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[Drama 2014/2015] Healer 힐러


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They have found out Ahjumma'S location, and the SS goons are going after her. JH sees this and goes in while chekcing his ankle 'I have baaaad feeling about this). JH asks the guy who is left there where everyone left and he tells him to get Healer'S hacker. He asks her about her location which shows on the computer screen and rushes to her.

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Should I worry about Ahjumma? Or was it a fake location of Ahjumma that they detected so that our Healer is able to enter into DoubleS's office? I hope so!

Please Ahjumma... Be safe!


That poor Computer guy was sooooo shocked that JH suddenly beside him. lol

And Yes........ They are able to locate Ahjumma! OH NO!

Healer to the rescue!

Go... Go... Go.. and save her!

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SJH walk into a doubles office pass some guys but they didnt notice him

the bespectacled guy and sang soo still in the cars.
SJH walked into the computer nerve centre of double S office. he seats beside one solo guy manning the screens and start to connect his phone to the system.
SJH asking the solo guy questions asking them where are the guys going because he saw a signal on the screen.
he rush out when he got the answer while beating up some guys on the way out. 

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Ahjumma is connecting something to the computer and talking with JH who's sitting in his handsome vehicle looking at a .... is that a strip club?.... yah, baby boy...!Nope, just looking at the goons....
Ahjumma hacked into Jeil!Sang-sook is such a dumb, clueless... ahahahaha... love him and his accent....
JH was outside Jeil and is watching all the goons running away..... He tells it to ahjumma who is making kimbap....JH goes into Jeil and he's practically a ghost.... nobody sees him....Nobody's at Jeil, except one guard?Hahah... JH casually sits down next to him.. the guy looks ready to richard simmons his pants...

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-ahjumma enters little chip to her computer and it lead DSS to track her.
-Bae Sang Soo only now understand that Healer has partner. LOL
-DSS expert tracks her.
-JH asks the ahjumma but she's busy making kimbap
-DSS team busy tracking her location
-JH goes to DSS office n sees the tracking on the computer from behind'
-JH contacts ahjumma n threatens DSS staff
-ahjumma still unaware then JH runs fast n reach his car, speeding to somewhere
-ahjumma collect her stuffs but DSS team is near

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