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[Drama 2015] Missing Noir M/"M" 실종느와르


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;) @liddi yes, the pacing for the 3rd episode is quite slow.some thoughts:1. is the president of the company really not behind the abduction of the child, and now has gotten back his son?2. the woman employee who met Tae Jo seems vague so, I won't take her off  my list of the possible culprit.3. I think this case has to do with the suicide of the woman 8 years ago. maybe revenge? because the culprit or the one who orchestrated the whole thing as Soo Hyun and Oh think, is not after money but parent's sufferings.4. Is it to sabotage the IR that Tae Jo should have been preparing so that the company will not get the approval and the investment for the drug research?
as usual, both detectives are charming and the humor Oh injects in every situation is cute. 

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At last, 3rd time watching Ep2... this time with English subs, which made for a better understanding of the case. Truly an enjoyable arc, and indeed, as @40somethingahjumma said, is one that has so much twists and turns, yet ultimately everything aligns when all is revealed. Ultimately, this case, despite being riddled with horrific and cruel crimes both in the past and present, still evokes my sympathy and empathy for those who were entangled in this web and finally paid for it, one way or another.
Anyway, will discuss more in spoilers so as not to spoil the enjoyment of those who have not watched. Certainly at least from the first 2 episodes, this is a drama best watched with fresh eyes without any preconceived notions.
Overriding theme:

Sins of the father being visited upon the children. This is an overriding theme throughout the whole case, both in the case of Kang Min Cheol and Lee Jeong Soo.

Kang Min Cheol's fathers, biological and adoptive, both of whom violated his mother, were responsible for his life steering down this dark, destructive path. His adoptive father, unable to live with the guilt of what he had done so many years ago, chose to let him know the circumstances surrounding his mother's rape and disappearance, then ended his own life. Yet in doing so, this inadvertently opened up a can of worms that launched him on a path of no return as he sought to uncover the truth and wreak vengeance on those who did his mother wrong. His last words to Gil Soo-hyun and Oh Dae-young reflects his regret in not letting the past stay buried, because there was no way he could not do anything once he knew. I believe that Gil Soo-hyun had compassion for Kang Min Cheol, in spite of the terrible crimes he had committed, because he understood and empathised with him... and ultimately his act of mercy for this tortured soul was to spare him the final blow - that the man he was determined to hunt down was actually his biological father, evil, unrepentant to the very last.

Lee Jeong Soo saw his life collapse around him when his father's past caught up with them. While his father paid with his life, he was forced into a worse fate - admitting to crimes he did not commit, putting on a maniacal front while working frantically against time to save his sister. As much as he was coerced by Kang Min Cheol, likewise his terrible guilt and shame for what his father did, propelled him to cooperate and carry on with the charade. While we find that Kang Min Cheol purposely left evidence on the phone to ensure that Lee Jeong Soo is exonerated, and both Lee Jeong Soo and his sister survived through the ordeal, still they will never truly be free from the long shadow of their father's past.

Questionable morality:

1. Kang Min Cheol took matters into his own hands the moment he decided to play judge and executioner for all who had done his mother wrong. Yet by his very actions, he became similar to those he despised and hated... wreaking suffering on the innocent as well as the guilty. Ultimately, did the ends justify the means? Or was he left with no choice, seeing no other avenue of seeking justice for his mother?

2. Gil Soo-hyun's decision not to shoot either of them during the final confrontation indicates a telling moral conflict. Granted, one is a murderer who can no longer be convicted, while the other is a killer who knows he has gone too far and cannot turn back. Still, his choice to let them both die is indicative of treading a very fine line, where he too, is now in danger of, if not already, like those two, playing God in deciding whether one should live or die.

Fate of the innocents:

While the list of crimes committed across both timelines were horrific and gruesome, ultimately Kang Soon Young's fate is the most heartbreaking... already a victim of rape, then conned of the settlement money, having to prostitute herself to support her child, and finally her terrible death. To have been so brutally killed, then desecrated by the father of her child no less... she was voiceless all those years and would have remained voiceless had it not been for her son.

Likewise, not only did Lee Jeong Soo lose his parents, he became the pawn in a Machiavellian, diabolical game, kept in check by his father's sins and his sister's fate. Putting on the steely front the way he did, knowing all the while that one small misstep would result in his sister's life, how that must have cost him, and while his facade slipped as time ran out, he stuck to the script all the way to the end, because he was left with no other option.

Unanswered questions:

1. Kang Min Cheol's instruction to Lee Jeong Soo was to deny that Kim Seok Gyu was the murderer, so as to ensure the statutes of limitations on the cold case had lapsed before he took matters into his own hands and became both judge and executioner. Why was this necessary? Was this because he felt that the law which should have protected his mother, failed her again and again, from the failure to indict her rapists to the circumstances surrounding her disappearance and death. As such, he would not trust the law to bring the perpetrator to justice?

2. How did Kang Min Cheol keep abreast of who the murderer was? It would appear that he was using Gil Soo-Hyun to find the killer, yet if that were the case, how did he know who they had identified? There would have been no opportunity for Lee Jeong Soo to inform him after Gil Soo-hyun's revelation, and by all intents and purposes, he had already been tailing Kim Seok Gyu even before Gil Soo-Hyun returned to the prison. Does that mean he was actively shadowing the team as they went about their investigative work?

3. Joo Won Hyeong was the only one out of the four who lived with regret and guilt for what he did, and spent his entire life doing penance by adopting Kang Soon Young's son and caring for other orphaned children. His family was the one approached for the settlement money after she found herself pregnant. As such, did he bring the boy up, thinking he was the biological father? And did he know or suspect that something terrible must have happened to her?

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@mslee I have the same questions as you. I think we can safely assume this a (another) revenge case. At first, it seemed to me that it was business-related about the big project but as the story unfolded I think it's more personal and it goes further than that. As our detectives concluded, this isn't about money, the sabotage is probably only a means of destruction not an end in itself. Something ugly must have happened 8 years ago and it's now coming back to bite those involved in the a$$. I love the rust and steel simile. What is seemingly strong and unbreakable is rotten inside and it will eat at itself slowly but surely till it crumbles down on itself.

And just like you, I don't think we have seen the last of the president and the mistress, especially the latter, she seems almost too harmless and bland. She is in a position where she could be able to know about what happened in the past and know both Tae Jo and the president well enough to orchestrate this. Admittedly, it wouldn't be original but I like the idea of the only person Tae Jo trusted enough to ask help from and the only one who gave him what sounded like a sincere and heartfelt advice turning out to be the mastermind of all this.

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I loved the music in the end of episode 2. I searched for the OST.

Just a teaser with the music.

Jaurim's Kim Yoonah Releases "Lucid Dream" Teaser

자우림 김윤아, 올티와 콜래보…`실종느와르 M` OST 참여

Jaurim's lead singer Kim Yoonah has released a teaser for "Lucid Dream" featuring Olltii for the OST of Missing Noir M.

Kim Yoonah, who also featured on G-Dragon's One of A Kind album, has a hauntingly expressive voice that is sure to match this crime thriller show well. The full song is scheduled to release on the 19th, so in the meantime, check out the teaser below and keep reading moonROK!

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Olltii And Kim Yuna To Sing OST for 'Missing Noir M'


Olltii will collaborate with Jaurim’s Kim Yuna through OCN’s ‘Missing Noir M’ OST ‘Lucid Dream’.

Olltii showed his matchless presence in ‘Show Me The Money 3’ with outstanding abilities in writing lyrics and rapping. After this, he released his first album ‘Graduation’ in February.

After the collaboration for the song ‘Uneasy’ with Bae Yerin, it was the second time for him to work with a female singer. This time was really special for the artist since he worked with big senior, Kim Yuna.

The song ‘Lucid Dream’ was born with the harmony made by Kim Yuna’s mysterious voice and Olltii’s strong rap. It was written by ZigZag Note who already had a favorable response from the public with ‘Kill Me Heal Me’ OST ‘Auditory Hallucination’.

Olltii’s agency said, “Olltii had lots of interest and pleasure to work with one of the best singers in Korea. We ask you for lots of attention and anticipation for the song!”

The drama ‘Missing Noir M’ is about an investigation of different disappearance crimes. A former FBI Kil Soohyun, played by Kim Kangwoo, who has an IQ of 187 and Oh Daeyoungl, a veteran detective who has worked in this field for 7 years, are the main characters to pursue the investigations.

Meanwhile, Olltii and Kim Yuna’s collaboration ‘Lucid Dream’ will release on April 19 at midnight. (Photo by Alive)

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Wow I just finished ep 2 and yall already discussing ep 3 will finish it off today i 2 I didn't see that twist coming at all well I knew one of the men had to be the father but I had thought crazy in jail was one of the men child but I was so wrong.. I know I had to miss some clues so I'll make sure I'll pay very close attention to ep 3 because those little things can leave you lost  

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I enjoyed every aspect of the 3rd episode, I didn't think it was that slow but maybe I'm really used to watching police procedurals that are slow moving and meticulous in detailing the investigative process. Personally I liked the idea of the kidnapping within a kidnapping within a kidnapping. Although I'm not too sure about the wisdom of kidnapping two children under the age of 5 merely for revenge. Such hard work. Changing nappies, feeding, get them to sleep. Unless of course the kidnapper wants to do more than just kidnap.
I don't think every single story arc needs to have puzzles, serial killers and weird torture contraptions particularly if the show is about missing persons. The first story arc was pretty spectacular and convoluted but convoluted can get old. It's great (for me at least) for them to mix it up in terms of them and content.
It's very quaint that our young Gen Y ex-FBI is a blackboard man, living in what looks to me to be a Georgian looking house. It seems that there's a part of him that's old school. A little toy car for the recapping. All this in the age of whiteboards, smartboards, interactive boards, smartphones, laptops, touchscreens etc etc. 
I find the dynamic between the two men rather refreshing actually. It's probably not an opinion everyone shares but I think we've seen more than our fair share of partnerships butting heads in the early days and then followed by grudging respect. I like that they get on well at least for now. It's not to say that they won't have conflicts down the track.

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@anastassiaWith the delivery of the phone recordings of himself as the murderer to Gil Soo Hyun, Kang Min Cheol ensured that at the end of it, Lee Jeong Soo would be exonerated of all the crimes - the murder of his parents, Shin Ji Sub and Min Jae Il. Ultimately, he never intended for those he deemed innocent - Lee Jeong Soo, Lee So Yoon - to take the fall for his crimes. As such, while not explicitly shown, it is implied that Lee Jeong Soo would be cleared of all charges and reunited with the sister he went through so much to save.
As for Lee So Yoon's whereabouts, she was not at Kang Soon Young's house initially. When they raided Kang Min Cheol's place, there were traces of children's milk and snacks - indication that she was held there earlier. As such, she was only moved to Kang Soon Young's home just before the deadline, for the police to rescue her.
Both Detective Oh and Gil Soo Hyun were faced with the same dilemma - who to save, but it appears that the former would have made a choice while the latter determined that both were better off dead.

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More thoughts after finally watching Ep3 with English subs...
Interesting contrast between two fathers being showcased. One was desperate and crazed enough to do anything, even if it meant throwing away the career he spent years to build and life as he knows it in the process, as long as he saved his son. The other, while worried about his only son's disappearance, was more concerned about the IR and the 100 billion won it represented. A marked difference in priorities between the two. While one would argue that Ryu Jung Kuk was more calm, knowing who had kidnapped his son, it still highlighted what was more important to him in the long run.
My heart ached with Ha Tae Jo when he received the video of his son, just as he was wavering about turning back and calling Ryu Jung Kuk. His anguished cries truly bespoke a father who was at his wits end, tormented by his inability to protect his child. From the way he looked after Ryu Se Joon, it is obvious that whatever else he is (unfaithful, possibly responsible for Eun Chae Rin's suicide), this is a man who truly loves his son, and the shadowy mastermind has certainly pushed the right buttons to ensure that he suffered terribly.
Conjectures...I think it goes without saying that the mastermind X is very much someone who cares for Eun Chae Rin and demands retribution for her death. The monk's cryptic words about rust originating from steel, but ultimately consuming it - does it mean hidden sins will eventually destroy a person? The way I see it, X holds both Ha Tae Jo and Ryu Jung Kuk responsible... hence they are both targeted. Seeing all 3 belong to the same company, it then makes me wonder whether her death had to do with secrets regarding the new drug that was being developed, or a relationship with either of the two men. The motive seems to be to rob these two men of what matters the most to them... Ha Tae Jo's son and Ryu Jung Kuk's grandiose ambitions for his company.
As for suspects, Lee Ji Soo does seem to be unrelated to anything so far, but that could be just a front. On the other hand, am I the only one who feels that there is more to Ha Tae Jo's wife than meets the eye? Is she truly just a grieving mother, oblivious or tolerant of her husband's infidelity, or is she somehow involved in this convoluted conspiracy? Questions questions.
With regards to this arc, I am not averse to a slow, steady buildup nor do I believe that shock factors are necessary to make an investigative story compelling. However, I do still feel that the element of surprise was perhaps not as strong here, and we are not left guessing as much as we were in the first case. That being said, the human element, in particular the lengths to which a parent would go for their child, is very much the overriding theme here, and it is something I can truly relate to as a parent myself. As such, I am certainly looking forward to the payoff in the next episode, and hope that it delivers on every note that counts.

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mslee said: ;) @liddi yes, the pacing for the 3rd episode is quite slow.some thoughts:1. is the president of the company really not behind the abduction of the child, and now has gotten back his son?2. the woman employee who met Tae Jo seems vague so, I won't take her off  my list of the possible culprit.3. I think this case has to do with the suicide of the woman 8 years ago. maybe revenge? because the culprit or the one who orchestrated the whole thing as Soo Hyun and Oh think, is not after money but parent's sufferings.4. Is it to sabotage the IR that Tae Jo should have been preparing so that the company will not get the approval and the investment for the drug research?
as usual, both detectives are charming and the humor Oh injects in every situation is cute. 

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@larus thank you for the ost info. I love Olltii and the fact that he's associated to this show makes me happy.

Btw does anyone know what was the song playing when Soo Hyeon was driving his car going up to the buddhist temple after he trolled detective Oh into climbing the moutain on foot? He looked so cool then and the song was a perfect choice.

@bebebisous33 you have a point but if they are behind it and didn't want the police to interfere would they show themselves like this easily to them? They might be a step ahead but the police are bound to connect the dots and catch up at some point now with the new revelation about ECR (though I keep in mind that the mastermind didn't expect the police to show up at the cemetery).
And another thing, the person on the phone talking to Tae Jo in the cemetery obviously wasn't one of the parents but it could totally be an accomplice.

Ah so many questions...

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eunsuhae said: @larus thank you for the ost info. I love Olltii and the fact that he's associated to this show makes me happy.

Btw does anyone know what was the song playing when Soo Hyeon was driving his car going up to the buddhist temple after he trolled detective Oh into climbing the moutain on foot? He looked so cool then and the song was a perfect choice.

@bebebisous33 you have a point but if they are behind it and didn't want the police to interfere would they show themselves like this easily to them? They might be a step ahead but the police are bound to connect the dots and catch up at some point now with the new revelation about ECR (though I keep in mind that the mastermind didn't expect the police to show up at the cemetery).
And another thing, the person on the phone talking to Tae Jo in the cemetery obviously wasn't one of the parents but it could totally be an accomplice.

Ah so many questions...

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Guest CtotheL

Hi, Someone Please post the links of the English subbed Episodes 1, 2 and 3. =D
Unfortunately Viki.com is not available in my region.

Or else I have to wait for all the 10 episodes to finish before downloading it from Dramania
and yes the best solution would be to learn Korean. =)

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CtotheL said: Hi, Someone Please post the links of the English subbed Episodes 1, 2 and 3. =D
Unfortunately Viki.com is not available in my region.

Or else I have to wait for all the 10 episodes to finish before downloading it from Dramania
and yes the best solution would be to learn Korean. =)

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Give me one week guys, I've decided to graduate as an official viki segmenter (yeah there's a small exam for that). What's up with me and exams? =)) 
I usually work as a subber in my native language. I have segmented a lot in those videos. But segmenting another language is different. 
I asked the Missing Noir M team, they said they take only graduated segmenters, so I'm taking up the exam :P 
Can't wait for today's episode. I may not be able to watch it live. :'( 

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Rewatching episode 1 to pick up the little bits of subtitles I would have missed and I noticed that our Gil Soo Hyun has some mystery around him. 
Why did he get internally investigated in the FBI: Excessive usage of firearm. We did see that in episode 2, he could have clearly saved one of the two members: why didn't he? He couldn't decide + He has been investigated for excessive usage of firearm(?) ... Is he nervous and anxious to use his gun, now? 
In the intro scene of Gil Soo Hyun we do see an email message which reads: "This is not the person who you are looking for" ... Is he searching someone? Who is that? 
Detective Oh, 
He's my fav...Ofcourse I love Gil Soo Hyun, 
but Oh's sense of humor and his knack of interpreting the clues is beautiful. 
I loved the first scene he meets Gil Soo Hyun: I think for Detective Oh, working with GSH must have been an honor, but that doesn't mean that he would dive low and work at his feet. He was nervous but talked in pretty good english (accent wasn't bad at all... better than many actors i've seen), and the way he declared that "I left all my duties to meet you... I need to know what goes on and not be treated as some petty officer". This shows his passion and his self-respect. I love this guy. 
And Gil Soo Hyun => He doesn't act all pompous either. His smile when Detective Oh says to put on the seat belt shows that: " Ah, This guy is good. I'm looking forward to work with this guy " ... I think they complement each other perfectly.

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For my reference as I watch: The clues of the 1st episode: (translated version) ... 
I can't call these spoilers. It's just for reference when you see the drama. I've been careful to not include extra points that would make it potential spoilers. If you get confused with the names or you forget the clues while watching (like me), you can use this :) ... 
I'm not giving how they use and decode these clues for people who are watching for the first time. 
[Updated and done: Has pics of the sketches and translation of the clues ... ]

All the characters of 1st case (episode 1)- No Spoilers : (in case you get confused like me... lol)

1. Lee Jeong Soo: (Kang Ha Nuel)
2. Lee So Yoon: The missing sister of Lee Jeong Soo
3. Lee Cheon Gyun: Lee Jeong Soo's father
4. Shin Si Sub: The CEO of the tire factory
5. Min Jae Il: The first guy who was found dead, 44 years old, a university professor 


1. Kim Seok Jin- A celebrity who was from the same town as Kang Soon Young 
2. Kim Seok Gyu- Cousin of Kim Seok Jin
3. Joseph Joo/ Joo Yo Sep- Person who came to meet Lee Jeong Soo in the prison


Sketch of a man with IVs stuck all over his body. It's addressed to Gil Soo Hyun and claims that there are more victims out there ="font-size:>


Game 1:The 2nd Card:The Seven Clues 

1. A woman who went to pick huindeul(Agaricus) mushrooms never returned.
2. Last year on the first day of snow, a man in his 40's who escaped to Kangpyeong port was kidnapped 
3. The day after the deceiving hypocrite was hung, the "sudan" was stripped off
4. I killed President Shin, who was drunk and misbehaving at a motel, dumped his body at a tire factory 
5. I saw a man hiding in the motel, and out of anger, I went inside disguised as a courier and killed him 
6. I held a man who lay prisoner in a motel and he committed suicide.
7. I guffawed in front of a scarecrow who had his neck throat cut and a man in the black house died.

The 3rd Card: (Location of the victim)

Soeul Metrolpolitan City, Eunpyeong District, Hongbeon Township IO-I

Game 2:The 4th Card


Clues in the corpse 

Min Jae Il's corpse: 20000220 

The Real Game
The 5th Card


Picture of Lee Jeong Soo's sister with IVs connected to her body

Missed clue from the corpse:

The clue that should have been in Lee Cheon Gyun's corpse: "If the father eats sour grapes, the children gets the taste." 


The number of people you have killed-The number of people you have lost-The number of people you want to find, That's where Lee Soo Yoon is" 



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