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[Drama 2014/2015] Healer 힐러


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New to this thread though I watched Healer ages ago :D Miss this drama and the 2 main casts so much omg I think i'm gonna have to rewatch it very soon. :P Healer is one of my favourite kdramas and still remains to be my favourite for 2015 :)

Looking forward to Park min young's upcoming drama!! :wub:




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08.12.2014 - 08.12.2015


Cr: piccap from Healer DC, edit by me

A year already? Time flies so fast.

Some days ago, i read our thread from begining and now reach to live cap of ep 10, i feel nostalgic. A little sad and longing.

At the begining, most members were JCW and PMY fans who could not wait for their faves's new drama. People assumed and chosed the otp, YJT's charm attracted many fan. Then as time passed the addiction grew fast, many new fans came, JCW gained number of fans. Voice, hair, hand, leg or any part of his body were discussed. 

Many Faith and Master's Sun fans came to join the Healer feast. Faith and Empress Ki are two dramas that was mentioned frequently. 

Awesome reviews from rrmski, sia3, azzurri, briseis,...; namedx 's Junghoo's feel.

Awesome vid, edit from Noxn

Comic strips from NRGChick and Ahpheng.

Our project and Morumoro blog. Again, big thank for all staffs.

The atmosphere of our thread is so great, no fanwar, everyone had fun and was happy waiting for new eps. It is really wonderful and unique thread. (haha there is a time after ep 14, Healer thread became a R-thread and had eyes from soompi staffs on)

I really miss that time. A good drama with wonderful fandom.

"I will remember you"


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Healerites!! Happy 1st Anniversary!!



Thanks to everyone to keep this thread going for more than a year. I notice I created this thread on August 2014 that's more than a year ago.

Now, we're here, 1329 pages worth of comments, tears, joys, and shared experience!

I thank you all for keeping the Healer craze positive, fervent, and full of love! :wub::wub:

It's a beautiful feeling
what we got deep inside
we got a flame that will last forever
together you and I

(MLTR - Eternal Love)

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1 hour ago, cherkell said:


We know DramaBeans love Healer! :lol: I'm not surprised at all to see Healer and JCW is taking the 1st rank now. I hope it won't change. 

This is my most favorite odd couple:   Healer-ya & Ajumma- our bond will never break. :D


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Giving 2015 a hand [Year in Review, Part 2]


jb_fingers4.jpgI’ve got five fingers and a big rock: Put a ring on it. Or maybe five rings. With Healer, every finger is a ring finger.


Perhaps discussion of Healer requires some added context, because the show was definitely an anomaly—wildly popular in one context, but almost entirely ignored in another. The response here on Dramabeans might skew perception about its performance, so it’s worth noting that despite the frenzy we witnessed here, this show was mostly overlooked in Korea, pulling in ratings that were neither shameful nor remarkable. Just kind of in the middle. Yes, there was an active mania following among Korean viewers, but the mainstream Korean media and audience kind of bypassed the show, to my chagrin. Healer didn’t pick up award buzz, and I expect that it’ll be mostly forgotten at KBS’s end-of-year awards ceremony later this month.

So I found it surprising (though not unwelcome!) when Healer tapped into a fan fervor here at Dramabeans—I’m not even sure that the craze extended to other English-language fan communities, at least not to the level we experienced here—which makes me consider the Healer phenomenon unique to us. I can see how that might give someone the wrong idea that it was a bigger success than it was, when really we were just having a really happy, boisterous party in our corner of the internet.

Which is why, despite being first in line to proclaim the merits of Healer, I still consider the drama to be an underrated and overlooked one. I’m just grateful to have been part of the party that recognized its appeal, and it warms my heart to have had such a fervent, positive community spring up around the drama—the Healer fandom was one of those hyper-cracky experiences that really brings out the best of the live-watch from the fans’ perspective. The fandom made everything more enjoyable and exciting, and I wonder if people who watched the show outside of that specific experience came away with a different feeling.

That isn’t to diminish the stand-alone merits of the drama itself, which were plenty: assured writing, smart pacing, and a romance that knew exactly which of my heartstrings to pluck, when to hold back, and when to deliver all of its squee-inducing, action-driven glory. I could count on the writer to provide us with one major giddiness-provoking development per episode, which was the perfect amount for me—enough to sustain me till the next one, but not so frequently that it felt gratuitous. I loved this couple enough to welcome gratuity, and fine, maybe a few times it dipped its toes into fan-servicey waters, but the drama’s crack factor came in the steady build, the constant narrative push-and-pull.

At the heart, I consider Healer a romance drama, but that doesn’t mean it was only a romance drama. (Not that I would ever be one to throw around the word “romance” disparagingly, as though romance somehow diminishes something’s literary, dramatic, or critical cred. I know that happens, and it drives me absolutely bonkers. Love feeds the soul! It makes the world go ’round!) I loved the layered generational mystery, the soberness of the darker threads that didn’t impinge upon the upbeatness of the storytelling, and the proof that a drama could be exciting, romantic, and feel-good all at once. Two thumbs up, a fist-bump of solidarity, a finger-waggle of excitement—I’d give you all the hand metaphors and then some.



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[News] Ji Chang Wook gets ‘bronzed’ in Cheongju


Visitors to Cheongju City in Korea can now get to see Ji Chang Wook! Not in the flesh, but a bronze statue of him. 

Many Korean dramas have been filmed at Suam Village (Suam-gol / 수암골) in Cheongju, and the local government has decided to place several statues of characters from these dramas around the district as photo zones. The statues will allow visitors to recall scenes from the drama and hopefully draw more tourists to the area.

“Healer” was one of the dramas that were filmed here, so a bronze statue shaped in the likeness of Ji Chang Wook in “Healer” can be found in the district.  Statues of actor So Ji Sub from the 2009 drama “Cain and Abel”, and Gu Hye Sun and Ji Jin Hee from the 2012 drama “Take Care of Us, Captain” have also been erected in the same area.

Credit:  Gukje News

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On November 22, 2015 at 4:38 AM, tablohigh said:

Voted!  Healer is still my favorite drama this year. :wub:  ahh...And I got my extra Healer shipment the other day through Innolife.  Wondering what I should do with the extra copies of the scripts. 

Would you like to sell the extra copy?? or better free??:P Im interested thou...

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Once more, please vote for HEALER only... It's the final round !!.... So, please vote till the countdown ends, once a day.. or you can vote if there's a wifi on your area or  on a different device.... Pleas keep on voting...  Hoping for a great outcome... Thanks!! Fighting!!:D



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It's great to see that people still post in this beloved thread. I miss our wonderful Healer days!
And after a long wait, I finally got my Healer additional package and I love it
:wub:. It's really awesome...!








:heart: I wish all Healerites Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! :heart:

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Sweet heroes and fierce heroines [Year in Review, Part 10]

by Saya | December 27, 2015 | 93 Comments


Looking back, 2015 has been a really generous year for me in dramaland. Thanks to the overlords’ wicked sense of humor (or maybe just a belated sense of self-preservation…), the five-drama limit posed an interesting predicament. I found I didn’t want to expend my words or energy on the middling-to-mediocre shows, or indeed, the half-good-half-bad (both of which I watched too many). And without naming and shaming, I certainly didn’t want to waste any more time on the violently insipid. Instead, it seemed more fitting to pay back generosity with generosity.

Thankfully, my five picked themselves (well, four did — the fifth was decided in a council of war with my sisters). But I still want to give a shout-out to the other favorites that didn’t make it in: of course Kill Me, Heal Me (let my recaps prove how much I loved it!) and the adorable (yet eventually problematic) Oh My Ghostess, but also the criminally underrated Missing Noir M and Last. And finally: my little underdog that nobody watched, legal thriller Pride and Prejudice, which sadly wasn’t quite 2015 enough to count.

It’s been a case of working backwards to uncover my five’s unifying theme, but I found it! Or made it up. It doesn’t matter. In defiance of long-held trends, we’ve been seeing the slow-but-sure rise of fundamentally nice heroes, and my picks are by no means the only ones. It proves what we all knew: that you can be a complicated, conflicted man without being an richard simmons. And where we’ve had great heroes, we’ve also had some really fantastic heroines. Much as my heart beats for bromance (give me bromance or give me death!), I am positively weak in the knees for strange, flawed women with hearts of fire. And paired up with a sweetheart of a man? Yes, please and thank you. In other words: squee. Now all I want for next year is for some of those ten-a-penny dramaland geeeeniuses to be WOMEN.

In my dark and murky past before K-dramas, I used to be a bookworm. I realized I consume dramas much the same way I do books, so there’s often not a clear line between them in my mind — my hunger is for absorbing stories, peculiar people, and complicated relationships. When I noticed that some of my picks paired themselves naturally with certain books, it became a fun challenge to matchmake all of them with their literary soulmates. You’ll find the results at the end of each review as a little reading suggestion — for when you’re between dramas, of course!

This isn’t short, so grab a banana milk and get comfortable…





A year on, it’s still hard to define Healer’s particular magic. From its earliest promos, I’d just been so hungry to get that action thriller-fix that I didn’t even try to moderate my high hopes (likewise for Yong-pal, which, meh) and they were SPECTACULARLY met. While it brought the same thrill and addiction as City Hunter, and they’re easy to compare, they’re distinctly different shows.

Writer Song Ji-nah has a genius for creating these wonderfully habitable characters that let the actors completely own them. What’s extraordinary about Healer is that it left no character unfleshed. The entire cast came iridescently alive, with the differences and oddities that made us so attached to them (this might be my favorite incarnation of Kim Mi-kyung as our beloved Hacker Ajumma). Ji Chang-wook and Yoo Ji-tae brought their characterizations as lost boys piercingly home, making the sense of team that emerged as the show went on even more heartwarming.

I know we all love Bong-sookie (and how~!), but it’s Park Min-young who stood out the most for me. She was absolute magic as Chae Young-shin. She’s written with so much quirk and texture, and she poured herself into this role as never before, holding nothing back. Her willingness to take her character all the way and inhabit her fully, without a shred of vanity… it was just magic, artless and frank.

And you know what? There’s no Bong-sookie without Chae Young-shin. Because of her, he rejoined the world in a belated socialization, which is exactly as funny and moving as it sounds. And despite his wounded, love-starved-puppy soul, he was nice — a sensitive, loyal hero. One of Healer’s strongest points lay in its alchemical romance, and it was everything you could ask for and so much more. Aside from being touchingly, achingly sweet, they were a couple who made time feel precious. They loved fiercely, trusted instinctively, respected unequivocally, and it was magic.

At the time of writing, I have no idea how much love Healer will get in this review series, but either way, Healer was personally special to me. It’s hands-down my favorite show of the year, maybe even my whole life, and it took root in my soul. It’s seen me do things for it that I’ve never done for TV before. Do you guys know how many times I’ve watched the elevator-rescue scene? Nope, me neither. I never get tired of it. I’m going to go watch it again right now.

I love that this show was just so…so EVERYTHING. Ardent. Bright. Badass. Funny. Bromantic. Stirring. On the one hand, it was every inch the exciting cross-generational thriller it was sold as, but on the other, it was pure love story. Amen and hallelujah hilleolujah!

Soulmates: Honestly, this is hard, because who is good enough for you, Healer? But I don’t want you to end up alone. How about…Everything Everything by Nicola Yoon? It’s girl-in-the-bubble meets the boy next door, and what happens when you can’t have personal contact.



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For the responsible addict [Year in Review, Part 7]

by dramallama | December 23, 2015 | 71 Comments


Wowie, it’s the end of 2015, and another eventful year of dramas has come to an end. I always enjoy awards and reviews season, since it puts the whole year in perspective and gives me a couple more dramas to put on my list. I’m making a list and not checking it twice, since I’ll watch all the dramas whether they’re naughty or nice.

As you’ve probably already read in the previous reviews, we’d been given the daunting task of selecting a mere five dramas from this year to review. Thankfully, my limited drama-watching plate naturally narrowed down my choices, but it was still an excruciating process. I had many words for many shows but decided on these five because of their addiction potential.

I frequently wonder, “If dramas were drugs… what would they be?” But really, there should be no “if,” in that question because we know that dramas are drugs — addicting and potent drugs that are in constant supply. I’ve gotten some education on how drugs work, so obviously, I would be the perfect person to provide you with the details behind the active ingredients that pulled me into the drama drug. And if you’re a responsible drama addict, you should know what goes into the drama before you watch it. Sometimes, it’s best to go in blind, but I’ve provided five components of five dramas to warn the responsible addict about the dangers and charms of my drug of choice.

Drug Facts
Active Ingredients:
5 generous doses of crack squeetastic adventure
Warning: highly addictive content that may cause insomnia and severe withdrawal


The feeeeeeeels. THE crack drama of the year, and though it may have been relatively overhyped by the end, I enjoyed every second of Healer while it lasted. I readily suspended my disbelief for 20 hours to immerse myself into the suspenseful world of Healer and his one true ajumma. When you’re given full characters and a full story, you don’t have much more to ask. But Healer does more for you, with its smart pace, quick wit, and complex characters intertwined among generations.

There was something so endearing about Healer himself, whether he was Bong-sookie, Jung-hoo, or the many other personas of Healer, simply trying to live a normal life. But it was most fulfilling to watch Healer grow into his identity and figure out who his people were. The lonely wildcat Healer, who engaged with humans based on a price tag, was a stranger by end. Ji Chang-wook brought life to our charismatic night errand boy and had some crackling chemistry with Park Min-young, who particularly stood out in this role. Yes, Park Min-young has played similar characters in the past, but something about the heroine allowed her to let go of the pretty image she’s maintained for so long. She was weird, honest, resilient, and so easy to root for.

This is definitely a drama I would marathon, but the experience of anxiously awaiting the next episode and then getting an episode that really delivers was so gratifying. The pain in anticipation was worth it because it induced an adrenaline rush that made your heart race all the way to the end.

Things I like: Healer. Things I don’t like: Life without Healer.

OH MY LOOOVE, I’M ALLLL YOOURRS! Writing this review just made me relapse.


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2 hours ago, dramaqueen40 said:

I came very late to the Healer party, and it looks like I missed the chance to buy the Director's Cut DVD set :( Is it still for sale anywhere?

I think you still can order it from Yesasia.


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