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[Drama 2014/2015] Healer 힐러


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Guest Cinderella1

ruizaio said: Clarification about the water quality and live bacteria thing. Go back to episode 10, when then-mayoral candidate Kim Uichan was explaining his vision for Seoul. He says that he means to address the very thing that threatens people's health, water. Many essential services are managed by the government as public services rather than leaving them up to private industries that seek profit first, and tap water is one of them. The Farmers are interested in getting into the tap water business themselves, so they were planning to instill fear and distrust in the Seoul residents' minds, making it look like the government was not doing its job right, so that the public opinion would call for privatization of the water system. So this was slightly different from their usual "taint the reputation of an existing business to make it go bankrupt and then buy it off" scheme. It required politics in order to scare the public into taking something away from government control and throwing it to the wolves.

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The Second Installment of the HIFP, hot off the press, just for you, just as promised :)
Enjoy, Comment, Share !
Spread the Healer Love !!!
We would appreciate it if you could post it in the Staff social Networking sites
Lets see if we can get some more reactions :D

Submission 3- http://morumoruisland.blogspot.it/2015/02/hifp-broadcast-healer-international-fame.html
Submission 4 - http://morumoruisland.blogspot.it/2015/02/hifp-episode-recaps-with-comic-twist.html

We will post this on our New FB Page as well.
If you want to share, go click Like ;)

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The Second Installment of the HIFP, hot off the press, just for you, just as promised :)
Enjoy, Comment, Share !
Spread the Healer Love !!!
We would appreciate it if you could post it in the Staff social Networking sites
Lets see if we can get some more reactions :D

Submission 3- http://morumoruisland.blogspot.it/2015/02/hifp-broadcast-healer-international-fame.html
Submission 4 - http://morumoruisland.blogspot.it/2015/02/hifp-episode-recaps-with-comic-twist.html

We will post this on our New FB Page as well.
If you want to share, go click Like ;)

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namedx said:



The Second Installment of the HIFP, hot off the press, just for you, just as promised :)
Enjoy, Comment, Share !
Spread the Healer Love !!!
We would appreciate it if you could post it in the Staff social Networking sites
Lets see if we can get some more reactions :D

Submission 3- http://morumoruisland.blogspot.it/2015/02/hifp-broadcast-healer-international-fame.html
Submission 4 - http://morumoruisland.blogspot.it/2015/02/hifp-episode-recaps-with-comic-twist.html

We will post this on our New FB Page as well.
If you want to share, go click Like ;)

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Guest snowhite1989

@sanika‌ and all participants and coordinators of the HIFP project you guys rock! Thank you!! As the weekend approach I was feeling very gloomy and sad because no Healer to look forward to, my heart felt like it had suffered a major heartbreak but after looking at all your hard work on the HIFP project I have a smile on my face! I will be visiting the blog and sharing the contents there to all my friends and strangers. Thank you! ^:)^ ^:)^ ^:)^

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snowhite1989 said: @sanika‌ and all participants and coordinators of the HIFP project you guys rock! Thank you!! As the weekend approach I was feeling very gloomy and sad because no Healer to look forward to, my heart felt like it had suffered a major heartbreak but after looking at all your hard work on the HIFP project I have a smile on my face! I will be visiting the blog and sharing the contents there to all my friends and strangers. Thank you! ^:)^ ^:)^ ^:)^

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Guest snowhite1989

@AdelaM‌ yes all Healerites on this thread are very respectful and considerate of each other which is the reason why newbies like myself enjoy this thread so much. Not only are there very talented people on this thread but there are a lot of passionate people who are willing to use their personal time to make this thread enjoyable for others and I love that! :)

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Are you missing Healer already ? Have you already watched the Episode more than 20 times? Have you run out of FMVs to watch ? Did you make so many origami stars that your home is now overflowing with them ? Are you looking for something new ? Don't worry! The HIFP Team to the rescue! We present to you , episodic recaps, comic style :) 

Find out more on our blog here!!
A special thanks to @Ahpheng and @NRGchick, 'cos this fabulous work is all theirs!! 

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Good evening everyone and Happy VDay to all Healerites !! Let this day be full with love :x

I wake up today telling myself : Just three more days before....and here I stop realizing that there won't be another episode =(( So I went back to rewatch the last episodes  :P I just couldn't stop myself

Like everyone here I wanted to thanks a lot a lot a lot @sanika, @tomoyo1010, @heartoppaya, @AdelaM, @ruizaoi, @namedx, @sunshine15, @kanyaprasetyo, @NoxN, @cmoirae2, @sanika for the HifP. Everything that you did was really impressive.The blog seems really nice too. I'm eager to see the projects that are coming.  I'm happy that the project could be seen by SJN and even shared. i hope we will have news from the cast =)) =)) =)) I think I won't be able to sleep for days if that happens

And going on with the thanks, @NoxN, the teaser video on the blog was really awesome. Secretary Oh looks kinda nice here. don't you think?

@briseis : sorry I couldn't say it more but your analyses are really impressive and complete. I love the one on JS video and you're completly right about the fact that it is nice that MH reunited them when it's his brother that separated first. Like the wheel of fate goes again in the right direction :)>-

@ruizaio, thanks for the explanation on the water and the bacteria. It's sad to see how those "farmers" could start with a good/gentle idea and tranforms it into such evil deeds.  Just like MS who under the name of love hurts so many people even his "love". This is a good lesson in life that even for a good reason, you can't justify doind bad things and hurt innocent people.
And thank you for all the translations and the Q&A translation. SJN is such a great writer =D> =D> =D> . To have a glimpse of what is inside her mind is really interessant. i was wondering why we didn't see the scene of the attack on young CYS but now it totally make sense. And it's true that often what you can't see but imagine is much more powerful than what you're showed .

@sia3 the family fanart is such a piece of art. thanks for sharing it. it's like we have our "some years later" maybe of the moru moru island...

@canavalia, it's done I cast my vote. i will try to remember to do it at least once a day but our cute couple is a little bit far from the first one

@rrmski the fanart reminded me of a manga character. Maybe we could hope for a healer manga to relive the story and have the next years :P

And finally, thank you to all of you. i must confess taht when the first episode was out, i didn't have the patience to watch it because the subs came a little bit late. So I thought that if "less persons" wanted to translate it then maybe It wasn't worth seeing. But then I came here to read comments and when I saw what all of you wrote, I just thought let's go for it. And I didn't regret it once even when it costs me some hours of sleep I-)
You are really the BEST

i don't know why but I think I will spend my sunday rewatching episodes and MVs :P 

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One of the things I loved about this drama is the natural progression of our main couple. The writer made sure to include at least one scene every episode which, without a shadow of a doubt, made the audience's heart flutter. And not once did they feel meaningless, but rather, they served the narrative purpose as a way of bringing the characters to life, allowing us to feel each and every emotional beat along the way. So here's presenting you with a list of feels, starting from ep1. Initially, I wanted to write about episodes 1-5, but after going back to the earlier episodes, I realised there were A LOT more feels going, especially in those more subtle moments. @Sunshine15 truly knows how to make all the gestures count - this one's for you! Perhaps you can continue with the list for the next set of episodes. ;)------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Jung Hoo's countless list of feels!

Episode 1-2:

The start of their fate - the moment she fell into him on the bus. Even though he wasn’t the slightest bit phased by her at this point, I do like how he caught hold of her, just like he continued to do throughout all the other episodes. It seems he was destined to protect her from harm, and support her in times of need, be it by encouraging her fighting spirit or catching her when she falls. In true Healer spirit, he’s always got her back.

That incredulous look on his face tho! Thinking that pulling out a strand of hair would be no big deal, her decision to cover her head (due to her sixth sense) at that point forced him to look at her differently. Ah the sparks of clashing romance. The moment that she does finally catch his attention, she proves too much for him to handle, always a step ahead of the game. And I love how he recognises that throughout this scene, for he’s both perplexed and annoyed that she’s making the job harder than it has to be. He knows at this point how sharp she is, and recognises it to be a quality that disrupts his Healer ways. It’s no wonder that he describes her as being one of his “hardest jobs” during his video interview in episode 20 – he’s had to contend with her fearless nature!

A moment of truth – I do love how he’s always the one facing her. Be it from afar, up close, or from a reflection in the mirror. He’s always the one to notice her first, observe her carefully before making any decisions with regards to his actions/feelings. Only Song Ji Nah could craft out a scene which would combine elements of truth, fear, sadness and humour, all into one. The fact that Yong Shin is tied down by her traumatic past, triggering a violent reaction in her making it difficult for her to breathe, is hard hitting, especially from an audience’s perspective. But when we trace Jung Hoo’s emotions alongside Yong Shin’s fear and panic, it’s reassuring to know that he prioritises human emotions before anything else – the moment she alerts him to being in pain, he releases her, gradually, and with care, noticing her pained reaction in the broken mirror. With Yong Shin, her safety has always come first, from the moment they first met. He’s commanding in this scene, but he sure is attentive to her needs as well, as he leaves her with sincere advice - not to trust just anyone. 

The incredulous look is back, lol but this time, he digs a little deeper, and finds it difficult to believe that Yong Shin is a reporter, noticing her lack of skill when it comes to covering her tracks. He can’t believe he’s doing this job, and yet, he’s still fascinated by her enough to give ajhumma an open commentary about how he views her. All his baseless assumptions about her smartly build up to the next scene, where he finds himself emoting with her past, seeing her yet again, from a different light.

A moment of empathy - ah that look. I must say, Ji Chang Wook was exceptional when it came to portraying those slight nuances which came about in fleeting emotions. When he finds her on the rooftop, healing the pain of others, disregarding her own, Jung Hoo yet again views her in a different light, and observes her from afar. He both sees and hears her sincerity, and is somewhat captivated by it, if only due to his own feelings of abandonment. It’s a rare moment where for the first time in years, he sees his own reflection in somebody else, and that’s none other than Young-shin - a brilliant scene which connected the pain of both our leads, tying their fate neatly along the way.

The sealing of fate – I friggin’ loved the end of episode 2, that hint of a smirk when he comes face to face with his own picture on Yong-shin’s wall. Sometimes, a smile can be so revealing; other times, it conceals a myriad of truths, waiting to be inferred by readers. And it’s moments like this that you really come to appreciate a writer who knows how much to divulge, without giving it all away. That’s why we’re able to talk at length, analyse and indulge in the breaking down of scenes – it’s what makes drama watching so fun. Especially a drama like Healer.

For the first time in his life, Jung Hoo finds himself a part of someone else’s dreams, perhaps. He’s not certain at this point, but even the slightest possibility of it intrigues him enough to want to stay close to Yong Shin; his remaining by her side due to his being in danger or, to fulfil Moon Ho’s request immediately become secondary. From this moment, it’s his own curiosity he wishes to quench, and that smile at the end, said it all.

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Can I be a little bit bitter? Ok, more than a little bit bitter. Why hasn't our Healer team been on Happy Together together? Just saw that Goo Hye Sun and An Jae Hyun are on to promote Blood. I would love to see both Ji Chang Wook and Park Min Young and Kim Mi Kyung on the show. Not sure if Yoo Ji Tae would be back since he was on a few weeks ago. It would be great to hear them talk about their experiences filming the drama. SIGHHH 

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