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[Drama 2015] Shine or Go Crazy 빛나거나 미치거나


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I hate seeing how cutting comments from WS just roll off YW's back. I'm so tired of seeing that little "I know everything" smile. I'm not sure how she can be considered a light when her actions are so dark and based on greed. SY is a true light and it shows. It's not about position, it's about helping others. When she was clutching her red dress from her marriage and crying, my heart was really breaking. I thought that scene was so touching and it felt so real.

I too hope the "noble Idiot" part doesn't last long.


Er.... Sorry I'm lost. Where is the "noble idiot"? Both don't want to to die (or the other to die) what's noble or idiot about it?

Anyway don't be too pessimistic guys! It's not like the OTP will separate even if WS n YW becomes real husband and wife (which I don't think will happen).. plus it's ancient times, common to have more than one wife. Haha.

I'm more excited to see how WS counters his adversaries in coming episodes.. actually I'm waiting for the moment that YW really fall in love with WS, n help him because it's him n not because of her ambitions. ^^

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Hi everyone! I am new here but I have been following all discussions since page 15 :P yes! Totally addicted !

The drama is following the novel with small but great modifications!

I am confident that WS will scape YW's traps ( which is part of his "training" before becoming the King) and end up with SY. Wait and see !

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heppy said:


said: I hope the noble idiot part of the romance is short so SY,WS dont avoid each other to protect the other.  They have enough enemies. Its time for Wang So to act hardcore, smart so no one can make the tough, brilliant SY cry ever again.

Its hearthbreaking seeing Shin Yool cry because of her worry of WS.

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It's really complicated war. There are 3 parties. WS and his secret guards, YW and WSR and his secret assassins including SW. SY has involved in all of them. WSR and YW have already set SY as their target. She can only join WS side. If she and her friends join WS, WS will have a really good comrade. Gyeong and GM can join secret guard, especially GM, I think that he's a formidable swordsman. He knew that WS hid his skill when WS traines with Gyeong.

YW has no fighting group but she has SW. I wonder how dangerous YW if she join WSR side that has assassin group, but it'll never happen since they fight for the same target. Poor SW, he's now in difficult situation, there will be an situation when he must choose between YW or WSR.

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lclarakl said: heppy said:


said: I hope the noble idiot part of the romance is short so SY,WS dont avoid each other to protect the other.  They have enough enemies. Its time for Wang So to act hardcore, smart so no one can make the tough, brilliant SY cry ever again.

Its hearthbreaking seeing Shin Yool cry because of her worry of WS.

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woodrabbit said:

Hi everyone! I am new here but I have been following all discussions since page 15 :P yes! Totally addicted !

The drama is following the novel with small but great modifications!

I am confident that WS will scape YW's traps ( which is part of his "training" before becoming the King) and end up with SY. Wait and see !

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The last ep was so full of bittersweet pain. I don't think,i can bear watching the next eps with more pain for the otp esp if WS gives in to YW. The heartbreak will still be there for them and SY will still get hurt by the evils. I love watching every scenes acted by the otp esp the separation scene cos there's no word to describe how perfectly it was acted. Even when SY was sobbing with her faced covered by the wedding dress and WS was just there in tears watching her...
I wonder if we're going to get teasers still of WS and YW next week instead of the otp (cryyyyy.......) 

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Come to think of it...

SY wasn't aware of the "princes' first marriage" rule at all until WW told her about it...She was happy when she realized that SS is prince WS and that she married him first, right? Apparently her family doesn't know about it either, brother was even ecstatic that he has a prince for a brother in law. Could it be because she grew up in gaebong China?

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First time posting ever because this drama is so great. I can't hold myself. I hope SOGC can get the higher rating and the cast members can rap dance for our good sake and of course Deasang Deasang grand prize for our leads. They did a truly great job. I feel like a real story happened in front us. It's hard to find a good historical drama like it nowsadayThe plot is somehow predictable and unpredictable. Love it! So hard to hold my breath until next Monday. Please continue to discuss more about what would happen next so I can survive by reading you guys here.

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I don't know how much change the writer is going to do for this drama.

I'm keeping my hope up for WS and YW sleeping together will not happen because in the novel their cold relationship doesn't change till the end.

And i keep thinking WS is not that stupid to give in to YW just because he threatened hin. He in fact is a very smart guy. I can't imagine him consummating his marriage with YW ( unless he forces himself by imagining YW is SY).

YW must be stupid to threaten WS about SY as the death doesn't apply to the woman only but the prince as well

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I don't know how much change the writer is going to do for this drama.

I'm keeping my hope up for WS and YW sleeping together will not happen because in the novel their cold relationship doesn't change till the end.

And i keep thinking WS is not that stupid to give in to YW just because he threatened hin. He in fact is a very smart guy. I can't imagine him consummating his marriage with YW ( unless he forces himself by imagining YW is SY).

Like you my friend, I'm keeping my fingers crossed... ;;)

But why do I get the feeling that our dear WS will be pushed against the wall and will be left with no choice? :(

I'm curious, at what chapter of the novel are we at now dear?

YW must be stupid to threaten WS about SY as the death doesn't apply to the woman only but the prince as well

The factor here is YW knows WS would do anything to protect SY. I doubt he cares much for his death but SY is a different story. And it's quite scary that YW knows how much our OTP cares for each other. I think the only thing that would hold her back from exposing their marriage is the fact that it would ruin her chance to be queen also. She's quite the evil one here huh?

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