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[Drama 2014/2015] Lady of the Storm 폭풍의 여자


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@valsava, @NewKDramaA,
These people have just taken away the last thing that kept JI going. Once she has a good cry and wallows in self pity for a moment I thinks JI is going to emerge a different person. All the people who turned her life upside down are going to pay dearly. 
HB is capable of anything if it suits what she wants. Even if she doesn't resort to murder she still deserves to be severely punished. 

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I don't think the writer will be  going that far to kill JI daughter, though I am afraid that might be where the writer is taking it to, hope they are just going hid the child for the mean time,HW might come in this time to help her,the poor man he didn't even know what he has done wrong,he was all surprise by JI friend reaction to him,so naive,may be he was thinking they are going to welcome him as a hero,not knowing what his brother has done to him,ep43 preview he open his eyes very wide,he wouldn't believe what HS has done, he will  lose his brother's love for him.even now JMY is still believing whatever comes out of HB mouth,he has not yet learn anything,some good women do have some bad men.

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ep 41

if i have time...

ji's friend: where do you think here is? and you dared to come? if you still feel a bit of sorry about ji you shouldn't appear again.
hb: can my daughter call that man father?  but that man seems he can't forget ji,
jmy:  perhaps that brat still...
hs: i have warned you can't touch hw.
bh: if you don't want me to touch your brother you shouldn't touch my daughter, hs!
mj: do you remember things of that day? do you remember it?!
sy nods.
mj: what to do?

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JMY is always going to listen to HB until he gets hit right between the eyes at what she has done. I am sure that HB perhaps convinced him to move that girl from her room to keep HW away perhaps and we know the real reason is to keep JI away from her and realizing that child is waking up and telling who hurt her.. In his stupidity he moves this girl away from her mother who was only holding on to get out to find her and in the preview we see her begging him to tell her where that kid is and he is being nasty to her.

What he, HB and HS have done is set in motion JI and HW finally realizing no one is what they say they are and no one will do anything but hurt you if given the chance and you can't trust anyone not even people who are family or use to be family! Harsh lesson but both of them need this eye opener. Every thing that JMY has done and his family has been for their own selfish reasons. Listening to the wrong person and that is HB. From the moment JI looses touch with her kid on top of everything else that has happen to her she will change and it will not be her turning the other cheek anymore. She will be driven to succeed and find her kid.

The min HW gets it that JI did that time and that his brother did not help her but in fact made sure she took the blame for that separating her for two years from her own child HS has lost him. He should have realized this is a possibility. But he did not I bet thinking that HW would have forgotten her and her kid , well guess what you reap what you sow.

Well, when JMY  finds out that it was HB's daughter that hurt his own and that HB knew it and hide that fact, that his kid was waking up and that is why she had him move her away from her mother he will realize the mistakes he made but it is way too late. You slept with your wife's friend (well she never was that. ) sided with her over your wife, divorced your wife and had her move out of the home and did everything she wanted of you never looking out for your ex wife who took care and supported you and your lazy useless family and then you find out that the woman you did all that for hid the fact her daughter is the one that hurt your own and then framed your ex wife with the help of your sister to get her out the way and hide her crimes.  When he finds that out he will want to walk on her and of course she is going to say he can't or she will tell he killed JI's mother.

I am not sure what JI did in her past life but lets hope if she is born again she is living the life of leisure with no worries because in this life she has been plagued with having to deal with selfish nasty people who do not care about anyone and have no qualms with ruining someone else life as long as they get what they want.

It makes me sick to see JMY's sister all over HS like they are legitimate. She and her brother deserve being other people's play toy's and lacky's and will not see anything at the end to show for being used by these people. It will be good for them. I would love for both to be outed as adulterers as well.

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i don't even  how to comprehend  HB actions the fact is they can't hide the baby for long  may me JMY mother will be the one who will spil the beans the lady seems has a little bit of conscious  and yes epi 43 HW will find out  what his brother did. there is nothing HS and do to get back  the respect and the trust the irony is because of his obsession for revenge he lost the only family he has and i don't pity him he deserve it 
oh what can i say about sly fox JMY sister it is clear he is in to her but she seems not to see it. I don't see any change in JI she seems the same. i can't wait for her to discover that JMY kill her mother 

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suchadiva42 said: @triton823" I totally agree liking HWS hair in Ice Adonis and in here as well that I just loved him in today's episode going thru the garbage looking for his picture of him. HW is just so handsome in which I really can't get enough of him and if JI continues playing hard to get with my yeobo, then her azz don't deserve him and I'll have no choice but to take what's rightfully mines my American Express Back ;;)

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anyone else get the feeling that what hs has done to hw is about to bite him right square in the richard simmons? When hw learns not only the betrayal of his brother but hb had a hand in moving ji child...as Lord Zedd (Power Rangers villian) said,"He'd flip his galactic cookies!".
A powder keg is in development and when it goes off its going to be big!

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@hibiscus23" Hello my Chingu missed ya :-h

I just came out of the ordinary with my yeobo HW naming him the American Express, because to me I wouldn't leave home without him. and oh do I love that picture from Ice Adonis where he was handsome especially the shower scene, but if the writer don't mind can i get a glimpse of HW in another shower scene and promise to only take a peek X_X

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ep 41

ji is sentenced fo 2 years in jail, she can't believe it and she cries for kid.

mj is a member of a girl group and before cameras she says she is straightforward and she can't play fake, a woman says mi's video is good and when mj comes out, hb says she won't play mystery and she will allow mj to come out soon, a woman asks if mj has many fans, hb says of course like her mj has many talents.

hb is with her book 'hb style', stupid women say she is very pretty.

jmy is team manger now and he says on phone he will go to see hb and he will take cake and coffee to her, he tells workers he is out for work and he leaves, workers say he was promoted but he is still hb's maid, he hears them when he is back for his key, later he says they are just jealousy of him and he will catch any chance if he can get.

hs is vice president now and he talks with directors about how to settle bad companies, they say he is doing all of president jt's work, he says it's because jt can't be in office all time for personal reasons, he is told jt arrives, directors leave and he says they are like fellows like rats.

jt signs papers, hs says he can take them home for jt to sign, jt says he must come to work because he can't leave all burdens to hs, hs says it isn't burdens for him, jt asks about hw, hs says hw has finished his study abroad and he wants to be a lawyer doing charity but he has asked him to work for legal team of the company, jt says he won't stop him because after mom got ill he won't worry about small things.

jmy's sis jang is in hs's office, she says he is unhappy and she knows it because they have dated for 2 years, she touches his shoulder and he says it's too much because here is at the company, she says it's exciting and she says they should have dinner tonight and she already has a wine ready, he says next time because he can't tonight.

hb and mom drink wine, mom says hb brand is very popular and mj's program is good too and she hopes hb's book is popular too, she asks if many people come to her book fair, bh says the line was endless, mom says so everything is so smooth recently, mom goes to toilet and bh drinks another cup.

ji arrives, bh says ji is supposed in jail, ji says bh and mj should be in jail instead, ji chocks hb's neck and says she isn't criminal and hb and mj are and they have done bad things to her and her kid  and hb must die, bh wakes up so it's just a dream, hs asks if she had nightmares again, she denies, he says so why she sweats and she touches her neck, she says she has a cold and goes to bathroom, she says it's because of ji who will be out soon but ji can't do a thing to her and it was just a bad dream.

in jail a woman says why ji didn't appeal if she felt wronged, ji recalls things:
hb says she heard ji will appeal and she will meet reporters and it's useless because the prosecutor will appeal and sentence her heavier and there won't be a reporter to report her story, js says so hb wants her to stay quiet in jail, bh says yes and ji should know who will be hurt if she appeals and sees reporters and her victims are her friends and kid outside, hb asks ji wants to prove her innocent even if her friend and kid will suffer, ji says hb is threatening her, hb says she isn't threatening and she is just warning and ji must have known what she can do to her and ji must learn to bow her head to a person she can't win over, she says she if ji has heard her clearly she shouldn't do useless things and she should stay quiet, ji yells hb isn't a human and if she won't forgive her if she hurt her kid, hb says all depends on ji's decision and she leaves.

back to now ji says hb can just wait and she will expose it and she will make them pay the price.

hb tells her mom about bad dream, she says she must send ji to an unknown place and she can't breathe if ji is back to seoul, mom says just send ji kid to a far place so ji will go with kid.

hb says jmy should send kid to a place that has fresh air and it's good for kid, he says it's too far, she says for kid he should endure it, he says he will talk to ji since she will be out soon, she says he as a father should decide it by himself, he says he must talk to his mom, she says so he goes to talk to his mom and she will do the rest if he has decided it.

ji's friend reads ji's letter to kid: to kid that i love, i dreamed of you last night that you were happy seeing me, i didn't forget it when i woke up and i wanted to see you at once but i stopped myself, i am counting days left before i see you, i am working hard, kid, sorry i couldn't be with you when you were ill, thanks for your persistence, just wait for a moment and i will see you in a few days, i will be with you and i will have a birth party for you and i will bring gift to you, you won't spend your birthdays alone, i love you, sy, i love you.

in airplane a woman gives hw a napkin that has a flower drawing on it, he recalls he said it wasn't easy to draw him on a napkin but ji did it, he says sorry he already has his precious napkin, he thinks ji must have been living very well.

hs and secretary long receive hw at airport.

jt and mom are at home, his man comes in and tells him hw and hs arrive, mom asks who hw is, jt says hw is hs's bro and he is handsome, she leaves for handsome, his man asks if he wants to stop hw working for legal team, he says he won't because mom likes hw.

mom says hw is really handsome and he must stay to eat with her, jt says next time because hw must be very tired, she insists and hw says he will stay, at diner table hw takes care of mom, hs says hw will stay at hotel before he finds a place for hw, hw says he will find a house by himself, mom asks him to live with her, jt says hw should, hw says he still wants to live outside but he will come to her often, hs gets a call.

hs says on phone he will talk to a lawyer for the problem, secretary long comes in, hs says long mustn't tell hw about ji, hw says goodbye and he will meet them at company tomorrow, hs asks long to spy on hw.

hw drives to kid's hospital, long calls hs and says hw stayed in hotel and didn't come out, after the call he wonders why he has to lie since he isn't a double spy and he must be crazy, hw doesn't get in kid's room.

jmy says the place for kid has fresh air, sis says it's too far, mom says nobody can go there for kid and they can't ask ji friend to go there, he says ji can go there after she is out, sis says ji better goes there than seoul, he says she must feel shamed of what she did to ji, she says as if he never did bad things to ji, mom says stop and it isn't good if they they fight each other.

jmy texts hb about he needs more time to consider, she wonders why, mj yells for her, mj says why she has to do charity work, hb says they must show they are innocent girls like angels and she won't do that after she becomes popular and she just endures it for a while, mj says it's so annoying.

before cameras mj says she isn't tired and she is thankful and grateful for having the chance to help others and she is happy, later she calls hb and says she is dying from tiring and how long she has to continue it, bh says she has arrived and she will send the camera team to eat, a camera man is looking for mj for more job.

ji friend says she will leave kid for a while, kid moves her fingers, ji in jail says she will be coming to kid, mj enters the room and sees sy and collapses to the floor.

already did. ;)

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Told you.... JMY will agree to moving that kid per HB's suggestion when HW shows back up again like we saw outside the jail in last nights episode. That is what the call to HB was at the end. His own jealousy and anger separated JI from her child. Not sure why he thinks he has the right to be jealous over a woman he divorced after cheating on and his own sister lied on and put her in jail. But hey it is a Kdrama and nothing really makes sense in the grand scheme of things!

This right here:

"he says she must feel shamed of what she did to ji," Just told me what I wanted to know. JMY knows his sister lied on JI and put her in jail when she did nothing. His mother and him are all part of the lie and the things they have done to this woman who did nothing but take care of them is awful.

Now that he will go along with moving the kid not knowing that HB is only doing this to keep that kid from telling who hurt her but also to keep JI away and not look into proving what they did to her.  That is ok.. they are baiting a sleeping tiger.


Yes, I do get the feeling that HS will find out that what he has done has bitten him in the a r s e. If he was so confident he would  not have said not to tell HW about JI.  He knows that min that HW finds out that HS did not help her but let her go to jail and if he helped or may have helped and not did anything to stop them moving her kid away from her all hell is about to break loose. He thinks he can have HW meekly follow his lead after he finds out the truth he is sadly mistaken and frankly it is time for HS to loose HW's respect and love for what he did to that woman.

All of these people sacrificed someone else for their on greedy desires. Let's hope the writer writes JI after loosing her kid as a take charge kick azz heroine who is about to get smarter.

I think in the end HW will be the one with the company and HS would have lost out on it all because of his desire (just like HB with her desire to have what does not belong to her and to hurt people to get it hiding the truth her needs or kids need over everyone else) to hurt anyone to get it back.

HB's devil spawn thinks she is going to make it in the entertainment industry huh.. I see her for a bit making it.. but eventually what she did will come out and she will be in ruins if she does not go nuts first. I would love for the writer to make it so she starts seeing that girl every where driving her selfish bullying azz crazy.

@prettystone thanks for the translations.

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suchadiva42 said: @hibiscus23" Hello my Chingu missed ya :-h I just came out of the ordinary with my yeobo HW naming him the American Express, because to me I wouldn't leave home without him. and oh do I love that picture from Ice Adonis where he was handsome especially the shower scene, but if the writer don't mind can i get a glimpse of HW in another shower scene and promise to only take a peek X_X

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The sad thing is all of the bad people always say it is someone else fault that they had to do something.

In HB's case It is JI's fault for having the look a like old boyfriend HB could not be with. So she had to sleep with him and buy him and then force a divorce. Then she has to cover up what her daughter did to the woman's kid and send her to prison all because JI was asking too many questions and she wanted her away to be with the useless fake boyfriend look alike.  Now she is moving the child to get JI out the way again and give her a bit of pain but it looks like they are not telling her where the kid is now thinking they can use this to keep her in line and not look into what they did and keep HW and her apart.. LOL

Also it is JT's and his mother's fault she was never accepted and had to do bad things just to get them to look at her and take notice and listen to her.

In her daughters case it is JI's daughters fault for being an honest straight forward  good student who did not allow herself or others to be bullied or beat out in grades ,the jealous twit so the daughter had to try and buy her and when that did not work she pushes her down a flight of concrete stairs because the girl throws the money back in her face and maybe says something about her mother to her.

JMY, his mother and sister it is JI's fault that he married below him and did not find a rich woman, DIL , SIL who can give him the job and money they think they deserve in their life. Never seeming to think maybe he is just a useless man and no rich woman with half  a brain would want that man who has no mind of his own and is not capable of anything.

HS it is JI's fault his brother is not wanting to do what he wants and come into that company instead of doing odd jobs and working on his film and enticing him with her kid as well. If he should marry then it should be of someone of the same status.  Plus JI can be used to keep HB and her mother in line and to not mess with HW.

Funny how a lot turned out to be JI's fault in all of this misery.

The truly amazing thing is JMY's mother is ok with her children sleeping around with people.  I am not sure she knows HS is HB's hubby but I guess it is ok to be involved with married people or suspects (HS) as long as they are rich and perhaps gives up some of the money.  You can't tell me for two years his sister has not been sleeping with HS because I would not believe it. So having a part time lover is better then a full time one I guess. What was the lie these two have been telling the idiots as to why they are not divorced yet or have not planned to be yet? That is what I want to know. When will they both hear something that makes them realized how played they were and how used.

Now HB wants JMY to be a father to her daughter!!! The very daughter that hurt his own???? WOW, HB is just.. I do not know what to say about her. She sees no problem with this and this fool will not either given his daughter is still supposedly out of it.

Frankly I am waiting for the moment that JMY learns all the truth of what HB has done to his kid. It will serve him right to realize what he slept with. To realize that he called her kid daughter too and she is the one that hurt his own.

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Ldy Gmerm said: The sad thing is all of the bad people always say it is someone else fault that they had to do something.

In HB's case It is JI's fault for having the look a like old boyfriend HB could not be with. So she had to sleep with him and buy him and then force a divorce. Then she has to cover up what her daughter did to the woman's kid and send her to prison all because JI was asking too many questions and she wanted her away to be with the useless fake boyfriend look alike.  Now she is moving the child to get JI out the way again and give her a bit of pain but it looks like they are not telling her where the kid is now thinking they can use this to keep her in line and not look into what they did and keep HW and her apart.. LOL

Also it is JT's and his mother's fault she was never accepted and had to do bad things just to get them to look at her and take notice and listen to her.

In her daughters case it is JI's daughters fault for being an honest straight forward  good student who did not allow herself or others to be bullied or beat out in grades ,the jealous twit so the daughter had to try and buy her and when that did not work she pushes her down a flight of concrete stairs because the girl throws the money back in her face and maybe says something about her mother to her.

JMY, his mother and sister it is JI's fault that he married below him and did not find a rich woman, DIL , SIL who can give him the job and money they think they deserve in their life. Never seeming to think maybe he is just a useless man and no rich woman with half  a brain would want that man who has no mind of his own and is not capable of anything.

HS it is JI's fault his brother is not wanting to do what he wants and come into that company instead of doing odd jobs and working on his film and enticing him with her kid as well. If he should marry then it should be of someone of the same status.  Plus JI can be used to keep HB and her mother in line and to not mess with HW.

Funny how a lot turned out to be JI's fault in all of this misery.

The truly amazing thing is JMY's mother is ok with her children sleeping around with people.  I am not sure she knows HS is HB's hubby but I guess it is ok to be involved with married people or suspects (HS) as long as they are rich and perhaps gives up some of the money.  You can't tell me for two years his sister has not been sleeping with HS because I would not believe it. So having a part time lover is better then a full time one I guess. What was the lie these two have been telling the idiots as to why they are not divorced yet or have not planned to be yet? That is what I want to know. When will they both hear something that makes them realized how played they were and how used.

Now HB wants JMY to be a father to her daughter!!! The very daughter that hurt his own???? WOW, HB is just.. I do not know what to say about her. She sees no problem with this and this fool will not either given his daughter is still supposedly out of it.

Frankly I am waiting for the moment that JMY learns all the truth of what HB has done to his kid. It will serve him right to realize what he slept with. To realize that he called her kid daughter too and she is the one that hurt his own.

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I would love if the writer put HW and JI together early and had them move into that house. It would serve HB and HS right to have to look at them after what they have done. It would serve them right to see that JT's mother takes to them both and does not to them at all. They deserve to have to see the faces of the two people they betrayed the most day in and day out.

But I highly doubt they would do that because it makes way too much sense to do just that.

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Ldy Gmerm said: I would love if the writer put HW and JI together early and had them move into that house. It would serve HB and HS right to have to look at them after what they have done. It would serve them right to see that JT's mother takes to them both and does not to them at all. They deserve to have to see the faces of the two people they betrayed the most day in and day out.

But I highly doubt they would do that because it makes way too much sense to do just that.

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It sure would be the highlight of the episode to see scenes in that house with HW and JI living there what would HB and HS do to try and get JI out of that house and out of Hw life for good. 

I know what HB and her ugly daughter will do they will open their wide mouths unable to close it,they now know the two most hated people that is JI and her daughter is now living with them since they robbed JI and her daughter their home and their life,this time JI will put a tail on HB and her ugly husband any plans make will come back to hurt them plus JI will help JT mother quicker recovery.

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Ldy Gmerm said: The sad thing is all of the bad people always say it is someone else fault that they had to do something.

In HB's case It is JI's fault for having the look a like old boyfriend HB could not be with. So she had to sleep with him and buy him and then force a divorce. Then she has to cover up what her daughter did to the woman's kid and send her to prison all because JI was asking too many questions and she wanted her away to be with the useless fake boyfriend look alike.  Now she is moving the child to get JI out the way again and give her a bit of pain but it looks like they are not telling her where the kid is now thinking they can use this to keep her in line and not look into what they did and keep HW and her apart.. LOL

Also it is JT's and his mother's fault she was never accepted and had to do bad things just to get them to look at her and take notice and listen to her.

In her daughters case it is JI's daughters fault for being an honest straight forward  good student who did not allow herself or others to be bullied or beat out in grades ,the jealous twit so the daughter had to try and buy her and when that did not work she pushes her down a flight of concrete stairs because the girl throws the money back in her face and maybe says something about her mother to her.

JMY, his mother and sister it is JI's fault that he married below him and did not find a rich woman, DIL , SIL who can give him the job and money they think they deserve in their life. Never seeming to think maybe he is just a useless man and no rich woman with half  a brain would want that man who has no mind of his own and is not capable of anything.

HS it is JI's fault his brother is not wanting to do what he wants and come into that company instead of doing odd jobs and working on his film and enticing him with her kid as well. If he should marry then it should be of someone of the same status.  Plus JI can be used to keep HB and her mother in line and to not mess with HW.

Funny how a lot turned out to be JI's fault in all of this misery.

The truly amazing thing is JMY's mother is ok with her children sleeping around with people.  I am not sure she knows HS is HB's hubby but I guess it is ok to be involved with married people or suspects (HS) as long as they are rich and perhaps gives up some of the money.  You can't tell me for two years his sister has not been sleeping with HS because I would not believe it. So having a part time lover is better then a full time one I guess. What was the lie these two have been telling the idiots as to why they are not divorced yet or have not planned to be yet? That is what I want to know. When will they both hear something that makes them realized how played they were and how used.

Now HB wants JMY to be a father to her daughter!!! The very daughter that hurt his own???? WOW, HB is just.. I do not know what to say about her. She sees no problem with this and this fool will not either given his daughter is still supposedly out of it.

Frankly I am waiting for the moment that JMY learns all the truth of what HB has done to his kid. It will serve him right to realize what he slept with. To realize that he called her kid daughter too and she is the one that hurt his own.

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