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[Drama 2014/2015] Lady of the Storm 폭풍의 여자


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Ldy Gmerm said: JMY's main issue is he chose a woman he slept with for money over the wife that took care of him for years. When the truth comes out he will not know what to do and I expect him to confront HB but she will hit him with his killing of JI's mother. Both having done unspeakable things to JI for greed and spite.

@joyblack4 I too hope that the writer just makes JMY take the kid from her and for them to not kill her. It would be a shame if JI is left alone at the end with no kid.

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@Ldy Gmerm,
JMY and his petty jealousy of HW and letting HB rule him kept that child's mother away from her and she almost died. All that child needed was her mother but none of these selfish greedy people see that. 
HW is not going to play these emotional blackmail games with HS much longer. He bargained with a child's life all to keep HW away from JI. HW is going to soon come to realize his brother only cares about his own agenda's and anyone in his way he will step on. HS with all he's doing to JI is going to regret the things he's done. He's going to lose the only brother he has. HW being his brother HS thinks he's safe in what he told HW about the illegal things he's done. His own brother is going to have to take him down. 

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@valsava you and I and everyone else in this thread would be proactive and let that conniving dirty B*** have it. She would be on blast every chance I get until all her dirty laundry would be out. I would be telling her brother. I would be at that company putting her and JMY on blast. The newspapers and every chance she wanted to run her mouth to me she would get popped in it and I would be letting her have it.

JI's problems is she is a good girl so she is not going to air dirty laundry out in the street. But she forgets that she would be in the right because her husband cheated on her with another mans wife. HB would be seen as trash for cheating on her husband and cheating with another woman's husband.  Both of them would get it from the public for what they have done. I would surely tell JMY as well if you take my kid I will put you on blast at work for what you have done to me and whether I can prove it or not your sister and your mother as well over me going to jail.

But she will not. She will take what they do to her until she stops and then she will start paying them back.

I do have to wonder what was up with JT in this episode. He told his assistant to do something that HW over heard. I know he was a bit mad that JI did not show up but he has to know there could be a reason why she did not show. Of course she forgot about the meeting because her kid to precedence over meeting him to talk about his mother.

It should be interesting if he eventually does become the power behind JI to help her.

I know that HW will soon start to wake up to many times he has tried to appeal to HS  sense of right and wrong concerning JI who has done nothing and every time HS has let him down, lied to him, double crossed him and just down right not wanted to help because of his view of JI. What he fails to realize is he could have gotten his brother to do anything he wanted from him if he had just approved of his relationship with JI and helped her and him be together. It would have been a done deal to have HW do everything to get that company back.

But since he again seems to be trying to take him to task over his helping that woman get to her child HW is waking up to the fact that his brother cares for nothing or no one and thinks that HW is going to protect him from his dirty deeds but he will be the one to expose him and stop him from his greed and need for revenge.

It is a shame because HS could live a life that would be so much better but he has to have what he thinks is stolen from his family.

I kind of wish Jang does end up pregnant it would serve HS right if he finds out that he has a child coming into that world and that is the one thing that changes his mindset when something of his blood other then his brother is either taken away or dies. Maybe then he will see what he did to JI and feel loss for it. But again prolly not.

We see in the preview that HW is consoling JI who prolly just had her kid taken away in a car from her. For HW that will more then likely be the last straw as well as for JI. These two people have done nothing wrong but one has had to stand aside and watch another person be hurt over and over from other people and the other has had to endure that treatment.

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@suchadiva42,.  Sorry to say but Yeobo is so full of shyt these days as a Sunday Chicken ( ~:>) full crap..  

@valsava" Yes my yeobo HW is a (little) piece of shyt at the moment, but in due time he's going to be Daebak watch and see and he'll have everyone woman in LOTS drama wanting my Yeobo ;;)

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I wish someone could drive JMY of the cliff, I am sick tired of seeing his face,idiot still think he has a chance in that company,that is all he is hoping to have,by selling his own daughter to the enemy,I am sorry korean law need to change about giving  fathers custody  of their children when they mothers to take care of them.

I hope HW could arrange for JI to hid her child for some time some where far away,her sister and HW friend can take care of her if HW promise to pay his friend by resigning his from the company in the mean time.JMY is not a human being.

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Well I can say this much that HS and HB are some despicable people's who don't care about anyone feelings but their damn own, to a fact that they both trying to hide their infidelity from one another. as HB is sleeping with the idiotic JMY while HS is sleeping with the sister, So who's zooming who (Neither one of them) 8-|

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@Trinton823 ,  Take your medication and don;t watch the next episode because it's enough to send it over the top... The Ex family just makes you won't to kill them... JMY JI needs to run him over with a truck and back up over him and run him over again.. l'm ~O)

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ep 49

jt asks why hb asked him home suddenly, hb says they should eat with mom since he still cares about her even thought she has got a nurse, she thinks jt will see ji is doing something else.

it's too late for ji to escape, hw arrives, hb says it's weird ji isn't at home, hw says he came home for a book and he didn't see ji either, jt asks why they are in his study, mom yells "devil people" and "don't you fear heaven's punishment" in her room, jt wakes her up from dreaming and she says it's scary, ji arrives and hugs mom and says it's alright.

hb asks jt to fire hb since she left mom alone, jt says it isn't ji's fault for mom's nightmare and she was out to prepare bathing water for mom, hb says ji took the job for something else, he says why she is sensitive to ji and he only cares about mom's welfare.

jt recalls the ubs in his study was missing and he call a car for going out.

hb and mom wonder why jt mom repeats what she said before her collapsing, hb says she was panic about jt mom's words and she stopped searching the study further and also it was weird hw was there.

jt's secretary tells hw jt went home.

at home jt asks if he can join ji to have a walk with mom outside, she hesitated and he asks if she stole the usb and he wants a talk, later he says he knew she took the job for something else but she was wrong to steal the usb and she must return it, she says she doesn't know what he talks about, he says the usb is about the company and she won't need it.

hw calls ji but no answer, long says hs asks for hw and it's about ji, hw runs to hs's office and hb says he run because he was anxious about ji, hs asks if hw helped ji to hide, hw says he didn't, hb says he was there at the right time and right place and it can't be coincident, hw says she was there too so at the right time and right place so it can't be coincident and she just likes to mess him up with ji, he says he won't care for ji if they stop hurting her and he leaves, hb says why hs didn't stop hw leaving and hw helped ji surely, hs agrees.

hb says why hs did nothing about hw, mom says he must be planing something since he won't allow hw to be with ji, jang comes in and asks for leaving work earlier, it's about her blind date.

jang recalls how she got hs's schedule and he will be at Q hotel at 6pm, she says he didn't care about her blind date and she wants to do something about it.

the man asks if jang likes movies and she says yes then she thinks of hs, he says she seems not interested in what he said, hs arrives at the restaurant, she tells the man she is very interested in him and she dreams:
hs grabs her and says why she dates others, she says she won't if he asked her not to but he said nothing, he says no need to say it and she should know how much he loves her and he kisses her.

hs ignores jang and walks to his friend at anther table, in toilet jang cries over hs didn't care about her blind dates at all, she is shocked when she sees her messed up makeup in the mirror.

mom beats jang up for walking away from her blind date, jang says she told mom she wouldn't do it, mom says she didn't force her to do it and she feels ashamed thanks to jang, later jang says perhaps hs had to pretend he didn't know her at restaurant but he should have called her later.

ji reads book to jt mom, she recalls jt saying he would forgive her if she returned the usb and thanks to mom he wouldn't fire her, ji says sorry to mom.

ji wants to resign, jt says why since he already forgave her about usb, she says she can't stay with mom since she took the job for something else and she is sorry.

hw wants to talk to ji, hb appears and says she like to introduce their relationship formally since ji will be interested, ji says she won't and she leaves, later hw asks what hb wanted to do and what was about "formally", hb says ji misunderstood him and  she wants to help and he can't hide how he is from forever, he says he won't hide it from ji again.

hb says hw is brave and he won't hide it and he went out to confess, hs says what.

hw asks why long is in ji's house, long says it's hw who asked him to buy cow bones for ji and he had to stay to cook it because ji friend didn't allow him to leave, friend hears hw's voice and she comes out and asks why he came, hw says he worried because ji didn't answer his call, she says he pretends caring for them and he must be planing to betray ji again by hb's order, long says she knew nothing and love isn't a crime and hw came because of his love, she says so he came to confess his love to her, long says it isn't her but ji, she is shocked hw likes ji.

friend calls ji for a talk at the coffee shop, hw thanks her and says he will explain things to her later, long says she did it right and they are cupids, she says she isn't and she is a woman who likes to be loved, she says if hw betrays ji again she won't forgive him, hw says he won't.

hs texts hw not to meet or talk to ji and hw calls him back, he asks if hs sent someone to spy on him again, hs says not to confess to ji if you don't want to see her to be hurt.

hs: the nursing house that ji's kid is in.
hb: the nursing house?
hs: to send ji far way, nothing is simpler than this way.
hb: are you crazy? you can't do that.
jt: didn't you come to my house to find something? it seems i can help you to find it.
hb: hw seemed to have known where ji kid is so he went out.
hs: do you mean he is with her?
hs: i warned you never see her.
choi: what will you do? do you want to tell her?
jt: hji is a person that i need very much.
ji: sy, mom is here.

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So when exactly is ji and hw going to wake the hell up!? Im sorry if my brother threatens me id disown his sorry richard simmons and not think about it. If you have to threaten someone's child to get your point you've lost any and all rights to say crap to me about anything.
Ive pondered on this for a while to a point where i can happily say that jt is the rightful owner of the company. This far he has shown to be a descent guy. Its hs who seems to have the grudge, heck even hw doesn't seem to care...which tells me that hs is just like his wife....greedy and wants things that are not his!

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i think next week JI will become the storm after they stopped her from  seeing her daughter it is just a wake up call  in the preview after wondering around  when she came home she told her friend don't worry i have a plan and she got that look. it is time for her to go to the dark side since JT says he need JI and he knew what she was looking for in his studyshe may take his offer to take down those monsters down ( it is just my wishful thinking )  

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@euraka Always said JT would be the one to help. Sadly, HW hasn't come to his own and continues to go along with his brother's INSANE wishes. Sure, the company and house was unfairly taken but how in the H-E-L-L is that JI's fault?! HW has truly lost his mind too for believing anything HS says and going along with it!

@Triton823 "Ive pondered on this for a while to a point where i can happily say that jt is the rightful owner of the company." Ditto. I was never buying it that somehow a man who was a child at the time was responsible for what his father did. Funny thing is JT has been considerably nice to both HS and HW. Damn! HS is the VP! Right now, who would be JT's likely successor? I'm through with HW until he see the ever-loving light of REASON!

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So HS has turned out as I thought he would, the greatest foe to the OTP. Even if I exoected this to happen, I did not think he would go to this extreme. He is turning out to be almost as evil as his wife if not more! Now HB has as much dirt on him as he has on her, so he can't be as condescending to get any more. I thought he was smart and calculating but it seems HW is his Achilles heal, and he looses all objectivity when it comes to him. He is as obsessed with his brother as HB is obsessed with JI. Am so glad his plans will fail, at least am hoping they do!!!

So when is JI becoming STORM????

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NewKDramaAddict said: @euraka Always said JT would be the one to help. Sadly, HW hasn't come to his own and continues to go along with his brother's INSANE wishes. Sure, the company and house was unfairly taken but how in the H-E-L-L is that JI's fault?! HW has truly lost his mind too for believing anything HS says and going along with it!

@Triton823 "Ive pondered on this for a while to a point where i can happily say that jt is the rightful owner of the company." Ditto. I was never buying it that somehow a man who was a child at the time was responsible for what his father did. Funny thing is JT has been considerably nice to both HS and HW. Damn! HS is the VP! Right now, who would be JT's likely successor? I'm through with HW until he see the ever-loving light of REASON!

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Guys I keep saying that whatever happen in the past with that company HS's view of it was from a child's perspective. Things are not as he thinks they are. I am sure it was a way for him to deal with the grief and loss of his parents but he has taken his grief to a whole different level. He has hurt others in his quest to get back something that prolly does not belong to him anymore.

HW was never interested in that company it has always been HS. HS is the President or Vice President and he is still not happy he feels he should be the head... Which brings me to a thought.. HB thinks she should have that company (not sure why she is the second born child and female at that. ) for what reason because she does not feel legitimate? because she feels they never truly accepted her? (not sure why they should have accepted her she is born of an affair on JT's mother) because they do not treat her like she feels she should be treated? or is it she feels her mother should be in that house? I am sure it is all of the above but the thing is she told her mother earlier that she hated she had her blood in her so now she wants to help her move in?  HB thinks she will what be the Chairman? President? and her mother what? Neither of these women deserve anything.. they have been given enough legitimacy in my opinion and have not appreciated it just greedy.. It will be funny because HB thinks she will take that company and she has no clue that HS has his own agenda to get that company back. Does she even know the history that HS has in his head about that house and company?

As for JT.. I think he will be helping JI as well. She is about to get to a point where she is going to start fighting back and JT is going to help her because of his mother and needing JI to be with her because that is who his mother wants. It is a win/win situation for those two JI gets to find out and hurt those that hurt her and JT gets to find out all the dirt and things that HS, HB and her mother have done and get them for hurting his mother.

As for HW , the poor guy he does not see yet that he has a lot more options then listening to his Hyung. He will though.. It will finally dawn on him that HS is not a good person. That he does not have to do what HS says. and when it does.. he will start doing what he needs to stop his brother and HB.

There are a couple of things I am waiting for besides the fact that the baddies get theirs.. I am waiting for JMY to realized he backed the wrong horse in HB and ruined his life. What will he do when he realize his ex wife is real chummy with the Chairman? What will he do when he realizes that HW is a lawyer and works in that company and doesn't just have a badge for show?

I am waiting on the delusional twit Jang to come to the realization when rationalizing HS's behavior and why he is treating her that why stops and reality sets in that he truly does not love or care for her and that he used her. I want to see that pain for her. She betrayed a person for a man that used her. wow the parallels with her brother who did the same!

@prettystone thank you for the translation.

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one thing i want to see is JT mother getting better she already knew that JI is that little girl she was looking for and they framed JI. that means she will  inheirt  the foundation that makes rich and powerful it is along way to reach  there and i am sure the journey will be painful 

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