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[Drama 2014/2015] Lady of the Storm 폭풍의 여자


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@triton823" I totally agree liking HWS hair in Ice Adonis and in here as well that I just loved him in today's episode going thru the garbage looking for his picture of him. HW is just so handsome in which I really can't get enough of him and if JI continues playing hard to get with my yeobo, then her azz don't deserve him and I'll have no choice but to take what's rightfully mines my American Express Back ;;)

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Since @suchadiva42 and @valsava are having a heated discussion over HW and meeting him.. *sneaks up stealthy and snatches plane ticket and grabs already packed overnight bag and runs" Sending message that I will tell him they both said hello :D

I find it refreshing that HB is as dumb as a stump (just like her mother) I like that her plans are failing. Why because of high opinion she has of herself and she is nothing without that name and that families money. She deserves to get caught and more for what she has done and said to JI. Let's hope the writer keeps this up and continues to let her small schemes get exposed.

How long do you guys think it is going to take before TJ and his mother find out that JI is that little girl? Can we hope the next episode or will it be our weekend cliff hanger?

I wish HW had punched JMY, he was a idiot trying to act like he could box.. HW told him correctly Look here and then bent his wrist back darn fool. How stupid and cowardly do you have to be to try and kick someone when their back is turned but then miss and fall on your a r s e!!

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Ldy Gmerm said: Since @suchadiva42 and @valsava are having a heated discussion over HW and meeting him.. *sneaks up stealthy and snatches plane ticket and grabs already packed overnight bag and runs" Sending message that I will him they both said hello :D

I find it refreshing that HB is as dumb as a stump (just like her mother) I like that her plans are failing. Why because of high opinion she has of herself and she is nothing without that name and that families money. She deserves to get caught and more for what she has done and said to JI. Let's hope the writer keeps this up and continues to let her small schemes get exposed.

How long do you guys think it is going to take before TJ and his mother find out that JI is that little girl? Can we hope the next episode or will it be our weekend cliff hanger?

I wish HW had punched JMY, he was a idiot trying to act like he could box.. HW told him correctly Look here and then bent his wrist back darn fool. How stupid and cowardly do you have to be to try and kick someone when their back is turned but then miss and fall on your a r s e!!

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Lets have a cute moment with our OTP's shall we.. Looks like heated awareness to me between the two..then a small lesson in manners for an idiot like JMY.. Again do not judge a book by the cover..  who in the hell is JMY to pull them apart and drag him off the idiot he thought that because HW has not said or did anything before he could not take care of him well I guess that stupid thought is gone.. :

Can you guys believe that JMY's sister was trying to come on to HS in his office.. LOL too funny.


I thought that was who the woman was in tonight's episode a fake that HB  took her to meet but later at the house TJ's mom caught her and the woman talking in TJ's office and found out she was a fake.

From the preview:

HB is on her knees begging forgiveness after being found out and later is scene searching the woman's room while she sleeping looking for something that poor woman needs a lock on her door at night and when she leaves the room. HS is lettng HB have it for whatever she has done now causing issues and it sees like TJ and his mother are heading to the studio to meet with JI to see her painting and could possibly realize she is the kid if HB or HS has not done something to stop them since HB seems very shocked to hear that they have gone out possibly to the studio. What is TJ saying to HB's mother in that gallery that has her looking scared and backing away?

Why in the HELL did JI's friend let HB in or even drink with her. She is truly an idiot and then told JI about it she knows how HB did JI she attacked her once over stealing JI's husband and ended up in the police station over it why let her in and fall for her crap she was just pumping her for information on JI and TJ's mom getting her drunk the stupid Idiot.. let me get a bucket I want to put it over her head and beat on it with a metal spoon causing her ears to ring for being so stupid and she should STAY away from MR. American Express you TWIT!!

**Video Credit MBCdrama Channel on YouTube.
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valsava said: Ldy Gmerm said: Since @suchadiva42 and @valsava are having a heated discussion over HW and meeting him.. *sneaks up stealthy and snatches plane ticket and grabs already packed overnight bag and runs" Sending message that I will him they both said hello :D

I find it refreshing that HB is as dumb as a stump (just like her mother) I like that her plans are failing. Why because of high opinion she has of herself and she is nothing without that name and that families money. She deserves to get caught and more for what she has done and said to JI. Let's hope the writer keeps this up and continues to let her small schemes get exposed.

How long do you guys think it is going to take before TJ and his mother find out that JI is that little girl? Can we hope the next episode or will it be our weekend cliff hanger?

I wish HW had punched JMY, he was a idiot trying to act like he could box.. HW told him correctly Look here and then bent his wrist back darn fool. How stupid and cowardly do you have to be to try and kick someone when their back is turned but then miss and fall on your a r s e!!

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At this point JI would do better finding a place to live alone. This friend is not a help to her she is a hindrance to her and irritating and in the way to boot.

She could not even look JI in the face at the hospital as JI asked her about HB being at her house out the blue and what she could have possibly wanted once she told her what she asked about it got JI thinking. Stupid woman, letting her in your house and then having her get you drunk and you spill your guts!!!! Arghhhh she makes me so mad I could close her head up in the oven! She never trusted HB and told JI not to. But yet she trusted her to come into her house and drink with her not realizing HB had to be there for a reason and it could only be to get information on JI and what she is up to.

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@Ldy Gmerm
What JI's friend did makes absolutely no sense at all. She is aware of everything HB has done to JI and still had the nerve to share drinks with her. Some friend indeed..*smh*.
Omo, why are you keeping the :bz all to yourself?! Sharing is caring my chingu..lol. You should have seen me while I watched the episode. Every time he was onscreen, I couldn't help but giggle until my very conservative mother walked into the room and wanted to know what was so amusing. :))

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@tinatrix236" I never been stingy in my entire life but keeping my yeobo HW to myself I'am now, which I really have to think about it because I also likes to share. but if my yeobo feels that I'm all woman from monday thru sunday then i don't know what else I can tell you ;))

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@Ldy Gmerm, I think she figured out that @suchadiva42 yeobo HW likes JI and she she might try to sabotage JI. It is truly hard to find a true friend. JI friends know what type of person JI is and yet want to betray subconsciously or might be about money. She might also have been jealous of JI and HB's relationship ( I hope that is not the case). There are friends that ten a blind eye when the get something free. She know HB did not like JI, she knows she had an affair with JI's husband and did some other stuff to her. How can you trust that richard simmons. The things people do when money is involve.

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Sarah Maurice-Laplanche said: @Ldy Gmerm, I think she figured out that @suchadiva42 yeobo HW likes JI and she she might try to sabotage JI. It is truly hard to find a true friend. JI friends know what type of person JI is and yet want to betray subconsciously or might be about money. She might also have been jealous of JI and HB's relationship ( I hope that is not the case). There are friends that ten a blind eye when the get something free. She know HB did not like JI, she knows she had an affair with JI's husband and did some other stuff to her. How can you trust that richard simmons. The things people do when money is involve.

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I knew that friend of hers would be trouble the moment she started making moon eyes with HW! I don't know what I hate the most, the fact that may betray JI out of misplaced jelousy or the fact that she is written as an airhead!! I can't believe she would let HB anywhere near JI's space given everything she knows about HB! It's this level of stupidity that will put JI in trouble if she continues to hang out with her

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zaabu said: I knew that friend of hers would be trouble the moment she started making moon eyes with HW! I don't know what I hate the most, the fact that may betray JI out of misplaced jelousy or the fact that she is written as an airhead!! I can't believe she would let HB anywhere near JI's space given everything she knows about HB! It's this level of stupidity that will put JI in trouble if she continues to hang out with her

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HS hiding knowledge, we are used to but why in the world would JT's mom cover for HB? When JT asked his mother what was going on, she covered for her. Then what's with someone coming in your room at night, stealing your phone and you aren't in the least bit suspicious?!!

Highlight of the drama had to be when the woman came to HB's mom's office and beat the crap out of her and pulled the damn out of her hair! Must be the man's wife she's been messing with. Like mother, like daughter.

But damn, we barely had any :bz time!

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HS hiding knowledge, we are used to but why in the world would JT's mom cover for HB? When JT asked his mother what was going on, she covered for her. Then what's with someone coming in your room at night, stealing your phone and you aren't in the least bit suspicious?!!

Highlight of the drama had to be when the woman came to HB's mom's office and beat the crap out of her and pulled the damn out of her hair! Must be the man's wife she's been messing with. Like mother, like daughter.

But damn, we barely had any :bz time!

@NewKDramaAddict‌" I know why they didn't show my yeobo American Express, because they found out that me and @valsava was trying to see who'll get to HW first and what a damn shame ;)

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