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[Drama 2015] Shine or Go Crazy 빛나거나 미치거나


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I think the ending is not that bad, we already have a disclaimer from the beginning  that this is a fictional drama based on historical facts. Our OTP did a good job of portraying their character and the writer decide to go on vague ending which is not unusual for this kind of scenario.
Thanks to the entire management/staff/actors/actress for bringing us this drama.

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The last BTS film for SoGC has been uploaded, and it shows last filming of OYS, and then wrap up party.They showed LDH (WSR actor) and JH spoke at the wrap up party. LDH said something about night sky being beautiful because there are countless nameless stars there, and cheered for nameless stars (the filming crew). He said he was glad there was no accident until the end. 
JH said: Hello, this is Jang Hyuk who acted Wang So (bows). (cheer). Both team A and team B (of filming crew) are present here, thank you for your hard work for past 5 months. It feels great to be able to sit together and eat and drink. I guess there's not a lot of words needed. We went through hardships together, we sweated together... Thank you so much again for making it possible to finish it well. Hope you have a great time! Thank you! (bows)(yes I'm way more detailed when transcribing JH words, what do u expect from a fangirl?:P)

And it was so funny how JH was chewing hard between his words, his cheeks storing some food. I guess he was eating and someone called him up to make a speech. Mr. Jang is already on his mission to gain weight, and he is dead serious about it! lol.  

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Guest dawnshine

Last studio shooting clip 1 (Oh YeonSeo) + Wrap-up party (JH and LDW speech): http://vodmall.imbc.com/player/player2014/popupPlayer.html?broID=1003110100092100000&itemID=-99&isPopup=Y&isUIHidden=N&isBroadcast=Y
Last studio shooting clip 2 (Honey Lee et al.): http://vodmall.imbc.com/player/player2014/popupPlayer.html?broID=1003110100091100000&itemID=-99&isPopup=Y&isUIHidden=N&isBroadcast=Y

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Oops I missed first part of LDH speech, and it is JH related! So I need to post it!! lol
LDH: A real actor shines whenever and wherever he is. Why? Because wherever he stands is the center of the world. Today, the center of the world, is right here at Yeouido, where Jang Hyuk-ie stands! Isn't it great? (looks at JH once) Ah, cute little one. 
and then he moves on to the night star speech. lol it's so funny that JH, the great role model for many younger actors, is 'the cute little one' to LDH :)) I mean, LDH made it super obvious that he adores JH from the very beginning haha. 

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The way Wang Soon, King Hyunjong (and the son of WW's second daughter), became the King is so bizarre, so unlikely and so unusual that any change of the sequence of history would have prevented him from doing so.

He is the only illegitimate monarch in the entire history of Korea, and if he were not the only surviving descendant of Wang Kon, he would never have become the king and would have ended his life as a monk, which he was during the heyday of Queen Chunchoo.

SY's survival and association with WS in any kind jeopardizes Wang Soon's journey to the throne, which could not be tolerated.

King Kyungjong, WS and YW's son, had no sons until near his death. His only son (and the last of WS's line) by Queen Chunchoo was just a baby when he died; that's why WW's son, the cousin of Kyungjong, succeeded.

If SY has a son by WS, WW's line has no right to the throne and that son becomes the king. Big change.

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My first and last post on this thread....possibly.

Like many of you, loved So-Yool so much. They made the drama shine brightly. However, once the troubles with their Gaebong wedding came to light and caused so much upheaval at court, I had a nasty suspicion that it wasn't going to end well for our couple. True enough, King Gwangjong carries on grimly to his place in history while Shin Yool leaves to travel the world.

The whole ending is jarring and not true to character. They fought so hard to be with each other, even overcoming death with the power of their love.....but....but...only to part willingly?? With the metaphor of a journey on a parallel road??  :-O

Whatever that PD was smoking - I'd like some of it too. 

They made our OTP into this fated couple - made them inseparable and then its "I can't join you in the palace cuz I have a new dream.  You finish Goryeo domination while I see the world.  Buh-bye, catch you laters, dude"

Whaaaa??? Cue the head-scratching.

The ending scenes were so sad - So-so morphed into a grim Emperor while Yeowon looked like a cat who got feathers sticking out of her mouth.  In his throne room, he throws a sword down as though he is sick of it and looks at his jade charm sadly, a lonely man who lost the love of his life.  He looked burdened and old beyond his years.

And the afterlife - he comes up from behind, stares at his Gaebong without a smile, man who still looks jaded by his previous life.  He apologizes for being late to her as though she had died too soon.  Did he even smile once in happiness? 

Poor Jang Hyuk.  Better luck next time in your new drama, my man.

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