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[Drama 2016] Descendants of the Sun 태양의 후예


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first..before i start my comment,...as always i wanna say thank you to all recappers....yeah my live saver...thank you so much for the live recap and screen capture too....

yeah another great episode but sometimes its worry me too....

why i am a bit complicated now???last night i said i want today is the last day i see asparagus, and have asparagus party here, with asparagus soup or grill asparagus...and it turns out to be true he is dead,but why i dont feel satisfied???i feel more scared now...its really worried me alot....why???why???why he died so easy like that???though i know he will die easy when remembering he almost died for many time already...but still why????

yeah agree with most of you...its feel like final episode...and next week another chapter will started...but really i dont have any idea what will happen next 4 episode...dont have any single clues....i am happy now they are back in seoul...a bit bored with urk actually..hahahahahaha...i guess i miss seoul so much..hahahahaha

dr song.....half naked....so hilarious...hahahahahahaha...i cant stop laughing until now really...thats so freaking funny scene...

and alpha team....you are really the best team....perfect!!!!!! i love you all

why they cut balcony kiss like that????the most anticipating kiss scene since 1st episode...the most waiting scene since the beginning...its beautiful but we cant see anything.....WHYYYYYYY....i demand the flashback...a long long long flashback

great we have double date already...such a freaking cute and funny double date ever....the man in apron????cant wait to see it...hahahahahaha

ps: my crush sergant im is picollo.....Kim Ji won wrote it in caption when she update her IG with him...my picollo....hahahahaha


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Aaaaa thank you recappers.. I love you guys

Well I also feel dissapointed for the balcony kiss. But hey it's KeS DRAMA.. I have such a positive thinking mode towards her. I believe she save it for the best. I BELIEVE WITH ALL MY HEART. ahahahha

Omo omo.. I hope the last 4 episodes will be full of lovey dovey moment.. I think it's gonna be great if KMY's job will.be the center of attention (not all about YSJ's duty as an army) 

Oh and then.. did YSJ ever say "I Love you" to uri doctor? I'M WAITING for that.


Then well.. dating-breakup-dating- then whaaaaat?




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Preview of next week episode 13

Cr.  드라마SBSKBSMBC 예고편  on YT

Rough translations:


KMY:  What is this today? When did the guys come back? Aigoo, here.. this place is cute

YMJ:   Are you taking me home now?

SDY:   I really don't want to let you go

Commander Park:  We, the soldier team, is in charge of the 17th floor security - check the surroundings

YMJ:   How could you do this?  How can you inform me like this? How?

SDY:   I have no excuse for my escape

YMJ:   Let's end here

Mr. Politician:   What's this gunfire in a broad daylight in Seoul?  

YSJ:   Gunfight, gunfight!  Require backup, require backup!

SDY:   I love you YMJ, very much!


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5 minutes ago, dhia205 said:

yess... they are totally trolling us.. just like what they did in "wrecking lipstick" part.

our most anticipated tiptoe kiss just end like that, just hope that we will have something more next week.

since in the preview SJ take drunk MY to her home.B)


Totally on the same page as you. When I saw the preview...I was like..two drunk love birds can seriously end up in a bed scene. Given the ratings, they should offer us some reward. I'm all for fan service.

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1 minute ago, Ohsh said:

Oohhh he brought her home! Maybe we will have a bed scene after all ;)

Oh. Just remember she is drunk so likely he won't take advantage :sweatingbullets: Since he is a gentleman and all... da**

 muhahaha... what if she sobers up by the time he wants to leave?:w00t:

There are endless possibilities.


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9 minutes ago, inshara2000 said:


@minoz_joyax @andy78 @trust71 @staygold @melissala @Sesame Chew

@Mangoberrie @bentley09 thanks for the recapping and thanks @jeonghyang for the gifs.

And @ricenamja I missed your screen caps today!! Lol


To all the recappers...I bow down to thee...how in God's name do you manage to recap so quickly and you post gifs too!!... I gave up after 2 posts :crazy:

OMG! what an episode... I am going to lie down a bit!! :lol: This is just awesome!!


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Guest Tinkiebell

Firstly, Thanks to all recappers. As always, you all rock!

Secondly, GLAD that the kidnapping arch ended quickly. I was worried they were going to drag it out, but they didn't. 

A lot of us thought that YSJ was going to push KMY away, really glad that didn't happen. Kudos to KES to dodge yet another overused cliché. 

On the contrary, it was actually KMY that did the pushing away thing. But then again, who wouldn't do that in her situation? She was kidnapped on gunpoints, got slapped by the baddies (with her sassiness, she was probably hit/slapped multiple times, who knows), got a bomb vest put on her, almost died. In short she was in a VERY dangerous situation. If before it was all just in her thoughts, now she has experienced it first hand how dangerous it really is, as Argus said, to be around a man with a gun.

So yes, she was scared and the most logical reaction is of course to push the dangerous man with the gun away (again). But at this point her love for him has grown strong enough that her fear was only temporary. And I'm glad that they didn't drag that out either. 

So what's next? Will we get angst-free 4 last episodes? :)

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I have not watched it but from what i read here its true that SJ killed argus?

Thats disappointing. My breaking up with him would mean nothing compared to that.

He shouldnt have killed him, in a situation where he could have stopped and apprehended argus. He was vengeful and he even promised argus beforehand that he will kill him. Thats not protecting ppl, not even justice,  thats just murder. Thats not the act of an un peackeeping soldier even if he is out of uniform.

Since i didnt watch itnyet so i am hoping this is not the case. 

I think this needs to be addressed clearly by the drama lest it sends the way wrong message. 


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Guest parisonheaven

Episode 13 Text Preview

일상으로 돌아온 의료팀. 타국에서의 추억에 어딘가 허전하다. 모연은 복귀하자마자 이사장 면전에 사표를 내던지는데! 우르크에 남아 있는 시진, 대영, 명주는 본진에서 떨어진 전출명령서를 받게 된다.

The medical team return to their everyday life. They recall their memories abroad in another country and feel empty. After Mo Yeon returns, she throws a resignation letter in front of the president! Si Jin, Dae Young and Myung Joo who remain behind in Uruk receive orders to be transferred away from the headquarters.

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Just now, kimyoungah said:

[Translation] EP 12 cut 160331 Kang Mo Yeon's sweet confession


MY: Before Yoo captain came, I has been treating patients, even though I had to lower my head sometime, there is nothing to be shameful for in the future, will regularly confess like this. I mean i decided to try taking responsibility with you, and you please try baring with my nagging too. But instead, please promise me one thing only. Please give me the right to worry. Even though I cant worry for every time that you are not by my side, when you have to go to do something that will really make me worry, please tell me first. And when you coming to me, don just haha hoho like that. (She means he dont have to comfort her everytime)

Cre: me^^


I love her lines so much <3 <3 <3 sweet but decisive enough to be a soldier's girl friend :blush:



OSCAR WORTHY LINE BY DR. KANG MO YEON, eat that you haters!

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7 minutes ago, strawberry555 said:

tthey cut it n save it for next week or for the special episode.. :huh: ??????????

The hugs.. :wub:

Epsd 13.. Is she's being drank n who's with her ? Omo.. Can it ??? But since they cut the tiptoe balcony kiss. Can't expect much... :(


isn't that one of YSJ wish : go out and have a drink with her. he mention it before the wine kiss

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