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Park Bo Gum 박보검 ♥ 朴寶劍 ♥ パク・ボゴム | Upcoming Drama 2024: When Life Gives You Tangerines | Upcoming Drama 2024: Good Boy


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After he arrived at the hotel, he was so surprised to see the gifts/foods(snacks) prepared for him. He looked so happy. I was afraid he would be so downcast/not in the mood because of the chaos at the airport, but turns out he was so happy because a lot of fans were at the airport. He asked if the people were there because they know him (his fans) or just random passerbys/flight passengers. Lol. He excitedly ate some of the snacks while waiting for the staff to 'dabao' food for him. He ate at the hotel and around a few mins past 1am, they went to Sultan Abd Samad building and Dataran Merdeka. He probably wrote the letter after they went back to hotel.

 Presscon day: After press con ended, he went to a spa for a massage. Then went for dinner at  a steamboat restaurant. He didn't look tired at all despite a long day having interviews with the media. He looked so happy all the time. (Happy kid)

FM day: He was so nervous and he asked if the people wil come to the FM..hahaha..bogum ahhhh u hav a loooottt of fans. Don't worry. 

He Ate brunch at hotel restaurant. Went to shopping at KLCC and Pavi. Supposed to go to Melaka (he wants to go to Melaka) but canceled due to bad weather (rain). At night he want to eat Ikan Bilis (not the Sambal Ikan Bilis but the Fried Ikan Bilis lol). I thought he was eating a rice meal, since it will be a perfect combination with the Ikan Bilis. But dangggg...hahaha he was having pizza and burger and the ikan bilis was the side dish. Weird combination. :D
All staffs and managers already went to KLIA. Only IME staff and his bodyguards were at the hotel. He bought local snacks, ikan bilis (uncooked)..lol why he so obsessed with Ikan Bilis. oh he also bought nyonya kuih, i don't know what it is but the kuih have a lot of colours (9 colours or something)...he bought it and ate it at the hotel during dinner together with pizza burger ikan bilis...and ofc, he was late to the airport.

He loves nasi lemak and chicken rendang. his fav. And he kept on eating and eating. Our food that we sent to him was like 90% finished. We sent a lot of food/snacks. He kept on eating. 

He loves flowers but his manager doesnt like flowers..haha 

BG eats a lot..and he doesn't want to eat korean food. he wants local food...

Our VCR (Fanmessage Video) couldn't be played during the fm coz he was afraid it would extend the time, end the FM very late and it would be stressful for some fans who will be using public transportations...so he watched the video on the laptop (on the night bfore the FM), he kept on saying "woah..kamdungida..thank u" and a big smile flashed on his face..he looked so happy when he watched the video & asked if he could get the softcopy for the video,that is The video saved in the P-drive and he took the pendrive with him. He kept on reading the scrapbook (book with compilations of fanmessages and fanarts from Malaysian fans).

His staff was so amused to see that fans did not disturb or stalk him during his stay in KL. Ofc PRIVACY is important!

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This is to remind everyone to register the KBS account by tomorrow if they want to get it approved in time to vote for KBS awards.

Concerning the boycott of Yahoobuzz, there's a strong(Good) reason why it's being abandoned. Kfans rights to boycott is justified.

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@elmooin yes I am sorry too, I lost interest in voting popularity in Yahoo when bogum reached no 1 cause I cant handle the unli voting-not really applicable on a busy schedule. That is what I thought one of the reason because some of us lost interest/not interested at all in voting or and laying low unlke the other fans that are really enthusiastic on voting their actor/idol. If the reason is something else I honestly dont care.... cause I didnt feel the hype from AAA voting in the first place.. and thank you for the information. :)

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On 11/12/2016 at 7:31 PM, WendyHo said:

Park Bogum at KL fanmeet at KLCC Plenary Hall. He's real tall and handsome in person. Came out wearing white suit and I was trying to video him with my handphone but staff and crew moving around telling us no photo or video. Well, I managed a few vidcams. Briefly summarizing (may not be in order of sequence since I am just posting what took place)..lots of talking about what he did during his first night in KL and what he ate. Discussion on 3 best scenes from drama Reply 1988 and Love in the Moonlight (MDBC) chosen by Msian fans. And he had his own favourite scenes from the 2 dramas. Yes, you guessed it..about father and son scenes. Showed us some photos taken while he was out and also from hotel room when he caught MDBC on tv and he even knew the drama airs every Thursday & Friday nights at 9.30pm..lol.There were questions from fans picked to ask him and he answered them accordingly. One question was who did he call yesterday with his handphone and he replied it was his family. What was his dream when he was young. He mentioned about wanting to be a flight attendant among others ^^ Another segment started with him suddenly appearing from the door behind me from the right and he changed into sweater and jeans. He was also singing as he walked slowly towards the stage passing by some very excited fans. The subject on Malaysian food came up and he was offered 3 dishes..satay, nasi lemak and chendol. He loved the food (satay included because he had it for the first time) and enjoyed it. He said he already ate nasi lemak for breakfast but hadn't eaten lunch yet so he ate it again. Kept saying "delicious" He really loves eating..haha. He last tried the bowl of chendol and asked what was the green strips inside it. He stirred and said "beans and corns ". But was apprehensive about the green stuff so he sniffed a bit. He used the spoon and ate and then the green strips of chendol and said "delicious" He thought the white liquid looked like soya milk but Owen told him not soya milk but coconut milk. Because he likes the fresh coconut water. And he took the bowl and drank from it ^^ Later he cooked tuna rice balls with dried seaweed, packed in 2 plastic containers, to give to 2 fans picked by him from ticket stubs in a box. He said he cooks this dish at home. Also his personal gifts for 4 fans also drawn by him from the box. The sunglass he wore for Bombastic dance in MDBC, a cap, OST cd and photo book. He signed on all 6 items to fans. Game segment was Bingo game with 9 numbers and 1st number was 5 which was the request for him to dance Bombastic dance. He did it happily and it was quite cute and he felt embarrassed because he said he's forgotten some steps..lol. He passed with flying colours (he did the dance again later- got it in my fancam). The game went on with him picking numbers as the fans requested. There was the ping pong ball game and he had to shake and make sure only 5 balls were left in the box tied to his waist after 60 seconds but he did it after 45 seconds..so passed again. He had to sing a song and he did it playing the piano too. I can vouch that Bogum's singing is darn good and I am not biased ^^ One more number picked on the board and it revealed a request sent in by a Malay female fan.. he had to put on Malay traditional clothes. He did it very well and looked extremely charming (I got this on video^^) and thanked her for giving him the chance to wear it. There were 4 numbers done and he still wanted one more. I forgot the 5th game revealed but there was one called "lucky" and I think this was the game where he gave away the 4 gifts.? Ok..I remembered last 5th game was to say "I love you" in Malay. He tried and fumbled a bit but did it ^^
The fanmeet was supposed to be around 2 hours but it ended after after more than 2 hours with him reading a letter to everyone. The letter was nicely binded and signed and he gave it to a family in the audience seated at the back. He was always about family..good boy. The staff handed it over to a small boy. He went in and lights went out and fans were calling Park Bogum repeatedly. Then we saw a stool being placed on stage and he appeared.. to sing "My Person"...his vocals awesome ! Thus it ended and he waved goodbye with heartfelt 'thank you' and he was crying a bit. When he finally went in..we waited a bit as section by section was asked to slowly proceed out the door and Bogum was already standing outside for the goodbye session. He was busy waving with both arms standing behind a table and he made eye contact with practically each fan and plenty of smiles for them. When my turn came I said to him "See you in Jakarta" while returning his wave. He smiled and said something I couldn't catch..I had to move on..lol. End of my very first encounter with Park Bogum..^^.  I might have left out some details of the fanmeet..or word for word what was being said but it was more or less...haha.



there's no hi touch in FM malaysia??

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@mellinadear the fan account by xxxFaA is so funny; the image of him eating and eating made my day!!! So his allergies don't really affect his diet much. This is good to know.

@MichelleBG I have voted. I believe one registrant can only vote once. After I clicked on the vote button, I clicked the right one to submit. I hope this is correct.

Chingus, I read that TVN has swiped a lot of the good writers whose works I really enjoy - Jin Soo Wan (Heal Me, Kill Me), Kim Eun Sook (Goblin, DOTS, Secret Garden), Kim Eun Her (Signal), Noh Hee Kyung (Dear My Friends), Park Ji Eun ( My love from the Star). This is making me really really wish that Bogummy will do a project with TVN soon. 

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1 hour ago, penguinxbogum said:

This post is so cute, no need to take pic hahaha, we can totally picture him in our mind with this. xD


This is a good example of fans being polite not to take picture of him in the class. I think the true fans will know how to control themselves and give him privacy. Bo Gum is indeed a good boy with positive energy. My friends and i spotted him at KLCC during lunch hour too but i did not take any picture of him and watched him from far. He walked freely and happily like a kid with sunglasses. He was very relaxed. My feeling was seeing my grown up son enjoying his free time in the shopping mall. He took picture of twin tower too. I wonder could he do this in Korea now? And i am very glad that he did it in Malaysia. Hope he can continue to do it in every country he visits later. 

Sorry to the chingus here there is no pictures to share but i just can't take out my phone to snap picture knowing that might spoil his mood. 

But i saw some fans took picture of him and other chingus posted in the thread already. The body guards and manager did a great job this time. Bo Gum is well guarded this time. The guards from Korea are very good looking too. hahahahhahaha

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41 minutes ago, 4evgbogummy said:

@mellinadear the fan account by xxxFaA is so funny; the image of him eating and eating made my day!!! So his allergies don't really affect his diet much. This is good to know.

@MichelleBG I have voted. I believe one registrant can only vote once. After I clicked on the vote button, I clicked the right one to submit. I hope this is correct.

Chingus, I read that TVN has swiped a lot of the good writers whose works I really enjoy - Jin Soo Wan (Heal Me, Kill Me), Kim Eun Sook (Goblin, DOTS, Secret Garden), Kim Eun Her (Signal), Noh Hee Kyung (Dear My Friends), Park Ji Eun ( My love from the Star). This is making me really really wish that Bogummy will do a project with TVN soon. 


I think the vote should be quite straight forward. Ya i tried to vote today and it said all votes have been voted. hahahahha so only 1 vote per catergory per account.

I also wish that Bogummy will select a good project for next year come back. For the writers, they can only write for 1 broadcasting company? 

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8 hours ago, 4evgbogummy said:

Thank you chingu!! I'm sure I'd enjoy myself. Haha my friend and I are fully prepared to scream, cry and enjoy watching Bogummy with all his aegyo, handsomeness, and be drunk in his vocals. By the way, do they allow binoculars? I hope to be able to record some clips to post here from where I'm seated without being caught. 

Be ready to scream and cry with joy till our voice becomes hoarse. He is really that awesome. I really hope the security there in HK is not as tight as Malaysia and will manage to get a good pic of him. I don't think there will any problem with binoculars.

I am counting on you for the detail FA too as I won't understand almost half of it. But it will be sure to be lots of fun. 

@MichelleBGwah you saw Bogum at KLCC. So lucky. So this is Faa's FA saying that Bogum goes to KLCC during lunch.

@mellinadearThank you for posting Faa's FA. So amusing with his liking for ikan bilis anchovy. I think in Korea also there are lots of anchovy too. :w00t: Is there someone influencing to try the anchovies in Malaysia.

Next time fans probably will send food stuff as gifts the whole coconut, anchovies and rendang. Though I doubt he will accept.






아리아 @aria_bogum





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So glad that BG enjoyed so much in Malaysia! His favourite food is nasi lemak with rending ayam and coconut drink hahahah. Hopefully he will come again! So sad unable to attend his FM here in KL. I'm amazed that Malaysian fans werenot stalking him while he was shopping that time. I know what he wants is privacy sincehe mentioned he lost privacy after becoming so popular such as taking subway. Sigh still contemplating whether want to go for his fan meeting in Singapore next Feb.

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@4evgbogummy, yeah, it shouldn't be any problem with binocular. If there's a hidden camera that comes with it, it will be much better. LOL.

BTW, after the HK FM, it will be the JKT FM on 17th January, right? He must be very busy after the HK FM since he needs to do preparation for double awards in which he's gonna be the MC. After saw him at KL FM, i can't help but to think that he's still a bit skinny but not like really skinny after MDBC has ended.

Good to know that he still makes time for classes despite his hectic schedule. That's our Bogummy :)

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45 minutes ago, wyen6 said:

So glad that BG enjoyed so much in Malaysia! His favourite food is nasi lemak with rending ayam and coconut drink hahahah. Hopefully he will come again! So sad unable to attend his FM here in KL. I'm amazed that Malaysian fans werenot stalking him while he was shopping that time. I know what he wants is privacy sincehe mentioned he lost privacy after becoming so popular such as taking subway. Sigh still contemplating whether want to go for his fan meeting in Singapore next Feb.


Why are you contemplating? Please go. YOLO - you only live once. and you will not regret seeing him

42 minutes ago, mai5116 said:

@4evgbogummy, yeah, it shouldn't be any problem with binocular. If there's a hidden camera that comes with it, it will be much better. LOL.

BTW, after the HK FM, it will be the JKT FM on 17th January, right? He must be very busy after the HK FM since he needs to do preparation for double awards in which he's gonna be the MC. After saw him at KL FM, i can't help but to think that he's still a bit skinny but not like really skinny after MDBC has ended.

Good to know that he still makes time for classes despite his hectic schedule. That's our Bogummy :)


Me too thinking that Bo Gummy is still skinny for now. He should continue to eat more. 

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