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[Drama 2014/2015] Lady of the Storm 폭풍의 여자


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@NewKDramaAddict,  The sad part of it all is they are sleeping with married people..You would think she would have not wanted her daughter to live like that but money has over shadow her thinking so she would have been better off telling her daughter to go out and turn tricks at least she would have had and excuse for her doing it survival.. Whats going to happen to her daughter once she get a big dose that a married man took her woman hood and dump her she would have came out a lot better selling it to the highest bidder.. All that name brand wear will go out of style and when she don;t have his backing anymore mama will be hearing about it..   

@valsava" I agree and I'm certainly a mother who wouldn't want my daughter messing with a married man, especially over materialize stuff in which love isn't involved with it at all.. HS is just using JMY sister and will be ready to throw her azz to the curb when he's done with her, watch and see!! but I'll have my hand on the mute button when the crying starts 8-|

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@Ldy Gmerm I agree HB's kid must pay for her crime going insane. I see both mother and daughter losing it. They will start losing it when JI has more power and wealth. JMY doesn't even know where they sent his daughter. How could he do that??? His daughter is in danger and all he cares about is keeping JI from HW. SMH SMH SMH

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Ldy Gmerm said: The sad thing is all of the bad people always say it is someone else fault that they had to do something.

In HB's case It is JI's fault for having the look a like old boyfriend HB could not be with. So she had to sleep with him and buy him and then force a divorce. Then she has to cover up what her daughter did to the woman's kid and send her to prison all because JI was asking too many questions and she wanted her away to be with the useless fake boyfriend look alike.  Now she is moving the child to get JI out the way again and give her a bit of pain but it looks like they are not telling her where the kid is now thinking they can use this to keep her in line and not look into what they did and keep HW and her apart.. LOL

Also it is JT's and his mother's fault she was never accepted and had to do bad things just to get them to look at her and take notice and listen to her.

In her daughters case it is JI's daughters fault for being an honest straight forward  good student who did not allow herself or others to be bullied or beat out in grades ,the jealous twit so the daughter had to try and buy her and when that did not work she pushes her down a flight of concrete stairs because the girl throws the money back in her face and maybe says something about her mother to her.

JMY, his mother and sister it is JI's fault that he married below him and did not find a rich woman, DIL , SIL who can give him the job and money they think they deserve in their life. Never seeming to think maybe he is just a useless man and no rich woman with half  a brain would want that man who has no mind of his own and is not capable of anything.

HS it is JI's fault his brother is not wanting to do what he wants and come into that company instead of doing odd jobs and working on his film and enticing him with her kid as well. If he should marry then it should be of someone of the same status.  Plus JI can be used to keep HB and her mother in line and to not mess with HW.

Funny how a lot turned out to be JI's fault in all of this misery.

The truly amazing thing is JMY's mother is ok with her children sleeping around with people.  I am not sure she knows HS is HB's hubby but I guess it is ok to be involved with married people or suspects (HS) as long as they are rich and perhaps gives up some of the money.  You can't tell me for two years his sister has not been sleeping with HS because I would not believe it. So having a part time lover is better then a full time one I guess. What was the lie these two have been telling the idiots as to why they are not divorced yet or have not planned to be yet? That is what I want to know. When will they both hear something that makes them realized how played they were and how used.

Now HB wants JMY to be a father to her daughter!!! The very daughter that hurt his own???? WOW, HB is just.. I do not know what to say about her. She sees no problem with this and this fool will not either given his daughter is still supposedly out of it.

Frankly I am waiting for the moment that JMY learns all the truth of what HB has done to his kid. It will serve him right to realize what he slept with. To realize that he called her kid daughter too and she is the one that hurt his own.

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Jmy fate is sealed when he killed ji mother. hb fate too was sealed as with all people who destroyed a marriage she will get the cancer crap. Hs's betrayal of hw due to his obsession will cost him so much more since hb is trying to get jmy to be the father of her kid....and yet still married!? Those two karma is one that when it comes there won't be any,"Ill do whatever just save me!" Bs that we will get. I want the writer to completely change ji from stupid idiot into a cold hearted ruthless person whose sole purpose is to destroy hb/jmy. I am though wondering where the money and power is to come from since it generally comes from marrying someone.

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the sad thing is that HB's daughter will not want to call JMY a father because,that girl is very disrespectful,JMY don't look like the kind of a father she will like to have,JMY is not rich,he is very poor,first of all before her and her mother will start their punishment I want them to go and live in a very poor neighborhood,with JMY as her father, O men,I wouldn't miss the drama if that happen,I could also like to see HB's daughter watch JI daughter as she enter a nice car waiting for her,that will be epic to laugh at.

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HB wants to erase JI and her daughter from JMY. I almost choked reading that translations that @prettystone put up about HB wanting him to be dad but he will not let go of JI. What kind of crazed Shyt is that? You want the man you stole from another woman to be the father of the child by the boyfriend that died? But you are still married to someone else?

And yes, you guys are so right that girl is disrespectful, has no manners and we definitely know she has no loyalty or conscience! She has had HS as a father on paper and you do not see them even interact and now HB wants JMY to take up a father role? She really wants to pretend and play house with the man that looks like her dead lover huh? But it is true JMY is not the father that girl would want. He is poor and she would not like his mother or sister then to cap it off he is the father of the girl she hurt! How much sense does that make? This girl would look down on and talk back to this man the moment he even tries to open his mouth to her like an Appa would!  Besides that JMY barely spent time with his own kid before she was hurt but he will be a daddy to another woman child? Sure we know it happens but that is too much when his child is off alone some where in a hospital hidden from her mother.

I like you want a writer that is going to give us a character just as you described. One hell bent on making those pay that have screwed up her life and her world and who have f*** around with her bond with her daughter.  That means cutting ties to all those in her past that did nothing for her and getting smart and hardening her heart and using her head. Will we get it.. Let's hope that we do.. if not then well we will see the same BS we have seen before.

They have already made JI out to be one bad B***  in their minds capable of ruining plans and exposing them so all we need is for the writer to make it true in life. I don't even care if she marries HW now and they both wreck the lives of those people.All of the selfish people that have done something to JI whether directly or indirectly and have been so ungrateful as to think only of themselves need to get the real lesson of what it means to be paid back in full for what they have done.

The funny thing is had they just continued on their merry way and not did anything else to JI all would be fine. Had they told the truth about what happen to her kid or what happen to her mother both would be horrible accidents with a little bit of punishment for that selfish kid but none of it would endure hatred (by much!) it is when they proceed to hide their crimes and not come forward and then continue to hide the truth as to not have to explain or pay a price that things turn from bad to worse.  Then no amount of sorry will cut it. An eye for an eye in my mind is deserved.

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It was accidental when he hit her because she ran out in front of his car so he was not at fault. IT become involuntary homicide or hit and run when he did not come forward and has HB cover his tracks for him. The min he did not come forward to his ex wife to say he killed his MIL by accident it stopped being anything but murder in my book. And he stood in her face at the memorial knowing what he did but never said a word.

HB will tell it the min she thinks he wants to go back to JI (who will not want him) she will let it be known what he did and he better hope she does not get her hands on him. This is why I hope to see in a drama one day that the woman after being dumped and cheated on by the husband marries again first and then when the hubby realizes what he lost and tries to come crawling back she is already with another man and he can't say anything to her about how she is living her life or about the kid.

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No matter how much HB may hate JI one thing for sure you are asking for some serious karma to happen to your child when you cut the ties between mother and child.. So crazy jmy not knowing where is child is and allowing these people to move her like that because he so blindly believing in his dik and HB thinking her's is made of gold if her on child don;t die she should very damn well end up in the looney bend..   These people got some serious dues to pay to JI and her daughter and they should be at somebody church burning candles every night and praying because when they downfall come they not going to see it coming and it's going to happen like a domino effect        

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It was accidental when he hit her because she ran out in front of his car so he was not at fault. IT become involuntary homicide or hit and run when he did not come forward and has HB cover his tracks for him. The min he did not come forward to his ex wife to say he killed his MIL by accident it stopped being anything but murder in my book. And he stood in her face at the memorial knowing what he did but never said a word.

HB will tell it the min she thinks he wants to go back to JI (who will not want him) she will let it be known what he did and he better hope she does not get her hands on him. This is why I hope to see in a drama one day that the woman after being dumped and cheated on by the husband marries again first and then when the hubby realizes what he lost and tries to come crawling back she is already with another man and he can't say anything to her about how she is living her life or about the kid.

@Ldy Gmerm" I agree and that's where JMY Dumb azz messed up at, when he didn't come forward, but instead of letting a skank like HB talk him into keeping his mouth shut about it. but now will indeed go down in flames all of them including HB rude daughter..

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valsava said: No matter how much HB may hate JI one thing for sure you are asking for some serious karma to happen to your child when you cut the ties between mother and child.. So crazy jmy not knowing where is child is and allowing these people to move her like that because he so blindly believing in his dik and HB thinking her's is made of gold if her on child don;t die she should very damn well end up in the looney bend..   These people got some serious dues to pay to JI and her daughter and they should be at somebody church burning candles every night and praying because when they downfall come they not going to see it coming and it's going to happen like a domino effect        

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OMG!! There are just TOO many sins that the Jang family have committed against JI! So many now and the worse being the mother's death followed by hiding the daughter. The writer better come full steam ahead with the revenge. I know, I haven't forgotten the B*T*H sister and her lying but hiding the daughter; SY who kept her alive and sane in prison is now gone! There is no one honest in this drama! Even the F**** nurse finding the camera and selling it! Selling the sanity of a mother?! Again, unforgivable! But from the previews, maybe there is hope. Maybe she actually kept a copy!

HW's ease-dropping was the final minute in which he finds out. Guess we will get to see tomorrow his full reaction. He will be full mea culpa to JI now. He will have a hard road convincing her now with the disappearance of her daughter. I have no idea where the writer is going but I want these people to suffer double what JI is suffering now. Anything short is a travesty!

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ep 42
... if i have time ...

hs: are you crazy? you even took hw to ji's prison, you must be crazy.
ji: sy, mom is here, where is our sy? i have found her everywhere but she isn't here, she is vanished.
hb: jmy won't tell, i told him ji has a man.
ji: right, camera, perhaps it took photos about who took sy away.
hw: why did you do that? you promised me you would help ji, why did you do that? why did you do that to that woman?!

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ep 42

hb arrives and tells others she is mj's mom, a man tells her mj is hiding, she finds mj by phone, mj says she thought sy was aboard and there will be her debut soon and what to do if sy tells others, bh says sy is a plant so she can't talk, mj says sy stares at her.

hb asks if sy knows her and sy nods, mj asks if sy remembers what she did to her and she nods, sy yells what do do and she makes a mess in room that makes sy sick, mj and hb run out of the room.

doctor and nurse are in the room, ji friend arrive and asks why happened, she calls jmy but he turns off the phone, she calls jmy mom and jang says mom can call back later and mom agrees.

mj says as if it isn't enough for her to see sy staying in korea  sy even remembers what she did to her, hb mom says sy is a plant so how she can talk, mj yells mj nodded, later hb says sy can't talk now so they still have time, mom says ji will know if she stays with kid, bh says she mustn't allow ji to be with kid,

hs calls hb she must sign on his project, she says she isn't interested for him  to use her brand, he says she should sign it because she needs him to settle mess she made in sy's room, she asks him come to her to talk.

jmy talks on phone and runs to kid.

hb says she won't sign the project and she is a star now and she knows it will lose money, he says he didn't ask for her approval, she says she can't be threatened and she can protect mj alone and he should worry about hw and what if she tells hw the truth, he says he warned her not to touch hw, she says so he shouldn't touch mj and if he did she will go for hw and this is her warning to him.

hw buys kids' books.

mom and jmy says why kid couldn't breathe suddenly, friend says kid is stable now and they shouldn't wake her up, mom says friend can't says that and it's all because friend didn't take good care of kid, jmy says he allowed her to take care of kid only because she is ji's friend and he didn't know she took care of kid in this way, friend says they are too much and it's always her to take care of kid and they rarely came to see kid and she cries, jang says friend can't cry over a few words from mom and her brother, friend says "a few words?",  and jang says if friend felt she wasn't praised for taking care of kid then she should ask an ajumma to do it, friend says jang as kid's aunt shouldn't say that and if she feels rest assured if kid is taken care of by an outsider, jang says friends is an outsider too and it's laughable for friend to take care of kid since ji has been in jail, friend says so who made ji go to jail, jang says she didn't and it's ji who had no any power but dared to challenge, friends is angry and says omg.

hw asks a nurse to send books to kid, friend sees him and says he still has face coming here and she isn't in a good mood so she won't talk and he should just leave, he says he will, she throws away his books and says if he feels a bit of guilty for ji he shouldn't appear again.

hw drinks, secretary long asks if hw went to see kid, hw says long is like ghost so he knows, hw says ji friends kicked him out, long says hw should tell her the truth, hw says it doesn't matter and she was right and he won't go to see ji again, long drinks a lot.

ji friend drinks, long come to her, she says she isn't in a good mood and he came to annoy her more, he says he is angry but he can' tell and someone is too pitiful, they drink together, they wake up later, they ask each other why they are here, she kicks him out.

hw calls long but no answer, hs recalls hb's words about if hw knows it he won't stand it.

jt mom gives food to jt and says it tastes good, she gives food to hw and says he is pretty, hb says mom likes hw always even though she can't recognize him and she is jealousy of him because mom never said pretty to her, hs says mom actually likes hb, she says mom never said so she doesn't know, mom says pretty to her.

hs says mom said pretty to hs and it was real, hb says she feels like to be played, hw has gifts for mj, hb says hs lives tired for protecting hw, hs says she too for protecting mj.

mj doesn't like book hw gave her, she says she got 500 g weight even though she didn't eat last night, he says she should be thankful since she has parents and she is pretty and healthy and she can't do many things, she says they aren't worth thankful and if he came to lecture her he should go, he leaves her and says so many people can't enjoy things that she can.

hb says "ji" to hw and he looks at her, she says he changed his expression whenever he heard "ji" and she asks if he still remembers ji and he can tell her the truth since hs isn't here, he says enough, she says so he still remembers ji.

ji tells her jail mate it's like a dream that she will see kid soon.

hb asks jmy to sign on a contract for a new place for kid that has fresh air, jmy says he can't send kid away without discussing with ji, she says he can't allow kid to be with an ex prisoner, he says it wasn't ji's fault to be in jail and he must wait for ji's return, she says she didn't want to say it but if he likes to see kid to call another man dad, he asks what she means, she says ji has anther man and 2 years has been over but that man can't forget ji, he wonders if that man is hw, she says if things are smooth for ji and that man ji will marry him and he will be kid's dad, she asks if jmy feels nothing about kid being taken by anther man, she says to hide kid away is the only way for ji not to have kid.

jang gives hs some files she copied behind curator's back, he thanks her, she asks they should go to a trip for weekend, he says he likes to but he has no time free, he gives her a gift and she says she likes it because it's from him, she sits on his laps.

jang sees jmy at lobby, she tells him she came for curator's business, he tells about hb's plan, she says no way ji has man since she has been in jail and it must be hb who wants to separate ji from him, she says ji could have a man but he has to ask ji by himself , he says right he will go to ask ji to confirm if she has a man, hb hears them and wonders how to "confirm it".

hb says sorry but all lawyers she knows are from big firms so she has to ask hw come for ji, hw says he didn't know she cared about ji who is pitiful and has difficulty, she says she is interested in charity and she just did it this time and she will wait for him outside the jail.

hb is told someone is visiting ji and wonders if it's jmy, jmy arrives and knows someone is with ji, ji is with fiend, ji says she can hold on in jail thanks for friend who has taken care of kid, friend says she got strength from ji's words, ji asks why, friend says there is a reason and she tells ji she saw the man who betrayed ji and the man looked so good so he must have been living very well with the money he got from hb by selling the video to her.

jmy wonders who visited ji and wonder if it's hw, he sees hw and says so hw has been seeing ji all the time, he goes to grab hw and says it's really him and he won't do nothing about them, hw says what jmy is talking about, jmy says just wait and see, he calls hb and says he will sign the contact to move kid away immediately, hb says good thinking and he must move kid away before ji comes out.

already did. ;)

sorry, guys, it's my bad, hb didn't want jmy to be her kid's father, i translated it wrong, hb asked if jmy cared if his kid called someone else dad, it's difficult to translation preview for me since i don't really know what happens in the next ep since the crystal ball isn't working, lol, sorry again. ;) i won't be available to do translation tomorrow, so, see you NEXT YEAR. ;)

will be back on jan 2 next year, see ya then. ;)

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i hope its not through hw that ji gets her power rrom because right now i cant stand such useless brother like him. Hs only see hw as a tool for his purpose nothing more, but i too see hs karma....he will lose the one thing that truly mattered and that will be hw. I see the secretary joining with hw because the writer seems to be putting him with ji friend. I thought it was interesting what he told hb daughter another sign for her karma...there is a video of her pushing ji daughter down and that will be released destroying whatever future she dreamed of. Hb won't be able to help. I won't even talk about jym...he's not even worth my spit. Hb yeah she'll lose everything and her precious life she has because hs/hb bro are going to fall.

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I would like to think the nurse made copies of that video. If she was greedy enough to take advantage of a mother' misery, she is certainly greedy enough to make copies in order to get more money out of it. Hopefully, she redeems herself soon and tells JI what she did and what was on that recording.
JMY....this man is very stupid. Why would he even seek help and advice from a person who clearly hates JI?! He should have asked himself why HB cared about his daughter's welfare all of a sudden. It was just too fishy. Also, what sort of arrangement did he make with the witch that he doesn't even have the faintest idea where his own daughter is?! I know others have said this but I can't help but say it again...he is the biggest idiot in kdrama land. 
HB and her husband deserve whatever misery comes their way. They have destroyed others' lives...people who did absolutely nothing to them. I just wonder how they go about their daily activities without feeling an ounce of guilt especially that daughter of theirs. 

 I hope SY doesn't die but I think she will and it will be all her father's fault because it was his responsibility to ensure her safety. As usual, he isn't thinking about her welfare but only himself in this situation. If he was angry at JI, he could have used another method instead of using his sick daughter to get his own way. Should SY die, he will be responsible for the death of two people.
I too hope JI gets power herself and not through HW. If she gets it through him, she will be reminded if it by others all the time. I hope she works hard on her own, gets rich and sets out to destroy that evil family and also JMY. Their actions destroyed lives and they have to pay for what they did.

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