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[Drama 2014] SBS - Birth of A Beauty 미녀의 탄생


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Ha ha ... It's  ok as long as my HTH is happy .. I'm happy for him too ... he can do what ever he wan't ha ha his emotional has been a roller coaster for the past  few episodes ....


But if I were his buddy I think I'd really scold him haha. In fact HTH can even choose and just leave SK. He'd be successful anywhere. And that would definitely be the Birth of a Genius. Hahaha

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Happy New Year Chingus!!!


Since it’s new year, I promise myself not to be a masochist hence I restraint myself from watching episode 18 not until I read all your comments.  Thank you all for the heads up, you save me from another nightmare.  I very seldom make comments.  But to keep my sanity intact, I have to vent my frustration in watching this show by commenting.  Hence, all I can say is that this show should have been entitled “BIRTH OF A BRAINLESS BEAUTY” or “Triple B” in short.


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But if I were his buddy I think I'd really scold him haha. In fact HTH can even choose and just leave SK. He'd be successful anywhere. And that would definitely be the Birth of a Genius. Hahaha

Ha ha ... what to do ... Love conquers all!!

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Guest orionbynes2010

I know alot of people are bashing Sara but HTH deserves to be bash just as much.
So many times in the series he has jumped into the wrong conclusion and thought badly of Sara or misjudged her actions. Of course early on in the series, it gets clear up pretty fast and Sara forgives fast. Right now he should be like suspicious. Shouldn't he know Sara better than this. He believe her negative words against him that fast? Her about-face should have being red flags to him that perhaps once again she is sacrificing herself to help him. He basically has being flip-flopping of how Sara actually feels about him all the time. He is so insecure. 
HTH was in a life & death scenario. i don't think noble idiot can be apply for sara circumstance. she genuinely believes that it because of her that he almost died, ofcourse us audience knows better. duh we are the audience, we get to see everything. what would u do if you think you may be the one putting the people you love in danger? would u tell them everything knowing that they will still stick to u like glue and may possibly continue to put themselves in a dangerous situation or would u rather hide the circumstances and get them to de-attach themselves from you in hopes that it will protect them? i dont know about you but i would naturally choose the latter. Sara is still a tough girl but she is just showing her toughness in a different manner. 
Also HTH knows that his "sister" GCY is evil but yet he seems to treat her as a sister. GCY is an accomplice to Sara's attempted murder, he heard that audio recording. Sara, the woman he loves almost died due to GCY supporting LJK action. And yet he's basically still chummy with GCY. That doesn't make any sense. 
overall: i think sara and hth are both being dumb at certain moments but they're still awesome :) 

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autuymnrain said: Aww, thank you for mentally preparing me for what's to come @yaqiyuki for the recaps and to @kbleon for the pictures! :) They save me from having to wonder and watch the recent episodes myself! Guess I am joining the rest of the angry ladies in frustration over the drama *yanks on hair* URGH! I have to agree with you, @szne09, the series really should have been called "Birth of a Genius" since yes, the later of the half, we're seeing HTH shoulder the weight of the drama. Without his lovable character, I think I would have dropped this maybe a week or so ago. Reading the discussions made me ponder some questions that I think the span of 3 episodes will do a crappy job of tying together. 
1. Having rewatched the drama at the first 3 episodes, is there going to be any more mentioning of what would happen if Sara doesn't take her medicine, like how she had amnesia as a side effect when she didn't? 
2. So...are we going to get one big domino reveal of how HTH's parents died, or if they died? SAY WHAT?
3. How is it possible still that Sara is "legally" still married to LJK? He married GCY, so aren't they now the one legally bound together?
4. UM...so how are they going to prove Sara is fake/is SGR all along? Bring her mom in and force her mom to confess on the TV? The friend? HTH? WHAT? Did they have a bugged device somewhere that will magically appear with Sara saying she's really SGR? 
THIS DRAMA HAS LOGICAL PHAIL! I don't trust how this will all wrap up anymore. I am utterly disappointed. I don't know what to do anymore! :(

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thank you for addressing my posed questions, @IBELIS. I didn't know legally that if a person is dead but no body is found, the time-frame is seven to be declared so. Interesting fact I learned. My question about HTH's parents death has more to do with if there is anymore mystery to it than what meets the eye. But with the way the drama has been unraveling, I guess there won't be time for that. :(

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Analysing title 'BOB' in my opinion finally Sara is going all out to reveal her true self. Then she will reveal her "killer" and conspirator and get back the land.

The son + mistress + director of grandma bomb explosion killing her son will also be exposed.. probably grandma personally overhears their conversation.

Her husband will hv no choice but divorce Sara.

Public will be fascinated tht the person who turns Sara's life forward will be marrying her..

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docster6 said: There weren't too many happy scenes in Episode 8; but I really did enjoy the supermarket rice-ball sampling scene. SaRa was watching from a faraway aisle and rooting her "doctor" on. She really was not concerned about how people judged her cooking but she was just happy that HTH was doing so well. One unusual scene was when HTH patted happily on the shoulders of Team Leader Choi. That would be something buddies of the same level would do. Also, the return of the Winner Food union workers was a big deal. If SaRa can somehow work for Winner Food, under HTH, there is no doubt the company would turn around. I hope it could be done when everything else is going wrong. I am still hopeful.

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recap of episode 18love it when HTH walked away from her ---- such a good feelingand he did it twicehowever also realised that Sara although clueless at first and one handedin the fight had always thought kindly for the doctor HTHthe OTP's chemistry is still burning brighther sacrifices are going full steam ahead in episode 19 it seems

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I think the biggest mistake MH has made has been the physical abuse of his subordinates, he abandoned JK and suspended him  thus choosing to align himself with CY rather than JK. I think this will make JK help SR and TH. We have seen him physically abuse senior staff members and imagine most of them hate him all they need is a reason to support TH and get rid of him. Right now he thinks that he is invisible because they fear him, he just doesn't know that fear easily turns to hate. Gma's secretary seems devoted to her so he might also be willing to expose himself to get rid of the mother and son pair.
As far as the attempted murder of GR it's all in the perspective and even if he is charged I doubt he would go to jail. I say this because he never actual hit her car she made a decision to swerve to the right to avoid and collision but she could have just as easily swerved to the left, there was no on coming traffic and it would have been the safer choice any good lawyer would easily point this out. Making her responsible for the choice she made.
In order to get this back on track MH will have to suffer a big blow in today's episode with 20 finishing him off and 21  for our happy couple.I just hope the writers don't think that seeing them marry is a happy ending that what we need to see is the warmth, affection and love SR and TH showed each other in earlier episodes.  Finally the subs are up at Soompi TV

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The sub's made things clearer, I think SR will reveal the truth about herself at MH press conference beating CY to the punch but she will also reveal what she knows about MH involvement with the attack on TH. This will take precedent over him getting the CEO nod and start a major investigation. I thought Gma secretary was on her side but he is just looking out for himself. When the tide turn he will give up MH and his mom to save himself. CY will be exposed as KJ accomplice and that will be the nail in her coffin KJ is already dead meat so no need to bother with him. He couldn't possibly refuse to give her a divorce. 
I can't wait to see Gma and CY brothers face when they learn the truth about what a reprehensible snake and low life she really is.
Going to JK and his family I wondered how the father could kick KJ out of the house, because I remembered from an earlier episode him stating that until JK married SR they lived in an apartment and never dreamed of live the way they do now, had it not been for SR. I took that to mean that SR had even bought the house they lived in an if that's true wouldn't upon her death KJ would become the owner?
I want to see KJ and his whole family living in the apartment that SR mom is living in, send them back to their roots. I also wonder if SR dad left her all the property and money why didn't he leave his wife anything and why didn't SR provide better housing for her own mother while she was doing everything for KJ and his family? 

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orionbynes2010 said: I know alot of people are bashing Sara but HTH deserves to be bash just as much.
So many times in the series he has jumped into the wrong conclusion and thought badly of Sara or misjudged her actions. Of course early on in the series, it gets clear up pretty fast and Sara forgives fast. Right now he should be like suspicious. Shouldn't he know Sara better than this. He believe her negative words against him that fast? Her about-face should have being red flags to him that perhaps once again she is sacrificing herself to help him. He basically has being flip-flopping of how Sara actually feels about him all the time. He is so insecure. 
 lclarakl:   In the beginning that was understandable, they didn't know each other. All HTH knew was that he had invested a lot of money in a married woman who wanted to take revenge on her husband by breaking up his new marriage to GCY, which happened to be to the woman HTH thought he was in love with. Just as Sara staunchly believed GCY stole her husband, HTH staunchly believe that LKJ seduced GCY. However, Sara has built a pattern that has caused HTH to feel insecure.  Until she found out it was LKJ driving the card and tried to kill her, she had changed her mind about revenge and was making plans to get back together with him--WTH!  She stopped confiding in HTH first. From the very beginning he told her he was the heir to Winner's group but she didn't believe him. Why wouldn't he be suspicious of Sara? What has she done for him lately? From the 'giving and receiving' perspective, Sara has only been receiving from HTH.  What has she done to prove she loves him? He's constantly trying to convince her.
HTH was in a life & death scenario. i don't think noble idiot can be apply for sara circumstance. she genuinely believes that it because of her that he almost died, ofcourse us audience knows better. duh we are the audience, we get to see everything. what would u do if you think you may be the one putting the people you love in danger? would u tell them everything knowing that they will still stick to u like glue and may possibly continue to put themselves in a dangerous situation or would u rather hide the circumstances and get them to de-attach themselves from you in hopes that it will protect them? i dont know about you but i would naturally choose the latter. Sara is still a tough girl but she is just showing her toughness in a different manner. 
lclarakl:  You are absolutely correct, we as the audience get to see everything so we have more insight than the characters.  The issue with Sara is she's not able to rationally take the things she does see and come to a logical conclusion.  However, she was not always this way. She was able to conclude that LKJ is the person who tried to kill her. She wondered why everyone thought she committed suicide instead of calling it an accident. In all honesty, that type of things happens all the time in life. People coming suicide and it's ruled as an accidental death and vise versa.  I call that attention to details that she picked up on that comment and investigated the matter further.  The fact that she's oblivious to the whole HMH situation, based on what she knows, he should been at the top of her list of suspects. She should have guessed his ID sooner. 
I would not turn my back on the person who has been my sole confident for several months. If anything I would let that person know what was going on and my fears and try to come up a solution together (That's why Sara is a noble idiot). I would also head straight to the police--why is she keeping her ID a secret now? For what purpose? There is none at this point--the gig is up.  Also, I would most definitely not turn to the person who is the mortal enemy of the man I love. Sara's actions were like punching HTH in the stomach, then stabbing him in the back. 
Also HTH knows that his "sister" GCY is evil but yet he seems to treat her as a sister. GCY is an accomplice to Sara's attempted murder, he heard that audio recording. Sara, the woman he loves almost died due to GCY supporting LJK action. And yet he's basically still chummy with GCY. That doesn't make any sense. 
lclarakl:  HTH went from love of GCY to treating her as a sister, someone that he promised the man who took him in as a child that he would protect. However, you will notice that he has also distanced himself somewhat from GCY.  He left her when she pretended to be sick; showing she was not the primary person in his life.  He doesn't confide in her--he talks to his "brother".  I can understand his dilemma and I hope he assist with exposing GCY's role with LKJ.
However, these are situations that the writer has created and I am hopeful episode 19 will get things back on track.
overall: i think sara and hth are both being dumb at certain moments but they're still awesome :) 

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[Flashbacks of ep18]
Sara in HMH's office, recalling LKJ's words in the phonecall.Sara questions HMH if he's the one who ordered the assault to HTH.HMH asks why is she suddenly like that.HMH tells her to ends things with HTH completely, and if she deceives him once more, he's gonna be angry and won't let it go.

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