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[Drama 2014/2015] Lady of the Storm 폭풍의 여자


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Episode 17! Gron! May I iterate again that I don't have a problem with a well written villain, but please spare us the "all is forgiven" plot in the end.  HB and JMY are characters that cannot be redeemed with forgiveness.  I am going to beg this writer this early! So lets see, we have 103 episodes of all of us begging for proper punishment, right? surely, this one time we will be heard!
Anyone here has a good grasp on all the relationships in this show to help create a relationship chart? Who is related to whom (including potential relationships)? That would be helpful thanks.  =D> =D> =D>

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Anyone here has a good grasp on all the relationships in this show to help create a relationship chart? Who is related to whom (including potential relationships)? That would be helpful thanks. 
JI and JMY - Married Couple Daughter - SYJI Family  Mother - CS - Works for JT's family
JMY Family Mother - OJ Sister - MY

JT's Family  SJ - Mother HB - Stepsister - Wife of HS HS - Brother in law HW - Brother of HS MA - HB's Mother Niece - MJ - Daughter of HB
BS - JI's Friend
Possible relationshipsJI and HWHS and MY

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So it was HB's daughter that pushed JI kid down the stairs injuring her and eventually killing her a bet. HB will find out and cover this up and either tell that kid to keep her mouth closed or send her away to keep it hidden.

So yeah, JMY will have a come to Jesus moment when he finds out later what HB's kid did to his kid and she hid it. He will be a broken man at the cost his daughter paid in his greed and affair that ruined his family.

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ep 18

ji says she won't  hear his crap about she must understand him, he asks for a divorce instead and says it's only on paper and they must do it otherwise he will be kicked back to jeju island, she tears up the divorce paper and says she won't do it and she can't, mil hear them at door, kid arrives and mil takes her away.

jt's mom goes to ji's friend to ask about ji because ji didn't answer her call, friend says something happened in ji's family.

jt's mom sees ji on street, they are back to friend's shop and mom knows the affair and says she understand ji because she got through the same things before, she says like her ji can protect her family because ji is kid's mom.

sil is told about the fake divorce and says jmy is still with hb and he is just playing a trick, mil says he is too pitiful and he has no a choice and it's a good idea that ji should agree, ji arrives home, sil asks mil if she dares to tell ji it's a good idea.

at breakfast jt asks if mom is worried about the pretty woman ji, mom says yes and leaves, jt asks ji's mom to cook some something for mom, hb asks why mom cares, jt says he heard the woman's hubby has an affair with a woman.

hb is in her room and says why ji is always at mom's side and she will make effort to make them divorce faster and she will send ji far away.

hb asks jmy to send kid to study abroad so ji will be gone with kid.

jmy receives a text from ji that says she believes he cares about the family and he will come back to his old position and he won't hurt kid and they will protect the family together.

hw and his friend come to the shop, it belongs to his company now, they come to help to advertise the shop, he says he didn't come for her and she says she knew, hs asks her for talk by a text.

hw asks who ji went to see, friend says she said it's a man she must go to see.

hs says he doesn't know what to do about the affair and he likes to know what her plan is, ji says she won't divorce and she won't hurt kid and she will protect her family, he says he has a kid too and he understands her, she asks him to stop hb and she will stop jmy, he says he will but to simplify things she must hide the fact from hb that he knew the affair, she agrees.

hh says they don't have cards to play with hs and he doesn't seem to have an affair, mom says ji's sil can spy on him and they should a woman to him, sil heard them and she calls hs.

jt's man tells him hw saw hb and jmy at a cinema, jt sees the photos and says hb as a mistress's daughter would feel inferior for hw seeing them, he asks the man to find out the relationship about hb and jmy.

hs thanks sil on phone, hb asks who he thanked for he asks her to check his phone, she says she won't because they are not in a relationship for them to check phones of each other, she says she has booked a restaurant for kid's birthday and he must show up since kid is his only child legally.

hb's kid and others bullies a student for not saying happy birthday to her, she throws the cake on the student, ji's kid wants to stop them but she can't, after bullies left she says they should expose them by telling parents, student says she can't because she has no mom and her dad works far away, ji's kid remembers mom is hb's friend so she will tell dad instead.

jmy gets a call from kid and knows it's important for her so he will meet her at a restaurant nearby, he gets a call from hs and hs asks him to delivery gift and cake to dmj at a restaurant, jmy calls kid and says he has to do a thing urgently and kid should go home first.

ji sees kid at the restaurant and kid says she came for dad, ji has a delivery job to do and it's a coat ordered by hb, hb wants kid try it on and says kid is pretty (the most ugly!!!), jmy arrives with cake and ji and kid see him.

ji says jmy shouldn't have cancelled his date with kid and it hurt kid seeing him celebrating hb's kid, he says he only delivered gift for his boss and he had explained it to kid and kid had understood.

ji's kid recalls thing:
hb says both ji and jmy did the delivery job and kids should eat together and she will pay.
kid says how could mom is dmj's mom's friend and dad works with dmj's mom.

hb calls jmy and ji grabs the phone from jmy and asks where hb is and she runs out, kid says she will cook for dad and mom and she will go out to buy food, he wonders if he should go to take ji back.

hb and ji are at the workshop, ji says right after celebrating kid's birthday hb came to look for jmy so hb has shamed kid, hb says it's ji and jmy who shamed their kid because they allowed kid to see an ugly scene and ji just doesn't know why jmy can't leave her.

kid sees jmy going up stairs.

hb asks if ji got the divorce paper from jmy and she had said she would make them divorce before, ji says she won't divorce, hb says it's useless because he will, jmy arrives and hb says why he didn't do it faster since they will divorce anyway, kid arrives and hears them.

hb: i am driving crazy by ji, i really hope she go disappear!
ji: plan for early study abroad? now you even want us to leave korea?
hb: if you wanted to show up as a good dad you should have done the show well.
hs: good dad? sure!
ji's kid: let go of me! i don't want to hear you explain, how could you? how could dad?
mil: kid...

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Well since we have a deliberate death...you guys know what means....we got a cancer ending for someone!?
Jmy will lose everything because he already abandon his wife and kid. He will remember the last moments of his daughters life were hating him and that alone will do him inthe end...especially after he learns his soon to be step daughter killed his daughter!? Oh the karma im looking forward too...almost as exciting as watching the jedi getting slaughtered by vader!

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Ldy Gmerm said: So it was HB's daughter that pushed JI kid down the stairs injuring her and eventually killing her a bet. HB will find out and cover this up and either tell that kid to keep her mouth closed or send her away to keep it hidden.

So yeah, JMY will have a come to Jesus moment when he finds out later what HB's kid did to his kid and she hid it. He will be a broken man at the cost his daughter paid in his greed and affair that ruined his family.

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Triton823 said: Well since we have a deliberate death...you guys know what means....we got a cancer ending for someone!?
Jmy will lose everything because he already abandon his wife and kid. He will remember the last moments of his daughters life were hating him and that alone will do him inthe end...especially after he learns his soon to be step daughter killed his daughter!? Oh the karma im looking forward too...almost as exciting as watching the jedi getting slaughtered by vader!

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@valsava that could be but we have a dilberate death which means hb daughter intentionally wanted to kill ji daughter because of jealousy....which means one of the leads will get cancer...its goes with the rules of kdrama...hb will die in the end after it is revealed ji true parentage because we cant have a drama without a misplaced kid here or there.

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@Triton823 and @valsava

I have to agree on what the Kdrama rules of a deliberate death.

 HB pushed her daughter  to be the best in school and fussed when she did not quite make it never showing her a bit of love or understanding but instead constantly fussing at her when she falls short put all the pressure on her turning her into a bully and raising her to be a brat just like her she has turned out to be a jealous spiteful mini version of HB. Her daughter was constantly being bested by JI (why else would a child call out another child and throw money at her , a classic HB move it seems) daughter who after finding out what she has about her father and HB"s mom of course still would not take or do what the other girl said. Now she has hurt this girl (I am sure she ran away from the scene and did not call for help.) out of anger and jealousy. She is going to run and hide then run to HB who will want to know what is going on. When she finds out that her kid is the one that hurt JI daughter and eventually killed her she will hurriedly find away to shut her up and get rid of her. If anyone else witness it she will pay them off or make them disappear as well. That child of hers is going to seem ok after a bit but I can bet she will slowly loose her mind because of what she did. I doubt she will even continue to make good grades or even go to school.. I expect HB will get a call possibly about her having serious issues later.

Next, HB because of her hiding the fact that she covered up her daughters crime that killed JI's daughter in light of her sleeping with the woman's husband and forcing a divorce she or JMY will end up with a terrible end. I am betting HB either ends up with some terrible disease or JMY may as punishment for what they did to JI and for HB hiding what her kid did. IF it only ends up being one or the other HB will have a horrible death because of her jealousy and petty behavior towards JI especially if JI turns out to be JT's long lost sister. Given her jealousy over JI and how much she wants approval and acceptance from SJ TJ's mom she will have to die in order for JI to have a happy reunion. She will not be able to bare the fact that she did all those things and covered up that crime and JI still turns out to be the daughter that SJ has missed and welcomes back into the fold and she can't even think to have a happy life with that family. She will have to go or be disfigured, in a coma or catatonic in a mental ward or jail for what she has done. My money is hoping for all three lol but hey I am just greedy. I will settle for her and her mother kicked out with nothing living in poverty having to work hard at 3 or four jobs looked down on and enduring what JI did with the loss of her kid who I really see will be driven crazy by her crime and not admitting what she did to JI's daughter (she could even kill herself). HB's losses have to be of equal or greater value to what JI has lost.

JMY as much as I hate it I would not mind if he is the one that ends up with a terminal disease. He needs to have something that will allow him to reflect on the choices he made in his life that hurt his wife who loved and took care of him, his daughter who trusted him and who's last words to him ring in his ears and his heart constantly. His choice to have an affair, his desire to leave his wife , his stupidity in thinking his kid would understand her father divorcing her mother and finding out he was having an affair with her classmates mother (her bully) should hit him as he slowly waste away with no money to pay for treatments. I expect when he finds out what HB's daughter did and HB covered up he will be devastated and it will be the last blow as he finds out how much his daughter was bullied by that girl and then what happen right after her last words to him. All of that blame he has heaped JI will hit him with a ton of bricks and I hope his mother suffers as well loosing her son for her greed in seeing dollar signs and kicking a way a DIL who took care of her for years. It would serve her right to loose this "awesome, capable son" who she has put up high but is nothing but a useless bum with no drive of his own. I will take him and his mother living in poverty as well as he is black listed and unable to find a good job to support those two (I see his sister going her own way.) and will remember the wife that worked 3 and 4 jobs and kept house and cooked the food and the kid he did not appreciate and has lost.

If they choose not to kill him off with a disease then his going to jail or being hit by a speeding truck works for me as well. Something to have him out the way not hanging over JI who will have found her mother and has a new love starting over. He deserves to see a bit of what he let go (the irony is the woman he threw away is really the missing daughter of that rich family. Had he stuck around long enough he would have benefited from that.. LOL) all because of his ego and his greed at thinking he wanted or needed more and not satisfied with what he had.

***If you guys are celebrating today, please have a Happy and safe Holiday with your family..

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Triton823 said: @valsava that could be but we have a dilberate death which means hb daughter intentionally wanted to kill ji daughter because of jealousy....which means one of the leads will get cancer...its goes with the rules of kdrama...hb will die in the end after it is revealed ji true parentage because we cant have a drama without a misplaced kid here or there.

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All, as long as JMY and HB suffer in the worse way, I'll be happy. As you can see, I cannot comment further on this episode. Bullying breaks my heart! I can NEVER understand why parents allow this! No money in the world would EVER satisfy me! Ask my daughter what happened when she was bullied, Momma don't play!

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@Ldy Gmerm,
I agree HB is going to do what she does best and throw more money around.  For what her daughter did to SY she will cover it up and try and compensate by throwing more money at JMY making the pot much sweeter in his and his mother's eyes. There will be no reason for JI to stay married to him. What JI wanted to protect which was her daughter is gone. Her daughter's last days were filled with hurt because of her sleazy father. There is nothing this man is going to be able to do or say to JI. 

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forgive me if I am wrong but JI is also to be blame for her daughter discovering   this incident this way,what does she really want  to achieve by going to HB telling her that she doesn't want to divorce or to protect which family?she have worked like slave for years now to keep that family happy all that was thrown away just because HB appear,the mother in law and her son forget that hard working wife who will do anything for them doesn't deserve such humiliation ,as a woman myself thinking of staying in that family again or letting that man touch will be like a rap to me,JI so call husband did not just have affair with any other  random woman outside,he did it with JI best friend in her face right there close to her apartment,he is not sorry about it or want to end it,is unbelievable that JI still say she want to continue living in that kind of toxic environment and in that relationship,this is not the dark ages where a woman will say I have no choice,JI have a choice to quietly leave with her daughter move out of that apartment divorce  son of a richard simmons without looking back,her daughter will understand that man doesn't worth calling  daddy for now.

Now I don't know what the writer plan do to JI daughter, kill or coma whatever he or she  plan,I just want JI to move on and have a life,does the memory  of losing a child fad away no,does having other child replace the one you lost no?but having other child will give comfort to you, live to see HB pay for her sins.Hope JI move on with HW as soon as possble not reliving memory of dark or lose herself . I don't want this writer writing HW and JI holding hands at the end this drama, that will be a very big lost to me watching this drama.

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joyblack4 said: forgive me if I am wrong but JI is also to be blame for her daughter discovering   this incident this way,what does she really want  to achieve by going to HB telling her that she doesn't want to divorce or to protect which family?she have worked like slave for years now to keep that family happy all that was thrown away just because HB appear,the mother in law and her son forget that hard working wife who will do anything for them doesn't deserve such humiliation ,as a woman myself thinking of staying in that family again or letting that man touch will be like a rap to me,JI so call husband did not just have affair with any other  random woman outside,he did it with JI best friend in her face right there close to her apartment,he is not sorry about it or want to end it,is unbelievable that JI still say she want to continue living in that kind of toxic environment and in that relationship,this is not the dark ages where a woman will say I have no choice,JI have a choice to quietly leave with her daughter move out of that apartment divorce  son of a richard simmons without looking back,her daughter will understand that man doesn't worth calling  daddy for now.

Now I don't know what the writer plan do to JI daughter, kill or coma whatever he or she  plan,I just want JI to move on and have a life,does the memory  of losing a child fad away no,does having other child replace the one you lost no?but having other child will give comfort to you, live to see HB pay for her sins.Hope JI move on with HW as soon as possble not reliving memory of dark or lose herself . I don't want this writer writing HW and JI holding hands at the end this drama, that will be a very big lost to me watching this drama.

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@joyblack4, welcome and like you and @valsava, I would have wasted no time in getting rid of that sorry so and so from my life as well as my daughter. These dramas make us think that Korean women have a very high tolerance level for this type of behavior. Luckily, I don't know any women like this and I am very happy to say that. As adultery is illegal, I would have reported it also but I wonder how much blame should be put on HS also. I believe JI went to him also and as he has another agenda, I wonder how much of that influenced JI's decision as well as her reason for staying with JMY for the daughter's sake. Unfortunately, this dumb decision will haunt her as she will learn that SY found out. 
But SY's death has nothing to do with the affair but poor parenting on HB/HS's part. Now, as we watch the events to come, all I can say that reciprocal justice better be good and deep!! JI will have lost her family, daughter and a lot of her sanity. I can only wonder in her jealousy how much more HB will do. Redemption at the end should be off the table for both her and JMY!! As far as the MIL and SIL, I feel the MIL is worse. The minute she started dreaming about the "good life" with her adulterous son and his mistress, she made the worse ever list. SIL in her silence seems just a bit different to me. We will see what all she does to either help HS in the future and what she does to JI so my opinion of her isn't as negative....yet.

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@joyblack4. @valsava,
I have to disagree on JI being at fault on her daughter discovering the affair. Because she wanted to protect her family is one matter but the daughter over hearing has nothing to do with it. The daughter followed her mother and father which is a natural curiosity from any person child or adult. The fault lies with HB and JMY for for carrying on an affair in the same building JMY's family lives.
JI had every right to confront HB because she's the one who has slaved and work to keep this family from being on the streets. Why should she have to bow down and walk away from the people she worked so hard for. Who is HB to demand that she does. Because she has money it's okay no it's not. JI was trying to fight back and pulling at straws here to keep her family together more so for her child. The wake up call will come to her when she loses her child. There will be nothing left to protect. HB gets what she wanted but at what price. Her own daughter and that money she likes to throw around will eventually be the price she has to pay. She's going to lose them both. 

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