was playing hard to get when ED implied that she had a boyfriend.  I'm basing that assumption on the conversation she had with her friend, when her friend asked her what she wanted from HS and she said, "Marriage." 

One thing I found interesting was HS's repeated comments in the voiceover that the ED he knew was incapable of lying.  Yet, she told him that her adoptive parents were good people and the vibe we're all sensing is that's not the case.  I suspect ED is the sort to whitewash so that the people she cares about won't worry about her.

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  On 5/30/2015, 1:32:10, lucy13880 said:


@jadecloud part of the translation

  On 5/30/2015, 12:39:32, QuercusL said:

 The 6th entry of the Chief Producer of My Love Eun Dong~~http://fivecard.joins.com/1319 

@QuercusL @lucy13880 Thank you chingus for the link. 6th entry?...hmm, I must have missed the 5th entry :o Off to look for the 5th and to watch ep 2. Can't wait for ep 3! 


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Guest bluesky1995_stv

Does anyone know the song where Hyun Soo is calling the Finding People programme and we see the 20's Hyun Soo?I am pretty sure it's by Panic but I can't find it anywhere. :(

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@sweetisa @themarchioness Eundong really has a boyfriend, and we have now the confirmation that her boyfriend is her future husband (cut to the accident scene in episode 2 where the rescuer told the guy's name aka Choi Jaeho along Ji Eundong's one). Eundong was with her boyfriend the moment of the accident and from the synopsis we know that this accident will cause some damages aka Eundong having amnesia and Choi Jaeho being now a cripple. All that will be told during the adult arc. 

About packing her suitcase, some scenes were cut, compared to the webisodes, she will escape somewhere with Hyunsoo... In order to have some liberties, maybe? [They cut the bed-scene at this moment too, and knowing how Eundong's upcoming son will exactly be 10 years old, some of us are speculating that she was pregnant before the accident]

@valsava, yes, she looks really scared of her adoptive father, and from the articles he's the one who doesn't like Hyunsoo and tries to marry her with a guy from his baseball team Choi Jae-ho. Atm, she's really mysterious so I don't really know if she's in love with CJH or not. What is sure, she's in love with HS, looking at her giggling when he asked her for a date or when she said to her friend she wants to marry him. It's just that... Well, like you said we know nothing about her.

@jadecloud, Thank you, as always! Lol, funny JJM, if I was the one reading the script, I would have never ever imagined KSR playing it. Hah. She has that strong rich and sexy girl image from her previous dramas (except the one with Rain). I wonder if JJM recommended KSR before or after Sung Yuri turned it down (she even said that she was preparing for her upcoming drama in May issue of a magazine..)

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Hyunsoo cannot hurt the old coach and the disabled pitcher because he feels that might hurt Eundong's feelings.


The old coach and the disabled pitcher have no sympathy over Hyunsoo at all and can kill him.


Choi Jaeho could no longer pitch in a stadium, but he is still good enough to throw a stone to break Hyunsoo's skull. And because he is disabled and has enough reason (Hyunsoo being the cause of his disability), he will not serve long prison sentence even if he does that. At most 3 yrs, although he would stand a good chance of a 'suspended sentence' as well.

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